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Incidents involving Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)


  • December 30: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Anandapuliyankulam, Vishuamadu, Alankukulam, Ampakamam, Mulleyaveli, Mullaitivu, Andankulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Nilvelikulam areas of Wanni and recovered, five 81-mm mortar bomb, 29 Rocket Propelled Grenade, one 60-mm Para bomb, 42 detonators, two pressure mines, one claymore mine, two 81-mm booby traps, two T-56 weapon, 14 anti-personnel mines, 4000 rounds of MPMG ammunition, twenty eight 60-mm mortar bombs, nine booby traps, five anti-tank mines, one 120-mm mortar bomb, 15 kilograms of C-4 explosives,  ten 82-mm mortar bombs, six claymore mines weighing about 15 kilograms each, four claymore mines weighing about 24 kilograms each, nine claymore mines weighing about 10 kilograms each, 2 metres long detonator code and 150 hand grenades.

  •  December 29: During search and clear operations conducted in the Wellankulam, Chempankadu and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni the troops recovered six hand grenades, one 122-mm mortar bomb, one 40-mm grenade launcher, 16 kilograms of TNT, 35 kilograms of explosive powder, two .22 weapons, 20 detonators, one pressure mine, one claymore mine and two detonator codes.

  • December 28: Army troops during their search and clear operations in the Akkarayankulam, Andankulam and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni recovered three booby traps made using 60-mm mortar bombs, 13 anti-personnel mines, four hand grenades, one 81-mm mortar bomb, 350 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Guns ammunition and six 60-mm mortar bombs.

    Troops recovered 346 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 22 rounds of SLR ammunition and 82 rounds of .22 ammunition from Wattegama area of Kandy District.

  • December 27: Army troops conducted search and clear operations in the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Periyanthampanei,Sinnapandiparichchan, Mullaitivu, Kumalamunai, Nallur and Akkarayankulam areas of Wanni and recovered 164 anti-personnel mines, 17 hand grenades, five Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), three RPG charges, one para-bomb, three 81-mm mortar bombs and two 60-mm mortar bombs.

  • December 26: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Periyamadu, Sinnapandi, Chunnam, Vishuamadu, Silawatta and Mullaitivu areas of Wanni and recovered 25 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 26 anti-personnel mines, one UXO, 98 rounds of 12.7 ammunition, three 60-mm para illumination bombs, one hand grenade and three claymore mines.

  • December 24: Troops recovered eighty-six anti-personnel mines from the Periyanthampanei, Sinnapandivirichchan and Chiraddikulam areas of Wanni.

    Three 60-mm mortar booby traps, 14 APMs, five hand grenades, a part of Multi Purpose Machine Gun barrel, 2000 rounds of FMC ammunition and 44 rounds of T-56 ammunition were recovered by the troops from the Akkarayankulam, Andankulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Poonagar areas.

  • December 23-24: The authority at Poonthotam detention camps in Vavuniya, Major Weerasekera, on December 23 said that more than 35 former LTTE cadres detained in the camp were to be released on December 24. They told the reporters in Poonthotam that there are 209 detainees and 35 among them will be released on December 24.Some of the detainees who are in the camp have been with the LTTE for just three days while others have been for few months. However in other rehabilitation camps there are former LTTE combatants who have been with the LTTE for even for 24 years. Some of them have been ‘lieutenant colonels’ of the LTTE, according to the army. The detainees whom the journalists visited on December 23 are trained vocational activities such as beauty culture, tailoring, Masonry and sewing.

  • December 22: During search and clear operations conducted in the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Kilinochchi, Mankulam, Andankulam and Wellamullivaikkal areas of Wanni the troops recovered nine 40-mm mortar bombs, 1460 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 25 rounds of 9-mm pistol ammunition, one round of shotgun ammunition, one I-com communication set with one battery, one range card, three 81-mm mortar bombs, seven anti-personnel mines and six Rocket Propelled Grenades.

    The SFs recovered 100 grams of explosives, 25 meters of detonator cord and two hand grenades during a search operation conducted in the Thissapura area of Trincomalee District.

  • December 21: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Karaweddi, Periyapandiparichchan, Sinnapandiparichchan, Nandankandal, Piramanakulam, Mannar, Mundampiddi, Akkarayankulam, Adampan, Murusamodai, Punagari, Andankulam and Wellamullivaikkal areas of Wanni and recovered one claymore mine, five meters long detonator code, 192 anti-personnel mines, four 120-mm mortar bombs, four 81-mm mortar bombs, two 60-mm mortar bombs, four hand grenades, one 130-mm artillery shell, eight Rangan 99 bombs, two micro pistols, one CN 100 pistol, one MP22 pistol, nine pistol magazines, 30 rounds of pistol ammunition, one pistol holster, two "Yesu" radio communication sets, one pressure mine and 2525 rounds of T-56 ammunition.

    Army troops recovered one T-56 weapon from the Vinayagapuram area of Batticaloa District.

    Princess Chrisanta, a cargo vessel formerly belonging to the LTTE was acquired by the Navy. It was held in a foreign country and was acquired through information gained through the state intelligence service, on a directive by President Mahinda Rajapakse and Defence Secretary Gothabaya Rajapakse. The vessel was escorted into the Colombo harbor on December 21. It was brought to the harbor by Navy tug boats Nandimitra and Vijayabahu. Six Navy personnel, led by former Media Secretary to the Navy, K.P.K. Dassanayake took part in the exercise.

  • December 20: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Mannar, Pratibguard, Kalmadu, Akkarayankulam and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni and recovered two hand grenades, one LTTE pack, one Olive Green (OG) uniform, one OG cap, one black face mask, one leather ground sheet, one anti-personnel mine, three hundred and twenty-four 23-mm bombs, two magazines, two T-56 bayonets, one VCD player, one T-56 weapon, 30 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two LTTE flags, one LTTE uniform, one Cyanide capsule 36 pressure mines.

    Troops recovered one T-56 weapon, one T-56 magazine and 22 rounds of T-56 ammunition during search operation in the Uppuweli and Pirapiddi areas of Trincomalee District.

    The troops recovered 29 rounds of T-56 ammunition from the Kurundankal area of Anuradhapura District.December 20: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Mannar, Pratibguard, Kalmadu, Akkarayankulam and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni and recovered two hand grenades, one LTTF pack, one Olive Green (OG) uniform, one OG cap, one black face mask, one leather ground sheet, one anti-personnel mine, three hundred and twenty-four 23-mm bombs, two magazines, two T-56 bayonets, one VCD player, one T-56 weapon, 30 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two LTTE flags, one LTTE uniform, one Cyanide capsule 36 pressure mines.

    Troops recovered one T-56 weapon, one T-56 magazine and 22 rounds of T-56 ammunition during search operation in the Uppuweli and Pirapiddi areas of Trincomalee District.

    The troops recovered 29 rounds of T-56 ammunition from the Kurundankal area of Anuradhapura District.

  • December 19: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Vavuniya, Kevil, Maradamadu, Sinnapandiparichchan, Naddankandal, Mundampiddi, Adampan and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni and recovered huge cache of arms and ammunition. The recoveries include fifty-nine 40-mm Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), seventeen 60-mm mortar fuses, 1369 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, 101 anti-personnel mines, 14 RPG bombs, 77 hand grenades, three T-56 weapons, 12 T-56 magazines, 3338 rounds of T-56 ammunition, four M72 x A3 weapons, 525 artillery fuses, one 60-mm mortar launcher barrel, one Motorola base station, 12 unidentified fuses, eight claymore mines, one claymore remote, twenty 60-mm mortar bombs, 750 rounds of 7.62 ammunition, one C90 weapon, two RPG chargers, six 12.7 ammunition boxes, 60 rounds of 12.7 ammunition with links, three I-com communication sets, two Yesu communication sets, one Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) jacket, nineteen 122-mm artillery rounds, eight kilograms of C-4 explosives, seven 81-mm mortar fuses, one bag containing artillery boosters, a stock of weapon body parts, one four litres kerosene oil can and one five litres diesel can.

  • December 17: Army troops conducted search and clear operations in the Vavunikulam, Sinnapandiparichchan, Nochchikulam, Mundampi, Adampan and Kokavil areas of Wanni and recovered one 81-mm mortar bomb, two 60-mm mortar bombs, 160 anti-personnel mines, one anti-tank mine, eight Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG) and eight hand grenades.

  • December 16: Troops continued their search and clear operations in the Iranamadu, Adampan, Vendikurichchi and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni and recovered eight anti-personnel mines, three land mines, one hand grenade, one pistol, three magazines, one Passport, three photo albums and some LTTE documents.

    Police recovered 4200 rounds of 5.56-mm ammunition and 11200 rounds of T-56 ammunition from the Puthukkudiyiruppu West area.

  • December 15: During search and clear operations conducted in the Periyathampane, Sinna Pandiparichchan, Sugandipuram, Devapuram Iranamadu, Adampan, Mulliyavelli and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni the troops recovered huge cache of arms and ammunition, reports Sri Lanka Army. The recoveries included 168 anti-personnel mines, seven 60-mm mortar bombs, six 120-mm mortar bombs, thirty-four 81-mm mortar bombs, 11 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 260 RPG propellers, fifty 81-mm mortar chargers, one claymore mine weighing about 2.5 kilograms, five claymore mines of one kilogram each, three hundred and seven 81-mm Para bombs, 460 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, 750 litres of kerosene, 53 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 28 unidentified chemical bottles of three litres each, two liquid cyanide bottles containing two litres each, one unidentified chemical can with 20 litres, 10 unidentified chemical cans containing 1 litre, one kerosene can containing 5 litre, one gas cylinder, 85 acid cans containing 6 litres each, 13 acid cans containing 20 litres each, 12 acid cans containing 10 litres each, two nitric acid cans containing 30 litres each, 380 nitric acid cans containing 2.5 litres each, three hand grenades, one 5.56 weapon, one 5.56 magazine and 17 rounds of 5.56-mm ammunition.

  • December 14: Troops continued their search and clear operations in the Kilinochchi and Visuamadukulam areas of Wanni and recovered one Improvised Explosive Device (IED), one claymore mine, four hand grenades, 20 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), one T-56 weapon, six T-56 magazines, 380 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one pouch, three 60-mm mortar bombs, five 81-mm mortar bombs, two 120-mm mortar bombs, one 60-mm mortar base plate, seven anti-personnel mines, four kilograms of C-4 explosives, four booby traps made using claymore mines and one booby trap made of 120-mm mortar bomb.

  • December 13: The troops recovered 85 anti-personnel mines, one M-16 weapon, one unexploded ordinance, 16 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 2500 SG ammunition, three I-com sets, seven hundred and ninety 9-mm pistol ammunition, one Bino, eight silver compasses, nine I-com antennas, 253 detonators, 200 MPMG ammunition, three mobile antennas, One Central Processing Unit (CPU), 200 CDs, one UPS, 490 digital camera chips, one Cannon digital camera, one Casio digital camera, one Panasonic Digital camera, one computer mouse and one computer card from the Periyathampanai, Mankulam, Kilinochchi, Udayarkattukulam and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni.

    31,148 eligible Eezham Tamil Diaspora voters over 18 in France participated this weekend in the referendum to say yes or no to independent and sovereign Tamil Eelam and 30,936 of them said yes, reports LTTE Website Tamil Net. The postal votes permitted to interior areas of France are yet to be counted and is expected to be between 2,000 and 3,000. In the absence of any official statistics, Police estimates earlier placed the number of adult Eezham Tamils in France between 25,000 and 35,000. The referendum was organised by the formation committee of the country council of Eezham Tamils called "The House of Tamil Eelam," supported by 61 Eezham Tamil organisations in France and two NGOs, Mouvement de la Paix (Movement for Peace) and Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l'amitié entre les peuples (Movement Against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples).

    The CID arrested the Finance Division head of the TRO, a LTTE front organization, in Jaffna. He was arrested by a special team of officers in Chunnakam where he lived with his wife. Prior to his arrest he had lived in a welfare camp in Vavuniya for a few months and moved to Chunnakam a few weeks ago claiming his wife was pregnant. She had worked as a Samurdhi animator in Kilinochchi. The suspect has admitted to his interrogators that he transferred millions of rupees to the LTTE accounts from the TRO funds. He is alleged to have provided millions of rupees to the terrorist organization for its war effort. Investigations have revealed that he provided TRO funds to slain LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran, its Political Head S. Thamilselvan, Bhanu and several key members. Military intelligence had earlier said there were at least 10,000 LTTE combatants and activists in the IDP centres. They had crossed over to the army held terrain during the final stages of the war on terror. Among them were family members of top LTTE leaders, including Prabhakaran’s mother and father.

  • December 12: Army troops conducted search and clear operations in the Kodikamam, Periyathampane, Iluppakaddavai, Vishuamadu, Udayarkattukulam, Vellamullivaikkal and Putukudirippu areas of Wanni and recovered 19 hand grenades, 90 anti-personnel mines, two un exploded ordinances, 1791 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 16 presser mines, 5050 rounds of FNC ammunition, 227 detonators, three T-56 weapons, two T-56 magazines, 96 Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunition and one body armour.

    Naval troops found a massive haul of weapons and ammunition from the Kayts area of Jaffna District, the Media Center for National Security reported, according to Colombo Page. Among the items recovered were 30 RPG bombs, 70 hand grenades, fourteen 60-mm mortar bombs, two commando mortar launchers and thousands of ammunition rounds of various calibers.

  • December 11: Authorities in Thailand arrested five people, including a LTTE cadre, for producing and smuggling more than 300 fake EU passports and other official European documents, officials said. They said Police seized from the group more than 300 bogus passports, produced in Thailand but made to look like official documentation from 14 EU countries including Britain, France and Belgium. The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) said the suspects, all arrested since August 21, were 32-year-old Pakistani man Azad Said Giyani and a 35-year-old Sri Lankan man, known to be a LTTE cadre. A 43-year-old Thai woman was arrested for assisting them. A 38-year-old man from Myanmar was arrested on suspicion of producing the passports and a 28-year-old Thai woman is also being held for helping him.

    In a statement the DSI said Thai authorities had also picked up a British national, Ahoor Rambarak Fathi, at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport on September 27, 2009, carrying 104 stolen genuine passports. Fathi, travelling under fake Swedish documents, had passports from Britain, Spain, France, Sweden and Russia, that had been smuggled into Thailand. "He (Fathi) confessed that he had trafficked stolen passports into Thailand more than 20 times," the statement said. The DSI said Thailand is a known hub for the trafficking of fake and stolen passports.

  • December 10: Army troops conducted search and clear operations in the Puliyankulam, Nochchikulam, Periyathampane, Iluppukulam, Kurukkandal, Adampan, Kilinochchi and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni found one shotgun, 60 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 92 anti-personnel mines, one anti-tank mine, 57 unexploded ordinances, 11 hand grenades, one T-56 weapon, one hundred and sixty eight 81-mm mortar bombs, 4600 rounds of 9-mm ammunition, 2800 rounds of 5.56-mm ammunition.

  • December 9: Authoritative sources said that the three ships were believed to be among the LTTE fleet that was targeted by the SLN during September 2006 – October 2007 period. The SLN destroyed eight vessels in four separate operations on the high seas.

  • December 8: Army troops conducted search and clear operations in the Manikkulam, Neththikulam, Periyathampane, Adampan and Kalamadukulam areas of Wanni and recovered six LTTE made Rangan mines, 37 APMs, two Un-exploded Ordinance, two 81-mm mortar bombs, one hand grenade and 160 crackers.

    Troops found three hand grenades, three APMs, 87 rounds of 7.62-mm ammunition, one Jonny mine and one Rocket Propelled Grenade from the Echchalanpaththu, Kowiladi and Periyawadduwan areas.

    The Sri Lanka Navy brought three LTTE ships to the Sri Lankan waters. Sources told The Island that the Government had taken custody of the vessels following negotiations with foreign officials subsequent to information provided by the new LTTE leader Kumaran Pathmanthan alias KP, who had been in charge of the LTTE arms procurement network.

  • December 7: During search and clear operations in the Oddusuddan, Ussan, Iranamadu, Visuamadukulam and Akkarayankulam areas of Wanni troops on December 7 recovered 519 anti-personnel mines (APMs), three 60-mm mortar tubes, three 60-mm mortar bipods, three 60-mm mortar base plates, one 81-mm mortar tube, six RPGs, five RPG chargers and two hand grenades.

    Troops conducting search operations in Jaffna found ninety 72-Type APMs, forty three 43-Type APMs and 355 P4 mark 01-Type APMs.

    The Mannar Police serving the beach area arrested three fishermen with five packets of gelignite sticks that can be used for production of explosives.

    The Trincomalee Police following information recovered one T-56 weapon, one magazine and twenty-eight rounds of T-56 ammunition from the Sinnapuram area of Batticaloa District on December 7.

    Army intelligence in Mandaveli recovered two T-56 weapons, six T-56 magazines, two claymore mines, six hand grenades, 10 electric detonators and 40 kilograms of TNT explosives while they had been kept hidden in a structure.

    A large stock of C4 explosives and arms were recovered by Police and the Army in two separate locations in the Batticaloa area. Kandy Police Intelligence Unit launched a search operation in the Dangeliyadda area and unearthed 125 kilograms of C4 explosives following information provided by a LTTE suspect, Police said.

    December 6: Army troops conducted search and clear operations in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area of Wanni and recovered nine T-56 weapons, five T-56 magazines, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) tripod, one Sub Machine Gun (SMG) part, eight Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) photo albums, one LTTE document, one I-com set, one radio set, three antennas, one hand mike, eight CDMA phones, one CDMA phone charger, two CDMA receivers and one modem card.

    Police intelligence service personnel serving in the Kumalawadi area of Batticaloa District recovered two T-56 weapons, three hundred and 10 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 10 T-56 magazines and two knives.

    A special team from Kandy Police on information conducted a joint search operation with Army troops in the Dangeliyadda area and recovered 125 kilograms of C4 explosives buried in the area.

    The troops in the Uppuvelli area of Trincomalee District recovered two claymore mines.

    A Marxist group of Tamil militants with connections to the Palestinian Liberation Organisation and Cuba is preparing to mount a new insurgency in Sri Lanka. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was founded in eastern Sri Lanka in August and has vowed to launch attacks against Government and military targets unless its demands for a separate Tamil homeland are met. "This war isn’t over yet," Commander Kones, head of the PLA’s Eastern District military command, told The Times during a night meeting in a safe house in the east of the country last week. "There has been no solution for Tamils since the destruction of the LTTE [Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam] in May. So we have built and organised the PLA and are ready to act soon. Our aim is a democratic socialist liberation of the northeast for a Tamil Eelam [the desired Tamil state]."

  • December 3: Army troops conducted search and clear operations in the Nanthikadal, Neththikulam, Periyathampane, Mankerni, Adampan and Mannar areas of Wanni and recovered one 81-mm mortar base plate, one 60-mm booby trap, 79 anti-personnel mines, five hand grenades, three 81-mm booby traps, 4000 rounds of F&C ammunition, one T-56 weapon, one magazine, 29 rounds of T-56 ammunition and UXO's (Unexploded Ordnance.

  • December 2: During search and clear operations in the Akkarayankulam, Kumulamunai, Muththuvinayagapuram, Ampalavanpokkanai and Putukudirippu areas of Wanni troops recovered 112 anti-personnel mines, three hand grenades, one RPG and one Arul bomb.

  • December 1: Army troops conducted search and clear operations in the Putukudirippu and Putukulam areas of Wanni and recovered five hand grenades and 3000 rounds of FNC ammunition.

    Troops during a search operation in the Meegasooriyapura area of Trincomalee District recovered one hand grenade.

    The Government of Sri Lanka seized three LTTE ships overseas and is in the process of bringing them to the country, a news report revealed. The ships are expected to arrive in Colombo soon, The Island said in a report on December 2. All information with regard to the ships had been disclosed to the SFs by the recently arrested LTTE's chief arms procurer Kumaran Pathmanathan alias KP. Interpol has helped the SFs to act on information provided by KP, sources said. The ships were known to have been utilized for transportation of arms, ammunition, and human smuggling in the past by the overseas LTTE outfit.

  • November 29: During search and clear operations in the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Vannakkulam and Vishuamadu areas of Wanni the troops recovered three T-56 weapons, eight T-56 magazines, 49 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 122 claymore mines, one anti-personnel mine (APM), one hand grenade, three Outboard Motors (OBM), five detonators, seven kilograms of explosives, two battery stands, four 50 litre acid cans, three anti-tank mines and one sea mine.

    Police in Batticaloa District recovered five Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 100 T-56 magazines, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) drum, one radio communication set, 150pen torch batteries, 47 LTTE flags, 20 micro cassettes and packets of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) documents from the Narakamulla area.

    Troops in the Thaladi area of Trincomalee District recovered nine 60-mm mortar bombs, 37 hand grenades, one electric detonator, one cyanide capsule and three LTTE dog tags. A day earlier, Kanthale Police recovered documents and posters belonging to the TRO.

    November 28: One T-81 weapon, APMs, 23 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 125 detonators, 3491 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 40 APM fuses, 400 rounds of 12.7 mm ammunition, 2700 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, one MPMG weapon, one MPMG link, three claymore mines, eight hand grenades, 13 LTTE fabricated bombs, five pouches and one remote controller were recovered by the troops from the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Adampan and Iranamadu areas.

    213 rounds of 20-mm ammunition, 770 rounds of 4.5-mm ammunition and one hand grenade were recovered from the Valachchanai and Puchchakarni areas.

  • November 27: Army troops conducted search and clear operations in the Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni and recovered two 81-mm mortar bombs, eight claymore mines, one T-81 weapon, five Arul bombs, two hand grenades, 320 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one I-com set, two batteries, one power controller and five unidentified bombs.

    The Special Investigation Unit of Vavuniya Police on information received, conducted a search operation and recovered three claymore mines, six hand grenades one remote controller and one pouch buried near the Sippikulam tank bund in Vavuniya.

    The troops in Batticaloa District recovered one suicide kit, one remote controller, three claymore mines and six hand grenades during a search operation conducted in the Kandapuram area.

  • November 26: Troops during their continued search and clear operations in the Tharakankudi, Madhu, Mullaitivu, Thannimurippukulam, Vellamullivaikkal and Thornville areas of Wanni recovered 15 claymore mines, 12 hand grenades, one 81-mm booby trap, one Bangalore torpedo, 973 rounds of T-56 ammunition, seven anti-personnel mines, five 60-mm mortar bombs, two trip layers, two 40-mm mortar bombs, six Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), 20 Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) links, 3000 rounds of MPMG ammunition and 137 rounds of .50 ammunition.

  • November 24: During continued search and clear operations in the Kilinochchi, Adampan, Akkarayankulam, Putukudirippu and Puliyankulam areas of Wanni the troops recovered thirty-eight 60-mm mortar bombs, 60 Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) chargers, seven RPG bombs, seven 60-mm mortar illuminating bombs, three anti-personnel mines, 1116 Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, one MPMG link, 7009 T-56 ammunition, two 40-mm armour ammunition, 125 hand grenades, 97 improvised LTTE bombs, 27 bombs weighting 5 kilograms, three claymore stands, one claymore mine of 2.5 kilograms, one 12.7-mm ammunition link, fifty-seven 12.7-mm ammunition and five boxes of 12.7 ammunition.

    Police unearthed TNT explosives, weighing over 6,000 kilograms, C4 explosives and arms hidden by the LTTE in the Vellamullivaikkal area of Mullaitivu District, Colombo Page reports. Vavuniya Police Crime Division acting on information by a LTTE suspect found arms and explosives on November 24. "This is the largest stock of TNT explosives recovered by police. The arms and explosives were buried inside Vellamullivaikkal jungle," Police spokesman Senior Superintendent of Police, I.M. Karunaratne added.

  • November 23: During search and clear operations in the Wellarayankulam, Vishuamadu, Ampakamam, Kumulamunai, Mulliyavalai, Otiyamale and Puthukuddiyiruppu areas of Wanni, Army troops recovered 15 claymore mines, four hand grenades, two anti-personnel mines (APM), five 120-mm mortar bombs, one 81-mm booby trap, 166 APMs, eleven 60-mm mortar bombs, 10 Arul bombs, 700 rounds of FNC ammunition, five Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), one 120-mm mortar bomb, one 120-mm booby trap, three 81-mm mortar bombs, 62 Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), 12 cubes of TNT explosive powder, one 12.7 link with 48 rounds of ammunition, one round of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, 100 rounds of MPMG ammunition and 11 TNT explosive slabs.

    The troops recovered one T-56 weapon and one T-56 magazine along with three rounds of ammunition, two hand grenades, one claymore mine, one anti-personnel mine and one Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) uniform from the Kibulawala area of Trincomalee District.

    A court in France sentenced 20 out of 21 LTTE militants who were accused of extorting millions of Euros from the Tamil community in France to prison terms, reports Colombo Page. An AFP report said the leader of the group Nadaraja Matinthiran has been sentenced to seven years in prison for extorting USD 7.4 million (5 million Euros) as taxes from the Tamil community living in Paris and other surrounding areas to finance the LTTE terrorist activities in Sri Lanka. The other 19 defendants were sentenced to six year or less while one was acquitted. The court also ordered that the Coordinating Committee of Tamils-France be dismantled after ruling that it was a front for the LTTE, AFP reported.

    According to the report most of the suspects were arrested in April 2007 and charged with criminal conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism, financing of terrorism or racketeering to finance terrorism. French prosecutors said the Tigers imposed a "revolutionary tax" on the Tamil immigrants to France most of whom were political refugees living in Paris and neighbouring areas.

    A Jane's Intelligence Review report in August 2007 said the LTTE's profit margin was some USD 200 to 300 million per year.

  • November 21: The troops conducted search and clear operations in the Manikkulam, Ampakamam, Udayarkattukulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Vellamullivaikkal and Puliyankulam areas of Wanni and recovered one pressure mine of 15 kilograms, one hundred and forty-two 81-mm mortar bombs, six Arul bombs, five hand grenades, one smoke bomb, 27 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 50 claymore mines, 84 anti-personnel mines, two anti-tank mines, 10 Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), seven rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition and three rounds of T-56 ammunition.

    The troops in North during search operations have reportedly recovered over 650 million rupees worth gold jewellery that had been in the LTTE possession, according to the defence authorities. The valuables belonged to the civilians in the North were in the possession of the LTTE when the troops marched in and captured the LTTE held territory earlier in the year. All the recovered jewellery valued at 659.5 million rupees had been handed over to the authorities of the Bank of Ceylon and the People's Bank with the details of their owners. Jewellery valued at 618.7 million rupees had been given to the Peoples Bank and the rest valued at 40.8 million rupees has been given to the Bank of Ceylon.

    The troops in the Verugal area of Trincomalee District recovered one 40-mm grenade launcher, eleven 40-mm grenade launcher cartridges and two hand grenades.

    Police personnel in the Morawewa area found 25500 rounds of T-56 ammunition.

  • November 20: At least two persons engaged in de-mining activities in Wanni were injured during the clearing operations. The military confirmed that two local de-miners received injuries while attempting to clear a landmine at Manipurm in Vidithalathivu.

    The troops recovered huge cache of arms and ammunition during continued search and clear operations in the Mirusavil, Illuppakadavai, Kilinochchi, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Vellamullivaikkal areas. The recoveries include 2150 rounds of 7.62 x 39-mm ammunition, 522 rounds of 7.62 x 54-mm ammunition, 1.5 kilograms of explosives, one Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), one firing device, 183 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 18 rounds of 25-mm ammunition, 150 rounds of 23-mm ammunition, three rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, one hand grenade, fifteen 60-mm mortar bombs, one Sub Machine Gun (SMG), four SMG magazines, three radio communication sets, 2000 rounds of FNC ammunition, 25 artillery booster bags, two parts of anti-air craft gun, one 40-mm grenade launcher and three Outboard Motors (OBM).

    Troops found four shotguns and two corroded trap gun barrels from the Melancholia area of Batticaloa District in the East.

    The new LTTE leadership’s plan to form a PTGTE came a cropper when about 90 percent of the Tamil Diaspora members showed their contempt by abstaining from voting for the proposed outfit. Nediyavan, who succeeded Kumaran Pathmanathan alias KP as the new LTTE leader, was in for total disappointment when Tamils in Norway rejected his leadership on November 15. The Norway based LTTE leader decided to hold the first phase of PTGTE election in Norway itself hoping for a resounding victory to force Oslo to recognise the separatist outfit. But only 2,667 out of a total of 27,000 Tamils in Norway voted. The LTTE candidate lost and Vijaya Shankar, an Indian Tamil from Chennai - capital of southern Indian State of Tamil nadu - came first with 1,864 votes.

    Norway’s leading news agency, NTB, on November 16 came out with an accurate analysis of the first ever election of Diaspora Tamils. It pointed out that the Diaspora had rejected the LTTE terrorism and now called for reconciliation.

    The Police uncovered a fresh plot by the Tamil Diaspora to carry out a massive bomb attack in the capital city of Colombo, reports The Island. The recent arrest of Ananda Varnan, a top LTTE militant, in Vavuniya by a special Police team has revealed the planned attack. The Police had also recovered a powerful bomb which was to be used in the attack, a senior Police official told The Island, adding, that Varnan had received SLR 30,000 from his masters based in Malaysia to carry out the operation. According to him, the Police had swooped down on the suspect after receiving information regarding a person looking for several detonators. Under interrogation, the suspect had led investigators to a seven kilograms claymore mine and a remote controller in an LTTE hideout.

    The Police said that the suspect had planned to trigger a claymore attack in the city in the next few days. The suspect had admitted that he had obtained the remote controller from a shop in Vavuniya. The suspect had escaped from an internally displaced person (IDP) facility in the Vavuniya area after he was brought to the Vavuniya Hospital to receive medical treatment. Investigators said that Varnan had been involved in a series of bomb attacks in the city and its suburbs over a period of time.

  • November 19: During search and clear operations conducted in the Vishuamadu, Akkarayankulam and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni the troops recovered 1500 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two OBM, one claymore mine of 5 kilograms, one 60-mm mortar bomb, one hand grenade and seven anti-personnel mines.

  • November 17: The Criminal Investigations Department with the assistance of the Trincomalee Police recovered satellite equipment of the LTTE during a search operation in the Serunuwara area of Trincomalee District. The Senior Superintendent of Police, I. M. Karunaratne, said a satellite antenna, two satellite phones, several LTTE uniforms and a photo album of its slain chief Velupillai Prabhakaran were part of the seizure.

    During another search and clear operation in the Mullaitivu District, the troops recovered 112 rounds of 9mm ammunition.

  • November 16: The Sri Lanka Government released 20 LTTE suspects who had been arrested under the Prevention of Terrorism Act. The Prison Commissioner General, Major General V. R. De Silva, told the media that 20 LTTE suspects have been released on the advice of the Attorney General's Department after dismissing their cases due to lack of evidence. This was the second occasion that the Government has released LTTE suspects due to a lack of evidence. The Government released another group of 26 LTTE suspects in October 2009. According to the prison chief, nearly 600 LTTE suspects are still in custody,

    The two LTTE cadres who were arrested by Police in Vavuniya were found to have links with the abduction of a youth and demanding SLR .500000 as ransom, the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), I. M. Karunaratne said. A 17-year old was abducted by unidentified suspects in Vavuniya on September 21 and the abductors demanded SLR 500000 ransom from the family. "It was reported that the family members have paid Rs. 100,000 as an initial payment to the abductors. The suspects have spent all the money", the SSP added. As reported earlier, Police arrested two LTTE suspects in Vavuniya on November 11.

  • November 16: During search and clear operations in the Vishuamadu, Mullayawalai, Ampakamam, Andankulam, Akkarayankulam and Kuburupiddi areas of Wanni, Army troops recovered six T-56 weapons, nine T-56 magazines, one claymore mine (5 kilograms), three 60-mm mortar bombs, three hand grenades, one 82-mm mortar bomb booby trap, 538 anti-personnel mines (APMs), one 81-mm mortar bomb and 140 APM fuses.

    Acting on information provided by a special Police team, the CID arrested a key LTTE suspect involved in the Central Bank bomb blast in 1996 from the Udarikulam Road of Chettikulam in the Vavuniya District. Sellathambi Navaratnam (53) had surrendered to the Security Forces as an IDP during the last stages of the battle in Vellamullivaikkal on May 16, 2009 along with several other IDPs. The SSP, I. M. Karunaratne, said in the Government move to resettle the IDPs from camps in Vavuniya, people aged over 60 were released in the recent past. Producing a forged Identity Card, Navaratnam escaped from the camp in Vavuniya. "Navaratnam who is 53 years, grabbing the opportunity forged an ID card indicating that he is over 60 years and used it to flee from the IDP camp," he added. "It was revealed that Navaratnam had played a key role in the Central Bank bomb blast in 1996. He had brought the bomb laden lorry to Colombo on before the attack and returned to Kilinochchi," the SSP said. He noted that Navaratnam was convicted by the Colombo High Court for his involvement in the bomb blast. He was sentenced to 200 years imprisonment.

  • November 15: An explosion at Central Camp, a small hamlet in the Ampara District, injured two people, reports Colombo Page. The Senior Superintendent of Police, I.M. Karunaratna, said at least two persons were injured in the hand grenade blast.

    The troops found 38 APMs, eight 60-mm mortar bombs, one Rocket Propelled Grenade and two hand grenades from the Adampan and Sugandipuram areas.

    The troops in Batticaloa District recovered one hand grenade from the Kandakuda Farm.

    The troops also recovered two locally-made weapons hidden in the Udawalawa National Park in Monaragala District.

  • November 14: Army troops conducted search and clear operations in the Mirusavil, Kilinochchi, Visuamadukulam, Mullayawalai, Akkarayankulam and Iranamadu areas of Wanni and recovered five claymore mines, two T-56 weapons, three hand grenades, 62 anti-personnel mines, two shotguns, one .22 rifle, two repeater guns, one magazine, one M-16 weapon, 20 micro pistols, one revolver, ten 9-mm pistols, one 5.5 weapon and two Multi Propose Machine guns.

    November 13: Army troops recovered one .22 weapon with a magazine, parts of a T-56 weapon, four M-16 magazines, 58 rounds 5.56-mm ammunition, three hand grenades, one claymore mine, six Rocker Propelled Grenades, eight Arul bombs, five cyanide powder packs of 2 kilograms, one cyanide powder pack of 1 kilogram from the Mathiyamadu and Vellamullivaikkal areas of Wanni.

    Navy troops found 5200 detonators and twelve 6 V batteries from the Settikulam area of Vavuniya District. In addition, troops found one hand grenade from the Parakramapura area.

  • November 12: Troops recovered 43 anti-personnel mines, ten 60-mm mortar bombs, one hand grenade, one RPG, three improvised chargers, sixteen 82-mm mortar bombs, eight 81-mm mortar bombs, 24 release switches, 75 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 30 metres detonator code, 62 Arul bombs and forty-six 60-mm mortar fuses from the Akkarayankulam and Puthukuddiyiruppu areas of Wanni.

    Police recovered a LTTE suicide boat in the Vellamullivaikkal area of Mullaitivu District. Police spokesman Senior Deputy Inspector General Nimal Madawaska said that the suicide boat was recovered during a search operation conducted in the area by the STF. The STF also recovered several bombs and other equipments inside the boat.

    November 11: Army troops conducted search and clear operations in the Iruppalai, Vishuamadu, Akkarayankulam, Sugandipuram and Mullaitivu areas of Wanni and recovered one claymore mine, two mobile phones, four 81-mm mortar bombs, four 60-mm mortar bombs, six Rocker Propelled Grenades (RPG), five hand grenades, one Arul bomb, 14 anti-personnel mines (APMs) and eight trip flares.

    November 10: The SFs recovered 12 hand grenades, one anti-tank mine, 29 rounds of peddle gun ammunition, eight APMs, two claymore mines, four RPG and 1000 rounds of unidentified ammunition from the Vishuamadu, Sugandipuram, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Akkarayankulam and Mullayawalai areas.

    At Kanchikudichchiaru, the SFs found one Sub Machine Gun, one pistol, five hand grenades, 17 APMs, 15 APM fuses and one 10-feet long detonator code.

    Troops also found 293 three dry cells and 567 pen torch batteries from the Mudagala South in Batticaloa District.

    500 grams of gelignite and nine detonators were found from the Wattala area of Colombo.

  • November 9: Army troops conducted search and clear operations in the Thelippalai, Polikandi, Vishuamadu, Akkarayankulam, Mulliyavelli, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Vellamullivaikkal areas of Wanni and Jaffna District and recovered 54 anti-personnel mines, one T-56 weapon, three T-56 magazines, 445 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 35 hand grenades, forty-eight 81-mm mortar bombs, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) tripod, eighty-one 81-mm mortar Para bombs, twenty-two 60-mm mortar bombs, two claymore mines, two booby traps, 1000 rounds of 12.7 mm ammunition, one MPMG ammunition box, 300 MPMG links and 80 rounds of FNC ammunition.

    45 LTTE cadres were arrested by the CID for allegedly being involved in terrorist activities in Kandy and detained for questioning. The CID said that these suspects had undergone training under the LTTE in Mullaitivu and had been told to work for the outfit. The suspects had even provided shelter to the LTTE and other facilities as well, the CID told a court. The CID said they had recorded confessions made by the suspects detailing their involvement in terrorist activities and moved court to remand the suspects until the conclusion of the investigations. The Magistrate postponed further hearings for November 12 and remanded the suspects.

    The LTTE’s Eastern Province leader Ram, who had escaped from the Army, was re-arrested. The Army arrested him following a massive search operation conducted in the Minneriya forests. Ram had been under interrogation in an Army camp in the Giritale area of Polonnaruwa Distict, when he escaped on November 7. With the escape of Ram, the Army commenced a search operation with over 3,000 soldiers deployed to trace him down. He was arrested while he was hiding in the forests near the Minneriya tank. Ram had been appointed to the leadership of the LTTE’s Eastern Province following the defection of Karuna Amman. He had a through knowledge of the terrain in the East and led a number of attacks against the Security Forces. Ram had left for the North after his cadres were killed by the Special Task Force personnel during several clashes following LTTE’s defeat in the East.

    November 8: A large stock of parts of four 152-mm and one 130-mm artillery guns were recovered by the SFs from the beach east of Puthukkudiyiruppu. The SFs also recovered one Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG), two chargers, two Bangalore torpedoes and ten booby traps made using 60-mm mortar bombs from the Puthukkudiyiruppu area.

    Troops in the Akkarayankulam, Maduwalkadu and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas found 200 rounds of M-16 ammunition, one battery charger, two batteries used for communication sets, four LTTE uniforms, one LTTE flag and one bayonet.

    During another search and clear operation, the Police recovered thirty-six 81-mm mortar bombs, one 81-mm para, seven 60-mm mortar bombs and MPMG bipod from the Vishuamadu area.

  • November 7: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Elephant Pass, Mullaitivu, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Nadunkerni and Vellamullivaikkal areas of Wanni and recovered two 120-mm mortar bombs, three Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), six 60-mm mortar bombs, one Arul bomb, three trip player, four Yesu sets, five I-com radio sets, 14 I-com hand sets, four wire codes, 20 supper rod antennas, 48 Yesu antennas, four battery chargers, 35 antenna sockets, one computer hard disk, 68 two-pin connectors, 47 wire socket connectors, 57 VHF sockets, one DVB power supply, 18 I-com clips, 44 VHF sockets, five data cables, 10 antenna power supplies, 608 spare parts of radio sets, 330 anti-personnel mines, three Bangalore torpedoes, eight T-56 weapons, three T-56 magazines, 49 hand grenades, one claymore mine, one suicide jacket, 968 electric detonators, 50.3 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 10 CF gas bombs, eleven 40-mm Grenade Launchers and two pipes filled with ball bearings.

    Police in Vavuniya arrested two LTTE cadres along with a stock of explosives. Police spokesman Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police Nimal Mediwaka said that these two LTTE cadres were arrested by a special police team during a search operation conducted at Thonikal area in Vavuniya. The Police also found a claymore mine weighing of 7.25 kilograms, an electric detonator, a remote control and several other war items in their possession.

  • November 6: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Nayakkulam and Akkarayankulam areas of Wanni and recovered 185 anti-personnel mines.

  • November 5: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Nayakkulam, Iranamadu and Sugandipuram areas of Wanni recovered 106 anti-personnel mines (APMs), 120 electric APMs and one claymore mine.

    Police recovered a massive haul of explosives from Sampur area in Trincomalee District. Police spokesman Senior Deputy Inspector General Nimal Mediwaka said that a special investigation unit of Vavuniya Police recovered 50 kilograms of C4 explosives. According to the Police spokesman the explosives were recovered based on information received from a former LTTE cadre who is currently in custody.

  • November 4: The troops recovered one T-56 weapon, four T-56 magazines, 120 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two pistol magazines, eight rounds of pistol ammunition, 10 anti-tank mines, 10 hand grenades, one Silva compass, one bayonet, one map, one laser target indicator, two pouches, two combat uniforms, 101 anti-personnel mines (APM), 13 APM fuses, one 120 mortar shells, two Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), three 81-mm mortar bombs and one 40-mm grenade cartridge from the Wempadukerni, Paranthan, Nayakkulam, Pudumuripu, Vishuamadu and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni.

    A Singaporean opposition party member will be extradited to the United States (US) and tried for allegedly trying to supply arms to the LTTE, officials in Singapore said. 47-year old businessman Balldev Naidu is facing six charges, including conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organisation and possession of a firearm in 2006, a Court official told AFP. The Singapore Police said Naidu was arrested on September 22, 2009 following a US extradition request. He is alleged to have conspired with another Singaporean, identified as Haniffa Osman, now serving a 37-month US jail term for trying to buy weapons for the LTTE, the Straits Times reported. The newspaper added that the US charges correspond to Singapore’s laws against financing of terrorist groups. Naidu is a founding member of Singapore’s opposition Reform Party. However, its Secretary-General Kenneth Jeyaretnam said that the US charges involved alleged activities before the party was set up in 2008.

  • November 3: During other search and clear operations conducted in the Alankulam, Iranamadu, Vishuamadu, Akkarayankulam and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas the troops found one T-56 weapon, one T-56 magazine, eight rounds of T-56 ammunition, one Light Machine Gun (LMG), one LMG drum, 15 hand grenades, one RPG, 26 APMs, one 81-mm mortar bomb, one 40-mm GL cartridge, 99 locally made 81-mm mortar bombs and one shot gun.

    The troops conducted search operations in the Kudumbilai area of Batticaloa District and recovered five hand grenades.

  • November 2-3: At Nayakkulam in the Mannar District, the troops recovered 289 APMs on November 2 and another 160 APMs on November 3.

  • November 2: Army troops engaged in search and clear operations in the Mirusavil and Akkarayankulam areas of Wanni recovered three claymore mines, two hand grenades, 11 rounds of T-56 ammunition and seventy-nine 60-mm mortar bombs.

    The troops recovered two anti-personnel mines from the Kallaru area of Trincomalee District.

    Naval troops conducted search operations in Trincomalee and found 58500 rounds of T-56 ammunition and 150 metres of camouflage cloth from hospital area.

    Sri Lanka Police arrested three top LTTE cadres in the morning of November 2 from Grandpass, a suburb of capital Colombo. The Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police, Nimal Mediwaka, said a special Police unit arrested the three militants during a raid conducted on receipt of information given by another LTTE suspect who is currently in custody.

  • October 31: The troops engaged in search and clear operations in the Adampan, Vishuamadu, Akkarayankulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Mulliyavelli areas of Wanni recovered 14 unserviceable 60-mm mortar bombs, one hand grenade, 47 unserviceable anti-personnel mines (APM), 44 live APMs, one unidentified weapon, 37 Recoilless gun rounds of ammunition and 25 kilograms of C-4 explosives.

    The troops also recovered a T-56 weapon, two T-56 magazines and 100 rounds of ammunition during a search operation in the Koolavadi area.

  • October 30: Troops recovered two thermo baric weapons, four 81-mm mortar bombs, 41 hand grenades one Rocket Propelled Grenade, 31 anti-personnel mines, one T-56 body group, 495 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, twenty-five MPMG links, three T-56 weapons, 210 parts of artificial limbs and a stock of their accessories during search and clear operations in the Adampan, Vishuamadu, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Vellankulam areas of Wanni.

  • October 28: During search and clear operations, the troops recovered 210 anti-personnel mines, one T-56 body group, seven T-56 weapons, nine T-56 magazines, 700 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two pressure mines, two 82-mm mortar bombs, three RPG, four RPG chargers, one hundred and three 60-mm mortar bombs, twelve 60-mm mortar chargers, nine hand grenades, eleven 80-mm mortar bombs, two claymore mines, two 81-mm mortar bombs, eight MPMG links and 800 rounds of MPMG ammunition from the Nayakkulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Sugandipuram areas.

    An indictment has been filed before the Colombo High Court against four suspects, including a Sri Lanka Customs' Additional Director and a Wharf Executive, for aiding and abetting two persons to provide a GPS unit to the LTTE on July 30, 2007, according to Daily News. The Attorney General filed indictment against the Sri Lanka Customs Additional Director Indra Sarath Balasooriya and Wharf Executive Rajendran Yogarajah for aiding and abetting Roy Manoj Kumar Samadanam and his wife Ridma Roshani Selamban to provide a GPS unit to the LTTE. According to the statement made by Samadanam, a Sri Lankan expatriate in Canada when he came to Sri Lanka he was introduced to the LTTE by a friend. Then he was asked by the LTTE to help them to bring telecommunication equipment from Singapore and Malaysia. He further stated that later Muhundan and Sinawan in Singapore sent goods from Singapore. He got them released and sent them to the LTTE. The indictment includes productions of three boxes, four radar sets, four radar antennas, 150 VHF mobile phones.

  • October 27: During search and clear operations in the Akkarayankulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Vellamullivaikkal, Kappukulam and Tanniyattu areas of Wanni, Army troops found one 60-mm mortar trapping, 25 Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) links, one T-56 weapon, two micro pistols, eight micro pistol magazines, 42 micro pistol rounds, 19 hand grenades, 22 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), nine APMs, one claymore mine and one trapping bomb.

    During search operations in the Kandaladi, Kalmunaweli and Unnachchiya areas, the SFs recovered one 120-mm mortar, one base plate, one bipod, two claymore mines, 50 metres of flexible wire, three T-56 weapons, two T-81 weapons and nine T-56 magazines.

    The SFs located a LTTE underground armoury in Mullaitivu and recovered a large stock of weapons and explosives. The weapons included 49 shells used in RPG, 10 Claymore mines, a 15 kilograms pressure mine and 16 T-56 assault rifles as well as weapons locally manufactured at LTTE weapons factories.

    A LTTE militant, identified as Shiva, was arrested by the Western Province Intelligence Unit at Eluththoor in the Mannar District on information provided by a LTTE cadre under Police custody, Police said. The arrestee had joined the LTTE intelligence wing in 2004 and since then he was involved in the LTTE intelligence activities. He was the intelligence operative to the Mannar area, the report added.

    A cellular phone, a battery charger and SIM card were retrieved from the possession of a female Sea Tiger suspect at the Welikada Prison.

    Around 300 senior LTTE cadres have been arrested by the Security Forces in September 2009 following information gathered by the Army Intelligence Unit. These cadres were detained while being housed in certain welfare villages, including Menik Farm in Vavuniya, mingling with ordinary civilians who had escaped the then LTTE-held area from North, Army sources said.

  • October 25: The SFs recovered two T-56 weapons, 11 hand grenades, 85 MPMG links, two MPMG links along with 100 rounds of ammunition, 65 APMs, one 120-mm mortar bomb, one 81-mm mortar bomb and three RPG from the Neththikulam, Vellankulam, Kunchukulam, Pallikudha, Mulliyavelli and Andankulam areas.

    The Vavuniya Police conducted a search operation in the Puthukkudiyiruppu east area and recovered 300 kilograms of TNT explosives, 25 kilograms of C-4 explosives, three pressure mines, one T-56 weapon along with two magazines and 10 metre long detonator code. Separately, troops in the Neththikulam area found 220 APMs.

    Troops recovered eleven 82-mm mortar bombs, thirty-eight 82-mm mortar bomb fuses, two T-56 weapons, eight T-56 magazines, 635 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two SFG hand grenades, two Rocket Propelled Grenades, one kilogram of C-4 explosives and 40 metres long detonator code during search operations in the Vakarai and Kuburumulla areas of Batticaloa District.

  • October 25: Police arrested a suspected suicide bomber of the LTTE in the Nagadeepa area of Jaffna District. Police spokesman Senior Deputy Inspector General Nimal Mediwaka said the suicide LTTE cadre was arrested during a raid conducted in the area.

  • October 24: Troops recovered 87 anti-personnel mines, one Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG), seven RPG chargers, two 81-mm mortar bombs, two hand grenades, six Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) links, nine 60-mm mortar bombs, six 60-mm mortar fuses, three T-56 magazines, one silencer weapon and ten 82-mm mortar bombs during search and clear operations in the Vishuamadu, Ampakamam, Akkarayankulam, Nallur, Vellamullivaikkal, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Iralaikulam areas of Wanni.

    The SFs found four hand grenades, 848 anti-personnel mines (APMs) and 850 APM fuses from the Trincomalee, Kanniya Pilladi and Iralaikulam areas.

    Police arrested a 21-year-old female cadre of the LTTE, identified as Yal Nadde, near the 5th mile post at Akkaraipaththu on information received from the public.

    Police arrested two suspected LTTE militants from the capital Colombo. The Police found some explosives in the possession of the two suspects, who were arrested on information given by another LTTE suspect who is already in Police custody.

  • October 23: 289 anti-personnel mines, five RPG, two 120 mm mortar bombs, one claymore mine weighing about 12.5 kilograms, five claymore mines each weighing about 5 kilograms, twelve 60-mm mortar fuses, 5 kilograms of C-4 explosives, eight RPG chargers, one booby trap set to a gas cylinder, two hand grenades and twenty-one 60-mm mortar bombs were recovered by the troops from the Narakamulla, Iranamadu, Mulliyavelli, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Vellamullivaikkal, Kariyalamullivaikkal, Kappukulam and Andankulam areas.

    During another search operation in the Kulaththamadu area of Batticaloa, the SFs found one claymore mine of 1.5 kilogram with two remote controllers, two 82 hand grenades, six APM with fuses, four I-com radio sets, one detonator cord of 1.5 metres and two electric detonators.

    The Security Forces recovered 289 anti-personnel mines (APMs), five Rocket Propelled grenades (RPG), two 120-mm mortar bombs, one claymore mine weighing about 12.5 kilograms, five claymore mines each weighing about 5 kilograms, twelve 60-mm mortar fuses, 5 kilograms of C-4 explosives, eight RPG chargers, one booby trap set to a gas cylinder, two hand grenades and twenty-one 60-mm mortar bombs from the Narakamulla, Iranamadu, Mulliyavelli, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Vellamullivaikkal, Kariyalamullivaikkal, Kappukulam and Andankulam areas of Wanni.

    Troops of the 231 Brigade in during their search and clear operations in the Kulaththamadu area of Batticaloa District recovered one claymore mine of 1.5 kilograms with two remote controllers, two 82 hand grenades, six anti-personnel mines (APMs) with fuses, four I-com radio sets, one detonator cord of 1.5 metres and two electric detonators.

    Police arrested a prominent female area leader of the LTTE in Ampara. Police spokesman Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police Nimal Mediwaka said the suspected female LTTE leader has been arrested in a search operation launched by the Special Task Force (STF) in the area.

  • October 22: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Ampakamam and Nayakkulam areas and found one 130-mm artillery shell, twelve 60-mm mortar fuses, three remote controllers, three 60-mm mortar bombs, 100 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, 18 T-56 magazines, one T-56 weapon, 288 APMs, one television, one VCD player, one UPS, five LTTE uniforms, two LTTE caps and 11 photos.

    The Vavuniya Police arrested a former LTTE leader, Wedan, who has carried out several ransom cases in Vavuniya after the defeat of LTTE. According to the Police, Wedan has been arrested along with another four LTTE cadres during a special search operation conducted in Vavuniya.

    During another search and clear operations conducted in the Narakamulla, Pankudaveli and Ilukkaveli areas on October 22 the troops found 598 APMs, 600 APM fuses, five Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) launchers, five General Purpose Machine Guns (GPMG), two 12.7-mm weapons, one silencer weapon, one GPMG tripod, twenty-six 40-mm grenade launcher parts, two FNC weapons, 15 T-81 weapons, one 40-mm grenade launcher, one commando mortar, one hand grenade and a large stock of weapon spare parts.

    The Army intelligence unit found two SAM - 14 type anti-aircraft missiles in a forest in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area of Wanni, Army sources revealed, according to Daily News. Sources said the missiles had been used by the LTTE to attack aircraft of the Sri Lanka Air Force.

  • October 21: The troops conducted search and clear operations in the Murmuddai, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Iranapalai, Kappukulam and Mullaitivu areas and found 38 anti-personnel mines, a large stock of weapon parts, twenty-five 60-mm mortar bombs, 15 cans containing 210 litres of kerosene oil, one Rocket Propelled Grenade, 30 rounds of 12.7 ammunition, 100 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition and one 81-mm mortar base plate.

    Two missiles and one MPMG barrel kept concealed in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area was also recovered by the troops.

    A Police team attached to the Criminal Investigation Department in Vavuniya following information received uncovered a 120-mm mortar launcher without its site and 2000 electric detonators from the Tharavikulam area of Batticaloa District.

    Following information received from the Vakarai Police, the Army and Police teams jointly conducted a search operation in the Kadiraweli area and recovered one ZUZUKI Outboard Motor, 21 rounds of 0.50 ammunition, four claymore mines weighing about 1.65 kilograms each, one claymore mine weighing about 1.25 kilograms each and one Rocket Propelled Grenade.

  • October 20: Troops conducting search and clear operations in the Nayakkulam, Akkarayankulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Kappukulam and Kulamurippu areas of Wanni recovered 382 anti-personnel mines, 24 detonators, 105 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, fifteen 40-mm cartridges, one 12 bore shotgun, eight hand grenades, two booby traps, three 81-mm mortar bombs, one Rocket Propelled Grenade and forty-eight 60-mm mortar bombs, reports Sri Lanka Army.

    One anti-personnel mine was recovered by the troops during a search operation in the Navaladi area of Batticaloa District.

    During another search operation at the Tractor Junction area of Verugal in Trincomalee District, the Navy troops found one 120-mm mortar launcher, one base plate and one bipod.

  • October 19: A civilian was injured in an APM explosion in the Puresanthivu area of Jaffna District.

    Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Vellamullivaikkal and Akkarayankulam areas of Wanni and recovered seven claymore mines, five APMs, 25 MPMG links, 100 rounds of MPMG ammunition, 25 rounds of ammunition and eight RPG.

  • October 18: During search and clear operations conducted in the Navali, Niththikaikulam, Akkarayankulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Appukulam areas the troops found two claymore mines, one 9-mm pistol with a magazine, 15 APMs, one RPG, one T-56 weapon, 100 rounds of MPMG ammunition, 118 rounds of 9-mm pistol ammunition, 16 rounds of M-16 ammunition and a large quantity of weapon spare parts.

    Three shot guns were recovered by the troops during a search operation conducted in the Pariyanmittangolla area of Batticaloa District.

  • October 17: The SFs recovered three suicide jackets each weighing about three kilograms, four T-56 mark-II weapons, 11 claymore mines, 36 anti-personnel mines, seven Rocket Propelled Grenades, 75 rounds of 12.7 ammunition, one T-56 weapon, one part of M-16 weapon, seventeen 40-mm grenades, one Recoil-less round, two 60-mm mortar bombs and three hand grenades from the Chekkadipilavu, Akkarayankulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Sugandipuram and Mulliyavelli areas of Wanni.

    Troops recovered 15 T-56 magazines, one T-81 magazine, one LMG drum, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun drum, one LMG link, five belt orders, two pouches and one hand grenade during a search operation in the Kaddaravikulam area of Trincomalee District.

    Police arrested a suspect in the Uppuvelli Police area along with a hand grenade and in a subsequent search operation recovered one satellite phone, one phone charger, six pen torch batteries, one pen torch battery charger, one antenna, one remote controller and one oil bottle.

  • October 16-17: A US-based hedge-fund billionaire charged as part of an insider-trading case was investigated by US authorities for allegedly raising funds for the LTTE, The Wall Street Journal reported. The newspaper said federal agents had uncovered documents showing that Raj Rajaratnam, founder of the Galleon Group, was among several wealthy Sri Lankans in the US whose donations to a Maryland-based charity made their way to the LTTE. Rajaratnam, 52, was among six people arrested on October 16. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said this is the largest-ever hedge-fund insider-trading case, the paper noted. Prosecutors allege Rajaratnam and his ring of alleged co-conspirators earned US$ 20 million in improper gains, the report said. Rajaratnam’s New York-based Galleon fund firm manages $ 3.7 billion in investments.

    As part of a separate terrorism probe, which was led by the FBI in Brooklyn, New York, eight other people have pleaded guilty to attempting to provide material support to the LTTE, designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, Wall Street Journal stated. Documents in a federal criminal complaint filed in US District Court in New York’s Eastern District include allegations by federal agents that money donated to a US charity called TRO USA, of Cumberland, Maryland, was funnelled to the LTTE, the paper noted. The case was brought against Karunakaran Kandasamy, described by prosecutors as the head of the US branch of the LTTE, the paper said. In the same case, an FBI agent cites documents uncovered in court-authorized searches as showing donations to TRO USA made by a person identified only as "individual B."

  • October 16: The Vavuniya District Police recovered a cache of arms and ammunition at Mawilluwa in the Silawathura area of Mannar District. The recoveries included four claymore mines weighting five and three kilograms, 13 kilograms of C4 type explosives 1,440 live bullets of T56 weapons, 2000 electric detonators, 10 metres detonator code and a stock of dried ration.

    Foiling an escape bid, Police arrested a former Sea Tiger cadre in Vavuniya, the Police said. According to Police, the suspect had fled the welfare camp and was arrested in the area by a special Police team sent from capital Colombo.

  • October 15: During search and clear operations in the Jaffna District and Adampan area of Wanni, troops recovered a claymore mine weighing about 15 kilograms, another weighing about 500 grams and one hand grenade.

    Police arrested two suspected LTTE militants from the Kochchikade area of capital Colombo. The Senior Deputy Inspector General Nimal Mediwaka said the two suspects were arrested on information provided by another LTTE suspect detained earlier. The duo reportedly had provided information to the LTTE cadres and supported transportation of illegal weapons.

  • October 14: A cache of arms and ammunition, including one pistol holster, 11 rounds of 9-mm ammunition, one Rocket Propelled Grenade, five hand grenades, 22 anti-personnel mines, three 60-mm mortar bombs, 925 non-electric detonators, one claymore mine, five rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, and one 130-mm artillery shell, and six LTTE uniforms were recovered by the troops from the Pudiyasinnakulam, Vishuamadu, Akkarayankulam and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas.

    Troops in the Vandaramoolai area of Batticaloa District recovered a claymore mine weighing eight kilograms.

    Police in the Uppuvelli area of Trincomalee District recovered six hand grenades.

  • October 13: The Security Forces recovered a cache of arms and ammunition during search and clear operations in the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Sugandipuram, Gurunagar, Vishuamadu, Ampakamam and Kanagarayankulam areas of Wanni. The recoveries include 1500 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, 5038 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 750 rounds of .50 ammunition, three T-56 weapons, 15 Arul bombs, 56 hand grenades, ten 60-mm mortar bombs, one 81-mm mortar bomb, three 130-mm mortar bombs, 18 Rocket Propelled Grenades, 125 capsules filled with TNT explosives, seven T-56 magazines, two Light Machine Gun drums, one suicide jacket, one Self Loading Rifle magazine, 25 T-81 grenade attachments, one radio set, two exploders, three radars, one 9-mm pistol, five 9-mm pistol magazines, 49 rounds of 9-mm pistol ammunition, thirty-five 12 bore cartridges, one 60-mm mortar sight, one I-com set, one Yesu set, one battery charger, two LTTE uniform kits, two LTTE caps, eight video cassettes, eight CDs, two passports, five National Identity Cards, one LTTE Identity Card, one cheque issued by the LTTE and one claymore mine.

  • October 12: Troops recovered seventeen 60-mm mortar bombs, one Sub Machine Gun, one Light Machine Gun barrel and parts of a T-56 weapon from the Adampan and Vellankulam areas of Wanni.

    22 suspected LTTE cadres went on trial on October 12 for running an extortion racket among Paris's (France) ethnic Tamil Diaspora to fund their separatist struggle in Sri Lanka, according to Straits Times. The defendants include Nadaraja Matinthiran, the alleged leader in France of the LTTE, which is accused of extorting some five million euros (S$10 million) from the country's 75,000 Tamils. Also in the dock is a group called the Tamil Coordination Committee in France, believed to be a legal front for the LTTE, which has been listed as a terrorist organisation by the European Union since 2006. Most of the Paris suspects were arrested in April 2007 and charged with criminal conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism, financing of terrorism or racketeering to finance terrorism. It is believed that the LTTE exert a controlling influence over the political life of the 1.5-million-strong world Tamil Diaspora, in many cases levying a 'revolutionary tax' based on household size and income.

  • October 11: The troops recovered six 60-mm mortar bombs, one Arul bomb, 3500 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, two rounds of paddle gun ammunition, 20 anti-personnel mines, 7529 rounds of T-56 ammunition, six diesel barrels, nine T-56 weapons, one T-56 magazine, 213 rounds of 5.56-mm ammunition, one Rocket Propelled, two hand grenades, one claymore mine, 110 metres of wire and one electric detonator from the Vishuamadu, Ampakamam, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Kappukulam, Vellankulam and Bogahawewa areas of Wanni.

    The Police arrested a LTTE supporter who had allegedly tried to carry out an attack on the Colombo harbour some time ago. According to the Police spokesman, Senior Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Nimal Mediwaka, the suspect was arrested in the Chilaw area of Kandy District in the night of October 11 in a special raid conducted by the Police on information given by another LTTE suspect in custody at the moment. Police said that the suspect has been paid by the LTTE for his support in providing details on key places in Colombo. The LTTE had presented with him a fibre glass fishing boat, adds The Island. The boat had been found in the Mattakkuliya area. The suspect had posed as a fishermen and collected information on the harbour and surrounding areas, the DIG Mediwaka said.

  • October 10: Police arrested the head of a LTTE run computer institute Vanni Tec from Negombo in the capital Colombo. The suspect, identified as Velayudan, had been in charge of Vanni Tec in Kilinochchi, the Police added.

  • October 9: Troops during their search and clear operations in the Karaweddi, Chundikulam, Asikulam, Alankulam, Akkarayankulam, Puthukudiyiruppu, Nettikasikulam and Kiran areas of Wanni recovered seven T-56 weapons, 18 magazines, 30 rounds of ammunition, one claymore mine, 21 hand grenades, three sniper weapon magazines, one 9-mm pistol magazine, 41 rounds of sniper ammunition, 200 grams of C-4 explosives, nine detonators, 228 anti-personnel mines, five 60-mm mortar booby traps, one Arul bomb, 200 Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, 6060 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 23 booby traps and 20 fuses.

    The Police found around 400 grams of C4 explosives from a bus in Kandy District. The Deputy Inspector General of Police in Kandy region, Pujitha Jayasundara, said the explosives were found by a special team deployed by the Kandy Police to search the buses.

  • October 8: Troops during search and clear operations in the Vellamullivaikkal, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Katkulam areas of Wanni recovered four claymore mines, one unserviceable digital camera, three mobile phones, 27 bicycle tyres, one booby trap, four hand grenades, twelve 81-mm mortar bombs, two dental chairs, one 120-mm mortar bomb and twelve 60-mm mortar bombs.

    One hand grenade was recovered by the troops from the Iranchurachenei area of Batticaloa District.

    Police, acting on civilian information, arrested a top LTTE militant from a hotel in the Mount Lavinia area of Colombo District. The militant had reportedly led a 40-cadre group at Wellamulliwaikkal area in the final battle against the SLA. He later surrendered to the SLA after he was injured during the final battle. However, he managed to escape from a welfare camp in Vavuniya by giving bribes, Police added.

  • October 7: Troops found two T-56 weapons, five Recoiller Guns (RCL), five T-56 magazines, three hand grenades, 55 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 7147 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, 36 anti-personnel mines, 127 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 10 Bangalore torpedoes, thirty-three 60-mm mortar barrels, forty-one 60-mm mortar bombs, 35 rolls of 25 metres detonator code, 12 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition and one pouch during search and clear operations in the Pirampathi, Iranamadu, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Kappukulam and Udayarkattukulam areas of Wanni.

    The Special Investigation Unit of the Kalutara Police arrested a top female LTTE militant from the Pahalawatta area of Kalutara District. The arrestee was a resident of Kilinochchi District.

  • October 5: The troops recovered six 81-mm mortar bombs, 22 Arul bombs, 18 hand grenades, one Improvised Explosive Device (IED), 69 anti-personnel mines (APMs), seventeen 60-mm mortar bombs, eight Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), one RPG launcher, one Outboard motor (OBM), one rocket launcher round, three T-56 magazines, 99 Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) links, 240 detonators, 52 shot gun ammunition, 10 booby traps, one 122-mm artillery round, 42 APM fuses, seven 122-mm mortar bombs, one kilogram of C-4 explosives, three kilograms of TNT explosive, one micro pistol, one magazine and eight rounds of ammunition) from the Vishuamadu, Alankulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Kappukulam and Nayaru areas of Wanni.

    The Mahawa Police raided a house at Diwulwewa in the Mahawa area of Kurunegala District and seized 18 dynamite sticks, 1,875 grams of Ammonium Nitrate and five rolls of service cord and also arrested one suspect in this connection.

  • October 4: Army troops during search and clear operations in the Thunukkai, Iranamadu, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Kappukulam areas of Wanni recovered 139 anti-personnel mines, 38 RPG, two T-81 weapons, one 40-mm grenade launcher, 13 T-56 magazines, 49 claymore mines, 2250 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 22 hand grenades, 39 bombs, five K-400 hand grenades, four FNC magazines, five RPG chargers, five remote controller devices, 35 metres of detonator code, four hand-held communication sets, one battery pack, 11 Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) links, nine 81-mm mortar bombs, 60 rounds of .50-mm ammunition, 5200 rounds of MPMG ammunition, 140 rounds of 5.56-mm ammunition, 1100 General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) ammunition, two suicide jackets, three 60-mm mortar bombs, two C-90 weapons, four disposable RPG launchers, three Arul bombs and one Outboard Motor (OBM).

    The Vavuniya Police found a suicide kit and several other explosive items from an abandoned house in Selvanagar. Police said these items were recovered following information given by a LTTE suspect in custody. Further, the Police found four detonators, one cyanide capsule, a LTTE identity card, and three LTTE tags. Police believe that the items belong to a cadre of the LTTE's Charles Anthony brigade.

    The Thambalagamuwa Police recovered a 12-bore gun during a raid at Portkeni in the Trincomalee District.

  • October 3: The Sri Lanka TID seized a van fitted with six claymore mines in the Kurunegala District. According to the TID, each claymore mine weighed five kilograms. TID sources said the van was found on a tip off given by an arrested Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) suspect. Additionally, the TID recovered one T56 weapon with 340 ammunitions, 100 electric detonators, two remote controls, six grenades and one micro pistol and ammunition from the van.

    Police found a suicide jacket and several weapons from a house at Hansamunawa in Kurunegala. The recoveries included several T-56 guns along with the suicide jacket in a search operation conducted on civilian information.

    The Security Forces recovered five locally-made guns and one shotgun from the Naputtivillu and Eliyaweddiweli areas of Batticaloa District.

    Sri Lanka Police arrested three Sinhala nationals, who have allegedly supported former LTTE cadres to leave the country through sea routes illegally. Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police Nimal Mediwaka said that the three suspects were arrested from a hotel at Vaikkala area in Negombo. These three suspects have reportedly supported former LTTE militants who fled the welfare camps in Vavuniya to leave for Australia by boats.

  • October 2: An unidentified assailant killed two army soldiers who were on duty at Paranthakadathan in the Mannar District. Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police, Nimal Mediwaka, said the assailant had fired at a group of soldiers who were on duty in the area. Two of the soldiers had succumbed to their injuries following the attack and another one sustained injuries. The suspect, believed to be a member of an armed group in the area, is reported to have escaped after the incident.

    Troops during search and clear operations in the Medawachchiya, Kilinochchi, Adampan, Puliyankulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Kappukulam, Mavadivembu and Vellankerni areas of Wanni recovered 49 hand grenades, two Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), 96 anti-personnel mines (APMs), twenty-four 60-mm mortar bombs, two hundred 12.7-mm ammunition, 50 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, five 82-mm mortar bombs, one Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG), 33 recoilless gun ammunition, fifteen 82-mm mortar chargers, eleven 81-mm mortar chargers, eleven 81-mm mortar fuses, five T-56 weapons, 25 area maps, one T-81 weapon, 11 T-56 magazines, one T-81 magazine, three hundred and ten 7.62-mm ammunition and one shotgun.

  • October 1: 148 APM, five chargers, five Bangalore torpedoes, one satellite phone, 86 bombs, 204 hand grenades, 24 claymore mines, 11 T-56 weapons, eight 60-mm mortar bombs, four RPG, two LTTE jackets, 15 T-56 magazines, one T-81 magazine, one shotgun, 900 rounds of P-52 ammunition, ten 81-mm mortar bombs and two 120 meters mortar bombs.

    Police personnel following information recovered two anti-tank mines, four claymore mines, one anti-tank bar mine and three combat uniforms from the Sugandipuram area.

    Vavuniya Police intelligence team on information received from an arrested suspect conducted a search in at Kankanvilluwa in the Mundalama area and recovered one T-56 weapon, two T-56 magazines, 175 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 10 unidentified pistol ammunition, one pistol holster belt and one pouch hidden in a forest patch.

    Balraj Naidu, who was a powerful committee member of the Singapore Reform Party, has been arrested and produced in court for an extradition hearing over an alleged arms deal with the LTTE, Daily News reported on October 1. Naidu was arrested on a warrant and produced in courts, said the Singapore Strait Times. The man was arrested at his home last week and brought to court on September 29 for a brief court appearance. The businessman is wanted by the United States (US) Government on two terrorism related charges. He is also wanted by the US for allegedly brokering arms deals with the LTTE. No formal charges have been laid against him so far. The Extradition hearing was adjourned until October 5. The Strait Times said the US Government made the request for the extradition during the middle of the year. According to the Sri Lankan intelligence sources, the LTTE made many of their purchases from arms dealers in Singapore.

  • September 30: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Nallur, Vishuamadu, Adampan, Puthukkuddirippu, Vellamullivaikkal and Malayapariththapura areas of Wanni and recovered one pistol, one magazine, six hand grenades, thirty-one 60-mm mortar bombs, 15 anti-personnel mines (APMs), three Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), two T-56 weapons, 600 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 30 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, 50 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, 2500 rounds of 9mm ammunition, 70 rounds of 7.62-mm ammunition, twelve 81-mm mortar bombs, one box of 12.7-mm ammunition, one box of .50 ammunition, three MPMG ammunition boxes, two explosive chargers eight mini cassettes, one file containing obituaries and 20 packets of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) documents.

    Troops recovered one T-56 weapon, five magazines, one claymore mine, two hand grenades, five rounds of 9-mm ammunition, one anti-personnel mine and one belt order from the Karapola area of Pollonaruwa District.

    Police arrested a senior LTTE militant who allegedly supplied fuel to the LTTE and seized his boat used in the operation, the Police said. The police made the arrest in the northern District of Mannar and also seized several other arms and equipment. Another fuel carrying boat is believed to have been buried, said the Police.

  • September 29: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Puthukudirippu area of Mullaitivu District and found 187 VHF Low Band communication sets, five PRC booster, 150 I-com sets, six communication base station power suppliers, seven speakers, one VHF base station, four hand mikes, 47 receivers, 10 Motorola communication sets, two battery chargers, one Cougar hand held battery charger, three base antennas, 40 tape antennas, 700 antenna cables and three bags of communication equipment spare parts.

    One Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) unit, three data cables, seven diaries, 22 note books, nine exercise books, one LTTE Identity Card, one calendar, 50 rounds of .22 ammunition, seventeen 60-mm mortar bombs, five RPG, three hand grenades, 34 APMs, 43 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, 200 rounds of MPMG ammunition, 10 T-56 weapons, 10 kilograms of C-4 explosives, ten 81-mm mortar fuses, 1500 APM fuses, two claymore mines, three booby traps, 20 kilograms of C 4 & TNT explosives were recovered by the troops from the Mullaittivu ,Vishuamadu, Mankulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Kappukulam areas.

    Troops conducting search and clear operations in the Iranamadu, Vishuamadu, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Vellamullivaikkal, Kandawalai areas of Wanni and Batticaloa District and found one T-56 weapon, 1006 rounds of T-56 ammunition, three booby traps made using 81-mm mortar bombs, two 81-mm mortar bombs, 68 hand grenades, seventy-two 60-mm mortar bombs, thirteen 60-mm mortar chargers, two claymore mines weighing about 2 kilograms, four Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), two 152-mm artillery shells, one 40-mm grenade launcher cartridge and 14 improvised explosive devices.

    The Special Task Force troops operating in the East recovered two T-56 weapons, four magazines, 120 rounds of T-56 ammunition and six hand grenades from the Manalpudithivu and Mundimurippu areas.

    Police conducted a search operation in the Muttur area of Trincomalee District and recovered 528 rounds of T-56 ammunition and 13 T-56 magazines.

  • September 27: Army troops conducted search and clear operations in the Kilinochchi, Vishuamadu, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Vellamullivaikkal, Ampakamam, Welioya and Vadoramulla areas of Wanni and recovered two 81-mm mortar bombs, one anti-personnel mine (APM), 10 claymore mines each weighing about 1.5 kilograms, one claymore mine weighing about 5 kilograms, one claymore mine weighing about 2.5 kilograms, five 82-mm mortar bombs, fourteen 60-mm mortar bombs, four T-56 weapons, 26 magazines, four hand grenades, 130 APM fuses, 18 electric detonators, one Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG), one booby trap, two shotguns, one 130-mm mortar shell and one Global Positioning System.

    Task Force-VIII troops found parts of an Unmanned Air Vehicle (CI 307 UAV) that had been kept buried in the Kappukulam area of Puthukkudiyiruppu. The troops while conducting search and clear operations in the area on suspicion dug the spot and unearthed part of an UAV engine, three parts of an UAV camera, two UAV wings, two front wheels, one small rear wheel, eight training bombs, three dropping bombs, four bags with damaged parts of an UAV, one oxygen cylinder and one aircraft engine. These spares would have been brought to the Wanni area by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), mostly in parts to be used for their clandestine aerial assignments before they fled from respective areas as the troops were moving in.

    Troops acting on information received from an informant found two 81-mm mortar bombs hidden in an abandoned well in the Sapugastenna area of Gampaha District.

  • September 26: The Security Forces recovered 24 RPG, 19 RPG chargers, 1006 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, 248 APMs, 35 kilograms of C-4 high explosives, one claymore mine weighing about 1 kilogram , 20 hand grenades, one 40-mm grenade launcher cartridge, four armour tank rounds, eight 80-mm mortar bombs, one Bangalore torpedo, eleven 60-mm mortar bomb, one bayonet, 1500 rounds of .45 ammunition, ten 60-mm illuminating para rounds, one shotgun, 600 grams of low explosives, three T-56 weapons, one 81-mm mortar bomb, one Improvised Explosive Device and six 60-mm mortar booby trap from the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Vellamullivaikkal, Sugandipuram, Kappukulam, Udayarkattukulam, Muthiyankattukulam, Kilinochchi, Jayapuram, Vishuamadu, Murukandi and Panikkankulam areas.

  • September 25: Four civilians who were collecting sand in the Mulli area of Jaffna District received injuries when a buried land mine exploded, the police said. The injured were identified as Thavarasa Dinesh, S. Illanthiriyan, S. Surendran and George Woorow. Former war zones in Northern Sri Lanka were heavily mined by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) during their occupation to prevent the Sri Lanka forces entering into the area. De-mining the region has become the main obstacle for the re-settlement of displaced civilians.

    Troops recovered 2528 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 75 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, six MPMG links, four booby traps, 17 anti-personnel mines (APMs), five 81-mm mortar bombs, five hand grenades, one I-com set, one pistol, 8000 detonators, four rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), two RPG chargers, five 60-mm mortar bombs and 14 out board motors in the Puliyankulam, Maradankulam, Mankulam, Akkarayankulam, Vishuamadu, Kandawalai, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Sugandipuram areas of Wanni.

    Police found 1350 anti-personnel mines, 1350 mine fuses and 56 kilograms of C-4 explosive from the Narakamulla area of Batticaloa District.

  • September 24: The SFs found a 500 rounds of T-56 ammunition, six T-56 weapons, nine T-56 magazines, one T-81 magazine, 39 APMs, two booby traps made using 60-mm mortar bombs, one booby trap made using 81-mm mortar bomb, eighteen 81-mm mortar bombs, two 82-mm mortar bombs, 601 rounds of MPMG ammunition, one body part of an MPMG, seven claymore mines, eight RPG, a stock of C-4 explosives weighing about 37 kilograms, two RPG chargers, 16 hand grenades, one 122-mm artillery shell, one 40-mm cartridge, 100 metres long detonator cord, four shotguns, seven 60-mm mortar bombs, 10 Bangalore torpedoes, three outboard motors, 143 military maps, two aerial photographs, two belt orders and one dog tag along with a human skeleton suspected to be of a Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) militant from the Karappaddikulam, Kilinochchi, Murusamodai, Alankulam, Kokkali, Sugandipuram, Kappukulam, Vishuamadu, Udayarkattukulam and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas.

    Air Force troops operating in Mannar recovered 850 rounds of T-56 ammunition from the Madu area.

    Vavuniya Police arrested a youth suspected to be the leader of the LTTE’s sniper unit. Police said that after interrogating the suspect they were able to recover a sniper gun hidden in a forest in the Asikulam area of Vavuniya District. Identified as Radha, the suspect had arrived in Vavuniya from Kilinochchi in April this year, just prior to the last battle against the LTTE in Mullaitivu. He had brought an expensive technologically advanced sniper gun with him when he arrived in Vavuniya, Police investigations had revealed. Police arrested the suspect on information while the latter had been working in Vavuniya town, posing as a labourer.

    Police spokesman Nimal Mediwaka said two LTTE militants were arrested at Settikulam in the same District.

  • September 23: Troops recovered four hand grenades, six kilograms of C4 explosives, three electric detonators, three cyanide capsules, three T-56 weapons, 11 T-56 magazines, one micro pistol, nine anti-personnel mines (APMs), one 60-mm mortar booby trap, five 82-mm mortar bombs, five 60-mm mortar bombs and two Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) from the Vavuniya, Vairawapuliyankulam, Panikkankulam, Uyilankulam, Mudaliyarkulam, Alankulam, Kokavil, Puthukuddiyiruppu, Sugandapuram and Dimbulana areas of Wanni.

    Police conducting search and clear operations in the Narakamulla area of Batticaloa District recovered 91 T-56 weapons and 10 Rocket Propelled Grenade launchers.

    In the Batticaloa town area the Police unearthed three claymore mines, twenty-five 122-mm artillery shells, eight 60-mm mortar bombs, four 152-mm artillery shells and four exploders while they had been buried in the Municipal Council vehicle park.

  • September 22: A female LTTE cadre committed suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule, while being taken to the Police following her arrest at Ukkulamkulam in the Vavuniya District, military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said. A special Police team from Galle, acting on information received by them arrested two female LTTE cadres who were hiding in a house located on the Kumankulam road in Ukkulamkulam. The Police team from Galle assisted by the Vavuniya Division Crimes Investigations Unit had surrounded the hideout that belongs to a top LTTE ‘pistol group’ cadre named 'Neruppu', media reports said. Following the information revealed by the other arrested female cadre, the Police recovered three suicide kits, six kilograms of high explosives of the C-4 variety and 10 detonators concealed in a plastic barrel and buried near the Ukkulamkulam Church, the military spokesman added. While the deceased cadre was identified as Kandia Gauri, the one who was arrested was identified as Kulandaweli.

    A cache of arms and ammunition were recovered by the Security Forces from the Mundimurippu, Kalamankulam, Mullaitivu, Puthukuddiyiruppu, Kappukulam, Sugandapuram and Vishuamadu areas. The recoveries included 16 hand grenades, two T-56 weapons, 360 electric detonators, four 12.7 ammunition boxes, two I-com sets, 8400 rounds of FNC ammunition, one grenade launcher, thirteen 60-mm mortar bombs, three 60-mm mortar fuses, one RPG, seven electric mines, 13707 rounds of Multi Propose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, 50 APMs, four detonator codes each with length of 2 metres, two claymore mines, one speaker filled with explosives, 8 kiograms of C-4 explosives, seven coconut shells filled with C-4 explosives, one CDMA telephone, 14 Arul bombs, five Bangalore torpedoes, thee I-com set battery packs, three I-com battery boxes, 39 APM fuses, 26250 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 10600 rounds of .22 ammunition, some tents of 14 feet x 15 feet, 14 Bangalore torpedo fuses, three booby traps made using 81-mm mortar bombs, three 81-mm mortar bomb fuses and three antenna with a cable.

    Troops recovered one hand grenade, one T-56 weapon, two oxygen tubes, two codes, two oxygen cylinders, two swimming kits, one basket and one bracket from the Kananode and Yakgoda areas of Yala in the Hambantota District.

  • September 21: Troops operating in the general areas of Mundimurippu, Puthukuddiyiruppu and Sugandipuram conducted search and clear operations and recovered seventeen T-56 magazines, four links of LMG, 11 T-56 weapons, 280 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one T-81 weapon, 70 bombs, 18 60-mm illuminating para, 16 60-mm mortar bombs, five Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), one bar mine, 24 Rangan 99 type mines, 74 hand grenades, 41 P-4 MK-1 mines, one RPG charger, 12 60-mm mortar fuses, one motorcycle petrol tank filled with explosives, two I-com sets and three pouches.

    Troops in the East conducted search and clear operations on the same day and recovered two RPG bombs, two hand grenades, two 40-mm grenades, 80 rounds of MPMG ammunition, 42 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one T-56 magazine and two T-56 weapons from the general areas of Pondukalchenai, Irukkuweddi, Kalkudah, Thirukkovil and Kappukulam.

  • September 20: An engineer of a private ship owned by the LTTE ‘foreign chief’ Kumaran Pathmanathan alias KP, who arrived through Bandaranaike International Airport, was arrested by the State Intelligence Services (SIS). The engineer identified as Ratnasekaram, a resident of Point Pedro, had been a close associate of KP and had served as the engineer of one of the private ships belonging to a fleet of ships owned by the militant leader, who is currently in military custody. The SIS on information arrested the engineer who had reportedly come from Singapore and had been handed over to the Terrorist Investigation Division for further questioning. He had reportedly told the authorities that he had come to visit one of his relatives in Colombo but Police denied the existence of such person.

  • September 19: Troops during search and clear operations in the Innuvil and Pudumalai areas of Jaffna District recovered one T-56 weapon, 160 T-56 rounds of ammunition, one military belt, one pistol, two pistol magazines, two suicide jackets, four rounds of RPG, three RPG chargers, one claymore mine, 10 cartridges of 40-mm Grenade Launcher, one micro pistol, 10 kilograms of C-4 explosives, three hand grenades, one GPS, eight radio sets, one Improvised Explosive Device fitted to I-com communication set, 30 metres length detonating cord, one T-56 magazine, two satellite phone chargers, three pouches, two I-com antennas, 16 electric detonators, three metres length wire, four battery chargers, one I-com set cover, 10 kilograms of Iron balls, 15 kilograms Iron balls, two TV batteries and 15 AA batteries.

    The Security Forces operating in Alankulam, Puthukuddiyiruppu, Sugandapuram, Kappukulam and Narakamulla areas of Wanni found 62 anti-personnel mines, 100 rounds of MPMG ammunition, one RPG round, one 81 mm mortar bomb, 850 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, one pistol magazine, one pistol, 50 rounds of pistol ammunition, eight anti-personal mines, seven Out Board Motors, 37 hand grenades, five rounds of RPG ammunition, one 49 kilograms of claymore mine, 10 MPMG drums, 1200 rounds of GPMG ammunition and 25 kilograms of C-4 explosives.

    Police found two rounds of T56 ammunition, two rechargeable batteries and one switch in a three-wheeler carrying betel leaves and tobacco to the Menik Farm Welfare Centre in Vavuniya.

  • September 18: The New York, US, based LTTE leader Vishuanadan Rudrakumaran has announced that the LTTE proposed Provisional Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (PTGTE) will function as an organization of the Tamil Diaspora. Vishuanadan Rudrakumaran has made this announcement in The PTGTE will continue to lobby with Governments for the establishment of separate State in the North and East, the Website said.

    In the United States, United Kingdom and Canada where there are large communities of Sri Lankan Tamils and where the LTTE as well as some of its front organizations is banned as a terrorist organization, the PTGTE will function as a front of the old LTTE carrying on activities aimed at separatism in Sri Lanka.

    The PTGTE is a new front introduced after the killing of Velupillai Prabhakaran, by Kumaran Pathmanathan alias KP, before he was arrested on August 6. There was no unanimity regarding the acceptance of the leadership of KP and another leader called Nadevan in Norway was challenging him. But the vast amount of LTTE wealth was in the KP’s hands. At the time the PTGTE was proposed there was no assurance that the LTTE remnant would give up violence completely and accept 'democracy. Though democracy was claimed, there had never been a framework or a constitution for any LTTE democracy to function. The PTGTE is a ploy by the LTTE to carry on its usual activities of extortion among the Tamil Diaspora and move forward with all its illegal businesses and use the money for the bifurcation of Sri Lanka.

  • September 17: Troops during search and clear operations in the Akkarayankulam, Uppukulam, Vishuamadu, Puthukuddiyiruppu and Sugandhipuram areas of Wanni recovered two 120-mm mortar bombs, five T-56 weapons, 720 rounds of T-56 ammunition, seven T-56 magazines, 20 hand grenades, one I-com set, two belts, four jackets, 19 anti-personnel mines, one Rocket Propelled Grenade, two claymore mines, eight 60-mm mortar bombs, one 80-mm mortar bomb, four 82-mm mortar bombs and one booby trap.

    Air Force troops found one hand grenade from the Koviladi area of Trincomalee.

  • September 15: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Adampan, Vishuamadu and Puthukuddiyiruppu areas of Wanni and recovered 15 T-56 weapons, 13 claymore mines, one Rocket Propelled Grenade, three T-81 weapons, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun, one M-16 weapon, one 40-mm grenade launcher, one .22 weapon, one repeater shotgun, two Self Loading Rifles, one T-97 weapon, three T-97 magazines, two Zisco VF-150 sets, one I-com computer set and one Improvised Explosive Device.

    The troops in Batticaloa found three VCD players, one cash counter machine, one electric calculator, one electric drilling machine, three hand drills, one iron cutting saw, two electric hand saws, two toolkits, one LTTE flag, one Global Positioning System and 300 LTTE books from the Narakamulla area.

  • September 14: Army troops recovered 19 hand grenades, one anti-personnel mine, two M-16 weapons, 10 M-16 magazines, 45 rounds of 5.56 ammunition, five Rocket Propelled Grenades, two T-56 magazines, one hundred rounds of T-56 ammunition, 1344 electric detonators, 11 claymore mines, three claymore plates, 19 suicide bombs, 57 suicide jackets, 4409 rounds of 9-mm pistol, 10500 non electric detonators, six claymore circuits, 30 slabs of TNT explosives, 25 rounds of paddle gun ammunition, 11 Improvised Explosive Devices, 235 kilograms of high explosives, 10 kilograms of gun powder, one hundred and thirty-two 82-mm mortar bombs, ninety-five 82-mm mortar fuses, fifty 82-mm mortar cartridges, seven Outboard Motors, three Yesu cameras, six camera flash lights, four camera stands, one Yasika auto focus camera, two Yasika Radio sets and a large stock of weapon parts during search and clear operations in the Vishuamadu, Kokkali, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Mullaitivu, Sugandipuram and Kappukulam areas of Wanni.

    Army troops operating in the Batticaloa District conducted search operations in the Taravikulam area on a tip-off and found 4000 electric detonators, four cases containing C-4 explosives and 2250 rounds of T-56 ammunition.

  • September 13: The troops recovered a huge cache of arms and ammunition during search operations in the Vishuamadu, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Mullaitivu and Sugandipuram areas of Wanni. The seizure included 41 anti-personnel mines, 13 hand grenades, 10 Arul bombs, one T-56 weapon, two T-56 magazines, one FNC magazine, 190 pistol magazines, twenty-two 60-mm mortar bombs, one Tipman Costume magnet weapon, one MPMG ammunition box, a stock of weapon spares, 48 ear-guards, five photo albums, 103 files with the LTTE documents, 10 LTTE uniforms, 21 LTTE note books, 24 cassettes, 10 diaries, 454 Tamil books, one radar spare part, 15 maps and 10 Compact Disks.

    Navy troops in the Trincomalee District conducted search operations on a tip-off and recovered three hand grenades from the Ambawelipuram and Noornagar areas.

  • September 12: Army troops continuing search and clear operations in the Adampan, Vishuamadu, Alankulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Vellamullivaikkal, Sugandipuram and Kappukulam areas of Wanni recovered three T-56 weapons, one T-56 magazine, 31 pistols, one detonator, one Arul bomb, one 60-mm mortar bomb, three hand grenades, 39 anti-personnel mines, one claymore mine, two Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) locally made parts, one PRC 1077 AC/DC Power Unit, one PRC 1090 PS Unit, one PRC 1077 Amplifier, one Oscilloscope, one Vertex base station, nine I-com base stations, one Kenwood base station, nine Yeasu base stations, two F-880 Base stations, one Diamond ANT cable, one MS Micro radio communication set, one TERR 967/03 radio communication set, two PRM 4700 radio communication sets, three PRC 1077 radio communication sets, one Spectra radio communication set, one FT857 radio communication set, one IC229 radio communication set, one radio communication monitoring equipment, one Kenwood antenna, six RM VHF Amplifiers, one Diamond antenna mount, 42 Yeasu communication sets, 30 I-com communication sets, five 1.5 battery cases, four I-com battery changers, two Motorola hand mikes and one I-com hand mike.

    The SFs found 60 rounds of 7.62x39-mm ammunition, two Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) chargers, seven RPGs, one pressure mine, 25 kilograms pack of TNT explosives, five hand grenades, two anti-personnel mines (APMs), 122 APM fuses, one Electronic detonator and six detonator cords buried in the Periyawadduwan area of Trincomalee District.

    A Sri Lanka Navy intelligence team recovered a large stash of the LTTE documents from the Illangathurai area of Kadiraweli. The documents, bound into 25 parcels and wrapped in polythene bags, were found buried at the location. The Navy said preliminary investigations have revealed these documents are of highly secretive nature relating to LTTE activities.

    Police raided an establishment in the Sea Street area of Colombo, said to be involved in sending escapees from the Vavuniya Welfare Centres abroad, and arrested six persons along with a number of forged passports, visas and other documents.

  • September 11: Four hand grenades, 17 RPG, one 81-mm mortar bomb, five LTTE photograph albums, one LTTE Identity Card, one ATM card, 116 miscellaneous photos, 26 Tamil books and three Outboard Motors were recovered by the troops from the Iranamadu, Kattukulam and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas.

  • September 10: Army troops recovered one T-56 weapon, 53 hand grenades, two 120-mm mortar bombs, forty-eight 60-mm mortar bombs, ten 60-mm mortar elimination bombs, nine 60-mm mortar fuses, one hundred and six 60-mm mortar high explosive bombs, one kilogram of C-4 explosives, two electronic detonators, 64 RPG, 10 RPG chargers, 1000 rounds of GPMG ammunition, 337 rounds of 12.7 mm-ammunition, one satellite phone, 66 APMs, three 81-mm mortar bombs and a 50 meters detonator cord from the Mannar, Kadirankulam, Pullayanpokkanai, Weravil, Tappukulam, Udayarkattukulam and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni.

  • September 9: The Security Forces found thirty-two 9-mm pistols, 16 T-56 weapons, three T-56 magazines, one FNC weapon, two FNC magazines, one T-81 weapon, one 12.7 weapon, three sniper weapons, five .22 weapons, one suicide jacket, one RPG, two 60-mm mortar bombs, 10 hand grenades, 88 APMs, two parts of a MPMG, 5000 rounds of GPMG ammunition, 134 rounds of FNC ammunition, 34 empty gas cylinders of 29.5 kilograms each, 150 empty gas cylinders weighing about 13.5 kilograms each, 96 empty gas cylinders of 2.5 kilograms each, five cans of aircraft oil containing 18.9 liters each, 8000 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one 1.5 kilograms claymore mine, 425 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, 40 rounds of 14.55-mm ammunition, one 40-mm grenade launcher cartridge, 5000 rounds of 5.56-mm ammunition and six claymore stands during search operations in the Vishuamadu, Olumadu, Sugandipuram, Kuppilankulam and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas.

    The Police found around 400 grams of C4 explosives from a bus in Kandy on September 9. The Deputy Inspector General of Police in Kandy region, Pujitha Jayasundara, said that those C4 explosives were found by a special team deployed by the Kandy Police to search the buses. The Police believe the explosives may have been in possession of an Army person who was in the bus. He said the explosives were wrapped in a special cover only used by the Army. However, Sri Lanka Army reported that troops on a tip-off searched a private bus at the main bus terminal in Kandy and recovered 428 grams of C-4 explosives kept hidden inside a seat cover on September 8.

    In Vavuniya, troops recovered four T-56 magazines during a search operation conducted in the Napankulam area.

    The STF recovered a claymore weighing 90 kilograms and 26,734 APMs from an underground arms storage in Vavuniya during a raid following information given by a LTTE militant currently in custody. The STF sources said a claymore weighing 90 kilograms and 26,734 anti personnel mines were found on information given by a LTTE suspect currently in custody. Also, 46 T-56 weapons, five Indian SLRs and four T81 guns were also recovered.

    Police unearthed a large stock of arms and ammunition from the Vellamullivaikkal area on information provided by the arrested LTTE militants, Police spokesman Senior Deputy Inspector General Nimal Mediwake said. He said two LTTE militants under Police custody had divulged the information of arms and weapons hidden in Vellamullivaikkal.

    Military Spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said Task Force VIII launched a substantial search operation in the Puthukkudiyiruppu and Sugandipuram areas and recovered a haul of arms. Police uncovered 18 T-56 assault rifles, three dismantled T-56 rifles, 8,000 T-56 ammunition, three T-56 magazines, four 0.22 weapons, a T-81 rifle, three snipers, two 97 type weapons, a female suicide kit, a claymore mine weighing 15 kilograms, six claymore stands, seven hand grenades produced by the LTTE, a body part of a 12.7-mm barrel, an MPMG body group, 5,000 of 5.56-mm ammunition, 4,600 MPMG ammunition, 425 of 12.7-mm ammunition, 140 of 17.5-mm ammunition, 32 of 9-mm pistol ammunition and a 40-mm grenade launcher bullet. Troops also uncovered 200 GPMG ammunition, an FNC weapon, 134 FNC ammunition, two FNC magazines, 83 AP mines, an MPMG body part, 34 of 29.5 MT gas cylinder, 150 of 12.5 MT gas cylinder and five of 2.5 MT gas cylinder.

  • September 8: Army troops conducting search and clear operations in the Kichivai, Omanthai, Mudaliyarkulam, Ampakamam, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Vellamullivaikkal, Ampalavanpokkanai and Udayarkattukulam areas of Wanni recovered one improvised mortar bomb, five hand grenades, eight 81-mm mortar bombs, one 81-mm illuminating mortar bomb, two 81-mm mortar trails, three anti-personnel mines (APMs), three T-56 weapons, 16 T-56 magazines, two Multi Purpose Machine Guns (MPMG), 500 grams of C-4 explosives, six claymore mines, three booby traps, 80 Johny mines, eighteen 60-mm mortar bombs, nine 60-mm mortar fuses, two satellite phones, three mobile phones, four voice recorders, one digital camera, 13 floppy diskettes, one Spy camera, one CD Rom, one USB reader, one USB writer, one flash drive along with 11 memory chips and two wireless pencom receivers.

    The Special Task Force personnel found one hundred and eight APMs during a search operation conducted in the Alankulam area of Vavuniya District.

    The Special Task Force personnel recovered two claymore mines, one 120-mm mortar bomb, two anti-personnel mines and one detonator during a search operation in the Leviniyaru area of Batticaloa District.

    During a search in the Neboda area of Kalutara District the Special Task Force recovered one 40-mm Grenade Launcher.

    Police acting on civilian information arrested a LTTE militant from a tourist hotel in the Mount Lavinia area of Colombo. According to the disclosed details, the militant had led a 40-cadre group at Vellamullivaikkal area in the final battle. He has surrendered to Sri Lanka Army after he was injured during the final battle. However, he has managed to escape from a welfare camp in Vavuniya later by giving bribes, Police added.

  • September 7: The Security Forces conducted search and clear operations in the Iranamadu, Vishuamadu, Puthukuddiyiruppu and Udayarkattukulam areas of Wanni and recovered three diesel barrels, 13 hand grenades, twenty-four 60-mm mortar bombs, 33 mortar fuses, parts of a T-56 weapon, one claymore mine, 120 anti-personnel mines, 11 rounds of Rocket Propelled Grenades, two ammunition used in recoilless (RCL) weapons, 134 rounds of .22 ammunition, 47 rounds of unidentified ammunition, four National Identity cards, two driving licenses, 400 bottles containing various chemicals and two Arul bombs.

    The Police arrested a LTTE militant in the Nawalapitiya area of Kandy District, Colombo Page reported on September 7. Police spokesman Senior Inspector General of Police Nimal Mediwaka said the militant, identified as Colombus alias K.Y., had reached the Nawalapitiya area to carry out an assassination on leading personnel in the District. The arrestee was a residence of Mannar and had married to a woman from the Katambulawaththa area of Nawalapitiya, Police spokesman added.

  • September 6: Army troops continuing search and clear operations in the Vishuamadu, Alankulam and Kappokulam areas of Wanni on September 6 recovered a stock of 63 APMs, one shotgun along with 10 cartridges and 422 area maps, prepared by the LTTE.

    Six anti-personnel mines, 1108 rounds of T-56 ammunition, four feet of detonator cords, eleven 60-mm mortar bombs, four hand grenades, three T-56 weapons and four T-56 magazines were recovered by the Special Task Force troops from the Kambiaru area in Ampara and Karadiyanaru area in Batticaloa Districts.

  • September 5: The Security Forces found 124 APMs, one electric mine, 350 rounds of MPMG ammunition, one pistol and one belt order from the Appeikachchikulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Pudumathalan, Vellamullivakkal and Mullaitivu areas.

    The Special Task Force recovered 610 APMs from the Nelukkulam area of Vavuniya District.

  • September 4: Troops engaged in search and clear operations in the Chundikulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Thakkulam and Thandikulam areas of Wanni found four claymore mines, 15 electric detonators, seven Rocket Propelled Grenades, thirteen 60-mm mortar bombs, seven hand grenades, four MPMG links, 18 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, one night vision, three Our Board Motors, 72 LTTE pots, 300 rounds of MPMG ammunition, one empty MPMG ammunition box, 1035 rounds of T-56 ammunition, nineteen 81-mm mortar bombs.

    The Special Task Force recovered 866 anti-personnel mines from the Alankulam area.

    A landmine weighing about 20 kilograms, three T-56 weapons, four T-56 magazines and 117 rounds of T-56 ammunition were recovered by the Police from the Eravur area of Batticaloa District.

    Police arrested a LTTE militant, who has given armed training to LTTE cadres earlier, from the Katunayake airport in capital Colombo while he was attempting to leave the country. Intelligence sources said Sundaralingam Jesudasan was apprehended when he tried to escape through illegal means. He is a resident of Batticaloa and had been attached to an LTTE camp in Vakarai and later he had gone abroad. He had returned to the country recently according to initial inquiries.

  • September 3: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Nochchimoddai, Adampan, Vishuamadu, Udayarkattu and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni and recovered 5000 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 1000 electric detonators, 12 Rocket Propelled Grenades, one Light Machine Gun, 222 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition with two links, ten 60-mm mortar bombs, one belt order, 22 hand grenades, four APMs, six claymore mines, nine booby traps, 110 meter long detonator cords and three unidentified bombs.

  • September 2: During continued search and clear operations in the Kudameeyan and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas the Security Forces found one pressure mine, 181 APMs, 16 hand grenades, four claymore mines, one kilogram of grease, 127 improvised explosive devices, 100 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, one 60-mm mortar launcher with mortar sight and a base plate, 25 electric detonators, one battery, one ration tin, three land mines and five detonator cords.

    Following information provided by an arrested LTTE cadre the Vavuniya the Police recovered nearly 3.5 kilograms of C-4 explosives kept hidden in the Nelukkulam tank bund.

    Troops serving in the Kaluwankerni area of Batticaloa District recovered 36 APMs, 60 APM fuses, five improvised explosive devices, four claymore mines, two remote controllers, two pressure mines, ten Rocket Propelled Grenades, two T-56 weapons, six T-56 magazines, 60 rounds of T-56 ammunition, three electric detonators, two kilograms of TNT explosives and 5 metre length of a detonator cord.

    Police recovered one hand grenade from the Muttur area of Trincomalee District.

    Intelligence troops recovered one suicide jacket from the Manampitiya area of Polonnaruwa District.

  • September 1: At least one child was killed and two more were wounded during an explosion in the Achchaweli area of Jaffna District. Jaffna Police said the three children found the explosive device while they were playing in the area.

    Army troops engaged in search and clear operations in the Pallekkuli, Perankamam, Vishuamadu and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni recovered seven T-56 weapons, six T-56 magazines, 93 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one pouch, four Rocket Propelled Grenades, 45 anti-personnel mines, sixteen 60-mm mortar bombs, three micro pistols and twenty 12 bore cartridges.

    The SFs engaged in search and clear operations in the Phallakkuli, Perankamam, Vishuamadu and Puthukuddiyiruppu areas of Wanni recovered seven T-56 weapons, six T-56 magazines, 93 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one pouch, four RPG, 45 APMs, sixteen 60-mm mortar bombs, three micro pistols and twenty 12 bore cartridges.

    Police arrested a female LTTE militant in the Wellawatte area of capital Colombo. According to the Wellawatte Police, the suspected female LTTE cadre, who had worked with the former LTTE political wing head S.P. Thamilchelvan, was arrested while she was temporarily lodging in the area waiting to leave the country. She has disclosed to the Police that her husband has been killed while fighting for the LTTE.

  • August 31: The SFs recovered 78 T-56 weapons, one pistol with a magazine, 12 rounds of 9-mm ammunition, one thermo baric weapon, four APMs, 16 RPG, one part of 12.7-mm weapon, 16 MPMG links, 340 rounds of MPMG ammunition, four RPG charges, three IED charges, 12 hand grenades, one booby trap, 200 rounds of General Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, 400 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two pressure mines, 13 modified bombs, 21 booby traps made using 81-mm mortars, 22 detonators, one 60-mm mortar bomb, 18 claymore mines and five Out Board Motors from the Iranamadu, Puthukuddiyiruppu, Sugandapuram, Kappukulam and Kadikulam areas.

    Air Force troops recovered five anti-personnel mines from the Kandalkadu area of Trincomalee District.

  • August 30: Army troops conducting search and clear operations in the Akkarayankulam, Alankulam, Puthukuddiyiruppu, Sugandapuram, Kuppilankulam and Udayarkattukulam areas of Wanni recovered nine RPG, two hand grenades, twenty-two 60-mm mortar bombs, sixty-two 60-mm mortar fuses, 1036 rounds of GPMG ammunition, two M-16 magazines, 235 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, 300 detonator codes, one 120-mm booby trap and 14 APMs.

    Troops recovered one shotgun and 465 APMs from the Alavaddichena and Pilumdikulam areas of Vavuniya District.

  • August 29-30: Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police Nimal Mediwaka said on August 30 that the bombs were found on August 29 in the Mannar and Vavuniya Districts. Mediwaka also said the Police's Terrorism Investigation Division had made the discovery of the 12 bombs in Mannar's Silawatura area while another bomb weighing 50 kilograms was found in Vavuniya along with C4 explosives and other equipments.

  • August 29: Three T-56 weapons, one T-56 magazine, 13 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 14 hand grenades, six RPG, thirty-seven 60-mm mortar bombs, two Arul bombs, one RPG launcher, 10 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 13 detonator cords, 22 electric detonators, 273 Jonny mines, one booby trap and two hand grenades were recovered by the SFs from the Vishuamadu, Vellamullivaikkal, Puthukuddiyiruppu and Udayarkattukulam areas of Wanni and Porakalamadu in the Batticaloa District.

    The Special Task Force conducted a search and clear operation in the Vellankulam and Pilumdikulam areas of Vavuniya District and found one claymore mine weighing about 15 kilograms, 18 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two T-56 weapons, two T-56 magazines and 864 APMs.

  • August 28: Police conducted a search operation in the Angulana area of capital Colombo and recovered two claymore mines buried near the bus stand in front of the Angulana church at around 1.00pm (SLST). While one of the mines weighed approximately 24.3 kilograms the other weighed about 11.5 kilograms.

    Troops recovered 140 anti-personnel mines, 10 claymore mines, nineteen 81-mm mortar bombs, 280 rounds of General Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, four Rocket Propelled Grenade, twelve 60-mm mortar bombs, two radio sets and accessories, 337 rounds of T-56 ammunition, six Arul bombs and 94 Jonney type mines from the Kilinochchi, Puthukuddiyiruppu and Sugandhipuram areas.

    Police recovered one hand grenade from the Thelawala road in Ratmalana.

    One hand grenade, eight 82-mm mortar bombs, forty-two 82-mm mortar fuses were recovered by the Police during a search operation in the Theravattakulam and Periyawadduwan areas of Trincomalee District.

  • August 27: Troops operating in the Vishuamadu, Ampakamam, Vellankulam and Puthukuddiyiruppu areas of Wanni conducted search and clear operations in these areas recovered 13 hand grenades, 52 anti-personnel mines (APMs), six T-56 weapons, 51 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one T-56 magazine, one pouch, 25 kilograms of C-4 explosives, two pressure mines each weighing about 5 kilograms, three claymore mines, five electric chargers, 17 Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) links, a barrel containing 210 litre of petrol, 14 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), two radio communication sets, three LTTE maps, 304 personnel files of the LTTE cadres and one signal booster.

    Uppuveli Police in the Trincomalee District on information conducted a search in the area and recovered one claymore mine.

  • August 26: A LTTE militant disguised as trooper committed suicide in Police custody on an unspecified date. Trooper Siddiqui with the voluntary armoured corp was cooking for the CDS General Sarath Fonseka since 2002 in Jaffna and was his main chef at his official residence in Colombo where he moved in 2004. According to the report he was a LTTE cadre given the job of ensuring access for LTTE suicide cadres to enter the Army headquarters and target Fonseka. "Siddiqui was cooking in the army chalet since 2002 when I was the security forces commander in Jaffna. In 2004, my ADC brought him to my official residence in Colombo. In the month of December same year, I became army chief,'' Fonseka told Hindustan Times. Three months before Fonseka took over as Army chief in December 2005 Siddiqui met with an accident and was admitted in the military hospital inside the Army headquarters where the Army chief's office was also located. "His (Siddiqui's) handler and the female suicide cadre came to the hospital four-five times in the guise of being his relatives. They did a complete reconnaissance of the army headquarters and also kept track of my movements. Siddiqui was aware. I also visited him in hospital,'' he added.

    The Security Forces recovered five hand grenades, 28 APMs, four RPG, four claymore mines each weighing about 7 kilograms, one claymore mine of about 2 kilograms, 59 LTTE posters and 272 LTTE diagrams which could be considered as teaching-aid used in weapon training from the Kilinochchi, Alankulam and Puthukuddiyiruppu areas.

  • August 25: The STF personnel serving at Thirimunai in the Kalmunai area of Ampara District encountered an isolated group of LTTE militants and killed two of them. During subsequent search in the lagoon area where the incident occurred, the STF found the dead bodies of the slain militants along with one T - 56 weapon, one magazine and 25 rounds of ammunition.

    Troops recovered 11 T-56 weapons, 1602 rounds of T-56 ammunition, four T-56 magazines, six anti-personnel mines, six diesel barrels with diesel, four 120-mm mortar bombs, 14 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 34 hand grenades, 30 kilograms of C-4 explosives, twenty 60-mm mortar bombs, one 60-mm mortar fuse, 250 explosive capsules, three micro pistols, four micro pistol magazines, 133 rounds of micro pistol ammunition, nine I-com sets, one Global Positioning System, two cyanide capsules, five claymore mines, two 81-mm mortar bombs and one 130-mm mortar barrel from the Vishuamadu, Murusamude, Iranamadu, Vellamullivaikkal and Puthukuddiyiruppu areas of Wanni.

  • August 24: The NIB uncovered a plan to assassinate Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse with the recovery of a suicide kit, arms and ammunition from a house in Mutwal, a suburb in the capital Colombo. According to the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Nimal Mediwaka, the NIB officials found a cache of arms and ammunition, including a suicide kit weighing over five kilograms, a machine gun and 13 Cyanide capsules, concealed in a cupboard in a housing unit at Mutwal under the directive of a LTTE leader in Colombo. The unnamed LTTE leader had reportedly planned to launch a well coordinated attack on the Defence Secretary. "It is believed that they had planned to hurl hand grenades at Rajapakse’s motorcade as a part of the massive assassination bid. The terrorists had planned to launch this attack using a explosive laden motor bike. Officials are combing the island to trace the explosive laden bike and the suicide cadre who were directed to crash into the motorcade of the Defence Secretary," Mediwaka said. The Defence Secretary had earlier in 2006 survived a LTTE suicide attempt in Colombo escaping with minor injuries although eight of his security guards were killed.

    Army troops conducting search and clear operations in the Murusamude, Paranthan, Asikkulam, Puthumattalan, Vellamullivaikkal, Puthukuddiyiruppu, Sugandhipuram and Kuppilankulam areas of Wanni found eight 81-mm mortar bombs, 204 hand grenades, ten 120-mm mortar bombs, 33 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), one hundred and fifty 60-mm mortar bombs, 50 anti-personnel mines, two detonators, one claymore device, one Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) uniform, three 30 kilograms flatting mines, 833 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, 500 rounds of M-16 ammunition, 150 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, fourteen 63-mm CS smoke bombs, one T-56 weapon, 140 detonator code rolls, two claymore mines, four explosive charges, 350 rounds of T-56 ammunition, four primers, one shotgun and six 60-mm mortar chargers.

    The Colombo Crime Division seized a large haul of hidden LTTE arms, ammunition and other war like material during search operations in the Puthumattalan area from August 10 to 13, said Police Headquarters in a press release. The items include one 203-mm firearms, seven magazines, 147 cartridges, four high communication sets, two hand bombs, 16 tomba cartridges, three cyanide capsules, one G.G.S. equipment, two pistols and magazines, four T-56 rifles and magazine, one SNC firearm, one number plate bearing 2E 5024, two CC 250 boat engine, three CC 40 boat engines, submarine and boat spare parts valued at nearly SLR 20 million, one 152-mm artillery piece, four intercom sets, several uniforms and photographs of terrorist suspects, one 130-mm artillery piece, several barrels of diesel containing about 20,000 litres, 15 barrels of cartridge links, two 120-mm artillery pieces, 60 cans containing chemical gas.

    Police found a trawler and a lorry used by the LTTE to attack the Galle harbour October 18, 2006. The DIG Nimal Mediwake, said a special team from the Central Provincial Investigation Unit arrested an LTTE suspect in Vavuniya on July 24. "The LTTE suspect who is under detention order had divulged vital information during interrogation," he added. Pursuing the LTTE cadre’s information, Police found the 32 feet length trawler equipped with GPR radar in Hambantota while the lorry was recovered in Akkaraipaththu. "It was revealed that the trawler and the lorry had been used by the LTTE during the suicide mission to the Galle harbour in 2006. The recoveries were made on Sunday (August 23) afternoon," the DIG said.

  • August 23: Troops recovered 200 detonators, eight Improvised Mortar Launchers, 15 T-56 weapons, 25 Sub Machine Guns, 700 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two micro pistols with one magazine, sixteen 60-mm mortar chargers, sixty 60-mm mortar bombs, four 60-mm illuminating mortar bombs, one claymore mine, two MPMG links, 39 rounds of MPMG ammunition, 18 hand grenades, a large stock of T-56 weapon parts and two Outboard Motors in the Puthukuddiyiruppu, Viyaparamulla and Ampakamam areas of Wanni.

    During search operations conducted in the Puthukuddiyiruppu, Alankulam, Kuppilankulam and Sugandhipuram areas, the troops found 51 anti personnel mines, two Bangalore torpedoes, three 81-mm mortar bombs, twenty 60-mm mortar bombs, two T-56 weapons, 41 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one claymore mine weighing about 2.5 kilograms, four hand grenades, one Jonny mine, 13 claymore stands, 61 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, 40 Light Machine Gun (LMG) drums, five MPMG tripods, two MPMG barrels, one claymore mine weighing about 12.5 kilograms, 506 magazines, one 60-mm mortar base plate, two T-56 weapon parts, one mortar site of a 120-mm mortar, two binoculars, one 9.9 HP Yamaha out board motor, 119 LTTE private documents and 40 other documents.

    The Vavuniya Police conducted a search operation in a cemetery in the Nelukkulam area and dug out a grave covered with a concrete slab and recovered four suicide bombs weighing 2-4 kilograms and kept in a blue jar.

    Police conducted search operations in the Kondankarni and Kurawankarni areas of Valaichchenai area in the Batticaloa District and recovered one T-56 weapon, one T-56 magazine, 30 rounds of T-56 ammunition and one hand grenade.

  • August 21: Police in the capital Colombo seized the vehicle of the Tamil National Alliance parliamentarian S. Jeyanandamoorthy over his alleged links with the LTTE. The vehicle was seized from the residence of the Madiwela Member of Parliament. The Police said they have received complaints that the vehicle had been used to transport suspected LTTE cadres in the past. Jeyanandamoorthy is currently out of the country.

  • August 20: Army troops engaged in search and clear operations in the Iranamadu, Vishuamadu, Puthukuddiyiruppu, Sugandhipuram and Kuppilankulam areas of Wanni recovered a cache of arms and ammunition, according to a Sri Lanka Army report. The recoveries included 30 Rocket Propelled Grenades, nine hand grenades, 723 rounds of 9-mm pistol ammunition, 43 anti-personnel mines, six booby traps, 9400 rounds of General Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, 12327 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two micro pistol magazines, eight shotgun cartridges, 500 rounds of .50 ammunition, 20 unidentified bombs, three claymore mines weighing about one kilogram each, 30 kilograms of C-4 explosives, twenty 60-mm mortar bombs, eight 120-mm mortar bombs, one 81-mm mortar bomb, 13 Arul bombs, five claymore mines weighing about 500 grams each, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun link, seven T-56 magazines, 46 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, 12 Jonny mines and one pressure mine.

    Troops operating in the East found two T-56 weapons, four T-56 magazines, 126 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one hand grenade, thirty-five 82-mm mortar bombs, two 81-mm mortar bombs and eight 60-mm mortar bombs from the Welikanda, Periyawadduwan, Iralakkulam and Kolyanadu areas.

    The Police said that an arrested Sinhala LTTE cadre had revealed the involvement of several Sinhala civilians with the outfit. Sources said that the suspects had received money from the LTTE to provide accommodation to operatives on special missions.

  • August 19: A foreign de-mining team engaged in de-mining work in the Phallakkuli area of Mannar District on August 19 unearthed one human skeleton, four T-56 magazines, one pouch a LTTE uniform.

    Troops on search and clear operations in the Puthukuddiyiruppu area of Mullaitivu District recovered one Global Positioning System, one I-com set, two pistol magazines, two hand grenades, two Arul bombs, 500 rounds of General Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, 14 explosive chargers weighing about one kilogram each, 194 anti-personnel mines, five rounds of Rocket Propelled Grenades, two T-56 magazines, nineteen 81-mm mortar bombs, 150 rounds of T-56 ammunition, a stock of T-56 spare parts and 4800 shotgun cartridges.

  • August 18: The SFs in the Puthukuddiyiruppu area of Wanni recovered 50 T-56 weapons and unearthed 8016 anti-personnel mines, haphazardly laid by the LTTE during their presence in those areas to trap the advancing troops.

    Troops during search and clear operations in the Puthukuddiyiruppu, Adampan, Ampakamam and Kudumbimalai areas recovered 33 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 11 hand grenades, , one thermo-baric weapon, three Multi Propose Machine Guns (MPMG), 10 claymore mines, 3091 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two more T-56 weapons, three T-81 weapons, spare parts of T-56 weapons, one 40-mm grenade launcher, one 60-mm mortar, one 60-mm mortar barrel, 2820 rounds of General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) ammunition, eight RPG chargers, 170 rounds of 12.7 ammunition, 27 mortar fuses, five uniforms, one area map, three T-56 magazines, two Outboard motors, spare parts of a radar machine and two 120-mm mortar base plates.

    Two claymore mine chargers were recovered by the SFs from the Karavanai area of Jaffna District.

    Troops in the Damminna area of Polonnaruwa District recovered one hand grenade.

  • August 17: Army troops conducting search and clear operations in the Vishuamadu, Ampalavanpokkanai, Vellamullivaikkal, Sarawarthottam, Sugandapuram and Puthukuddiyiruppu areas of Wanni recovered a huge cache of arms and ammunition on August 17. The recoveries included 322 Rocket Propelled Grenades, forty-five 60-mm mortar bombs, 17 claymore mines, 25 T-56 weapons, 58 T-56 magazines, 1265 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one M-16 weapon, one M-16 magazine, two T-97 weapon, four T-97 magazines, 55815 pistol ammunition, 3208 grenades, 135000 rounds of 39-mm ammunition, 4600 rounds of .22mm ammunition, one compass, one I-com communication set, 220 rounds of General Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, 21 detonators, spare parts of a radar, five claymore tripods, 129 hand grenades, four 152-mm shells booby traps, 22 anti-personnel mines, 86 rounds of 152-mm ammunition, two T-81 weapon, nine T-81 magazines, one M16A1 weapon, one Small Machine Gun, one 40-mm Grenade Launcher, four Light Machine Gun drums, ninety-six 81-mm mortar bombs, 160 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, 14 boxes of artillery shell fuses, 140 Johnny mines, one 120-mm mortar bomb, 53 pressure mines, 24 rounds of 122-mm ammunition, 70 kilograms of bicycle ball bearings, 25 chemical bottles, three anti-tank mines, four rounds of 130-mm artillery shells, three 81-mm barrels, four 12.7-mm barrels, nine 7.62-mm barrels and 34 G3A3 magazines.

    Air Force troops recovered two hand grenades from the Kiulada area on the same day.

  • August 16: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Murunkandi, Iranamadu, Adampan, Visuamadu, Puthukuddiyiruppu, Sugandipuram and Kuppilankulam areas of Wanni and recovered cache of arms and ammunition. The recoveries included five T-56 weapons, 24 anti-personnel mines (APMs), eight hand grenades, four hundred and seventy-five 60-mm mortar bombs, two hundred and fifty-one 81-mm mortar bombs, one Multi Propose Machine Gun (MPMG) barrel, one Improvised Explosive Device (IED), 24 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), one Jesu communication set, three I-com sets, 967 field craft books, three world maps, nine plastic file folders, three LTTE berets, one DVD player, one flash light, 33 dipole I-com antennas, six vehicle mounted antennas, 150 diamond antenna, 27 I-com Jacks, 650 LTTE flags, 40 pairs of LTTE trousers, 50 LTTE shirts, 150 gunny caps, thee jackets, 12 Outboard motors (OBM), 825 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one MPMG link, 154 detonators, seven kilograms of C-4 explosives, one hundred and fifty 60-mm mortar chargers, two hundred and forty-six 81-mm mortar chargers, fifteen 120-mm mortar chargers, one 130-mm artillery round and one 85 mm mortar bomb.

  • August 15: Police recovered a bomb inside a culvert in the Mahiyangana city of capital Colombo in the evening of August 15. The Police confirmed that a bomb weighing 20 kilograms was found on information given by an arrested suspected LTTE militant.

  • August 14: During other search and clear operations in the Visuamadu, Ampakamam, Puthukuddiyiruppu, Sugandapuram and Kuppilankulam the troops recovered 370 rounds of unidentified ammunition, 40 rounds of MPMG ammunition, eight hand grenades, 139 APMs, one 81-mm mortar trap, 25 RPG, 1021 electric detonators, two RPG chargers, five rounds of 81-mm para, nine 81-mm mortar rounds, nine 60-mm mortar rounds, three T-56 weapons, t2689 T-56 ammunition, two claymore mines, 7036 rounds of General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG), seven MPMG links, 250 polythene caps, 500 metres of LTTE combat clothes, 800 gunny caps, 50 LTTE caps with badges, 1200 pouches, 140 LTTE jackets, 70 LTTE packs, 100 LTTE trousers, 70 LTTE shirts, one helmet, three communication sets, 920 APM cups, 322 LTTE flags, three T-56 magazines, two I-com sets, one belt order, nine rounds of 60-mm mortar, one RPG round, fifteen 120-mm mortar traps, one suicide jacket, four remote controllers, 25 metres of PVC pipes, three 81-mm mortar bombs and three OBMs.

  • August 13: The Terrorist Investigations Division (TID) of Sri Lanka has arrested the Superintendent of Police (SP) of the Gampaha Division over alleged connections with the LTTE. The Police spokesman Senior Superintendent of Police Ranith Gunasekara said the SP, Laxman Cooray has been taken into custody following the details disclosed by a LTTE suspect arrested by the TID earlier. The SP Cooray has worked in the Jaffna region before he was transferred to Gampaha Police division. According to TID sources, further questioning is now underway.

  • August 12: Troops on search and clear operations in the Sugandhapuram, Kuppilankulam, Puthukudiyiruppu, Vishwamadu and Weruwillu areas of Wanni recovered one hundred and three 12.7 ammunition, 170 hand grenades, nine Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 926 rounds of T-56 ammunition, thirty-two 60-mm mortar bombs, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) drum, six Outboard Motors (OBM), six 81-mm mortar bombs, 11 Arul bombs, 21 T-56 weapons, one T-81 weapon, one .22 weapon, two Light Machine Guns (LMG), five MPMG barrels, two MPMG tripods, four 60-mm mortar site, one 120-mm mortar night site, 10 T-87 weapons, two shot guns, 1260 kiogrmas of C-4 explosives, 153 anti-personnel mines, eight RPG chargers, one 82-mm mortar booby trap, five paddle gun ammunition, seven claymore mines and 3300 General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) rounds.

    The Eravur Police recovered one T-56 weapon, one T-56 magazine, 27 rounds T-56 ammunition and two I-com sets from the Gorakalli Madu area.

  • August 11: Unidentified assailants shot dead a Muslim armed group leader, identified as Abdul Samath, in the Eravur area of Batticaloa District in the night of August 11, the Police said. According to Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekara, the victim, who was also the chairman of the fisheries association in the area, was shot dead at his residence at about 10:30pm (SLST). It was reported that he had handed over several illegal weapons to the Police few weeks ago during the special amnesty granted by the Sri Lanka Government.

    The Colombo Crimes Division (CCD) seized 20 powerful side chargers from the Uppukulam area of Mannar District and averted a possible suicide mission in Colombo. Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Ranjith Gunasegaram said CCD personnel seized a Hiace van carrying 20 side chargers, each weighing five kilograms, in the Uppukulam area on information divulged by three LTTE suspects who were arrested earlier. Two LTTE suspects were arrested from Badovita in Mt. Lavinia on August 10 and the other was arrested from Uppukulam in Mannar on August 11, he added. "These side chargers were meant to be dispatched to Colombo on a suicide mission. Timely action of the CCD team averted the possible mission," SSP Gunasegaram told Daily News.

    Troops continued search and clear operations in the Puthukuddiyiruppu, Ampakamam, Kalamankulam and Pirippu areas and recovered ten T-56 weapons, one 81-mm mortar trap, 1111 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 13 hand grenades, one pencil shooting weapon, one hundred and ten .22 rounds, seven mobile phones, six batteries, two antennas, one receiver, six T-56 ammunition boxes, four Rocket Propelled Grenades, 29 National Identity Cards, two LTTE Identity Cards, one code sheet file, 20 T-56 magazines, 275 General Purpose Machine Gun rounds, 500 of .30 ammunition, eighteen 60-mm mortar bombs, eight 81-mm mortar bombs, five pistols, five pistol magazines, three I-com sets, three chargers, 976 Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, one cap, sixteen 60-mm mortar chargers, four MPMG links and four Out Board Motors.

    Troops recovered four hand grenades, two kilograms of explosives, one T-56 weapon, four shotguns and four shotgun cartridges from the Peraru area of Trincomalee and Kahawaththamunei, Alanchipatana, Iluppuwedei areas of Batticaloa District.

    During another search operation, the Special Task Force troops recovered one hundred and thirteen 120-mm mortar bombs form the Tharavikulam area in Batticaloa District.

    Two youths were arrested from Kalutara South in the morning of August 11 along with three T56 rifles and 45 rounds of ammunition.

  • August 11: The Kandy Police, after interrogating a number of LTTE suspects, recovered six LTTE explosive laden boats and arms in the Puthukuddiyiruppu and Vellamullivaikkal areas of Wanni, Daily News reported on August 11. Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekera said Kandy Police patrolled the area from June 30 to August 1 and arrested several LTTE suspects. Six LTTE suicide boats with 970 kilograms of C4 explosives, 140 Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) bullets, 30 RPG chargers, two 60-mm bombs, an iron box fuse, six claymore mines, a T56 rifle and four suicide jackets were also seized.

  • August 10: The Security Forces recovered a cache of weapons and other military items from the Puthukuddiyiruppu area. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said troops of the Task Force VIII continuing search and mopping up operations in the Puthukuddiyiruppu area recovered 59 boxes of live T56 ammunition, 18 anti-tank ammunition, three micro pistols, two pistol magazines, 127 pistol ammunition, six T56 weapons, two T56 magazines, two anti-aircraft weapons, 12 anti-personnel mines (APMs), three communication sets, a 0.22 magazine, a paddle gun barrel, 30 oxygen cylinders, 17 field books, a hand grenade and an 81mm mortar shell. In addition, troops of the Task Force VIII in the Suganthipuram unearthed 38 APMs, two 120-mm mortar shells and six 81mm mortar shells.

    Police conducted search operations in the Muthur and Eravur areas to recover one 81-mm mortar bomb and two hand grenades.

  • August 9: Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Vishuamadu, Puthukuddiyiruppu, Sugandipuram and Kuppilankulam areas and recovered cache of arms and ammunition, according to a Sri Lanka Army report. The recoveries included one .22 weapon, seven T-56 weapons, one thermo baric weapon, one T-90 weapon, one locally-made "Pasilan-2000" launcher with one shell, 20 T-97 magazines, two T-56 magazines, 350 electric detonators, 1009 rounds of 9-mm pistol ammunition, 550 rounds of .45 mm pistol ammunition, two suicide jackets, one thermo baric empty case, two I-com base stations, one Yesu High Frequency (HF) base station, SLR 3712.00, one 81-mm mortar, four booby traps made using 81-mm mortar bombs, eight hand grenades, 3036 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one RPG, two 82-mm mortar bombs, 48 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, two claymore mines, 10 Arul bombs, 13 range finders, 48 anti-personnel mines, 81 Multi Purpose Machine Gun links, a stock of weapon parts and one 120-mm mortar bomb.

    August 8: Troops continued their search and clear operations in the Mullaitivu, Puthukuddiyiruppu, Sugandipuram and Vishuamadu areas of and recovered 12052 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two T-56 weapons, 145 electric detonators, three Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) charges, one 60-mm mortar bomb, five RPG rounds, one 81-mm mortar bomb, 92 anti-personnel mines and two hand grenades.

    The Security Forces in Mannar arrested five fishermen in possession with 500 grams of Gelignite explosives and five non electric detonators in the Southbar area.

  • August 7: The Special Task Force personnel in the Batticaloa District on a tip-off conducted a search and clear operation in the Tharavikulam area and recovered two cans containing 55 kilograms of C-4 explosives.

  • August 6: Army troops operating in the north conducted search and clear operations in the Kilachchena, Vishuamadu, Murusamoddai, Puthukudiripppu, Puthukudirippu West, Kuppilankulam and Yomaruvankulam areas of Wanni and recovered cache of arms and ammunition, reports Sri Lanka Army. The recoveries included four T-56 weapons, one Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) Launcher, 112 RPGs, 67 RPG chargers, 15 magazines, 2770 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 2100 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, twelve 81-mm mortar bombs, thirty-eight 60-mm mortar bombs, one 60-mm mortar barrel, five pouches, two claymore mines, 22 anti-personnel mines, three Improvised Explosive Devices, one electric mine, one claymore device, one Arul bomb, three Olive Green (OG) uniform shirts, 15 pairs of OG uniform trousers, 470 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, five rounds of paddle gun ammunition, 1437 rounds of Cannon gun ammunition, one 250 horse power Outboard Motor, one PRC 1077 Radio Set and seven hand grenades.

    The Security Forces recovered 25 anti-personnel mines (APM), 57 APM fuses and two claymore mines during search operation conducted in the Iralakulam and Navakkerni areas of Batticaloa District.

    Police on a tip off conducted a search on Erathusa Road in the Wellawatte area of Colombo District and found two suicide jackets, one micro pistol, two hand grenades and two electric detonators.

    A hand grenade was recovered from the Sapugaskanda area in Makola.

    The newly appointed chief of the LTTE, Kumaran Pathmanathan alias Shanmugam Kumaran Tharmalingam alias Selvarajah Pathmanathan alias KP, was arrested from Bangkok in Thailand. "He has been arrested in Bangkok. That is all we know at the moment," military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said, according to Reuters. There was no immediate comment from the Thai officials. Kumaran Pathmanathan was brought to Colombo and is now being interrogated, reports The Island. Colombo Page adds that he was arrested by the Sri Lankan law enforcement authorities in Bangkok. He was evading international law enforcement authorities and reportedly hiding in Thailand.

  • August 5: Over 366 kilograms of C-4 explosives were recovered and one LTTE militant was arrested by the SFs from a jungle patch in the Kumankulam area of Vavuniya District. The Police made the recovery acting on information provided by Kandaiya Vijayakumar alias Vijaya (35), an LTTE cadre arrested from the Internally Displaced Persons camp at Block-4 in Vavuniya on August 3, Police spokesman Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Ranjith Gunasekera said. The SSP Gunasekera said following information divulged by Vijaya another LTTE suspect, Thambilingam Sivakaran alias Karan (24), was arrested along with a hand grenade from Poonthottam in Vavuniya on August 5.

    Troops conducted search and clear operations in the Mankulam, Palayadikulam, Puthukuddiyiruppu, Sangedikulam and Kuppilankulam areas and recovered four LTTE T-56 weapons, one pistol, one anti-aircraft gun, one 81-mm mortar booby trap, 16 hand grenades, 7350 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 350 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, one 12.7-mm drum, one T-56 magazine, 160 rounds of M-16 ammunition, one RPG launcher, thirty RPG rounds, 13 Light Machine Gun drums, three unidentified bombs, one 81-mm mortar bomb, one 120-mm mortar bomb, 32 rounds of General Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, 11 Multi Purpose Machine Gun links and 375 crackers, according to a Sri Lanka Army report.

    Troops recovered 14 T-56 weapons, one sniper gun, three claymore mines, 28 T-56 magazines, four sniper weapon magazines, two I-com station sets and two car cassettes from the Ethulakulam area of Batticaloa District.

    Police in Batticaloa conducted a search operation at Narakamulla in the Thoppigala area and recovered INR 1.5 million worth money, two gold rings, two gold ear rings, one gold bangle and one gold chain kept hidden in the area by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) militants.

  • August 4: Sri Lanka Police arrested a multi millionaire businessman engaged in fishing industry and another LTTE cadre along with a vehicle used for transporting LTTE weapons and explosives to the South. Police confirmed that the two LTTE supporters were arrested at Parayanakulam in Mannar and the lorry, which was specially made with several secret compartments to transport weapons and explosives, was seized. According to disclosed details, the two suspects have transported LTTE weapons and explosives for nearly five years.

  • August 3: The troops recovered 63 anti-personnel mines, 10 claymore mines of 10 kilograms each, 76 claymore mines of five kilograms each, 20 small claymore mines, 3000 rounds of T-56 ammunition, five T-56 magazines, 10 RPG, 13 RPG heat bombs, one Outboard Motor, 237 propellers with seven wings, twelve 60-mm mortar bombs, fourteen 82-mm mortar bombs and five hand grenades during search and clear operations in the Welikandal and Puthukuddiyiruppu areas.

    Troops in Mannar recovered 26 non electric detonators.

  • August 2: A senior civil administration official was arrested for alleged links with the LTTE, Police said on August 2. Nagalingam Vethanayagam, the Government agent of Kilinochchi District, was arrested on July 31 following information from an arrested LTTE cadre. Vethanayagam held the post in the former LTTE political headquarters until January 2009 when Kilinochchi was recaptured by the Government troops. The Government agent is the senior most civil service administrative officer of a District in Sri Lanka.

    Sri Lankan Police arrested the wife and a daughter of a former LTTE leader who attempted to leave the country. Police confirmed that the two suspects from Kilinochchi had attempted to leave for Budapest in Hungary. During questioning at the Katunayake International airport in Colombo, both failed to provide their identification, Police said.

  • August 1: Troops on search and clear operations in the Vishuamadu, Ampakamam, Olumadu, Puthukuddiyiruppu and Mullaitivu areas on August 1 recovered cache of arms and ammunition. The recoveries included two 81-mm mortar booby traps, one 81-mm mortar bomb, three 82-mm mortar bombs, 21 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), one RPG bomb, 561 rounds of 12.70-mm ammunition, four T-56 weapons, 14 suicide jackets, six communication sets, 110 hand grenades, two anti-personnel mines, 608 rounds of GPMG ammunition, 3547 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 20 rounds of 130-mm artillery ammunition, five 25-mm Cannon weapon barrels, one 14.5-mm anti-aircraft weapon barrel, three pressure mines, 55 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 970 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 35 kilograms of TNT explosives, forty-eight 60-mm mortar bombs, 250 Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) rounds, one T-56 booby trap, 64 T-56 firing devices, one 12.7-mm drum, one C-90 weapon, 6500 electric detonators, six claymore mines, two claymore remote controllers, 1000 rounds of 5.56-mm ammunition, two RPG weapons, two RPG chargers and two I-com sets.

    During a search and clear operation in the Nallathoniodai area of Ampara District, the troops recovered one T-56 weapon with a magazine, two rounds of T-56 ammunition, one I-com set, one micro phone, one antenna, one map, one Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) flag, one LTTE T-shirt, one pair of trousers, one cap, one LTTE belt order, one pouch, one LTTE Identity Card, 59 code sheets, 53 note books, five LTTE magazines, one LTTE news paper, 13 audio cassettes, 115 video tapes, one Panasonic remote controller, one pistol magazine pouch and six dog tags.

    Troops in the Batticaloa District conducted search and clear operations in the Thallathonnimadu, Mawaliaru and Aralaganvila areas and recovered one T-56 weapon, one AK-47 weapon, seven AK-47 magazines, one Global Positioning System (GPS), two LTTE belt orders, 19 81-mm mortar bombs, 16 81-mm mortar fuses, 10 81-mm mortar chargers, 12 anti-personnel mines (APMs), 15 APM fuses, one claymore mine, five hand grenades, 1755 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, one Arul bomb, 121 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 53 founds of 7.62x39-mm ammunition, 20 40-mm grenades, one I-com set and 227 82-mm mortar bombs.

    The Police in a search operation conducted in the Wattuwan area of Trincomalee District recovered one T-56 weapon, three T-56 magazines and 34 rounds of T-56 ammunition.

    Naval troops conducted a search and clear operation in Thonythattamadu area of Trincomalee District and recovered 15 I-com sets, three base station sets, one telephone, 12 1077 type hand-held communication sets, three mikes, one multi-meter, one GPS and one vehicle mounted antenna.

  • July 31: During another search operation, the Security Forces (SFs) recovered one anti-tank mine, two hundred and eighty-five 120-mm mortar bombs, 19 anti-personnel mines, 43 hand grenades, 6690 rounds of T-56 ammunition, eight T-56 magazines, twelve 60-mm para bombs, two M-4 bombs, 23 RPG, five RPG chargers, one box of 12.7-mm ammunition, one claymore mine, one 12.7-mm ammunition link, two gas masks, four MPMG links, eight paddle gun ammunition belts, two radar parts, three Out Board Motors (OBM), 16 rounds of 37-mm ammunition, 4074 rounds of MPMG ammunition, one MPMG barrel, one MPMG body part, 110 rounds of 5.56-mm ammunition, three 81-mm mortar bombs, one mini UZI weapon with one magazine, 30 rounds of 9-mm pistol ammunition, two .22 weapons, one .22 magazine, four M-16 magazines, one M-16 barrel, 115 rounds of M-16 ammunition, one 60-mm mortar base plate and one T-56 gas tube from the Puthukuddiyiruppu, Nawatikulam and Kokavil areas.

    Troops in the Puthukuddiyiruppu, Nawatikulam and Kokavil areas recovered a cache of arms and ammunition. The recoveries included one anti-tank mine, two hundred and eighty-five 120-mm mortar bombs, 19 Anti-Personnel Mines (APMs), 43 hand grenades, 6690 rounds of T-56 ammunition, eight T-56 magazines, twelve 60-mm para bombs, two M-4 bombs, 23 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), five RPG chargers, one box of 12.7-mm ammunition, one claymore mine, one 12.7-mm ammunition link, two gas masks, four Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) links, eight paddle gun ammunition belts, two radar parts, three Out Board Motors, sixteen rounds of 37-mm ammunition, 4074 rounds of MPMG ammunition, one MPMG barrel, one MPMG body part, 110 rounds of 5.56-mm ammunition, three 81-mm mortar bombs, one mini UZI weapon with one magazine, 30 rounds of 9-mm pistol ammunition, two .22 weapons, one .22 magazine, four M-16 magazines, one M-16 barrel, 115 rounds of M-16 ammunition, one 60-mm mortar base plate and one T-56 gas tube.

    A top LTTE militant, who is believed to have fixed the bomb in a vehicle that exploded at Digampathana in October 16, 2006 killing more than 100 naval ratings, was arrested in Vavuniya on an unspecified date. Police said a special team from the Central Province had arrested the yet to be named militant when he was getting ready to escape from the area. He revealed that he had worked in a garage in Kilinochchi owned by Pottu Amman, the former LTTE intelligence wing chief, adding, he was the person who had fixed the bomb to the vehicle. The suspect told his interrogators that all the suicide vehicles had been prepared in that garage. Three months prior to the attack, the LTTE activists had handed over the vehicle ‘The Canter’ to the suspect, which was believed to have been fitted with 150 kilograms of explosives.

  • July 30: During search operations in the Pandimudai, Pullayanpokkanai, Puthukuddiyiruppu and Olumadu areas, the Security Forces recovered two APMs, one T-81 weapon, 132 electric detonators, sixty 60-mm mortar bombs, twenty 60-mm mortar cartridges, nine 60-mm mortar bomb fuses, four claymore mines, 2124 rounds of MPMG ammunition, 10 RPG charges, one gas bomb, 28 grenades, one MPMG barrel, 12 RPG rounds, eight 81-mm mortar bombs, 8331 rounds of T 56 ammunition, one 82-mm mortar bomb, one booby trap made using 60-mm mortar bomb, 29 Arul bombs, one T-56 weapon, 1000 T-56 piston rings and one Light Machine Gun drum areas.

    The Government said 9,797 former LTTE members were now detained at rehabilitation centers in island wide. Speaking to the media, the newly appointed Commissioner General of Rehabilitation, Major General Daya Ratnayake, said the number would increase up to 20,000 in the near future. He said that those former LTTE cadres need to be categorized and several of them should be produced in Courts as they had deeply been involved in terrorist activities. According to Major General Ratnayake, there are LTTE cadres in the rehabilitation centers who have surrendered to the Security Forces as well as who were arrested. He also said the former LTTE cadres will be directed to employment opportunities after they are rehabilitated completely. The Government is to review the rehabilitation process after a year.

    The STF troops in the Tharavikulam area of Thoppigala in Batticaloa District recovered two hundred and twenty-seven 82-mm mortar bombs and 121 Rocket Propelled Grenades bombs.

  • July 29: Army troops recovered one micro pistol, two T-56 weapons , one FNC weapon, one 120 mm mortar bomb, eighteen 60-mm mortar bombs, one booby trap made using an 81-mm mortar bomb, 400 rounds of MPMG ammunition, three RPG, a stock of T-56 and T-81 spares, 32 T-56 magazines, 85 rounds of 12.7 mm ammunition, one 9-mm pistol magazine, one radio set, two hand mikes, 500 grams of C-4 explosives, one Global Positioning System, one battery charger, nine shotgun cartridges, eight MPMG tripods, 11 pressure mines, 5000 rounds of T-56 ammunition and 60 hand grenades from the Murusamude, Karuppumude and Puthukuddiyiruppu areas.

    Five hand grenades were recovered by the Security Forces during a search operation conducted in the Uppuveli area of Trincomalee District.

  • July 28: 13 anti-personnel mines, six T-56 weapons, 19 T-56 magazines, six I-com sets, 15181 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two claymore mines, one container with a stock of 12.7-mm ammunition, two hundred and seventy-five 12.70-mm ammunition, 12 pistol ammunition, 4100 rounds of MPMG ammunition, one T-81 weapon, ten 60-mm mortar bombs, SLR 4300 in cash, four cans of kerosene, two Yesu radio sets, three I-com set batteries, five antennas, three Outboard Motors, five 81-mm mortar bombs, fifteen 82-mm mortar bombs, three hand grenades, two RPG and three Jonny mines were recovered by the troops from the Olumadu and Puthukuddiyiruppu areas.

    Troops recovered five anti-personnel mines and three 40-mm mortar bombs from the Kajuwaththa area in Batticaloa District.

  • July 27: Troops extending their search and clear operations further in the Olumadu, Puthukuddiyiruppu, Kirudaweli and Udayarkattukulam areas recovered two 81-mm mortars, four T-56 weapons, 28 T-56 magazines, T-56 weapon accessories, 170 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, eight RPG, 34 hand grenades, two claymore mines, 700 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, one M-16 magazine, one charger, thirty-two 60-mm mortar bombs, thirty-two 60-mm mortar fuses and two I-com sets.

    The mastermind behind the attack on the Anuradhapura Air Force Base in 2007 was arrested on an unspecified date by the officers of the Central Province Intelligence Unit (CPIU) on information given by the LTTE suspects in custody. Rasalingam Thaboruban, 26, of Kankasanthurai was among the displaced civilians in the Mannar District when the arrest was made by a special team of officials attached to the CPIU. Rasalingam in his confession to the Security Forces said a team of 25 LTTE cadres was assigned to launch an attack on the Anuradhapura Air Base and they had to gather information on how to access the Air Base for days.

    The Terrorist Investigation Department (TID) arrested another senior leader of the LTTE intelligence unit, its sources said, according to Colombo Page. The suspect, who was arrested from a home in Kotahena, was in the possession of a suicide jacket and a stock of explosives. The suspect identified as Pakyaraja Pradeep, a prominent cadre of the LTTE intelligence wing. According to the TID, the arrest was made on information received by them during the interrogation of another suspect, Sellaiah Udaya Kumara alias Udayan, arrested in the Ananda Coomaraswamy welfare village in the Chettikulam area of Vavuniya District several days ago.

  • July 27: Daily Mirror reports that a suspected cadre of the LTTE who had escaped from an IDP camp in Vavuniya District and his father who had brought him to capital Colombo were arrested by the Colombo Central Division Police while they were hiding in a lodge in the city. The father of the suspect is a Sinhalese and is married to a Tamil. The father had been brought up by a Tamil businessman in Nochchiyagama, to whom he had been given over by his parents when he was a small child, a Police source said. The Tamil businessman had given him a Tamil name and he had later worked as a driver at the Health Ministry before retiring. One of his sons had joined the LTTE but had fled from Mullaitivu and had taken up residence in Nochchiyagama for some time. During the last stages of the war in Puthumattalan the son had crossed over to the Government controlled areas disguising himself as an ordinary citizen. He had been later referred to an IDP camp in Vavuniya from where he had escaped and had joined his father in Nochchiyagama. His father had then accompanied him to Colombo with the intention of sending him abroad.

    Following reports of some LTTE cadres held in welfare centers in the Vavuniya-Mannar region escaping to the South, in some instances with the connivance of Security Force personnel, the Government has strengthened security measures in the area. The army, too, has reportedly been deployed in support of the Police, now tasked with arresting the escapees.

  • July 26: Army troops in the east conducted search and clear operations in the Kalkuda and Mullivadduwan areas of Batticaloa District and Dimbulagala area of Polonnaruwa District and recovered seven rounds of 130-mm artillery shells, five rounds of 122-mm artillery shells, thirty-seven 81-mm mortar bombs, thirty-four 60-mm mortar bombs, three Rocket Propelled Grenades, rounds, ninety-two 40-mm grenade launcher ammunition, 170 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 127 MPMG ammunition, 214 rounds of 12.7 ammunition, five hand grenades and one 40-mm grenade launcher.

    The Sri Lanka Air Force troops found two hand grenades from the Tissapura area of Kanthale in the Trincomalee District.

    The Security Forces recovered 11100 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 2560 rounds of 9mm micro pistol ammunition, 3800 rounds of 5.56 mm ammunition, eight landmines, three explosive chargers, 120 rounds of MPMG ammunition, four claymore mines and one hand grenade from the Kuruththanmadu and Korakimadu areas.

    The military said that troops engaged in combing operations in the north continue to recover large quantities of arms and ammunition left behind by the LTTE.

  • July 25: Troops continued search and clear operations in the Vishuamadu, Mankulam and Puthukuddiyiruppu areas and found a large cache of explosives, arms and ammunition including mortar bombs and claymore mines. The recoveries included three T-56 weapons, 250 T-56 magazines, 576 rounds of T-56 ammunition, four Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), two T-81 magazines, 54 hand grenades, one belt order, one T-97 Sub Machine Gun (SMG), one SMG magazine, 30 round of SMG ammunition, one micro pistol, four 81-mm mortar bombs, five 82-mm mortar bombs, 250 rounds of 9-mm ammunition, 10 detonator codes, eight Yesu radio sets, 20 Silva compasses, 40 bomb manufacturing structures, 109 bomb parts, 38 fuses, 32 No. 27 detonators , 174 anti-personnel mines, fifty-five 60-mm mortar bombs, 3.5 kilograms of C-4 explosives, six electric detonators, six non-electric detonators, 21-feet long detonator code, safety fuses together 7 feet in length, one 81-mm base plate, three 60-mm base plates, one 60-mm bipod, one rounds of a Recoilless gun, two RPG rounds, forty rounds of General Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, 10 Light Machine Gun drums, one I-com set and a large stock of weapon spares.

    Troops engaged in search and clear operations in the Puthukuddiyiruppu, Andankulam, Vishuamadu and Vannivilankulam areas recovered cache of arms and ammunition. The recoveries included 22 T-56 weapons, 11013 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 32 T-56 magazines, five unidentified weapons, 12 Arul bombs, 21 anti-personnel mines (, 11500 detonators, 1277 rounds of 12.7 mm ammunition, 834 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, seven MPMG links , two MPMG barrels, 49 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), eight RPG chargers, one RPG pack, 42 hand grenades, three Bangalore torpedoes, 3624 rounds of 5.56 ammunition, 592 rounds of General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) ammunition, five GPMG links, 4040 rounds of un identified ammunition, one 40-mm grenade launcher cartridge, two 60-mm illuminating bombs, two 60-mm mortar fuses, 80 electric fuses, six claymore mines, three 60-mm mortar bombs, nine 82-mm mortar bombs, four WP grenades, four electric detonators, two firing devices, one case of an anti-aircraft missile, 44 pouches, six Out Board Motors, 24 oil cans, three I-com sets, two antennas, one battery and one dog tag.

    A suicide boat belonging to the LTTE buried in the Puthumattalan area of Mullaitivu District was recovered by a special Police team with the assistance of Task Force VIII troops on intelligence received July 24. The boat laden with explosives was 14 feet in length, 4 feet in width and 1 feet in height. The suicide sea-craft was reportedly in useable condition at the time of its recovery.

  • July 24: The SFs recovered one 120-mm mortar gun belonging to the LTTE from the Tharavikulam area of Thoppigala in the Batticaloa District. The complete 120 mm gun with all its accessories was found buried in the jungle area. This is the sixth heavy weapon of this caliber found by the troops in Eastern Province since January 1, 2009, the report added.

    A few hours after the recovery of the 120-mm mortar gun, the SFs found a 12.7-mm anti-aircraft gun with nine round of ammunition from Thivuchena area. In both instances troops acted on intelligence given by some informants who were aware of the locations of those guns which had been kept buried by the LTTE militants for any future use, the report added.

  • July 23: The troops conducted search and clear operations in the Vishuamadu, Alankulam, Vellankulam and Puthukuddiyiruppu areas and recovered twenty 81-mm mortar bombs, three T-56 magazines, 90 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 11 claymore mines, two locally-made guns, parts of a 130-mm gun, 73 rounds of Rocket Propelled Gun ammunition, 11786 electric detonators, three shotguns, 4400 grenade pouches, 80 Silva compasses, 100 jackets, 17 rounds of .50 mm ammunition, 10 anti-personnel mines, three T-56 weapons, 29 hand grenades, four mortar rounds, 600 General Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, one .50 mm weapon barrels, five Light Machine Gun links and two low-band PR3 1077 sets.

    Troops during a search and clear operations in the Kayanodaithethiyan area recovered 99 boxes containing 74,250 rounds of T-56 ammunition left buried the LTTE militants.

  • July 22: At least two people were injured in a hand grenade attack at a liquor store in the Akkaraipaththu area of Batticaloa District in the night of July 22. Akkaraipaththu Police said an unidentified group lobbed two hand grenades at the liquor store.

    Troops conducting search and clear operations in the Dharmapuram, Alankulam, Oddusudan North Nochchimodai, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Kalavadi areas recovered one more LTTE Thermo Baric weapon, one T-56 weapon with magazine, one pistol (Olympia type), two pistol magazines, four 81 mm mortar bombs, one thousand primer chargers, twelve claymore mines, 279 APMs, 45 APM fuses, 23695 rounds of T-56 ammunition, fifteen 60mm mortar bombs, seven Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 2500 rounds of 0.30 mm ammunition, one improvised explosive device, one cleaning rod, 40 meter long detonator code, 150 detonators, two pressure mines, four explosive chargers, a stock of 700 English and Tamil language books, one hundred LTTE note books, 50 Tamil scrap books, one flack jacket, one pouch and one stop watch.

  • July 21: Adressed as originating from the headquarters of the LTTE, an Executive Committee announced restructure of the organization and the leadership of Selvarasa Pathmanathan in taking up the future course of the movement, reports pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net. "We have set up a head office for our liberation movement and formulated various sector-based working groups and an executive committee," a press release on behalf of the Executive Committee said adding that the details will be shared in due course. The press release claimed the announcement is a collective decision arrived at after consultations "among our members, including our cadres who bravely fought their way out of the battlefield and our representatives abroad and in the Diaspora." "The Eelam Tamil people are in the midst of a critical and sorrowful period in the history of the struggle for freedom of our nation, Tamil Eelam. No one can deny the fact that we have experienced massive and irreparable losses, losses we would not accept even in our worst dreams," the LTTE's statement said, adds Express Buzz. It was the Tamils' 'historic duty' to rise up and fight for their `legitimate' rights, it said. But like all liberation struggles, the LTTE had decided to `modify' the form and strategies of the struggle according to the times and the exigencies of the situation. However, the 'Honorable Mr Veluppillai Prabhakaran shall remain forever, the leader of Tamil Nation hood', the statement added further.

    The statement said the LTTE had set up a headquarters, but did not disclose the location. It had also set up sector-based working groups and an executive committee to take the struggle forward `vigorously'. The LTTE, it stated, was also looking for `wise counsel' from the general Tamil public. In conclusion, the statement said, "If the Sinhala nation and those countries which support it consider that the Tamil peoples' freedom struggle has been defeated through the capture of the historical homeland areas of the Tamil people and the massacre of thousands of Tamil civilians, we shall consider that an illusion. Let us demonstrate to the world through our actions, that the fire of freedom awakened by our great leader V Pirabakaran continues to burn in the hearts of all Tamils, and only a free Tamil nation has the power to extinguish it."

    The Security Forces recovered 13 General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) ammunition, four GPMG drums, five Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) links, three MPMG drums, 1600 MPMG ammunition, two MPMG tripods, eight 40 mm Grenade Launcher cartridges, seventy-five 12.7 mm ammunition, one 60 mm mortar bomb, 20 T-56 magazines, six Light Machine Gun (LMG) drums, 43 RPG bombs, 29 RPG chargers, two RPG fuses, one YAMAHA boat engine (40 HP), two boat engines (200 HP), spare parts of a boat engine and one NISSAN vehicle engine from the Senapura area of Polonnaruwa District.

    Troops conducting search and clear operations in the Puliyanpokkanai, Panikkankulam, Vellamullivaikkal and Puthukkuddiyiruppu areas recovered 10 claymore mines, two 81mm mortar bombs, one T-56 weapon, 7150 rounds of T-56 ammunition, nine barrels of kerosene oil, one barrel of lubricant oil, 2220 GPMG ammunition, 11 tripods, one small arm sight, five RPG, five RPG cartridges, one RPG booby trap, two oxygen cylinders, three Out Board Motors, one heavy gun accessory box, two gun sights, one 82 mm mortar sight, three artillery sights in a box and five hand grenades from the Kulamurippu area.

    Troops in the Kilinochchi, Thunukkai and Paranthan areas found two radio sets, nine T-56 weapons, one T-81 weapon, eight RPG, two claymore mines, one booby trap fixed to a 130 mm artillery round, two M-16 weapons, one T-56 weapon, one 9 mm pistol, one 9mm pistol magazine, eleven T-56 magazines, three T-56 magazines, 150 hand grenades, three anti-personal mines, two 12.7mm ammunition, one booby trap fixed to an RPG round, one I - Com set, one belt order, two oil cans (120 liters), 890 GPMG ammunition, 11311 T-56 ammunition, one hundred and thirty three 60mm mortar bombs, one hundred and twenty seven 81mm mortar bombs, seventy 82mm mortar bombs, ten 60mm mortar fuses and ten 60mm mortar cartridges.

    One micro pistol, with one magazine and four 9mm pistol ammunition were recovered by the troops in Avasikulam area.

  • July 20: The Security Forces in the Kovilgama area of Trincomalee District and Thonitottamadu in the Batticaloa District found two hand grenades, photo copy of 90 area maps, 62 anti-personnel mines with 62 fuses, 21 compact disks and one digital tape.

    The Sri Lanka Police arrested the chief of the LTTE "Eelam Bank", Colin Ruban, in capital Colombo. Colombo Page reported that Colin was arrested from a lodge on information revealed by intelligence units. According to sources, he was a resident of Puthukuddiyiruppu and had reached the welfare centers in Vavuniya during the last stages of the war. However, he later arrived in Colombo by paying SLR 250000 to a person who helped him to reach the capital.

    During their search and clear operations in the Puthukuddiyiruppu area of Mullaitivu District, the Task Force-VIII troops uncovered a large stock of jewelry left hidden by the LTTE militants in Wanni, according to a Sri Lanka Army report. The latest recovery of gold jewelry to the weight of 37.5 kilograms confirmed speculation that the LTTE had collected jewelry of civilians who could have been in dire need of money due to maladministration of the LTTE before they were expelled from their fortresses by the Security Forces. The jewelry had been placed in tin containers and buried under the soil. According to reports, the LTTE was in the practice of exploiting the wealth of civilians in those areas in various ways, by way of ransom, "tax' and transactions through the "Eelam Banks".

    An unidentified group attacked the house of a Pradeshiya Sabha (Local Administrative Council) member (from the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress) of Valaichchenai in Batticaloa District. The Police said one was injured in the grenade attack on the house which was badly damaged.

    The Sri Lankan Police arrested the mastermind of an attack by the LTTE on the Sri Lanka Air Force base in Anuradhapura on October 22, 2007. Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekara confirmed that the suspect, identified as Thabo Ruban, has been arrested from a welfare center in Vavuniya a few days ago. The suspect has revealed that the light aircraft of the LTTE reached the area based on the information given by him to attack the Air Force Base. Police believe Thabo Ruban, from Kilinochchi area, reached the welfare centers in Vavuniya after the Government declared victory over the LTTE on May 18.

  • July 19: SFs continuing search and clearing operations in the Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu Districts recovered a large stock of fuel and cache of arms and weapons. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said troops in the Iranamadu and Puthukuddiyiruppu areas unearthed 20,000 litres of petrol buried by the LTTE. "The fuel stock was buried in a large fuel tank in the dense jungle. We suspect that the LTTE had wrenched the fuel dispatched by the Government for public and kept it for military purposes", he added. Troops also recovered 12 anti-personnel mines, a micro pistol with two magazines, a recoilless weapon, a recoilless weapon sight and two recoilless bombs. They also recovered eight T-56 weapons, 3122 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two empty missile cases, five shotguns, one shotgun barrel, five pistols, 40700 electric detonators, one silencer weapon, 22 rounds of 8.3-mm ammunition, six unidentified magazines, 37 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, nine RPG, 16 hand grenades, one booby trap, six 120-mm mortar bombs, 127 MPMG links, one barrel of a 12.7-mm gun, five hand paras, three Arul bombs, one locally-made gun, one 60-mm mortar bomb, 250 rounds of MPMG ammunition, 200 rounds of unidentified ammunition, two 60-mm mortar launchers, one base plate, one weapon sight, nine RPG chargers, three slabs of TNT explosives, 50 grams of high explosives, 400 rounds of 5.56 mm ammunition, four .22 rifles, a stock of packets containing LTTE documents, 15 pouches, one body armour and one flack jacket, adds a Sri Lanka Army report.

    Troops operating in the Vellamullivaikkal area of Mullaitivu District in the night recovered one submersible vehicle used by the LTTE for their underwater operations, said military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara. The Task Force VIII troops found this vehicle from 300 feet deep in the sea, some 500 meters off the shore close to the wreckage of the Jordanian ship Farah III in the Mullaitivu on information provided by the 56th Division troops, the Brigadier added. This is the second such submersible vehicle recovered by the troops in the same area. The first one was recovered in the mid of June on a tip off given by a LTTE militant now under arrest. According to Brigadier Nanayakkara the submersible vehicle is 25 feet in length, 4.5 feet in height and 4 feet in width and was fitted with four cylinder engines and a GPS system. "This submersible vehicle has a capacity to transport three people at once", he further added, saying, "This is also similar to the submersible vehicle recovered in June but the balancing tanks of this is fitted to the bottom of the vehicle. The balancing tanks of the earlier submersible vehicle were fitted to the sides of the vehicle." The Security Forces (SFs) were in search for these two submersible vehicle similar to a submarine for the past two months as troops have clearly observed these submersible vehicles through the visuals of the Unman Aerial Vehicles when intense fighting were going in Vellamullivaikkal area.

    Sunday Times reported that personal files belonging to the slain LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran – with details about arms deals and arms shipments, intended targets, suicide cadres and other key information – were unearthed last week. Equipment to monitor the movements of Air Force jets and UAVs, as well as weapons and weapon parts, were among the assorted items found. The items were found at the end of a six-day search operation conducted by a Police team led by Colombo Crime Division (CCD) Director, Superintendent of Police Vass Gunawardena. Anura Senanayaka, the Deputy Inspector General of Police in CCD, told Sunday Times that files with more than 270 personal documents belonging to Prabhakaran were found in three large plastic containers. A close associate of Prabhakaran in CCD custody and key LTTE members accompanied the CCD team during the search. The LTTE members included one of Prabhakaran’s personal bodyguards, a personal assistant to the LTTE chief, a driver and a mechanic who had worked for the Sea Tigers (sea wing of the LTTE). Prabhakaran’s close associate had initially said he would disclose three locations, but eventually helped to pinpoint 11 sites where LTTE documents and materials were buried. The team uncovered a plastic barrel containing what is believed to be Eastern Province LTTE leader Swaranam’s personal belongings, including a mini-pistol and an M16 weapon. Three other barrels were found to contain Prabhakaran’s personal documents. These relate to the purchase of weapons and countries of origin, weapon transport schedules, LTTE military plans, bank account details, military personnel details, as well as plans drawn up by Prabhakaran’s deputy Pottu Amman, including details of operations in Colombo, and Prabhakaran’s own plans.

    According to Gunawardena, the search party also found communication equipment used by the LTTE to monitor the movements of Sri Lanka Air Force jets and transmissions from UAVs. Satellite phones, laptops, fax machines, antennas, cables and other items were also recovered. In separate searches in the vicinity, Police found anti-aircraft missiles, parts of 120 mm, 130-mm and 152 mm artillery guns, chemicals and 33 LTTE suicide kits, as well as photographs of LTTE suicide cadres.

    The troops recovered three dismantled paddle guns (ZPU-4) buried in the jungle area of Tharavikulam in Thoppigala in Batticaloa District. In addition, troops in the Mailawattuvan area of Ampara District recovered one T-56 magazine, 123 rounds of ammunition, four Self Loading Rifle magazines, one claymore mine, one kilogram of C-4 explosives, one 81-mm mortar bomb and 120-mm mortar tool brush.

    Troops in the Puliyankulam area of Vavuniya District recovered 60 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two T-56 magazines and a hand grenade.

  • July 18: The SFs recovered 23 T-56 weapons, one pressure mine, three browning pistols, four pistol magazines, five VCD/VHS players, one hundred and sixty-two 60-mm mortar bombs, 500 rounds of MPMG ammunition, 472 anti-personnel mines, one Outboard Motors, seven MPMG links, nine hand grenades, spare parts of T-56 and Light Machine Guns, 40 kilograms of steel balls, one box of 12.7-mm ammunition, two batteries, one frequency counter, one audio generator, 23 unidentified circuit, three oscilloscopes, eleven 40-mm grenade launchers, five LTTE made jonnie mines, 720 T-56 ammunitions, fourteen 81-mm mortar bombs, four Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), one MPMG weapon, two RPG launchers, three 5.5 riffles and two sniper weapons from the Puthukuddiyiruppu, Vellamullivaikkal and Mullaitivu areas.

  • July 17: Sri Lanka Police arrested a former LTTE Batticaloa District leader at the Bandaranaike International Airport in Colombo. According to the Police, the militant, identified as Saundaraja Mangala Prabha, was arrested when he arrived in the country from Dubai. The Police found several maps of Colombo city and photographs of the slain LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran in his travelling bag. Prabha reportedly had left the country in 2006 after receiving military training from the outfit. He was handed over to the Terrorist Investigation Department for further investigations.

    Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation reported that the Army has expanded de-mining activities in the north. Chief of Defense Staff General Sarath Fonseka said all Army teams with experience in de-mining have been deployed in this regard. With the coordination of the army engineers’ corps, de-mining in the area to the north of Vavuniya is now being conducted. General Fonseka said a team of 500 personnel from the Indian army will arrive in Sri Lanka in the coming days to assist in the de-mining activities in the north.

  • July 16: Army troops recovered a cache of arms and ammunition from the Visuamadu, Yogapuram, Puthukudiyiruppu, Karayanmullivaikkal, Vellamullivaikkal and Pattikkarai areas of Wanni. The recoveries included two T-56 weapons, one pistol, one micro pistol, two magazines with five rounds of ammunition, six 60-mm mortar bombs, 62 Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) tripods, forty-nine 81-mm mortar bombs, 400 detonators, 150 improvised bombs, 3000 rounds of T-56 ammunition 338 claymore mines, one suicide jacket, 106 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), nine Recoilless bombs, 25 RPG charges, one hundred thirty-five 60-mm mortar bomb fuses, two radio base station sets, eight Thermo Baric weapons, 32 communication sets, 51 kilograms of C-4 explosives, five rounds of 12.7mm ammunition, 100 Baba mortar fuses, 51 improvised hand grenades 4600 cartridge caps, 235 rounds of MPMG ammunition, 225 electric detonators, five C-90 weapon, one round of 37-mm ammunition, 1826 hand grenades, one round of 9-mm ammunition, three pressure mines, 182 anti-personnel mines, three 60-mm mortar traps and three Arul bombs.

    The SFs in the Misalai and Vembarai areas of Jaffna District found one magazine, one micro pistol, eight micro pistol ammunition, one communication set, four maps, six field dressings, five 40-mm cartridges, eight hand grenades, seven detonators, 441 rounds of T-56 ammunition and one radio receiver during a search operation conducted in these areas.

    332 claymore mines, 15 kilograms of C-4 explosives, five 12.7-mm ammunition, 100 improvised mortar devices, 51 improvised hand grenades, 46,000 cartridge caps, 85 MPMG rounds, 225 electric detonators, five C-90 weapons, five Thermobaric weapons and a 37-mm round were recovered by the troops from the Vellaimullivaikkal area of Kilinochchi District, Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said.

    The Task Force recovered a haul of arms in the Puthukuddiyiruppu area of Mullaitivu District. The recoveries included detonators, 150 improvised explosive devices, 15,000 T56 ammunition, six claymore mines, 92 RPG bombs, a suicide jacket, nine RCL bombs, 25 RPG chargers and 135 of 60mm fuses. The military said the total of July 16 recoveries of explosives and bombs weighed over a tonne were the largest cache since the military cleared the area of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) presence, adds Colombo Page.

    The Sri Lankan Police arrested three LTTE supporters at Serunuwara in the Trincomalee District when they were distributing propaganda materials, the police said.

  • July 15: Army troops expanding their search and clear operations further in the Sarasale, Echchankulam and Ampakamam areas of Wanni recovered one bomb, nine electric detonators, two APM, two mini Uzi-gun magazines, one belt order, 122 rounds of 9-mm ammunition, one combat kit, three maps and one Olive Green uniform.

    The Security Forces found one T-56 weapon, one 5.56 mm weapon, 440 rounds of MPMG ammunition, 18 parts of T-56 weapons, 185 APM fuses, 16 hand grenades, one pistol, one wireless outer, part of a satellite phone, three unidentified radio sets, some radio set spares, two radio base station sets, one binocular, one laser beam sight, 28 communication sets, 160 rounds of 12.7 ammunition, three pressure mines, one improvised explosive device, made using 82-mm mortar, one 120-mm mortar bomb, one misfired Thermo-baric Rocket, one 120-mm base plate, one 81-mm mortar bomb, two Rocket Propelled Grenades, 12 maps, one lathe machine and 600 motorbike tyres during their search and clear operations in the Vellamullivaikkalkal, Puthukuddiyiruppu and Kariyamullivaikkal areas.

    Troops operating in the Kudumbimalai area of Batticaloa and Kinniya area of Trincomalee Districts recovered two T-56 weapons, four T-56 magazines, 110 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one 7.5 kilograms claymore mine and 11 anti-personnel mines.

  • July 14: Army troops expanding their search and clear operations further in Iranamadu, Murusumudai, Vellamullaivaikkal, Chalai, Puthukudirippu East, Puthukudirippu West, Mullaitivu and Nellankulam areas found more arms and ammunition. The recoveries included one kilogram of C-4 explosives, T-56 weapon spares, two I-com sets, 291 T-56 magazines, two LMG, one 5.56-mm weapon, 700 Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, two RPG, one T-56 weapon with 40-mm grenade launcher, 327 T-56 weapons, one T-55 weapon, 28 SLR weapons, one shotgun, one 303 rifle, 12 G3A3 weapons, 16 T-81 Light Machine Guns, 35 sub machine guns (SMG), 35 RPG launchers, three 16-mm weapons, 59 MPMG barrels, 25 GPMG barrels, 50LMG links, 200 unidentified ammunition, 66 anti-personnel mines, 37 hand grenades, five Arul bombs, one fuse, 59 T-81 weapons, 2750 T-56 ammunition, 180 T-56 ammunition boxes, one Nippon camera, one Kodak camera, one sight, five active turning antennas, 30 antenna sockets, five Uninterruptible Power Supply units (UPS), five standard repeaters, six radio sets, 190 FNC ammunition, one 120-mm mortar, two 120-mm mortar carriages, 15 car-wash cans, one 12.7-mm gun barrel, 250 12.7mm ammunition, two unidentified gun barrels, two acid cans, 500 liters of diesel, several MPMG and GPMG links, two booby traps, one thousand and two hundred 23-mm ammunition, 10 pouches, one gun mount, one micro pistol, three pistol magazines, five thousand eight hundred and ninety 5.51 x 45mm ammunition rounds, 1785 pistol ammunition.

    Army troops engaged in search and clear operations in the Puthukuddiyiruppu, Alankulam, Uliyankulam, Pandiyankulam, Karayanmullivaikkal, Vellamullivaikkal, Karayanmullivaikkal, Chalai and Muhamale areas of Wanni recovered huge cache of weapons. The recoveries included 22 T-56 weapons, 139 anti-personnel mines, three 81-mm mortar bombs, fifty-one 60-mm mortar bombs, ten thousand and sixty three 7.62-mm ammunitions, 12 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), twenty-eight 73-mm heat rounds, 100 kilograms of unidentified explosives, one kilogram of C-4 explosives, four Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG), 750 rounds of MPMG ammunition, 601 unidentified rounds of ammunition, four hundred 5.56 round of ammunition, three 81-mm mortar bombs, two 40-mm grenade launchers, one RL bomb, one LTTE suicide boat, 62 Rangan 99 type LTTE mines, eight hand grenades, one 400 k type hand grenade, one 60-mm mortar smoke round, thirteen 60-mm mortar fuses, three 303 rifles, three T-81 weapons, one Chinese pistol, one RPG launcher, one shotgun, one locally made gun, three T-56 magazines, three pouches, three life saving jackets, one motorbike jacket, two I-com sets, one Yeasu set, three small water cans, one OG cap, one uniform, 200 meter long wire, 58 boat propellers, 49 boat engines, one Outboard Motor, one battery charger, four generators, one welding plant, six fire extinguishers, three boat oil tanks, 45 detonators, one compressor, 24 combat & survivor books, seven books about guns and ammunition, 36 books of soldiers on front-line, 18 books about Global Positioning System, one unidentified book, three magazine copies of Jane’s Intelligence review, seven books on aviation and two camouflage caps.

    Troops in Mullaitivu area found one 60-mm mortar bomb, two claymore bombs of 7.5 kilograms each and a large cache of LTTE warlike items.

  • July 12: Troops in the Puthukuddiyiruppu area of Mullaitivu District conducted search and clear operations and recovered more weapons. The recoveries included one browning pistol, six T-56 weapons, one 60-mm mortar launcher, 39 Rocket Propelled Grenades(RPG), eight RPG charges, one disposable RPG launcher, 88 hand grenades, 95 Arul bombs, one pouch, two Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) tripods, two 60-mm mortar bombs, three 40-mm cartridges, one box of 12.7-mm ammunition, 540 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, seven 81-mm mortar bombs, 18 diesel barrels containing 240 litres each, three diesel barrels containing 210 litres each, five kerosene barrels containing 240 litres each, two diving shoes, 410 detonators, 1650 rounds of pistol ammunition, 25 Jonny mines, one Army seniority book of officers for the year 2003 and three LTTE photo albums.

    Troops in Vavuniya District recovered two T-56 weapons, eight T-56 magazines, 250 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one hand grenade, one claymore device, one CDMA telephone, one stethoscope, eight pairs of scissors and medical equipment during a search and clear operation in the Ganeshpauram area.

    Troops in Batticaloa District recovered one hand grenade and 20 rounds of T- 56 ammunition during a search operation conducted in the Ottamavadi area.

  • July 11: Troops of the Task Force VIII engaged in search and clear operations in the Puthukuddiyiruppu east area of Mullaitivu District recovered a cache of weapons. The recoveries included five anti-air craft missiles, including one training missile and four used missiles, three 3M11M type used missiles, one T-56 weapon, 12 T-56 magazines, 1500 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one Browning pistol, two boxes containing explosives, eighty 82-mm HE mortar bombs, four 82-mm illumination mortar bombs, 700 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, 102 MPMG links, one T-81 weapon, 13 M-75 hand grenades, nine Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 15 hand grenades, one 152-mm artillery round, two Global Positioning Systems (GPS), three radio sets, one video recorder, 54 kilograms of C-4 explosives, two Bangalore torpedoes, one 120-mm artillery rounds, four 60-mm HE mortar bombs, two 40-mm cartridges, about 1700 kilograms of iron balls, one micro pistol, 34 suicide kits, 27 battery chargers, one fax machine, four antennas of different types and 10 antenna cables, one transmitter, one radio telephone, one receiving mike, one I-com transmitter, one I-com transmitter receiver, one satellite phone, one TRASN radio set, 410 of hand mike, a few bundles of books, two computer accessories, 10 hand mike boards, two diamond antenna cables, six I-com sets, seven batteries, 34 magnet antennas, five magnet antenna stands, 20 S-400 antennas, one multi media unit, one HHF antenna, one Motorola battery, 290 antenna rackets and two power adapters.

    During another search operation in the same area, Army troops recovered one T-56 weapon, 15 hand grenades, one telescope, five Arul bombs, fifteen 130-mm artillery projectiles, one LTTE uniform, one LTTE cap, one pouch, one MPMG tripod, six RPG, two 81 mm mortar bombs, four improvised explosive devices, two trap guns and six packs. Similarly, troops of Task Force II found 10 browser containers and several parts of a 130-mm artillery gun buried in the Puthukuddiyiruppu area. One of the browser containers was full of pistol ammunition estimated about 110000 rounds in quantity.

    The SFs recovered four T-56 weapons, four T-56 magazines, 150 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one 40-mm Grenade Launcher, twelve 40-mm Grenade Launchers, two cyanide capsules, four hand grenades, one mobile phone, two field dressing, one area map, three batteries, three packs and some stationery from the Echchankulam area of Vavuniya District.

  • July 10: The SFs on information provided by an informant in custody recover one 130-mm artillery gun from Udayarkattu area of Mullaitivu District. The gun and its accessories, including wheels, were found buried during a search operation in the area. All parts had been safely packed by the LTTE militants in an iron box of 43 feet in length, 4 feet in width and 2 ½ feet in height.

    During a search and clear operation in the Angodavillu area of Batticaloa District, Army troops recovered one 120-mm mortar launcher sans sight, one aiming picket and one toolkit, according to a Sri Lanka Army report. The weapon and accessories found had been wrapped in polythene and buried under soil.

    200 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 2250 rounds of 9-mm ammunition, 150 shotgun cartridges and two suicide kits were recovered from the Awaddiweli area.

    The Security Forces found one sniper telescope, 225 rounds of M-16 ammunition, one M-16 magazine, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun link, three LTTE combat kits, two T-56 weapons, seven T-56 magazines, 170 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one improvised explosive device, one claymore stand, one claymore mine, seven claymore chargers, 140 APMs, 139 APM fuses, 25 cyanide capsules, one pouch and six 82-mm mortar fuses from the Kanchikudichchiaru area of Ampara District.

  • July 9: Troops on search and clear operations in the Vishuamadu, Pullayanpokkanai and Puthukuddiyiruppu east and west areas recovered a cache of arms and ammunition. The recoveries included five Bangalore torpedoes, two shotguns, nine RPG bombs, one 12.5 kilograms claymore mine, 94 APMs, one IED, seven hundred and sixty-three 81-mm mortar bombs, ninety-eight 130-mm artillery shells, one 130-mm artillery round, one modified mortar bomb, six booby traps, 317 hand grenades, eighty-five 85-mm mortar fuses, one T-56 weapon, 2000 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one S-85 weapon, two rounds of RPG ammunition, one M-16 weapon and four magazines, one 40 mm grenade launcher, one 9-mm pistol with two magazines, one .38 pistol, one .22 pistol with a magazine, fifteen rounds of 40-mm ammunition, 15 RPG bombs, 1800 electric detonators, one twelve bore shotgun, 21000 of FNC ammunition, 13 kilograms of C-4 explosive each containing one kilogram , four packets of C-4 explosive each containing 250 grams, one packet of C-4 explosive containing 200 grams, two AR 3000 radio sets, one Cougar set, one laptop computer, one CD pack, four diaries, six computer hard disks, two sights of artillery weapons, two LTTE uniforms, six computer power guards, two I-com sets with two microphones.

    Troops conducting search and clear operations in the Mahindapura area of Trincomalee District found two anti-personnel mines and one Rocket Propelled Grenade bomb.

  • July 8: The Security Forces recovered one T-56 magazine, one pouch, one T-56 weapon, one LMG tripod, one shotgun, one hand grenade, two 12.7-mm ammunition drums, one GPMG, one GPMG tripod, one 130-mm artillery projectile, 33 APMs, five IEDs, fifty-five 60-mm mortar bombs, thirty-eight 152-mm artillery projectiles, three 81-mm mortar bombs, 1000 mortar chargers, three RPG and one IED made using an 81-mm mortar bomb from Vishuamadu, Puliyanpokkanai, Iranamadu and Kulamurippu areas.

    Seven T-56 weapons, 11 IEDs, 272 electric fuses, 112 rounds of MPMG ammunition, three claymore mines, 305 APMs, two 60-mm para bombs, three 40-mm mortar cartridges, 10 hand grenades, three detonators, four 12 feet Bangalore torpedoes, one 6 feet Bangalore torpedo, two RPGs, thirty-three 60-mm mortar bombs, one 130 mm artillery projectile, four RPG launchers, one RPG charger, 40 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one 81-mm mortar bomb, one shotgun, 20 metre of wire, one belt order, 3 kilograms of explosives, nine radio sets, six I-com sets, over 3000 LTTE photographs, 12 VHS video cassettes, two memory cards, 64 external hard disks, one cable, 108 CDs, two micro chips, two Outboard Motors and 10 CR books were recovered by the troops during their search operations in the Puthukuddiyiruppu east and west areas.

  • July 7: Troops in Mullaitivu, Puthukuddiyiruppu East and Puthukuddiyiruppu West areas recovered one micro pistol, one micro pistol magazine, one 9-mm browning pistol, 97 anti-personnel mines, 20 remote control devices, seven shotgun cartridges, three shotguns, 32 booby traps, eighty-six 12.7 mm ammunition, 23 RPGs, four Bangalore torpedoes, 300 MPMG ammunition, one 7-mm detonator cord, one anti tank mine, one bar mine, four 81-mm HE mortars, fifty-two 60 mm mortar rounds, two flack jackets, two helmets, 20 kilograms of explosives, fifteen 130-mm artillery shells, four Baba mortars, two T 56 weapons, one T-81 weapon, 195 T-56 ammunition, 32 T-56 magazines, 13 claymore mines, 60 detonators, one cyanide capsule, nine hand grenades and one improvised explosive device.

    Troops recovered two night vision devices, two T-56 magazines, 90 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one hand grenade and 300 water purification tablets from the Asikulam area of Vavuniya District.

    Two booby traps, 200 T-56 ammunition, 27 hand grenades, one pack, thirteen 81-mm mortars, one 60-mm mortar, four claymore mines and four land mines were collected from Vishuamadu area in Kilinochchi District.

  • July 6: Troops recovered more arms and ammunition during their search operations in the Puthukuddiyiruppu, Vishuamadu and Visuamadukulam areas of Mullaitivu District. The recoveries included five hundred and fifty-one 81-mm mortar bombs, 333 hand grenades, four hundred and seventy 12.7 rounds of ammunition, four hundred and forty-eight 60-mm mortar bombs, 41 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 112 charger bags, four 81-mm mortar base plates, one land mine, four 60-mm mortar base plates, 475 meter detonator cords, one 60-mm mortar barrel, one hundred and forty 81-mm mortar fuses, two hundred 120-mm mortar bombs, 70 large claymore tripods, 89 small claymore tripods, 51 I-shape iron plates, 43 powder bags (50 kg), 400 grams of low explosives, 26 Jonny mines, three claymore mines, 20 detonators, one modified weapon, 5000 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two-feet long tube, filled with explosives and three MPMG links.

    Troops recovered four hand grenades, one mini weapon, one magazine, 25 rounds of T- 56 ammunition, two dog tags, one LTTE flag, one cyanide capsule, one I-com handle antenna from areas surrounding Madu shrine in Mannar District.

    The Batticaloa Police found two claymore mines of 10 kilograms each, one pressure mine of 10 kilograms, one charger and one wire roll on information given by a former LTTE suspect in Police custody.

    The Kinniya Police found one Jonny mine, one detonator, two T-56 magazines29 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one kilogram of less powerful explosives, some parts of T-56 weapons, one data cable, two water bottles and four area maps from Menkamam in the Muttur tank area of Trincomalee District.

    A team from the Central Provincial Terrorist Investigation Intelligence Unit arrested a ‘ Lieutenant Colonel' of the LTTE, the main suspect along with an accomplice in connection with the October 6, 2008 assassination of Major General Janaka Perera and the attack on the Anuradhapura Air Base on October 22, 2007. The suspects were arrested by police while they were at the Settikulam relief camp. Police believe that the suspects were connected with the attacks on the Vavuniya Army Camp, Air Force Radar system, Digampathane bomb attacks and other major terrorist activities. Police investigation revealed that these suspects are from Kankasanturai.

  • July 5: Army troops conducted search and clear operations in the Palai, Kilinochchi, Visuamadu, Panikkanulam, Puliyankulam and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Wanni and recovered a huge cache of arms and ammunition. The seizure included one T-56 weapon, three T-56 magazines, 1950 rounds of T-56 ammunition, seven 60-mm mortar bombs, one 81-mm mortar bomb, 47 hand grenades, two Bangalore torpedoes, five kilograms of C-4 explosives, 50 sea mines, 10 metre long detonator cord, one Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) pouch, two RPG rounds, 13 rounds of ammunition used for guns mounted on armoured vehicles, four MPMG links, one survey equipment kit, one Artillery gun sight, two 130-mm unserviceable artillery guns, one 130-mm unserviceable artillery barrel, one Cougar communication equipment, one hand radio held set, one hand mike, one audio connector, one battery, 21 battery covers, one I-com hand mike, one sight stand, one life saving jacket, 11 I-com communication set chargers, 14 I-com communication set antennas, two unidentified weapons, one 'Kenwood' base stand, four parts of unidentified weapons, one claymore mine, two anti-personnel mines and 13 unidentified rechargeable.

  • July 4: One soldier was killed when he attempted to arrest a former LTTE leader for Batticaloa District, identified as Nallarathnam Mohan, overboard a boat in the Kirankulam seas. "An army soldier had spotted this suspicious boat with one man on board and tried to search it after talking to the boatman," said Army in a statement, reports The Hindu. Two other soldiers opened fire and overpowered the boatman who sustained injuries and was admitted to hospital, said the Army. Troops later recovered four passport photographs, one Identity Card, one cyanide capsule and SLR 16,500 in cash from the possession of the arrested militant, Colombo Page added. The death of the soldier is the first military loss of life since troops on May 19 announced the killing of the top leadership of the LTTE, including its chief Velupillai Prabhakaran.

    Troops recovered two claymore mines, 30 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, four RPG, one RPG launcher, one Light Machine Gun drum, three T-56 weapons, fifteen 120-mm mortar chargers, two hand grenades and a large quantity of bicycle spare parts from the Shanthinagar, Alankulam, Karyalamullivaikkal and Ampakamam areas in Wanni.

  • July 2: Troops recovered four 60-mm mortar bombs, nine 60-mm mortar chargers, 119 RPG, 32 RPG chargers, one RPG launcher, two booby traps fixed to 81-mm mortars, one 81-mm mortar fuse, 15 T-56 weapons, one T-56 magazine, 1267 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one T-81 weapon, one T-97 weapon, one 40-mm grenade launcher, one MPMG, 17 rounds of MPMG ammunition, one claymore mine, one claymore remote control, two 9V batteries, one YEASU hand set, two I-com sets, one T-90 weapon, 3667 rounds of MPMG ammunition, three micro pistols, 12 micro pistol magazines, four cleaning rods, one 9-mm pistol with two magazines, one fuse, 12 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, two 82-mm mortar bombs, 11 82-mm mortar chargers, one Light Machine Gun (LMG) drum, 20 pouches, 22 packs, 15 hand grenades, one anti personnel mine, one paddle gun and some weapon spare parts, most of them kept either hidden or buried in Alaweddi, Visuamadu, Vellamullivaikkal, Puthukkuddiyiruppu, Puthumattalan, Kariyalwayal and Puthukkuddiyiruppu West areas of Mullaitivu District.

    Another large stock of jewellery deposited by civilians at the LTTE’s "Eelam Bank" was recovered by troops in the Puthukudirippu area of Mullaitivu District, the military said. It said troops of Task Force--8 during clearing and mopping up operations recovered 8,709 packets that contained a wide assortment of gold jewellery, including necklaces, bangles, ear rings, chains and many more similar items. "All those items appeared to have been pawned at the LTTE Eelam Bank," the army said, adding that each packet contained a duplicate receipt with names and other details of those pawning the jewellery while the original receipt might have been issued to the owners at that time the items were pawned. The army had already sent detailed reports to Wanni military authorities, to help them trace the whereabouts of the owners for the possible return of their valuables. The jewellery consisted of 852 bangles, 188 small bangles, 20 damaged bangles, 26 bangle parts and one bracelet. Most of the bangles, made into bundles of five to seven pieces, appeared to be carefully hidden. Earlier, similar stocks were uncovered from Vellamullivaikkal and taken for safe-keeping to be gradually returned to their owners later.

    Troops recovered one T-56 weapon, six T-56 magazines, 180 T-56 ammunition, 10 anti personnel mines, six anti personnel mine fuses, five electric detonators, 2 kilograms of C-4 explosives, one remote control device, one box filled with ball bearings, three pouches from the Soruwila area on Polonnaruwa-Batticaloa border.

    Troops also recovered 5.5 kilograms of C-4 explosives and six feet long twenty Bangalore torpedoes buried in Verugal Island area Vakarai around 1.30 p.m. (SST).

    July 1: Unidentified militants abducted a Tamil youth, identified as Ravichandran Sathees (18), travelling in a three-wheeler from Chengaladi road in Batticaloa.

    Militants wearing Sri Lanka Army uniform abducted a Tamil youth, Subramaniam Sahathevan (19), from his house at Koapaaveli in Batticaloa. The relatives later lodged complaints with ICRC and Human Rights Commission in Batticaloa.

    Troops engaged in search and clear operations in the Puthukudirippu East, Puthukudirippu West and Vellamullavaikkal areas recovered a cache of arms and ammunition along with other materials. Among others, the recovered items included one water-scooter, filled with 22 Kilograms of C-4 explosives, one thermo baric weapon four twin barrels, 11 Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) bombs, two unusable RPG bombs, three RPG chargers, one Improvised Explosive Device (IED), two claymore mines, six unusable claymore mines, 17 Hand Grenades, five unusable Hand Grenades, 47 81-mm mortar bombs, one 81-mm illuminating bombs, two 84-mm HE mortar bombs, 350 60-mm bombs, 255 60-mm mortar fuses, 90 cartridges, six 60-mm illuminating mortars, 66 mine fuses, four T-56 magazines, five T-56 body parts, six Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) links with ammunition, one 12.7-mm gun, nine I- Com radio sets, two YEASU radio sets, one I-Com IC V 68 Hand set, one Laptop and a five-feet long plastic tube with explosives.

  • June 29 : Troops recovered 46 hand grenades, 24 RPG, three RPG launchers, eight RPG chargers, nine claymore mines, four anti tank mines, one smoke bomb, 34 rounds of .50 ammunition, one I-com set, one suicide kit, three 60-mm illumination rounds, 1455 rounds of T-56 ammunition, three Improvised Explosive Devices, one shotgun, seven hundred rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, six MPMG links, one 12.7 ammunition, one 9-mm pistol, three 9-mm magazines, seven T-56 weapons, 17 60-mm mortar bombs, 39 anti personnel mines, 293 silver colour tags (hand type), one compass, ten detonators, 16 Arul bombs, 25 81-mm bombs and four 81-mm fuses from the Puliyanpokkanai, Vellamullivaikkal and Puthukudiyiruppu areas of Mullaitivu District.

    Troops of the Task Force-8 recovered two big LTTE torpedoes with their launcher from Puthukudiyiruppu area in Mullaitivu District. The two torpedoes, each 26 feet in length and five ft seven inches in circumference remained neatly wrapped in polythene. The torpedo launcher which is of 28 feet in length and five feet ten inches in circumference had also been kept buried in the same vicinity.

    The troops recovered three 130-mm barrels from the west of Puthukudiyiruppu and the northeast of Visuamadu, six 130-mm artillery guns from Puthukudiyiruppu, Anandapuram, and Mullaitivu.

    Police personnel recovered four T-56 weapons, one Light Machine Gun and one G3 weapon in the Konduvalchenai area of Batticaloa.

    A LTTTE leader, Keenan, and his deputy, Kannawan, were arrested by the Anti-Terrorist Unit of the Vavuniya Police at Pesalai in Mannar District. Two claymore mines, two T-56 weapons, five magazines and 142 rounds of ammunition were recovered from their possession. According to Police, there were two girls along with the militants. In their statement to Police, both girls said they were abducted and forcibly kept by the two LTTE cadres.

  • June 28 : The Eravur Police recovered five Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) bombs, five 60-mm mortar bombs, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) barrel and one T 81 weapon in the Magalankerni area of Batticaloa.

    Troops recovered one pressure mine, one T-56 weapon, two T-56 magazines, 62 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one pouch, seven anti-personnel mines, 15 hand grenades, 28 Arul bombs, five 60-mm mortar bombs, four 82-mm mortar bombs and four claymore devices from the Thalavai, Palauththuchenai and Kurumanveli areas of Batticaloa District.

    Troops recovered one trap gun, one Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) bomb with charger, one 81-mm mortar bomb, three Arul bombs, two 60-mm mortar bombs, one claymore mine weighing 12.5 kilograms, two hand grenades, thirteen C4 packets of explosives, each weighing 25 grams and three packs, 19 anti-personnel mines, 27 60-mm mortar bombs, one hand grenade, four RPG bombs, three RPG chargers, two claymore mines of 2.5 kilograms each and 23 detonators from the Iranamadu and Visuamadu areas of Mullaitivu District.

    Troops also recovered one electric mine, one S-85 weapon with silencer, four S-85 magazines, one HK weapon with 03 magazines, one mini Uzi weapon with one magazine, one M-75 Czech pistol, one shotgun, 29 claymore mines, 18 RPG chargers, eight firing devices, 17 RPG bombs, six detonator codes, two Outboard Motors (OBM), two kilograms of C-4 explosives from the Kalmadukulam, Mudaliyarkulam and Karyalamullavaikkal areas of the same District.

    The troops recovered one laptop computer, one digital camera, two mobile phones, one T-56 weapon, one claymore mine, 23 60-mm mortar bombs, 20 12.7-mm rounds, five T-56 weapons, two 9-mm pistols, three 9-mm magazines, two Global Positioning Systems (GPS), one I-com set, one gas mask, one M-16 A2 weapon with one magazine and one Silva compass, 60 60-mm mortar bombs, 10 60-mm mortar chargers and one RPG bomb from Mullayavalai, Vellamullavaikkal, Puthukuduirruppu and Vellamullavaikkal areas.

    25 60-mm mortar bombs, four RPG bombs, two booby traps, 43 anti-personnel mines, one hundred and 50 82-mm mortar bombs, 16 81-mm mortar bombs, one shotgun and 49 anti personnel mine fuses were recovered by the troops from Puthumattalan area.

    June 27 : Troops recovered two hand grenades, two motorbikes, six booby traps connected to 81-mm mortars and 25 anti-personnel mines from the Pullayarpokkanai, Periyamadu and Jayapuram areas.

    Remnants of another mini LTTE communication tower of a height of about 10 feet were recovered by the troops from the Dharmapuram area in the same District.

  • June 28: Remnants of another mini LTTE communication tower of a height of about 10 feet were recovered by the troops from the Dharmapuram area.

    The parents of the late LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran, who were taken into custody from an IDP camp in Vavuniya a few weeks ago, were transferred to capital Colombo for further investigation. "The two of them were being detained at a safer location and will be taken for legal action accordingly," an unnamed Police official said.

  • June 26: The National Integration Minister, Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias Karuna Amman, is reported to have said that efforts by the remaining LTTE leaders overseas to create a provisional transnational Government would not succeed. "What Kumaran Pathmanadan and the other leaders are trying to do will only be a dream. We will not allow them to do so and neither will the international community," he added.

  • June 24: Troops shot dead a senior LTTE cadre, Salappan, during a special search operation at Kodikamam area of Jaffna District. Later, troops recovered one micro pistol, two hand grenades, one mobile phone and a sum of 6100 (LKR) in cash from the possession of the slain militant.

  • June 23: On the basis of confession of a terrorist in custody, troops recovered a large amount of money and jewellery from Wellamullawaikkal area of Mullaitivu District where senior LTTE leaders were hiding during their final days of the battle against the troops. A sum of 6.491099 million (LKR) in cash and a few boxes containing about 100 kilograms of jewellery were recovered.

    The TID recovered a stock of arms from the LTTE camp at Baskaran in the Kuchchaweli area of Trincomalee.

  • June 20: Troops recovered 45 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 1000 rounds of T-56 ammunition, four claymore mines, 11 81-mm mortar bombs, 15 electric detonators, 53 60-mm high explosive bombs, 25 81-mm illumination bombs, five T-56 weapons, one 9 mm pistol, , two Recoiling (RCL) bombs, one 82-mm bomb, four hand grenades, 11 anti personnel mines, 135 12.7-mm rounds of ammunition, one sea mine weighing 25 kilograms, one improvised bomb, 11 rounds of armoured piercing  ammunition, six improvised mortar bombs, one RPG  gun, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG), one MPMG barrel, 100 MPMG links, 2485 rounds of MPMG ammunition, two T-56 magazines, one Light Machine Gun (LMG) drum, three LTTE made Arul bombs,  five shot guns, two 122 mm artillery shells, 16 explosive packs, six explosive chargers, one Multi purpose machine gun(MPMG) magazine, three land mines, two Out Board Motors (OBM) and four maps during search and clear operations in the Pulliyanpokkanai, Puthukkuddiyiruppu and Ampalavanpokkanai areas of Mullaitivu District.

    Sri Lanka Air Force troops operating in the Morawewa and Kadawana areas of Trincomalee District recovered 46 explosive chargers, one suicide jacket, 10 detonators, 70 kilograms of TNT explosives, 393 T-56 ammunition, three T-56 magazines and three T-81 magazines.

    Army troops recovered two claymore mines weighing 3.5 kilograms each and a detonating cord during a search operation at Samayapuram in the Vavuniya District.

  • June 19: Air Force troops engaged in a search operation in the same area  recovered  16 C-4 explosive chargers weighing about 15 kilograms, two suicide jackets weighing about 2.5 kilograms each, 15m detonator code, six hand grenades, 15 kilograms of TNT explosives and 1500 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition.  

    70 more MPMG rounds of ammunition, one 81-mm mortar sight and a video camera tripod were recovered by troops during search and clear operations in the north of Vakarai in Batticaloa District on June 20. Further, the Army troops engaged in a search operation in the Angodavilluwa area of the same District recovered one 120-mm mortar hidden by the LTTE militants.

    Troops recovered two T-56 weapons, two T-81 weapons, 17 claymore mines, 31 electronic detonators, one suicide belt, 97 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 1 kilogram of TNT explosives, one parcel containing explosives, 117 anti personnel mines and four rounds of Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG) during their daily search and clear operations in the Asikulam, Mahaulgaskada, Iranamadu, Alankulam and Akkarayankulam areas of Kilinochchi District.

    Police arrested three suspected LTTE militants who had allegedly plotted to assassinate President Mahinda Rajapaksa,. According to Police spokesman Ranjith Gunasekara, two suspects were arrested near the Ayurveda Hospital in Rajagiriya area and on information provided by them the third suspect was arrested at Valachchenai area in the Eastern Province. The three suspected LTTE cadres are aged between 15-16 years, the Police said.

    June 18: Three suspected LTTE militants were shot dead by the Police in a clearing operation in the former LTTE-hideout in northern areas of Vavuniya District. According to Police, suspected LTTE cadres attacked the Vavuniya special Police unit when they attempted to search a vehicle during combing operations at Nelukulam. Three militants were killed in the encounter that ensued after Police opened fire in retaliation to the militants’ firing.

    Troops recovered 10 T-56 weapons, three T-81 weapons, one Light Machine Gun (LMG), two 0.22 weapons, 51 hand grenades, 18 Arul bombs, 13 60-mm mortars, 23 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 752 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 66 81-mm mortar bombs, four Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) links, three 152 mm artillery shells, 1050 MPMG ammunition, one magnetic claymore mine, 62  claymore mines, 112 claymores, designed to fix in vehicles, six anti personnel mines, one suicide bomb that can be fixed to a motor cycle,  one 120-mm mortar bomb, five pressure mines, 12 Bangalore torpedoes, two Recoiling (RCL) bombs, 178 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 44 suicide jackets, two suicide braziers, 11 suicide kit plates, 20 explosives chargers, two booby traps, three boxes of .22 ammunition, 76 rounds of 23-mm ammunition, 1686 detonators, 860 60-mm mortar cartridges, three T-56 magazines, five LMG drums, 10 boxes of T-56 ammunition, 16 boxes of 12.7-mm ammunition, three boxes of MPMG ammunition, 10m long detonator code, one aiming picket, 11 remote controllers, two shotguns, two firing devices, one switch, eight booby traps, fixed to claymore mines, six hundred booby traps, fixed to 122 mm artillery shells, 20 rounds of 122-mm artillery shells and 22 cartridges of 122-mm artillery during search and clear operations in Visuamadu, Ampakamam,  Puthukkudiyiruppu and Malthottam areas.

    The Batticaloa District Police engaged in search and clear operations recovered 101 T-56 weapons, five 60-mm mortar launchers and three commando mortar launchers in Thonikattamadu, Vakarai.

    Navy troops in the Trincomalee District conducted a search operation in the Vellathoddam area and recovered 512 81-mm mortars, 192 81-mm mortar cartridges, 24 RPG rounds, 24RPG charges, four belt orders and 100 pouches on the same day. In the meantime, Army troops also recovered one shot gun during a search operation at Mailanpiddi in the Trincomalee District on June 18.

  • June 17: Troops recovered one T-56 weapon, 14864 rounds of T-56 ammunition, nine 81-mm mortar bombs, 32 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 1097 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, 46 60-mm mortar bombs, 12 60-mm Para bombs, two boxes of 60-mm mortar charges, one 9 mm pistol, 44 rounds of 9-mm pistol ammunition, 10 arul bombs, one un-identified gun, two radio sets, four RPG chargers, three anti personnel mines, 10879 rounds of 7.62 ammunition, one Night Vision Device (NVD), two 15 HP Out Boat Mortar (OBM), one pressure mine , nine claymore mines  weighing about 8 kilograms each and eight hand grenades during search and clear operations in Ramanadapuram, Visuamadu, Vellamullivaikkal, and Puthukkudiyiruppu.

    Troops recovered two T-56 weapons, one kilogram of TNT explosives, 444 rounds of T-56 ammunition, five Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), five hand grenades and one T-56 magazines during the searches following information received from civilians operating in the general areas of Iyankerni and Kalkudah in Batticaloa District.

  • June 16: Army troops recovered LTTE arms, ammunition and explosive devices during search operations in the Pullayanpokkanai, Wellamullivaikkal, Chalai, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Kuppilankulam and Pattikkarai areas. The seizure included one 81-mm mortar launcher, three 81-mm mortar bombs, four T-56 weapons, six T-56 magazines, 11 hand grenades, four I-com sets, two 120-mm mortar bombs, five Bangalore torpedoes, one .22 rifles, 77 boxes of 12.7 ammunition, 16 60-mm mortar bombs, three Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) links, 99 anti personnel mines, 12 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), five detonators, one claymore mine weighing about 13 kilogram and one round of pedal gun ammunition.

  • June 15: Troops recovered arms and ammunitions, including two thermo baric weapons, during search operations in the Visuamadu, Olumadu, Ampakamam, Vellamullivaikkal, Sarvarthoddam, Ampalawanpokkanai, Puthukkudiyiruppu south, Chinnadampnkulam and Erathankoththakulam areas. Troops in Puthukkudiyiruppu south recovered two thermo baric weapons that had been brought to Wanni area by the LTTE militants, irrespective of the fact that this weapon has been banned for use in consistent with Geneva conventions. The other recoveries  during the day included 150 T-56 weapons, 3360 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 300 81 mm mortar bombs, 43 hand grenades, 17 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 22 anti personnel mines, 13 luminous jackets, one self loading rifle (SLR), two Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), made using 81-mm mortars, 19 Arul bombs, 1100 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, 100 anti personnel fuses, 14 claymore mines weighing about 1 kilogram each, 30 60-mm mortar bombs, nine 82-mm mortar bombs, two Bangalore torpedoes, 17 booby trap fuses, one 120 mm mortar bomb, two 130-mm artillery rounds, 1421 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, 79 122-mm artillery rounds, one 40-mm grenade cartridge, one 81-mm mortar barrel, nine MPMG links, one 60 mm mortar barrel, one 60 mm bipod, two pouches, two 8 HP Outboard Motors (OBM), one 9.9 HP OBM, 43 electric detonators, four 81 mm Para bombs, 500 81-mm mortar cartridges and one helmet.

    The Terrorist Investigation Division arrested a director of a leading pharmaceutical company at Wellawatte near capital Colombo for having links with the LTTE, and recovered a stock of medical items valued at around SNR 2.5 million which were prepared to be sent to the LTTE. Police spokesman Ranjith Gunasekera said the stock of medical items meant for the LTTE were recovered by the TID hidden inside a house in Perera Avenue in Wellawatte.  He noted that the suspect had maintained close links with the LTTE including the outfit’s medical wing chief Selvanayagam Kugarajan alias Manoj. "It was revealed that the suspect kept a close relationship with the chief of the LTTE medical wing and had provided millions of rupees worth medical supplies to LTTE cadres on many occasions," the SSP said. It is believed that the suspect was preparing to send the medical items to the Vanni during the last phase of battle. He failed to do so due to intensified security in the area. The LTTE reportedly ran short of medicine to treat their wounded cadres in the Vanni forest before they were defeated by the Security Forces. Therefore, the LTTE cadres were grabbing the medical items dispatched by the Government and international organizations to the trapped civilians.

  • June 14: Troops of the STF in a search operation recovered one commando mortar, two kilograms of C-4 explosives, two detonators, two detonator cords of 12 cm in length, 10 anti-personnel mines, seven anti-personnel mine fuses, five hand grenades, 20-feet long red coloured detonator cord, two ammunition pouches, one grenade pouch and one rifle sling in the general area of Wippitaweli in Batticaloa District.

    Troops recovered two IED, two Rocket Propelled Grenades, one PRC 1077 tape antenna, 99 rounds of 9 mm pistol ammunition and 31 G3 and A3 ammunition during search operations in the general areas of Visuamadu, Harakulam and Ampakamam in Mullaitivu District.

    The first ever fully-geared LTTE submarine that had been submerged in the sea water a few metres off the coast of Vellamullivaikkal in Mullaitivu District  was found by the Task Forces 8 following information given by a terrorist in custody. The submarine with one seat is about 24 feet in length and 4 feet in height. It had reportedly been used by the LTTE, most probably by their senior cadres, for clandestine sea movement. It is further believed that the submarine found closer to the former location of the FARAH-3 ship had been made ready for LTTE leadership to escape via sea however speedy advance of the troops did not permit the terrorists to put the plan into action.

    The troops recovered a massive stock of T-56 ammunition buried in Thonnithottamadu area in Batticaloa District, according to Sri Lanka Army report. Around 150,000 rounds of T-56 ammunitions were inside their original boxes which had been buried safely under the soil in the area. On the same day, STF during a search and clear operation in  Narakamulla and Illuppadichenai areas found one commando mortar gun, two claymore mines weighing about 2 kilograms each, a 20 feet long safety code, seven anti personnel mines, two anti personnel fuses, four hand grenades, two ammunition pouches, one hand grenade pouch and one riffle sling.  

  • June 13: Troops recovered nine pistols, one light pistol, one 40 mm grenade launcher, one T-81 weapon, four T-56 weapons, three shot guns, three .22 rifles, one modified weapon, one repeater shot gun, one Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) launcher, 70 RPG rounds and 10 chargers in the general areas of Walayanmadu, Ramanadanpuram and Visuamadu during search and clear operations.

    The Seruvila Police on a tip-off conducted a search operation in the Thonithottanmadu and  Seruvila areas of Trincomalee District and recovered 120 T-56 weapons, 20 Light Machine Guns (LMG), one repeater shot gun, 12 Multi Purpose Machine Guns (MPMG) and one 303 rifles. Further investigations are being carried out by the Seruvila Police.

    Sri Lankan Police arrested five doctors who worked at the LTTE medical department. The Terrorist Investigations Department arrested the suspected doctors who were hiding among the IDPs in Vavuniya Welfare camps. The arrest was made following information given by civilians at the IDP centre. Action has reportedly been taken to detain these persons under the Emergency Act for further investigations.

  • June 12: Troops shot dead a LTTE infiltrator when he was moving in the general area of Vannivillu. One T-56 weapon and four hand grenades were recovered from the possession of the slain terrorist.

    A leading British Tamil leader, identified as Arunachalam Chrishanthakumar (52) of the British Tamil Association, was imprisoned for two years for helping the LTTE. He was earlier convicted of illegally procuring equipment for the LTTE. The prosecution said he had procured equipment for the LTTE with an "obvious terrorist purpose". Three others tried along with him were, however, cleared. Sentencing him, Justice Saunders said: "This was a protracted, deliberate breaking of a law. These are very serious offences which warrant substantial sentences. The terrorist law has to be obeyed as part of our obligations."

  • June 11: Troops recovered huge weapon hauls from Puthukkudiyiruppu, Visuamadu and Kilinochchi areas. Among others, the seizure included 34 60-mm mortar bombs, 17 maps, 17 120-mm mortar bombs, 330 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 32 T-56 weapons, two Multi Purpose Machine Guns (MPMG), 58 MPMG links, one Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher (RPG), 87 RPG chargers, 197 RPG bombs, 1646 rounds of 12.7 mm ammunition, 20 kilograms of explosives, 146 detonators, one 130 mm artillery round, one 7.62 mm pistol with magazine, two explosive kits, nine 20 mm (API) ammunition boxes, one 40 mm charger, one T-56 weapon part, and four T-56 magazines.

    The troops also recovered two hand grenades, three claymore bombs, 31 anti-personnel mines, 57 fuses, 77 hand grenades, 16 Arul bombs, three detonators, four Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) bombs, two RPG chargers, one 81 mm Mortar bombs, one 60-mm mortar bombs, one aircraft bomb, 750 grams of c-4 explosives, 25 m det code, 1.5 mm thread and two non-electric detonators from Ampakamam area.

    Troops recovered two T-56 weapons, two T-56 magazines, 59 T-56 ammunition and two anti-personnel mines from Maligavila and Buttala in East.

  • June 10: Troops during extensive search operations in Murusimude and Pooneryn areas of Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi Districts recovered arms and ammunitions. Troops also conducted search operation in Rugam of Ampara District on June 10. All those recoveries included one T-56 weapon, one T-56 magazine, one micro pistol, two 9 mm pistols, one booby trap, two claymore mines, one T-56 weapon, two T-56 magazines, 60 T-56 ammunition rounds, eighteen anti personnel mines and dry rations worth about SNR 150000.

    More than 12 youngsters who were subjected to the LTTE extortion and death threats in Norway were to seek an urgent meeting with Norway’s Director of Police, since the Norwegian Police have so far failed to take the LTTE threats with deserving seriousness. The disclosure on Norwegian National Television (NRK) on June 10 came in the wake of an interview given by the Oslo-based Tamil journalist, Nadaraja Sethurupan, who had been assaulted and threatened with death by Norway-Oslo based LTTE cadres more than ten times in the past two years. The journalist, who has been living in Norway for more than eight years, has covered Norway initiated Sri Lankan peace process for media and has been a contributor to many media networks. "A few weeks ago, outside the US Embassy in Oslo, myself and my family were given final death threats by Tigers, asking me to stop writing against them. They do not like what I write and threaten me to write what they want," Sethurupan said.

  • June 9: The Army troops recovered nine pistols with one magazine, eight pistol ammunition rounds, three T-56 weapons, four T-56 magazines, three 60 mm mortar bombs, two Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), four hand grenades, two 120 mm mortar bombs, two I-com sets and 27 anti personnel mines during search and clear operations in Mulliyaveli and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Mullaitivu District. 

    Six LTTE cadres surrendered to the Special Task Force Police post at Varikuttur in Vavuniya west. They were identified as Rajendran Manoshila (24), Kaneshalingam Karthika (20), Sithambaram Nadan Mekala (20), Irasarathnam Nirbala Ruban (30), Subramanium Rathnaseelan (24) and Arakachchi Wasantha Raj (21), all hailing from Kilinochchi and Jaffna. Subsequently, the six militants led the Police to recover a stock of LTTE arms and ammunition that had been kept buried several months ago in the same area on the road to Mannar. The seizure included five T-56 weapons, one T-81 weapon, one 40 mm Grenade Launcher, 597 T-56 ammunition rounds, four 40 mm bombs, 17 hand grenades, one Global Positioning System, one battery pack, six Army-type trousers and seven shirts, seven packs, four pouches, one belt order, four water bottles, 21 T-56 magazines and six dog tags.

    Four persons pleaded guilty in the federal court at Brooklyn in US for conspiring to provide support to the LTTE outfit. The United States Attorney in Brooklyn, Benton J. Campbell, said the four defendants had raised millions of dollars and obtained weapons and technology for the LTTE. Prosecutors said one of the four defendants, identified as Karunakaran Kandasamy (51), was the director of the outfit’s American branch. Prosecutors also said that two others, Pratheepan Thavaraja and Murugesu Vinayagamoorthy, had been involved in an attempt to bribe an agent posing as a State Department official to remove the LTTE from the Government’s list of foreign terrorist organizations. The Government said that the LTTE, which dated to the 1970s, had relied on "sympathetic Tamil expatriates" to raise and launder money for the group. The Government said, for example, that Vinayagamoorthy had helped to launder LTTE money through a Swiss bank to cover a trip to Sri Lanka by a congressman.

  • June 8: Army troops recovered a large stock of LTTE arms and ammunition and explosives from Kilinochchi, Nochchimudai, Mullaittivu, Vellamullivaikkal and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas. The recoveries include  one detonator, 68 anti personnel mines, 400 rounds of 7.62 mm ammunition, 95  anti personnel fuses, 16 micro pistols, 38 pistol magazines, five cleaning rods, 209 unserviceable T-56 weapons, 103 unserviceable T-56 magazines, 19,486 rounds of 12.7 mm ammunition, one T-81 weapon, 16 hand grenades, one AK-47 weapon, one pistol,  17 Multi Purpose Machine Gun links, one claymore mine weighing about 7.5 kilogram, 20 Rocket Propelled Grenades, 78  82 mm mortar bombs, three black jackets, three 60 mm bombs, eight low band hand sets, 27 I-com sets, nine I-com hand sets, three barrels of kerosene oil each containing 210 litre and one Out Board Motor of 9HP.

  • June 7: Army troops conducting search operations in Pallaikuddiyiruppu, Vishvamadu, Puthumattalan and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas recovered more LTTE arms and ammunition.  The seizure include one T-56 weapon, 15 T -56 magazines, 120 rounds of ammunition, two micro pistols with one magazine, four rounds of micro pistol ammunition, three Global Positioning Systems, three Silva compasses, one night vision, eighty hand grenades, 16 Rocket Propelled Grenades, three RPG chargers, one 12.22 rifle, one repeater shotgun, one ordinary shotgun, one 9 mm pistol, 255 rounds of 9 mm ammunition and three Out Board Motors.

    The Vavuniya Police conducted a search operation in the Sennativilam jungle area and recovered eight claymore mines, four claymore stands, five micro pistols, two hundred and 31 rounds of micro pistol ammunition, twoT-56 weapons, four magazines, 210 rounds of T-56 ammunition, three hand grenades, 24 feet long detonator code, one suicide kit, two boxes of 9 volts batteries and a barrel containing chemicals. Consequently, one suspect was arrested.

    Troops during a search operation in the East recovered two T-56 weapons, five magazines, 161 rounds of T-56 ammunition, four detonators and one one-foot long detonator code in Kiran and Arapattai in Batticaloa District.

  • June 6: Troops engaged in search and clear operations in the Vishuamadu, Iranamadu, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Pampemadu areas of Mullaitivu District recovered 500 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, 33 hand grenades, five anti-personnel mines (APMs), five Rocket Propelled Grenades, one booby trap, one Arul bomb and one mobile phone.

    Troops operating in the Inkiriyamadu area of Batticaloa District recovered one land mine, three claymore mines, 140 pen torch batteries and 28 torch batteries.

  • June 4: SFs on search and clear operations recovered four claymore mines, one electric detonator, three T-56 weapons, 21 T-56 magazines, seven anti-personnel mines, 10 detonator codes, 1800 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one Bangalore torpedo, two claymore mine chargers, one detonator code of 50m, forty-six 82-mm mortar chargers, eight 82-mm mortar fuses, five LTTE maps, two LTTE gas bombs, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG), three MPMG links, 450 rounds of MPMG ammunition, six 40-mm grenade launcher cartridges, one MPMG belt order from the Manichchathuduwa and Navaladi areas of Batticaloa and Hulannuge, Higuregoda, Ganamunalgoda and Bakmitiyawa areas of Ampara District.

    Troops recovered 74 hand grenades, three Out Board Motors, many booby traps made by the LTTE militants using different objects such as VCD players, diesel tanks and push bicycles etc., nine improvised bombs, four magnetic bombs, two 60-mm illuminating bombs, 50 grams of TNT explosives, one kilogram of C4 explosives and one iron plate during search operations in the Vishuamadu and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Mullaitivu District.

    During search operations in the Asikulam area of Vavuniya District, the troops found four explosive parcels weighing four kilograms, two large batteries, two small batteries, four 9-V batteries and one torch.

    A claymore mine, five detonators, 130 of 9-mm ammunition, 198 rounds of T-56 ammunition and a three metre long detonator code were recovered by Air Force troops from the Mindencove area in Trincomalee District.

    The SLN seized a LTTE cargo vessel, "Captain Ali", 160 nautical miles off the Colombo seas. According to the SLN, the Syrian vessel had set sail from the United Kingdom on April 20 as a "mercy mission" towards Puttumatalan to provide logistic supplies. The Navy said the crew of "Captain Ali" had not obtained permission to enter Sri Lankan territorial waters. The vessel is now being towed to Colombo harbour with a crew of 15 — including its captain Christia Goomesta, an Icelander and a former Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission member. The vessel is carrying 884 tonnes of cargo which is yet to be cleared. The SLN said that it had intercepted a freighter funded by the LTTE sympathisers bound for the formerly outfit-held areas. "We rounded up the ship and it's being brought closer to shore for checking. We know that it was coming with no local agent, no details of the cargo and the cargo was loaded by pro-LTTE (people) in the U.K. and France," the SLN spokesman Captain Mahesh Karunaratne said. None of the crew of 15, including a former member of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, were arrested, but were being questioned, he added. The group had said the ship would be carrying relief supplies directly to civilians in the war zone.

  • June 3: Army troops recovered 24 T-56 weapons, one pistol, four hundred and thirty 9-mm pistol ammunition, two Sub Machine Guns, one thermo baric weapon, 12 anti-personnel mines, one M-75 pistol and one magazine during search operation in the Ampalavanpokkanai, Udayarukattukulam, Paranthan west in Pallaikulam and Puthukkudiyiruppu east areas of Mullaitivu District.

    Troops found seven hundred and fifty 7.6 x 39 ammunition, two land mines of 15 kilograms each, one T-56 weapon, three magazines, 75 T-56 ammunition, one hand grenade, three anti-personnel mines with fuses, one claymore mine of five kilograms, seven wire rolls, one field dressing, fifteen 7.62x39 ammunition, eight rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunition and two electric saws from Unnachchi and Nainakadu areas of Trincomalee District and Kompanachchena in Batticaloa District.

    Troops recovered LTTE weapons and explosives from Ampalavanpokkanai, Udayarkattukulam, Paranthan west in Pallaikulam and Puthukkuddiyirippu east areas. The recoveries included 24 T-56 weapons, one pistol, 430 9-mm pistol ammunition, two Sub Machine Guns (SMG), one thermo baric weapon, 12 anti personnel mines, one M-75 pistol and one magazine.

    Troops recovered 750 7.6 x 39 ammunition, two land mines of 15 kilograms each, one T-56 weapon, three magazines, seventy five T-56 ammunition, one hand grenade, three anti personnel mines with fuses, one claymore mine of 5 kilogra, seven wire rolls, one field dressing, 15 7.62x39 ammunition,   eight rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition and two electric saws from the general areas of Unnachchi, Nainakadu in Trincomalee and Kompanachchena in Batticaloa.

    Troops recovered one T-56 weapon, one magazine, 300 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one pack and two rain capes from the Veeramakkalmankadu area of Vavuniya District.

  • June 2: Troops during search and clear operations in the Asikulam, Vishuamadu, Putumattalan and Vellamullivaikkal areas of Mullaitivu District recovered  77 T-56 weapons, eight magazines, 500 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 11 hand grenades, two belt orders, five claymore mines weighing about 5 kilograms each, one claymore mine weighing about 12 kilograms, 250 metre wire, one remote control, 24 day-night Bino, one parcel of C-4 explosive weighing about 12 kilograms, one claymore mine weighing about 2.5 kilograms, one paddle gun, one 12.7 weapon, one Thermo Baric weapon, three Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) launchers, one M-16 weapon, three Multi Propose Machine Guns (MPMG), four 40-mm grenade launchers, one FNC weapon, two MPMG tri-ports, six claymore mines of different sizes, two MPMG ammunition boxes, 42 hand grenades, three 8-mm mortars, 1000 MPMG rounds and two pouches.

    Troops conducting search operations in the Pattialpuram and Puchene areas found 20 hand grenades, 109 T-56 ammunition rounds, 50 boxes of 7.62 ammunition, 16 kilograms of explosives, six RPG rounds and eight RPG chargers.

  • June 1:   Army troops during search operations in the Puttumatalan and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Mullaitivu District recovered two Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) launchers, 28 RPGs, 11 T-56 weapons, one 12.7-mm weapon, one 9-mm pistol, 450 electric detonators, 154 claymore mines weighing about 7.5 kilograms each, 50 claymore mines weighing about 2.5 kilograms each, two commando mortars, one 40-mm grenade launcher and 150 claymore mines of different sizes.

  • May 31: Troops of the 53rd Division conducting search and clear operations in the Vellamullivaikkal area of Mullaitivu District found one T-56 weapon, four DF monitoring sets, six radio direction finder, three IC-R 100 communication receivers, two Kenwood AT-50 automatic tuners, four hand-held radio sets, four AC adaptors, two antenna simulators, three serial data expanders, 10 wireless data units, nine power distribution units, 12 antenna switches, one display unit, seven circuit boards, eight spring bases ant mounts, two antenna parts, one charger, seven antennas, 47 cable reels of data connectors and power cords.

    During search and clear operations in the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Putumattalan and Vellamullivaikkal areas the Security Forces recovered 22 T-56 weapons, two pistols, one T-81 weapon, one gas gun, two pistol magazines, 60 reels of detonator codes, twenty 8-mm mortar barrels, one 120-mm mortar barrel, one 120 -mm mortar barrel mount, 52 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, forty-one 60-mm mortar bombs, two 81-mm mortar sights, 68 hand grenades, 100,000 electric detonators, eleven 40-mm bombs, two 40-mm grenade launchers, nine 9-mm ammunition, two Light Machine Guns, two Multi Purpose Machine Guns and eight Rocket Propelled Guns.

    Police conducted search and clear operations in the Vakarai and Puttur areas of Batticaloa on District and recovered one T-56 weapon, one magazine, 30 rounds of T-56 ammunition and 776 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Guns ammunition.

    Four LTTE militants, identified as Sarvanandan Sendran alias Nilan (22), Wijedasan Parthipan alias Ariyanadan (22), Rasani Parathipan alias Ariniyan (21) and Karunan Kamaladasan alias Shiranin, surrendered to the Vavuniya Police along with three T-56 weapons, two hand grenades and one cyanide capsule.

    The ongoing demonstration outside the UK Parliament in Westminster by the pro- LTTE demonstrators has since its inception 43 days ago cost the country's largest Police force almost eight million pound sterling, revealed the Met Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson.

  • May 30: Army troops continued their search and clear operations in the Vellamullivaikkal, Putumattalan and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Mullaitivu District and recovered 120 kilograms of C-4 high explosives, one claymore mine weighing about five kilograms, one 9-mm pistol, 104 T-56 weapons, six modified T-56 weapons, 25 I-com sets, two I-com base stations, one 152-mm artillery barrel, one 1300-mm trail, two tripods, four T-81 weapons, one Light Machine Gun, six 40-mm grenade launchers, eight 12.7 weapon tripods, three Rocket Propelled Grenade launchers, six unidentified weapons, four Multi Propose Machine Guns, one 12.7-mm weapon, one sniper gun, five anti-personnel mines, one thousand and five hundred 81-mm mortar fuses, 20 claymore cases, four Improvised Explosive Devices, 15 pressure mine cases, eighty thousand 9-mm ammunition, thirty thousand nine hundred and ninety-two 0.38 mm ammunition, one hundred two thousand and forty 5.50 ammunition and forty-two thousand non electric detonators.

    Police conducted search and clear operations in the Uppuveli area of Trincomalee District and Karakallimadu area of Batticaloa District and recovered two landmines weighing approximately 15 kilograms each, one landmine, eighteen 60-mm mortar bombs, one hand-held radio set, one claymore mine weighing about 1.5 kilograms and two Rocket Propelled Grenade bombs.

    The LTTE team leader of Trincomalee south, Shanker, surrendered to the Army at Kallar. Later, he was handed over to the Police for further investigations.

  • May 29: Army troops continued their search and clear operations in the Vellamullivaikkal, Sarwaruthoddam, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Karaiyamullivaikal and Vishuamadu areas of Mullaitivu District and recovered 28 T-56 weapons, two T-56 magazines, five T-81 weapons, three T-81 magazines, three 9-mm pistols, six claymore mines weighing about 1.5 kilograms each, 33 hand grenades, five electric detonators, 40 I-com sets, two sniper gun magazines, one SMG weapon, one 7.5 kilograms claymore mine, 2700 unidentified cartridge boxes, 550 rounds of 12.7 mm ammunition, two claymore mines, three 81-mm mortar fuses, 11 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), 34 maps, 100 detonators, 35 Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) locally made hand grenades, 25 anti-personnel mines (APMs), 14 APM fuses, five RPG chargers, one night vision device, two RPG launcher sights, one claymore mine weighing about 30 kilograms, one claymore mine weighing about 2.5 kilograms, three claymore mines weighing about 7.5 kilograms, six claymore mines weighing about 12.5 kilograms, three claymore mines weighing about 20 kilograms, two bar mines, three anti tank mines, six booby traps, seven kilograms of low explosives, one Hero Honda Motorbike, one Roller laminating machine, one HP printing machine, 19 Singer swamping machines, 300,000 candles, two suicide jackets, two 1.5 V batteries, two Multi Propose Machine Guns, one 5.56 weapon, one satellite phone, two pistols, one .22 weapon, one silencer weapon, one T-56 grenade launcher weapon, one M-16 weapon, one M-16 grenade launcher weapon, one T-56 medium weapon, two 40-mm grenade launchers and three 9-mm magazines.

    The CID produced the surrendered former LTTE media spokesperson Velaudhan Dayanidi alias Daya Master in court for the first time. Daya Master reportedly gave a three hour-long confidential statement in front of the Colombo Magistrate Nishantha Hapuarachchi. Daya Master had surrendered to the Sri Lanka Army on April 22 with another prominent leader, George Master, in the Putumattalan area of Mullaitivu inside the No Fire Zone.

  • May 28: Troops recovered two claymore mines weighing 7.5 kilograms each, 76 anti-personnel mines (APMs), 11 C-90 weapons, 18 Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) heat bombs, 13 OG 9-mm bombs, fifty two 81-mm mortar bombs, thirteen 81-mm mortar bombs, thirty five 81-mm mortar fuses, 15 anti personnel mine (APM) chargers, 123 of 60-mm fuses, one Surface to Air Missile, 40 RPG cartridges, 77 Arul type bombs, one thermo baric, two disposable RPGs, two claymore mines of 12.5 kilograms, two claymore mines of 7.5 kilograms, one claymore mine of 1 kilogram, 1500 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one T-81 weapon, four I-com radio sets, one Global Positioning System, two 9-mm pistols with three magazines, two satellite phones and one night vision device from the Vellamullivaikkal area of Mullaitivu District. The search and clears operations also continued in the Panalkandamadu and Kadjuwaththa areas, still swarming with LTTE explosive devices - landmines and booby traps -, the report added.

    The Army arrested three LTTE suspects along with arms and ammunition and handed them over to the Police in the Vakarai area of Batticaloa District on May 28, according to a Sri Lanka Army report. The three suspects from Valaichchenai area, identified as K.P. Amarasinghe alias Puwalendi, 30, P. Samuel alias Yogan, 40, and S. Sivanathan alias Rahula, 35, were arrested along with three T56 magazines, 210 T-56 ammunition, eight magazines, a pistol with eight rounds, a pistol magazine, a claymore mine, a remote control device, a wire roll, two hand grenades, four anti-personnel mines, three fuses, three detonators, two cyanide capsules, a jack, two belt order and bandages.

  • May 27: 11 LTTE militants were killed by the troops in the Kalavanchikudi area of Batticaloa District. Subsequently the troops recovered dead bodies of all the 11 slain militants along with five T-56 weapons, 20 claymore mines weighing about 15 kilograms each, two hand grenades, three anti-personnel mines and a stock of medical items from the area.

    Troops during search and clear operation in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area of Mullaitivu District recovered one I-com set, 50 suicide jackets with explosives, eight suicide jackets without explosives, five suicide belts, 16 claymore mines, 11 Arul bombs, three Rocket Propeller Grenades, one hand Para, three anti-personnel mines, 20 kilograms of C-4 explosives, three rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, twelve 81-mm mortar fuses, eighteen 81-mm mortar cartridges, 10 hand grenades, 14 T-56 gas tubes, 15 T-56 magazines and one Bangalore torpedo.

    The SFs recovered nine T-56 weapons, thirty-five 120-mm mortar bombs two hundred and fifty 122-mm mortar bombs and 10 I-com radio sets during search and clear operations from the Kilinochchi, Vishuamadu, Vellamullivaikkal and Vaddakachchi areas.

    The political wing leader of the LTTE women force, Subramaniam Shivathai alias Thamilini, was arrested by Police at a welfare village in Vavuniya, Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekara said. She was with her mother and sister when she was arrested, he added. Subramaniam Shivathai reached the Government-controlled areas with other civilians during the last civilian rescue operations in the No-Fire Zone at Mullaitivu. She reportedly threw away her cyanide capsule and revolver before reaching the Government-controlled areas with other civilians. One of her sisters, Santhilan, was killed in a clash with the SFs at Paranthan a few months ago.

  • May 26: Four decomposed dead bodies of LTTE militants along with huge cache of arms and ammunition were recovered by the troops from the Vaddakachchi, Visuamadukulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Ampakamam and Vellamullivaikkal areas of Mullaitivu District. The recoveries included five Light Machine Guns (LMG), 10 LMG parts, 32 sea-mine casings, 38 claymore mines, two explosive-filed suicide jackets, two Bangalore torpedoes, one Outboard Motor, 361 rounds of 12.7 ammunition, 393 Rocket Propelled Grenades, 33 hand grenades, 44 T-56 weapons, five T-81 weapons, two FNC weapons, one unidentified weapon, two 0.22 weapons, one modified weapon, three 9-mm pistols and two magazines, one sniper weapon, forty 422-mm projectiles, 15 I-com sets, three communication base station sets, one part of a Multi Purpose Machine Gun, one Global Positioning System, 18 rounds of 9-mm ammunition, one part of a paddle gun, 28 rounds of paddle gun ammunition, 43150 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 32500 rounds of General Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, 52500 rounds of tracer ammunition, 2278 rounds of 0.38 ammunition, 900 rounds of M-38 ammunition, three magazines, 1000-m detonator cord, seventeen 82-mm white phosphorous bombs, 67 Improvised Explosive Devices, two 60-mm mortar by-pods, one 120-mm mortar bomb, one 81-mm mortar base plate, two 12.7-mm ammunition boxes, five 81-mm mortar bombs, nine 81-mm mortar fuses, twenty-eight 60-mm mortar bombs, 14 Arul bombs, 350 cartridges, eight kilograms of C-4 high-explosives, three anti-personnel mines, one cyanide capsule, three mobile phones, one telephone directory, three dog tags, one map of Iranamadu area, four LTTE uniforms, one pouch and four LTTE caps.

    During search operations in the Karativu and Aliyaodi areas of Ampara District, the SFs recovered 2000 electric detonators and 47 hand grenades.

  • May 25: Troops recovered four partly decomposed dead bodies of the LTTE militants along with one pistol, one pistol magazine with three rounds, one 40-mm grenade launcher, 211 T-56 weapons, two T-56 magazines, 44 rounds, one suicide belt, 21 I-com radio sets, one generator (Yamha 4.4), 38 ARMR ammunition, 1000 detonators, one DET code roll, 11 parcel of explosives, three suicide jackets, five claymore mines, one T-81 weapon, two sniper weapons, 15 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), eleven 60-mm mortar barrels, nine 60-mm mortar base plates, 34 Multi Purpose Machine Guns (MPMG), 14 G3A3 weapons, 16 FNC weapons, 13 SLR weapons, five 303 rifle, 50 paddle gun ammo box (35 rounds each), 19 MPMG ammo box ( 200 rounds each), 21 MPMG ammo box (200 rounds wit links), six GPMG ammo boxes (200 rounds wit links), twelve 12.7 ammo boxes (35 rounds each), three 40-mm grenade launcher bomb boxes (32 rounds each), nine Oxygen cylinders (large), four MPMG empty drums, seven hundred 12.7 ammunition, one compressor, 15 acid cans (five litre), six sea mines, four Oxygen cylinders (small), three diving jackets, seven diving kits, six diving shoes and 10 compressor oil cans during search and clear operations in the Vellamullivaikkal and Asikulam areas of Mullaitivu District.

    During search operations conducted in the Kalapokakulam, Therumurukandy and Ampakamam areas the SFs recovered two pistols with four magazines, two 81-mm mortar barrels, four 81-mm mortar tripod clamping collars, one unknown mortar barrel, three RPG barrels, three 50 weapon barrels and one body part, one 12.7-mm body part, three upper collars and five tripod legs, eight GPMG weapons and five barrels, four Light Machine Gun butts and 28 body parts, two G3A3 weapons, two T-81 weapons, two T-56 MK I weapons, two T-56 MK II weapons, six T-56 MK III weapons, four unknown tripods, four unknown tripod legs, six unknown weapon holders, 11 MG drums, 11 T-81 magazines, 45 G3A3 magazines, 16 T-56 magazines, six receiving covers, 16 T-56 cocking handles, 10 SLR magazines, 22 RPG bombs, 29 hand grenades, five unknown grenades, four Arul bombs, thirty-one 120-mm mortar chargers, two 60-mm mortar charger boxes, 200 kilograms of TNT explosives, 83 kilograms of primers, four kilograms of low explosives, 13 kilograms of black powder, 12 kilograms of low explosives (brown colour), 36 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 530 kilograms of steel balls, 25 kilograms of Aluminium balls, 24 bottles of chemicals, 17300 switches, 517 fuses, 18 artillery fuses, 55 kilograms of unidentified chemical powder, 105 tubes of white explosives, one firing device, eight claymore mines, 45 jumping mines, 108 Jonny mines, 30 booby trap devices made of 81- mm mortar bombs, one booby trap device made of 60-mm mortar bomb, 13 booby traps made of RPG rounds, forty four 120-mm mortar bombs, one hundred and thirty eight 81-mm mortar bombs, one I-com set and thirty-nine 60-mm mortar bombs.

    The SFs recovered one pistol with two magazines, twelve 9-mm ammunition rounds, six T-56 weapons, five T-56 magazines, one hundred and seventy nine 7.62 ammunition, 15 metres of flexible wire, one 84-s weapon, one claymore mine, two hand grenades, one electric detonator, fifty one 84-s ammunition rounds, one trapped 81-mm mortar bomb and one hand grenade from the Kadawana, Kinniya Magauththu jungles and Therumaveli areas.

    The SLAF is to use two of the captured LTTE air strips for their activities, SLAF spokesman Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara said. According to the spokesman, they would convert the captured Iranamadu runway east of the Jaffna-Kandy (A9) road in Kilinochchi into a small air base. The larger airstrip taken from the LTTE close to Mullaitivu would be developed for the use of SLAF in the near future. During the two and half years of military operations in the North, Sri Lanka Army has captured seven air strips used by the LTTE.

  • May 24: The LTTE has admitted for the first time that their chief Velupillai Prabhakaran is dead. In a telephone interview with BBC, the head of outfit's international relations, Selvarasa Pathmanathan, said Prabhakaran had died on May 17 but did not give details of the circumstances. In addition, in a statement signed by Pathmanathan the outfit said that their "incomparable leader" had "attained martyrdom" and declared a week of mourning starting on May 25. The statement said he was killed "fighting the military oppression of the Sri Lankan government" on May 17.

    Five 'Sam's Chicken' outlets owned by prominent Sinhala businessman, Sam Chandrasinha, at Wembley, Kingsbury, Wilsden, Sudbury Hill and Cricklewood in London were attacked by suspected LTTE supporters last week. Chandrasinha said that these attacks were launched during the early and late night hours of May 20, adding, "Glass fronts were smashed, but we quickly repaired them and started business again. However, the staff who are Sinhalese were deeply disturbed by these attacks." Chandrasinha had donated nearly £30,000 to the Api Wenuwen Api (Together for All) fund - to carry out housing project for the Security Forces - a few months ago. It was also reported that acid has been thrown at two Sinhala youths in Harrow.

    Sri Lanka Police found 15 bombs weighing 131 kilograms hidden in a jungle in Vavuniya and disclosed the details of a plan to assassinate the Minister of Social Services and Social Welfare and General Secretary of the Eelam People's Democratic Party Douglas Dewananda in Vavuniya.

    Troops recovered more and more LTTE weapons in the continuing search and clear operations in the general area of Vellamullivaikkal. The recoveries included 30 T-56 weapons, three MPMG, one Small Machine Gun, one note book, FNC weapon, one modified mini UZI weapon, five T-81 weapons, two SLR weapons, one 40 mm grenade launcher, two 12 bore shotgun, one 303 rifle, 28 claymore mines, two Icom sets, dismantled components of a 152 mm artillery gun, 12 DF antennas, four Gonio meters, two AR 300A sets, two communication receivers, four DF frequency monitors, ten Icom base sets, three icom HF transistors, three Yesu base stations, four DOCLAR systems, three power units, One communication block unit, one DF unit, three Motorola hand held sets, three ADI AT 400 hand held sets, two ADI AT hand-held sets, 30 DF Cupio units, 25 antenna wire rolls, one conduit set, one Alanto VHF FM transistor, one display unit, one radio modem, three chargers, two mount brackets, three DF TAIYO TDR 500 units and one Honda generator.

    Troops recovered one RPG launcher, one magazine, 500 rounds of T-56 ammunitions, four anti personnel mines, 27 primers, one MPMG barrel, two MPMG links, one RPG charger, one RPG jacket, nine 1.5v large batteries, one wire roll and one pack containing medical items during a search operation in the eastern Kanchikudichchiaru.

    High technical data on Airports and Air Force bases, including maps and manuals of sophisticated aircraft, were found by the Army hidden in a massive LTTE arms and ammunition dump from the area east of Pudukkudyiipu, according to ground sources. The arms and ammunition included, 300,000 M16 primers mainly used in manufacturing anti personnel mines, 40,000 detonators, 100,000 5.56-mm ammunition used for M16 weapons, 80,000 9-mm rounds, 20,000 3.47 mach rounds and 30,000 0.38 ammunition.

  • May 23: Troops continuing search and clear operations in the Vellamullivaikkal area of Mullaitivu District recovered one recoilless gun, twenty 40-mm grenade launcher cartridges, nine 40-mm grenade launchers, one .38 revolver, two radio sets, two dog tags, one binocular pouch, two FNC magazines, four T-56 magazines, two mini UZI magazines, one 9-mm pistol, 12 light machine gun links, 84 rounds of T-56 ammunition, three hand grenades, three 2.5 kilograms claymore mines, one 5 kilograms claymore mine, one passport, 289 T-56 weapons, 10 multi propose machine guns, 11 light machine guns, three FNC weapons, six pistols, twenty-four 5-mm weapons, 15 rocket propelled grenades, two 60-mm mortars, six 120-mm mortar bombs, 13 I-com sets, 13 T-81 weapons, six 12.7 weapons, one gas gun, eight .22 riffles, one sniper weapon, eight shotguns, five unidentified weapons, two 120-mm mortar bipods, eight gun carriers, eight thermo-baric weapons, four 12.7-mm weapon bipods, 49 light machine gun drums, 40 rounds of pistol ammunition, 120 of 12 bore cartridges, four 60-mm mortar sights, nine 60-mm base plates, 100 T-56 magazines, fifty FNC magazines. Also, troops recovered two packs, two T-81 magazines, 28 rounds of ammunition, one pouch, one 81-mm bomb and one dog tag from the Ampakamam area.

    Police personnel on search operation recovered one T-56 weapon, four magazines, 127rounds of T-56 ammunition, 15 detonators, two detonator codes, two APM, five APM fuses, two remote controller units with two batteries, two cyanide capsules, three hand grenades, two claymore chargers, one claymore circuit and one dog tag from the Kinniya area in the Nagautthu region of Trincomalee District.

  • May 22: Troops found five decomposed dead bodies of the LTTE militants along with three I-com sets, two pistols and two magazines from the Mullaitivu area.

    Troops recovered three suicide jackets, eighteen rounds of T-56 ammunition, thirty six micro pistol ammunition, one hand grenade, ten 40mm grenade launcher rounds, three electric detonators, one 40mm grenade launcher tool kit and two Army type uniforms during a search and clear operations in the general area of Elamurippukulam in Vavuniya.

    Troops in the Vellamullivaikkal area recovered 20 T-56 Weapons, one T-81 weapon, one 60-mm mortar launcher, two 40-mm grenade launcher, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG), one M-16gun, four FNC guns, two suicide jackets, two shotguns, one mini UZI gun, four radar scanners and four radar monitors. Separately, 780 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, three 120-mm mortar bombs, six 81-mm mortar bombs, two hundred and forty-five 120-mm fuses, eight 60-mm mortar bombs, 105 fuses, 105 anti-personnel mines, eight 1.5 kilograms claymore mines and four improvised explosive devices during search and clear operations in the Udayarukattukulam area.

    The SFs recovered two claymore mines, two light machine gun drums, 3878 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 200 rounds of MPMG ammunition, three hand grenades and three G3 A3 magazines during search and clear operations in the Adampan, Malawi and Akkarayankulam areas of Kilinochchi District. During similar search and clear operations the SFs recovered 10 hand grenades from the Yakawewa area of Vavuniya District.

  • May 21: 10 LTTE militants were killed by the Army troops in the Kadawana jungle area of Trincomalee District. Subsequently, the troops recovered dead bodies of all the 10 slain militants along with seven T-56 weapons, one M-16 weapon, eight hand grenades, one claymore mine of seven kilograms and one radio set from the area. Three senior militants, identified as Sathyan Master, Kanthan and Oviyan were among the killed.

    Army troops recovered dead bodies of six LTTE militants along with one 122-mm artillery gun, three micro pistols, 27 pistols, 94 T-56 weapons, three T-81 weapons, four Multi Purpose Machine Guns (MPMG), four FNC weapons, 24 pistol ammunition, nine I-Com sets, 26 claymore mines, one 40-mm mortar barrel, one 81-mm mortar barrel, 14 Rocket Propelled Guns, six Light Machine Guns (LMG), two sniper weapons, eight 12.7-mm weapons with barrels, six 37-mm barrels, one satellite phone, two 81-mm magazines, two 81-mm LMG drums, seven MPMG links, and one unidentified weapon and SLR 2024 in cash during search and clear operations in the Vellamullivaikkal area of Mullaitivu District.

    Troops found a hand grenade and two cyanide capsules from the Kuppankulam area.

    Four hand grenades, four anti-personnel mines and 17 rounds of T-56 ammunition were found by the troops in the Sampur area of Trincomalee District.

    Police found one hand grenade from the Giritale area in Polonnaruwa District.

    A special Police team has been deployed to arrest two Sinhala youth said to be in the south of the country who have had close connections with the LTTE. The two Sinhala youths are said to have played a prominent role in LTTE operations, including bombings, killings and several sabotage activities. The duo had tipped off several militants who were lodged in Colombo for various subversive activities. They had escaped from their safe havens when Police closed in on them. Their names and whereabouts were revealed to the Police by a Lt. Colonel of the Ratmalana Transit Camp arrested on May 14 for suspected links with the LTTE.

  • May 20: The Sri Lankan military ceremonially ended the war with the LTTE at Mullaitivu beach area. Defence sources said the Army formally silenced their guns in the afternoon in a military ceremony, headed by Major General Jagath Jayasuriya and in the presence of commanders of all units. Forces fired MBT and MBRL guns towards the Mullaitivu Sea marking the end of the war.

    The slain LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran's wife Mathivathani, daughter and 13-year old younger son Balachandran were reportedly found shot dead. Their bodies, having gunshot wounds in the head, were found in the Nanthikandal lagoon area barely 600 metres from where Prabhakaran's body was recovered by the Army. Contrary to earlier media reports, Prabhakaran's family were not in Europe. The family was shot dead by the SFs as it tried to break out of the NFZ. Another 150 bodies were found in the lagoon area.

    SFs shot dead five LTTE militants in the Periyapillumalai area of Batticaloa District. Subsequently, the SFs recovered dead bodies of the five slain militants along with two T-56 weapons, one hand grenade, 11 anti personnel mines, six ammunition magazines, two improvised explosive devices, two mobile phones and one belt order.

    Army troops on patrol in the Kanchikudichchiaru area of Ampara District shot dead three militants and later recovered three T-56 weapons, three hand grenades, two claymore mines, detonator code and a medical pack along with the dead bodies of the slain militants from the incident site.

    Troops in the Vellamullivaikkal area of Mullaitivu District recovered 57 T-56 weapons, three 3.9 mm pistols, one micro pistol, two repeater guns, two silencer weapons, one night vision device, five 40-mm weapons, four M-16 weapons, eight Multi Purpose Machine Guns, two 12.7-mm guns, one 7.62-mm pistol, one paddle gun, one Light Machine Gun, one T-56 bipod, two 0.22-mm weapons, three FNC weapons, three pistols, nine I-com sets, two pass ports, seven identity cards, 23 area maps and one unidentified weapon, according to a Sri Lanka Army report.

    Police found several explosives, including claymore mines, from Athurugiriya area, a suburb of capital Colombo. Senior Superintended of Police Ranjith Gunasekara said these explosives were recovered on the basis of information obtained from a recently arrested LTTE militant. Police recovered two claymore mines each weighing 2.5 kilograms and packed with C4 high explosives and two other explosive devices.

    Troops on search and clear operations in the Kithulwatuwa area found three T-56 weapons, one M-16 weapons, four T-56 magazines and one CDMA phone antenna.

  • May 19: Army Commander General Sarath Fonseka confirmed that the dead body of the LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran was found. His body was found by the 53rd Division troops led by Major General Kamal Gunaratne near the Nanthikandal lagoon. Military spokesman Udaya Nanayakkara said Prabhakaran had died due to a gun shot injury to his head. The Army is reported to have found his identity card issued by the LTTE and the armlet with the number one indicating his position in the outfit. According to defence sources, Prabhakaran had tried to save his life until the last moment. Although the LTTE International Relations Head K. Pathmanathan denied the Government's claim, saying on a pro-LTTE website Tamil Net that Prabhakaran is "alive and safe", the DNA tests have proved that the body recovered belongs to Prabhakaran, the Army said. Fonseka confirmed that Prabhakaran's body was found among the 150 or so bodies the army recovered.

    38 dead bodies of the LTTE militants, including those of seven females, were recovered by the troops along with 29 T-56 weapons, two T-81 weapons, one Mini Ushi weapon, one silencer weapon, one FNC weapon, one 40-mm grenade launcher, two pistols, one M-16 weapon, one T-97 weapon, two I-Com Sets, two Global Positioning Systems and three pouches during a search operation in the Vellamullivaikkal area of Mullaitivu District. The bodies recovered and identified included that of Sea Tiger (sea wing of the LTTE) leader "Brigadier" Soosai, senior intelligence leader "Lieutenant Colonel" Verti, an intelligence leader "Lieutenant Colonel" Ram Kumar, a senior female intelligence leader "Lieutenant Colonel" Manimekala alias Komali, political head in Batticaloa "Lieutenant Colonel" Anna Thurai, a senior Sea Tiger leader "Colonel" Rangan, "Lieutenant Colonel" Vinodan and a senior intelligence leader.

    Another dead body of a militant along with two T 56 weapons, two T 56 magazines, two claymore mines, two suicide belts with 10 kilograms of explosive, one remote control, nine LTTE uniforms, one helmet cover, 123 T-56 ammunition and 3000 chlorine tablets were recovered by troops from Vavuniya.

  • May 18: Army troops continued their search and clear operations in the Vellamullivaikkal area and found 51 T 56 weapons, two 81-mm mortars, three Rocket Propelled Grenades, two 40-mm grenade launchers, four 5.56-mm weapons, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun, one 60-mm mortar, four pistols and 112 I-com sets.

    Security alarms were automatically activated at the UN's compound in Geneva interrupting the proceeding of the World Health Assembly (WHA) on when Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva, the newly elected President of the WHA, was presiding the plenary and the high level delegate of the United States of America was in the process of delivering the speech. According to the security division of the WHO and the UN in Geneva, the LTTE supporters who had been protesting outside the UN against the election of Health Minister de Silva of Sri Lanka as the President of the WHA, entered the UN compound through the main gates despite security resistance. The UN security at the gate 40 activated alarms and repeatedly announced to the UN staff and the delegates to remain inside the building. The Security Force personnel of the UN and the WHO later took measures to disperse the protestors.

    The LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran was killed, the Sri Lankan military has said. The announcement on State television came shortly after the military said it had surrounded Prabhakaran in a tiny patch of jungle in the north-east. The head of the Sri Lankan army Lt Gen Sarath Fonseka said the military had defeated the rebels and "liberated the entire country". "Today we finished the work handed to us by the president to liberate the country from the LTTE," Gen Fonseka said in the broadcast. The broadcast quoted military officials as saying Prabhakaran was killed along with two of his deputies. It said Prabhakaran, his intelligence chief Pottu Amman and Soosai, the head of the LTTE naval wing, were shot dead in an ambush in the Mullivaaykkaal area while trying to escape the war zone in an ambulance.

    The SFs found a dead body suspected to be of Charles Anthony, the elder son of LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran, from the Karaiyamullivaikal area. The Sri Lanka Army, however, confirmed that Anthony, known to be the head of Information and Technology department of the LTTE, was killed. In addition, the SFs also recovered dead bodies of three key LTTE leaders, identified as political wing leader of the outfit Nadeshan, head of the outfit’s peace secretariat Pulidevan and senior special military leader of the outfit Ramesh.

    The death of senior LTTE militants, including Suventhiran Balaguru alias Jeyam, Rathnam Master and Madavan Master, were confirmed by the clearing troops after their dead bodies were scientifically identified, the Army Headquarters declared.

    Troops also confirmed the death of 11 more senior LTTE militants who attempted to escape being captured by the troops in Wellamullivaikkal. These senior cadres include LTTE Police chief Ilango, aide to LTTE chief's son Sudharman, senior intelligence leader Thomas, LTTE military leader Luxman, senior Sea Tiger (Sea wing of the LTTE) cadre Sri Ram, LTTE female military leader Isei Aravi, LTTE deputy intelligence leader Kapil Amman, in charge of LTTE female training Ajanthi, in charge of LTTE mortar section Wardha, Secretary to LTTE chief Pudiyawan and Special military leader Jenarthan were among them.

    The SLA announced that the entire Puthumattalan area has now been brought under Army control bringing the entire country free from LTTE’s terrorism. Over 250 corpses of LTTE militants scattered in the entire area have been so far recovered and subjected to identification at the time this report was filed, claimed the Army. It is believed all the remaining terrorist leaders including top LTTE cadres were among those feared killed, said the Army.

    Troops recovered 43 dead bodies of LTTE militants, including eight dead bodies of female LTTE cadres, during search and clear operations in Karaymullivaikkal area. The recovery also included 36 T-56 weapons, 30 T-81 weapons, two FNC weapons, two Rocket Propelled Guns (RPGs), 21 hand grenades, 11 I-com sets, seven LTTE flags, five area maps, 30 packs, one GPS, seven Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) bolts, 3m detonator codes, SLR 101000 in cash, one 120mm mortar barrel, one 81 mm bipod, two 81 mm base plates, three 60mm mortar tubes, three Light Machine Guns (LMGs), one MPMG weapon and one 40mm Grenade Launcher.

    Troops engaged in search and clear operations in Vellamullivaikkal and Wadduvakkal areas recovered dead bodies of 35 LTTE militants, 368 T-56 weapons, three T-81 weapons, nine LMGs, 10 RPGs, four 60 mm tubes, one Recoilless gun, 46 LMG drums, 15 T-56 magazines, nine disposable RPGs, one gas gun, two pistols, three 12.7mm bipods, 10 MPMGs, two 81 mm mortar tubes, three 12.7 guns, two radars, one unicorn, three silencer guns, five shot guns, 51 I-com sets, 100 rounds of Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) ammunition, 40 rounds of shotgun ammunition, one telescope, twenty 120 mm barrels, T-54 tank spare parts, one 40mm Grenade Launcher, two damaged 130mm guns, one paddle gun, forty radar monitors, one sniper weapon, 27 hand grenades, two claymore mines, two firing devices, one remote controller, one 5.56 mm gun with three magazines and 185 ammunition, one M-16 weapon and 35 packs.

    Troops recovered five RPGs, six 81mm mortar bombs, 40 81 mm cartridges, three 81 mm mortar fuses, 17 hand grenades and one pouch from Iranamadu and Akkarayankulam in Kilinochchi.

  • May 17: At least 150 LTTE militants were killed during fierce fighting with the troops inside the No NFZ in Mullaitivu District. Troops operating in the western edge of the Nanthikandal lagoon foiled an attempt by the LTTE militants to escape towards the jungles in Mullaitivu and Puthukkudiyiruppu south killing more than 80 militants, including nine female cadres, who tried to breach the SF defences. "More than 80 well trained Tiger cadres were killed and their bodies were recovered collected from the Nanthikandal lagoon as troops foiled the Tigers’ attempt to breach the Security Forces defence around 2.30 am yesterday," said military officials in Mullaitivu.

    Three Anti Aircraft Guns (AAG), including two of them with two barrels, and two BMT Armoured tanks were recovered by the SFs from the Putumattalan area of Mullaitivu District. The AAGs, popularly known as peddle guns alias ZPUs, are capable of firing a maximum of around 600 rounds per minute and need to be kept on a four-wheel carriage for firing. They also can cover a range of about 8000 meters and are about five to seven feet in height. The Armoured Tank, capable of high fire-power and ability to sustain enemy fire is fitted with anti-bullet and anti-splinter armour protection.

    Three damaged 152-mm artillery guns, 177 T-56 weapons, three 40-mm grenade launchers, one FNC gun , four 130-mm bombs, two paddle guns, 1184 paddle gun ammunition, one paddle gun drum, 130 rounds of 12.7-mm gun ammunition, one grenade launcher usually used in naval craft, 10 Rocket Propelled Guns (RPGs), three Multi Purpose Machine Guns (MPMGs), one radar, eleven 60-mm mortar guns, one rocket launcher, two 60-mm grenade launchers, two 12.7-mm grenade launcher, thirty 84-mm Recoilless guns, 285 hand grenades, six Arul type paras, seven CS gas bombs, three hands smokes, six MPMG drums, five 12.7-mm weapon drums, 10 area maps, 600 MPMG ammunition, 1200 rounds of T-56 ammunition, eight diving kits, three magnetic bombs, 110 safety fuses, four micro pistols and several more weapon accessories were among the recovered items were recovered from separate places in the same district.

    SFs in Vakarai recovered one six barreled- MBRL (Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher) with one gun carrier.

  • May 16: Over 10,000 civilians, made use of the newly opened ‘escape route’ via the Nanthikandal lagoon in the past 24 hours amidst LTTE’s indiscriminate firing in the Vadduvakal area. Also, 241 LTTE cadres surrendered to the SFs during the past two days.

    Army troops attacked LTTE positions in the Karaiyamullivaikal and Vellamullivaikkal areas causing heavy damages to the militants. During subsequent search and clear operations troops recovered four dead bodies of the militants along with 36 T-56 weapons, one Light Machine Gun (LMG), seven I-com sets, one 12.7-mm gun, three 40-mm grenade launchers, one MPMG, one 60-mm mortar launcher, one Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) launcher, one tractor trailor, one bulldozer and one Outboard Motor (OBM).

    During another clash between the two sides in the Sarwaruthoddam area troops killed three militants and also recovered their bodies along with 18 T-56, three 40-mm grenade launchers, one MPMG, five radio communication sets, one RPG launcher, and one 12.7-mm machine gun. Also, troops found several heavy vehicles abandoned by the militants. Another dead body of a militant was recovered along with 18 T-56 rifles, 11 radio communication sets, one LMG and OBM following during clearing operations along the A-35 in the Karaiyamullivaikal area.

    Suspected LTTE supporters set ablaze the Buddhist Temple at Scarborough in Toronto, while the resident monks were sleeping in the temple. Three monks in the temple escaped unhurt. The incident happened less than a week after the attacks on the Sri Lankan Buddhist temples in Paris on May 10 and London and May 14 by the LTTE mob in those cities.

    The Sri Lankan mission in Hague in Netherlands was once again attacked by LTTE supporters, the Foreign Ministry said. This was the second time the LTTE supporters have attacked the Embassy in Hague within a week. According to the Ministry, a petrol bomb was hurled at the Embassy building. Suspected LTTE supporters attacked the Sri Lankan Embassy in Hague on May 11th and broke window panes and causing damage to the Embassy.

    Troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Vellamullivaikkal area and subsequently recovered a cache of weapons, including three damaged 152-mm heavy artillery, 128 T-56 weapons, 17 12.7- mm anti air machine guns, one RCL gun, two paddle guns, four 40-mm grenade launchers, two MPMG, three radio communications sets, four micro pistols, 285 hand grenades, two barrels of 60-mm mortar guns, two barrels of 120-mm mortar guns, a large stock of live ammunition, oxygen tanks and Diving kits. Intercepted LTTE radio communications revealed that 31 militants were killed and 15 others wounded during the clashes.

    Troops in the Vishuamadu, Udayarukattukulam and Akkarayankulam areas recovered 10 LTTE Police uniforms, 10 LTTE Police caps, 175 LTTE Police badges, 15 LTTE Police buttons, 15 LTTE Police belts, two white helmets, one MPMG barrel, one 12.7 mm gun barrel, four hundred 12.7mm ammunition, two Light Machine Gun (LMG) drums, a stock of LMG and T-56 spares, three 60-mm mortar Bi pods, three hand grenades and two LTTE hats. Similarly, forty-six 81-mm bombs, six 82-mm bombs and ten 152-mm dummy barrels were recovered from the Vishuamadu area.

    The SFs recovered one I-com set, five anti-personnel mines (APMs), one T-56 weapon, one T-56 magazine, 30 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one pouch, one 82-mm mortar tube, one hundred and fifty-four 81-mm mortar bombs and one 152-mm projectile from the Mankulam, Thonithettamadu and Kalamanthanwellai areas.

  • May 15: During their advance into the Mullaitivu front, troops of the 58th Division recovered dead bodies of 40 LTTE militants and arrested three female Sea Tigers. Ground troops launched a massive attack on the LTTE militants who tried to stop the troops’ advance into the area inflicting heavy damages to them. "The Security Forces once again lay siege on the LTTE terrain surrounding the remaining Tiger leaders inside as the 58 Division and the 59 Division were poised to marry up in the Mullaitivu sea front by yesterday evening," a military official said. Troops also recovered the biggest ever arms and ammunition stock they have within a 24 hour period, he added. The recoveries included seventy two 60-mm mortars, 36 Indian made Rocket Launchers, two anti-aircraft pedal guns, one 12.7-mm machine gun, a Marine Radar, 12 suicide boats. "Thousands of sea mines and huge stocks of arms and ammunitions which were being counted by the troops for hours were recovered on Friday", the official added.

    Army troops continued their advance further into the LTTE-held areas inside the new NFZ and attacked groups of militants causing extensive damages to the militants. During subsequent search and clear operations in the Palamattalan area the troops recovered 35 dead bodies of the militants along with 206 T-56 weapons, one 12.7-mm gun, two paddle guns, four Multi Purpose Machine Guns, one Navy-boat gun, one radar, six suicide boats, three Light Machine Guns (LMG), seven FNC weapons, two 2.0-mm grenade launchers, one M-16 weapon, one hundred and twenty-seven 60-mm mortar launchers, sixty-five 60-mm mortar sites, nine Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), twelve 2-mm mortar guns, 18 disposable RPGs, two thermo-baric weapons, 40 hand paras, one 12.7-mm tri-pod, five 12.7 mm barrels, four 12.7 mm drums, five T-56 magazines, two LMG drums, one sniper weapon, four I-com sets, one suicide kit and 60 rounds of T-56 ammunition.

    Two top leaders of the outfit, Swarnam and Sashi Master, were killed by the SFs in a confrontation in Mullaitivu. Swarnam and Sashi Master were very senior cadres in the outfit and they remained the top confidants of outfit’s chief Vellupillai Prabhakaran, sources added.

    An explosion in the Vellamullivaikkal area targeting the 58th Division troops at the frontal defence positions failed to inflict damages to upon the SFs as the red-coloured LTTE double cab prematurely exploded and went up in flames as it was nearing the troops in the opposite direction. At least 4-5 LTTE suicide bombers inside the double cab were reported killed in the huge explosion,. In addition, four LTTE militants aboard to motorbikes along the beach sped at a high speed and tried to attack troops on the other side of the beach. However, they failed in their attempt and were shot dead by the SFs. Further, a LTTE tractor with explosives attempted to ram against troops in the opposite direction. However, troops managed to blow up the tractor.

    Two hundred and ninety-eight 60-mm smoke bombs, one anti tank mine, 415 APMs, 119 APM fuses, 304 hand grenades, 70 claymore mines, four Bangalore torpedoes, 199 primers, 32 electric detonators, seven Out Boat Motors (OBM), one hundred and thirty-nine 60-mm bombs, eighty 81-mm bombs, three 122-mm projectors, 29 RPG, 5 kilograms TNT explosives, one Arul-type bomb, 12 jackets, 43 booby traps, 40 booby trap fuses and 10 firing devices from the Puthukkudiyiruppu area. In addition, one 152-mm artillery gun was found by the troops from the Vellamullivaikkal area.

    One heavily-fortified LTTE torture-chamber cum prison complex, run inside a three-room house behind the Mullivaaykkaal (Vellamullivaikkal) sub-post office, was found by the troops as they moved further inside the No Fire Zone.

    Troops on search and clear operations in the Mailambaweli area of Batticaloa District recovered 29 rounds of 9-mm ammunition, one SFG type hand grenade, one cyanide capsule and one Army-type uniform following information provided by two suspects arrested by the SFs.

    The SLN captured 11 family members of the Sea Tiger leader Soosai, including his wife, son, daughter and his brother’s wife, daughter, while they were attempting to escape by sea in Mullaitivu area. The SLN spokesman Captain D.K.P. Dassanayake said they were attempting to escape from Vellamullivaikkal boarded on a Fibre Glass Dinghy posing as IDPs. The naval troops identified Soosai’s family members and captured the boat. "An LTTE Intelligence leader’s family members were among the captured", he added. The captured Soosai’s family members’ boat was towed to Pulmoddai Naval point. "The fleeing Soosai’s family members had around SLR 600,000, in cash jewellery weighing two and half kilograms and other valuable items", Captain Dassanayake added. He said during the inquiry Soosai’s wife, Sathyadevi, had said that her husband Soosai is with the outfit’s chief Velupillai Prabhakaran and Pottu Amman in the Vellamullivaikkal area.

  • May 14: The SLA launched shells fell and exploded in a boat in which 12 persons from Wanni were fleeing to Point Pedro, killing four persons, reported Tamil Net.

    The 59th Division troops captured Vadduvakal Bridge that link the Paranthan- Mullaitivu (A-35) road into the Mullaitivu town through Nanthikandal lagoon. "With the capture of this bridge, 59 Division troops have opened up a land route to facilitate the civilians reach the south of the Safe Zone," military officials told. According to the officials more than 3,000 civilians reached the 59th Division area after crossing the Nanthikandal lagoon using tubes and floating equipment. "Hundreds of civilians were still flowing into military controlled areas by yesterday evening and thousands are waiting to flee towards the military controlled areas," the officials added. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said that at least four civilians were killed and 14 others injured when the militants opened indiscriminate fire at fleeing civilians from Vellamullivaikkal in the NFZ. Troops engaged in the final rescue act are now marching ahead to liberate the trapped civilians from the LTTE confined to its last remaining territory in Vellamullivaikkal. "Troops are now manoeuvring further southwards along the coast," he added. Air Force spokesman Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara said 12 injured civilians were airlifted from Mullayaweli to Anuradhapura hospital. "We have kept stand-by helicopters to airlift the injured civilians fleeing from the NFZ," he added.

    Troops engaged in their final push against LTTE are poised to completely seal off the Eastern coast within the next 24 hours as 58th Division troops advancing towards Mullaitivu from the northern direction reached closer to Mullaitivu front after capturing the grounded Jordanian ship Farah III in the Mullaitivu seas, military officials said. "By yesterday evening, less than two kilo metres stretch of beach front was under the LTTE control and it would soon be captured by the troops once 58 and 59 Division troops marry up in the North of Mullaitivu completely denying the beach front to the LTTE," the official added. The Security Forces captured the Jordanian ship Farah III which was used by the LTTE to fire upon the ground troops of both 58th and 59th Divisions advancing on the ground and also towards Navy boats patrolling in the sea off Mullaitivu. The ship which was reportedly being used by the Sea Tigers (sea wing of the LTTE) as their operational centre was seized by the LTTE in December 2006 after it had engine trouble and was awaiting rescue from Colombo. Though the crew and its captain to Mullaitivu were also abducted they were later released to the International Red Cross. According to military officials the advance on the beach front would be much easy with the capture of this ship. Reports also indicate that as troops are closing in on the last terrain of the LTTE, many explosions were heard inside the NFZ and from LTTE camps as the militants blew off their ammunition dumps and other weapons before being captured by the advancing troops.

    A 32-year-old LTTE suspect committed suicide by jumping out of a seven storied building at 37th Lane in the Wellawatte area of Colombo during a raid conducted by the SFs. The suspect, Sathish Kumar, a resident of Jaffna, had been living in Sunflower Court Wellawatte. Police recovered four suicide jackets and a claymore bomb from the flat. According to Wellawatte Police three other suspects who were arrested have been identified as suicide bombers. They were undergraduates of the Moratuwa University, including the one who jumped to his death. A SLA Colonel was arrested over his close links with Sathish Kumar.

  • May 13: Troops in the Karaiyamullivaikal area of Mullaitivu District recovered dead bodies of 19 LTTE militants. One senior cadre, identified as Kannikkaran, was among the dead, troops confirmed. In addition, 21 T 56 weapons, one 12.7-mm weapon, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG), one Light Machine Gun, one FNC Weapon, one 12.7mm gun barrel, three claymore mines each weighing about 12.5 kilograms, one disposable Rocket Propeller Grenade (RPG) , one improvised mortar launcher and two I-Com radio sets were also recovered from the same area.

    The Sri Saddhatissa International Buddhist Centre based in Kingsbury North West London was attacked, Venerable Galayaye Piyadassi Thero, the centre head, told. "The attackers threw stones at the front windows and fled away," he said. Blaming the LTTE for the attack, he said that although no one was harmed the loss incurred is heavy. "This is the ninth occasion where the Buddhist Centre has been attacked," he added. Meanwhile, the Sri Lanka Government called on the British authorities to tighten security to its community and the Buddhist temples there, following the attack on the Kingsbury temple.

    The SFs recovered 18 powerful claymore mines, 85 kilograms of high-powered explosives, two radio sets and two pull switch from a garage premises on Lucas Mawatha in capital Colombo.

    Troops recovered one MPMG, one MPMG drum, 104 MPMG links with 50 ammunition, two MPMG top covers, 51 anti-personnel mines, eleven 60-mm mortar bombs, two booby traps, three T -56 weapons, seven T-56 magazines, 25 TNT slabs weighing about 475 grams, 35 electric detonators, six RPG bombs, 21 Out Board Motors and one hand grenade from the Vishuamadu and Udayarukattukulam areas of Mullaitivu and Nachchikuda and Chempankundu in the Kilinochchi Districts.

    The SFs recovered an LTTE Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL) from the Karaiyamullivaikal area following an encounter with the militants. "This is the first time the security forces in the Wanni liberation offensive uncovered an MBRL," a senior military official said. Troops also recovered 70 T-56 weapons, six light machine guns, two 60-mm mortars and many other LTTE items from the area.

    Troops unearthed a stock of LTTE light aircraft accessories buried in a coconut grove at Theravikulam in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area. The recoveries included four cylinder engines, three propellers, an aircraft radio set, five aircraft main wheels, three nose wheels, two partly used main wheels, four pilots’ hand phones, three battery chargers, three digital meters, three computer graphic manuals, ground marshalling torches, flying (aerial) computers, two flying simulation units, 23 runway lights, four head lights, two ordinary runway lights, bolts, transmitters, three marine radars, flying maps, 35 high speed boat engines, a water scooter laden with explosives and an aircraft towing carrier.

    The SFs captured a 55 feet long LTTE boat filled with 1,500 kilograms of explosives from the Vellamullivaikkal area in the NFZ. The suicide boat plastered with claymore mines around its hull was hidden under bushes by the side of the beach.

    During extended search and clear operations in the Karaiyamullivaikal area where they had recovered a 55-ft long suicide boat — troops recovered two more suicide boats and two armour-plated unicorn vehicles.

    Police personnel on duty in Batticaloa arrested three suspected LTTE militants along with one 9-mm pistol, eight ammunition, three T-56 magazines, 80 T-56 ammunition and one pouch.

  • May 12-13: The 59th Division troops who reached the south of the new NFZ in the night of May 12 foiled a major sea and ground attack by the LTTE to recapture the newly liberated areas destroying a number of LTTE suicide boats and killing an unspecified number of militants, military officials said on May 13. The fighting broke out at around 9.30pm (SLST) on May 12 as the troops were consolidating their positions along the earth bund they captured after crossing the lagoon in Waddawakkal. "Initially there were huge Tiger suicide boats fitted with high powered engines and two of them rammed into the bunkers held by the troops in the ground. The engines of these suicide boats were so powerful that they can reach the bunkers in the ground once they landed in the beach," an unnamed military official told Daily News. Another suicide boat that reached the shore after the initial attack was damaged by the troops preventing it reaching the shore. Amid the seaborne attack, more than 100 to 150 militants attempted to breach the newly captured earth bund south of the NFZ but that attempt was also foiled by the SFs killing unspecified number of militants. "Fierce fighting continued till 1 am on Wednesday as the LTTE deployed some of their suicide cadres to breach the Security Forces’ defences," the official added.

  • May 12: Troops in the Karaiyamullivaikal area of Mullaitivu District recovered 43 dead bodies of LTTE militants along with 65 T-56 weapons, two body-armours, one pouch, three helmets, 13 explosive cans and one Outboard Motor (OBM).

    A local staff member for Caritas Australia, a NGP serving the trapped civilians in NFZ, was killed in the fighting.

    Troops of the 58th Division moving from the north entered the new NFZ in the Mullaitivu District countering the LTTE attacks. Addressing the press at the Media Centre for National Security, military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said, "Three LTTE suicide bombers hiding inside underground bunkers have blown themselves as advancing 58 division troops closed-in on them. In a subsequent search operation, troops recovered 25 bodies of Tiger cadres, 20 T56 assault rifles and other warlike items."

    Troops recovered thirty-five 60-mm mortar bombs, one hundred 0.5 ammunition, 1550 Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition from the Chundikulam area. Further, three T-56 weapons, 12 hand grenades, two magazines, 47 rounds of T-56 ammunition and two pouches were found by the troops in Asikulam area. Similarly, the SFs recovered six OBMs, one tripod, four 81-mm mortar booby traps, 17 detonators, nine pull-switches, two anti-personnel mines, one C-4 bottle, one machine gun barrel, five Rocket Propelled Grenades, five improvised chargers, two claymore mines and eight hand grenades from the north of Vishuamadu and west of Puthukkudiyiruppu.

    The 59th Division troops after crossing the LTTE constructed earth bund and ditch in the north of the Vadduvakal causeway advanced 300 metres further north. "Advancing troops of the 59 division inflicting heavy damages to the LTTE cadres are now consolidating their position at the newly established defence line in Sarwathottam located south of the previous NFZ," the Brigadier added. The militants confined within five square kilometres in the new NFZ are making desperate attempts to hold their position with all means and power they possess, the Brigadier noted.

    During search and clear operations in the Asikulam area of Vavuniya District, troops recovered one T-81 weapon, one hand grenade, five magazines, 150 ammunition rounds, one mobile phone, five LTTE dog tags, nine batteries, one military-type uniform and several other items. Separately, two suspects carrying seven kilograms of C-4 explosives were arrested by the SFs in the Pandarikulam area.

    Troops in the Puthukkudiyiruppu and Vellamullivaikkal areas of Mullaitivu District found one 27-mm gun, 20 Out Board Motors (OBM), 12 OBM parts, one water-scooter, five Cougar communication sets, seven hand-held communication sets, five Cougar mikes, one Motorola communication set, one Motorola hand mike, one Motorola battery charger, four radio (type 4700) sets, two hand mikes (Type 9600), 38 T-56 weapons, one magazine, 30 T-56 ammunition, one LTTE dog tag, one Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG), two RPG chargers and one helmet. Similarly, troops in the Adampan area of Killinochchi District recovered two claymore mines, weighing about 7.5 kilograms and 2.5 kilograms, 4900 T-56 ammunition, two claymore stands, one hand grenade, 400 Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, four RPG bombs, three RPG chargers, sixty-eight 60-mm mortar bombs, one Bangalore torpedoes, two 160 mm RCL (Recoilless) bombs, 36 anti-personnel mines and five 81-mm mortar bombs.

    Troops recovered one T-56 weapon with a magazine, 30 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one hand grenade and 2.5 kilograms of explosives from the Gallella area of Polonnaruwa District.

  • May 11: The LTTE militants were reportedly directing fire towards fleeing civilians from the NFZ in Mullaitivu District. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara reiterated that militants were firing towards civilians on the instructions from their ground commanders or when they cannot control fleeing civilians. He said latest attack by the militants was revealed through intercepts of LTTE communication among ground commanders.

    The military has indicated it is hopeful of neutralising the military capabilities of the LTTE inside the new NFZ in the next 48 hours and paving the way for the release of civilians being held hostage. "On the basis of reports from the military commanders I can say that the troops are poised for a major breakthrough in the next 48 hours. The LTTE would soon lose its wherewithal to offer organised resistance and the troops expect to repeat a feat like on April 20 when the military succeeded in breaching the three-kilometre Tiger earth wall-cum-band and facilitated the escape of 1.16 lakh civilians from the LTTE clutches," Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse told Doordarshan in an interview in Colombo. The Defence Secretary denied reports of shelling on the NFZ by the military and dismissed them as propaganda by the LTTE to coincide with U.N. Security Council meeting on May 11. He accused the LTTE with indiscriminate firing at a group of 1,000 fleeing civilians. The military said 250 of them were either killed or injured in LTTE firing and released purported transcripts of intercepted communication among the militants forcibly stopping civilians. It said the LTTE suffered heavy casualties as the troops pushed deeper into the NFZ. Military spokesperson of the LTTE, Rasiah Ilanthriyan, was among those killed.

    The SFs in the Karaiyamullivaikal area recovered the dead body of a female cadre of the LTTE along with four T-56 weapons.

    Four child soldiers and a LTTE militant surrendered to the Army.

  • May 10: The LTTE's attempt to attack the 58th Division troops was repulsed by the SFs. "The terrorists in three boats attacked the troops of 58 Division. Troops repulsed the attacks causing heavy damages to their boats, military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said.

    Two anti-aircraft guns of six barrels with 27-mm caliber and mounted on two double cabs along with one 30-mm cannon gun, three hundred and seven 30-mm ammunition rounds, three paddle gun ammunition, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun tripod, 14 T 56 weapons, two hundred seven rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, three I-com sets, three suicide jackets, one suicide water scooter and two claymore mines were found by the troops during a search and clear operation in the Karaiyamullivaikal area of Mullaitivu District.

    The SFs in Vishuamadu recovered 11 OBMs, 34 claymore mines, one T-56 weapon, one kilogram of high explosives and 13 maps. Also, troops engaged in continuous search and clear operations in the Mullaitivu, Kokavil, Alleiwewa south and Kayhankudi found one LMG, 82350 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 1097 APMs, ten 15 kilograms vehicle bombs and 156 detonator cords.

    The STF personnel recovered a cache of arms, including 82,550 T56 rounds of ammunition, hidden inside a LTTE weapon storage bunker in the Govipalaru area of Ampara District. The STF recovered 82,550 T56 ammunition, 1,093 anti personnel mines (APMs), 74 APM fuses, 10 vehicle bombs each weighing 15 kilograms, a Multi Purpose Machine Gun barrel, 150 metres detonator chord, 600 metres wire and a mine stand. Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekera said the STF personnel engaged in search operations in Kanchikudichchiaru to arrest LTTE militants carrying out terror activities in Pottuvil, Panama, Yala, Buttala and Kataragama areas, unearthed a haul of arms and ammunition hidden inside a bunker in a deep jungle area. "It was one of the largest ammunition recovery made by the Security Forces after liberating the East," he told.

    Following the attack on the Paris Buddhist Temple by a group of LTTE supporters, the Sri Lankan Embassy in Paris urged all Sri Lankans living in France to inform the Police of any threat or attack on them. The Embassy also urged the Sri Lankans to inform it about any such development in order to take prompt action. Suspected LTTE supporters attacked the main Sri Lankan Buddhist Temple in Paris, the Sri Lanka Foreign Ministry said. A group of masked men damaged the windows of the Temple. The Chief Monk of the Temple, Ven. Paravahera Chandraratane Thero, and another monk had been present at the time, but no one had been hurt. Earlier there were several attacks on Sri Lankan shops in France by suspected LTTE supporters.

    Two anti-aircraft guns of six barrels with 27-mm caliber and mounted on two double cabs along with one 30-mm cannon gun, three hundred and seven 30-mm ammunition rounds, three paddle gun ammunition, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun tripod, 14 T 56 weapons, two hundred seven rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, three I-com sets, three suicide jackets, one suicide water scooter and two claymore mines were found by the troops during a search and clear operation in the Karaiyamullivaikal area of Mullaitivu District.

    The SFs in Vishuamadu recovered 11 OBMs, 34 claymore mines, one T-56 weapon, one kilogram of high explosives and 13 maps. Also, troops engaged in continuous search and clear operations in the Mullaitivu, Kokavil, Alleiwewa south and Kayhankudi found one LMG, 82350 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 1097 APMs, ten 15 kilograms vehicle bombs and 156 detonator cords.

    The STF personnel recovered a cache of arms, including 82,550 T56 rounds of ammunition, hidden inside a LTTE weapon storage bunker in the Govipalaru area of Ampara District. The STF recovered 82,550 T56 ammunition, 1,093 APMs, 74 APM fuses, 10 vehicle bombs each weighing 15 kilograms, a Multi Purpose Machine Gun barrel, 150 metres detonator chord, 600 metres wire and a mine stand. Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekera said the STF personnel engaged in search operations in Kanchikudichchiaru to arrest LTTE militants carrying out terror activities in Pottuvil, Panama, Yala, Buttala and Kataragama areas, unearthed a haul of arms and ammunition hidden inside a bunker in a deep jungle area. "It was one of the largest ammunition recovery made by the Security Forces after liberating the East," he added.

  • May 9: Nine civilians died and 19 others sustained injuries when the LTTE militants opened fire on them at NFZ. The Sri Lanka Army report adds that estimated 303 escapees were trying to enter troop-held areas across causeway in Mullaitivu when the LTTE terrorists stormed them and went on a shooting-spree to prevent them from deserting the LTTE.

    Troops conducting search and clear operations in the Vishuamadu and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Mullaitivu District recovered 15 T-56 weapons, one boat, one under ground bunker, one 12.5 kilograms claymore mine, two 2.5 kilograms claymore mines, thirty-nine 5 kilograms claymore mines, eleven 25 kilograms claymore mines, 148 claymore stands, three hand grenades, one 81-mm mortar, 40 kilograms TNT explosives, one thousand one hundred and ten 82-mm mortar tails, five hundred and twelve 82-mm mortar bombs, eighty-seven 60-mm mortar bombs, six booby traps made using 82-mm mortars, 60 Bangalore torpedoes, three LTTE tags, 30 LTTE uniforms, one Dialog SIM card, three hundred and ninety 60-mm mortar fuses, 50 Rocket Propeller Grenade (RPG) chargers, one round of RPG ammunition, 800 training hand grenades, two pressure mines, ninety-one 120-mm mortar bombs, three thousand 12.7-mm links, one round of T-56 ammunition, one I-com set and one pouch.

    Seven hand grenades, two T-56 magazines, two anti-personnel mines (APMs), three RPG bombs, three RPG chargers, one Box of 12.7-mm ammunition, 2360 rounds of T-56 ammunition, five hundred and seventy-five 81-mm mortar chargers, fifty-six 60-mm mortar bombs, four 60-mm mortar fuses, three Light Machine Gun (LMG) links, one Bangalore torpedo and one Out Board Motor (OBM) were found by the troops conducting clearing operations in the Madu, Ampakamam and Akkarayankulam areas. Troops also found an LTTE training camp left abandoned by the militants in the Akkarayankulam area of Kilinochchi District.

    Three child soldiers had surrendered to the Army troops in the Vellamullivaikkal area.

    The SFs attacked LTTE camps in the Karaiyamullivaikal area inflicting heavy casualties upon the militants. During subsequent search operations, the SFs recovered two dead bodies of militants along with two T-56 weapons and one range finder. The Defense Ministry said that militants have laid landmines in the area to obstruct the advance of the troops.

    Tamil Net reported that the LTTE military spokesman Irasiah Punitharooban alias Ilanthirayan alias Marshall sustained heavy injuries in the latest artillery barrage by the SLA. However, the Defence Ministry Website reported that Ilanthirayan had succumbed to his injuries.

    Troops conducting search and clear operations in the Vishuamadu and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Mullaitivu District recovered 15 T-56 weapons, one boat, one under ground bunker, one 12.5 kilograms claymore mine, two 2.5 kilograms claymore mines, thirty-nine 5 kilograms claymore mines, eleven 25 kilograms claymore mines, 148 claymore stands, three hand grenades, one 81-mm mortar, 40 kilograms TNT explosives, one thousand one hundred and ten 82-mm mortar tails, five hundred and twelve 82-mm mortar bombs, eighty-seven 60-mm mortar bombs, six booby traps made using 82-mm mortars, 60 Bangalore torpedoes, three LTTE tags, 30 LTTE uniforms, one Dialog SIM card, three hundred and ninety 60-mm mortar fuses, 50 RPG chargers, one round of RPG ammunition, 800 training hand grenades, two pressure mines, ninety-one 120-mm mortar bombs, three thousand 12.7-mm links, one round of T-56 ammunition, one I-com set and one pouch on May 9.

    Seven hand grenades, two T-56 magazines, two APMs, three RPG bombs, three RPG chargers, one Box of 12.7-mm ammunition, 2360 rounds of T-56 ammunition, five hundred and seventy-five 81-mm mortar chargers, fifty-six 60-mm mortar bombs, four 60-mm mortar fuses, three LMG links, one Bangalore torpedo and one OBM were found by the troops conducting clearing operations in the Madu, Ampakamam and Akkarayankulam areas. Troops also found an LTTE training camp left abandoned by the militants in the Akkarayankulam area of Kilinochchi District.

    Three child soldiers had surrendered to the Army troops in the Vellamullivaikkal area.

  • May 8-9: At least 35 LTTE militants were killed on May 8, as the advancing troops took full control of the last outfit's defensive earth bund in the Mullaitivu District. The troops have completely cleared the Karyamullvaikkal area, Defence officials said on May 9. Currently the LTTE is limited to an area of just three square kilometres, added the official. As reported earlier, an unspecified number of dead bodies of LTTE militants were found scattered along with their weapons, when troops captured the last LTTE built earth bund in the south of Karaiyamullivaikal in the morning of May 7.

  • May 8: Troops in the Karaiyamullivaikal, Vellamullivaikkal, Udayarukattukulam and Vavunavillu areas of Mullaitivu District recovered dead bodies of 31 LTTE militants along with 32 T-56 weapons, two RPG, four MPMG, one 12.7 weapon, one 40-mm grenade launcher, two I-com sets, two claymore mines, three T-56 magazines, two detonators and two maps.

    31 more dead bodies of LTTE militants were recovered by the troops along with a cache of arms ammunition from the Puthukkudiyiruppu west, Puthukkudiyiruppu east, Verakulam, Vellamullivaikkal, Vavunavillu and Allaiwewa areas. Among others, the seizure included one 82-mm mortar barrel, two 81-mm mortar barrels, one 60-mm mortar, three 12.7-mm weapons, three MPMG weapon bodies, six LMG, 30 LMG bodies, 37 T-56 weapons, 231 T-56 weapon bodies, 81 T-56 weapon pistons, 58 9-mm pistols, one anti aircraft gun with weapon mount and sight, 100 MPMG links, two MPMG mounts, seven 152 arty ammunition, 367 81-mm mortar bombs, 283 RPG bombs, 98 1.5 kilograms claymore mines, 202 two kilograms claymore mines, nine suicide jackets, 12081 electronic detonators, and 253 kilograms of TNT explosives.

  • May 7: An unspecified number of dead bodies of LTTE terrorists were found scattered along with their weapons, when troops captured the last LTTE built earth bund in the south of Karaiyamullivaikal. Troops subsequently recovered six T-56 weapons of the LTTE. Meanwhile, several soldiers also sustained injuries in the string of pitched battles in the remaining strip of land in the NFZ.

    Heavy fighting that broke out between the two sides has killed the deputy leader of the Sea Tiger, Chelliyan.

    Troops continued their search and clear operations in the Karaiyamullivaikal, Vadduvakal, Uruthirapuram and Mulankavil areas and recovered dead bodies of two LTTE militants along with six T-56 weapons, one binocular, three I-com sets, six rounds of 81 mm mortar booby traps, 500 rounds of MPMG ammunition, eight mine fields, 27 hand grenades, 163 anti personnel mines, 12 RPG bombs, 3450 rounds of T-56 ammunition, three claymore mines, 10 anti personnel fuses, five 81 mm mortar bombs, 106 81 mortar chargers, three 120 mm mortar bombs and ten 120 mm mortar chargers, according to a Sri Lanka Army report.

    Troops recovered one 60-feet long huge monstrous cylindrical metal structure, identical to a device enabling to live underwater, from Rektavaikkal.

    A military spokesman said that the troops had breached the last earthen fortification, bringing them to 800 metres of the LTTE leadership. Though estimates are not available, military sources said that between 500 to 1,000 hardcore Black Tigers has formed a last wall of defence around the LTTE chief Vellupillai Prabhakaran and others. The spokesman also adds that the LTTE is deploying suicide bombers in large numbers to slow down the Sri Lankan advance.

    Some 150 LTTE sympathizers carrying flags and chanting slogans attacked the Chinese Embassy in London. Supporters of the banned LTTE attacked the Chinese Embassy and damaged many windows of the office while trying to enter inside the building, Police said. Three protesters were arrested but later released on bail.

  • May 6: Clashes continued in the Vellamullivaikkal area, when advancing troops met LTTE resistance. During subsequent search operations, troops recovered dead bodies of three LTTE terrorists, two T-56 weapons and one communication set from the area.

    Troops recovered 45 T-56 weapons, two I-com sets, five rounds of 130 mm artillery shells, 2070 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one 25 kilogram claymore mine, two OBM, six LMG, 58 hand grenades, five terrorist-made Arul bombs, one lorry, a stock of iron balls weighing about 100 kilogram and one LTTE criminal code book during search and clear operations in Ampalavanpokkanai, Nelwelikulam, Kuppilankulam, Waduvakkal, Murusumudai and Nachchikuda on May 6.

  • May 5: Suspected LTTE militants triggered off a claymore mine explosion targeting a tractor at Weliara in the Moneragala District killing one person, military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara told. The claymore mine was placed under an electric fence which was set up by the Pelwatte Sugar Corporation to keep away elephants. "There is no troop movement or Army detachment in this area. It is very obvious that the LTTE cadres are attempting to scare civilians and create psycho panic among settlers in the area," he added.

    Troops engaged in hostage rescue mission have further advanced towards Karaiyamullivaikal amid stiff resistance of the LTTE terrorists making desperate attempts to hold their remaining grounds. Infantrymen of 58 Division on offensive march towards LTTE built earth bund inflicted heavy damages to the enemy manning the bund. Intercepting LTTE radio communications, Electronic Warfare sources have confirmed militants received maximum damages during the confrontation. According to the information received from the battlefield, troops are now consolidating the newly gained positions.

    The LTTE militants launched indiscriminate small arms fire attacks at hostages who were fleeing from the outfit held area of Vellamullivaikkal in the NFZ in Mullaitivu District aboard 15 fishing boats. A LTTE second line leader, identified as Seelambu, is reported to have ordered the assault targeting the civilians. According to intercepted LTTE transmission, a few civilians have reportedly died in the incident.

    During a snap search and clear operation in the Paranthan area, troops recovered one T-56 weapon, one magazine and thirty rounds of ammunitions, according to report of the Sri Lanka Army.

    Troops also conducting search and clear operations in Vellamullivaikkal, Karayanmullivaikkal and other areas including Ampakamam, Puthukkudiyiruppu west and Akkarayankulam recovered thirteen more T-56 weapons, four T-56 magazines, one box of T-56 ammunition, one T-81 weapon, one gas pistol, two boxes of FNC ammunition, fifty-three hand grenades, thirty rounds of 12.7 mm ammunition, three Arul bombs produced by terrorists, eight rounds of 60 mm mortars, nine claymore mines, 15 empty barrels of 200 litre capacity, nine outboard motors, 150 rolls of steel wire, 30 padlocks, one Mullaittivu area map, one shot gun, 64 barrels of 210 litre capacity containing 13,440 litre of kerosene oil, one communication equipment, one man pack, one field bandage and three colour bands.

  • May 4: The STF personnel in the Komari and Pothuvil areas of Ampara District foiled a LTTE infiltration bid, killing four militants.

    25-30 LTTE militants were either killed or severely injured during intermittent clashes with the troops in the area west of Vellamullivaikkal inside the NFZ in Mullaitivu District during the past 36 hours. A few soldiers also sustained injuries in the fighting.

    Troops that stormed a section of LTTE-built earth bund in the stretch of land between the A-35 road and the Nanthikandal lagoon on May 3 expanded their advance by another 250 meters, while closing in on Karaiyamullivaikal area. Subsequently, the SFs recovered four LTTE motorbikes, four T-56 weapons, two T-81 weapons, two GPS, two compasses, one tractor engine, 45 rounds of 9-mm ammunition, 1900 machine gun ammunition rounds, one Canon still camera, 24 personal diaries, 40 machine gun rounds and a few more LTTE items from these areas.

    Troops engaged in continuous search and clear operations in the Vellamullivaikkal, Visuamadukulam, Ramanathapuram, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Kuppilankulam areas recovered six T-56 weapons, one MPMG, 125 RPG, 30 bombs, three sea mines, 15 hand grenades, one tractor engine, one generator, 12 MPMG links, 150 claymore mines, two hundred and thirty-two 120-mm mortar bombs, fifteen 82-mm mortar bombs, two 81-mm mortar bombs, three 60-mm mortar bombs, eight Arul bombs, 200 pouches, 151 (APMs, 480 chargers, 400 electric detonators, 72 training hand grenades, 200-metre long safety fuses, 150-metre long flexible wire, 115 T-56 magazines, five kilograms C-4 explosives, 10 kilograms Tri Nitro Toluene explosives and 60 APMs.

    The STF personnel in Komari and Pothuvil areas of Ampara District foiled a LTTE infiltration bid, killing four militants.

    At least 25-30 LTTE militants were either killed or severely injured during intermittent clashes with the troops in the area west of Vellamullivaikkal inside the NFZ in Mullaitivu District during the past 36 hours. A few soldiers also sustained injuries in the fighting. The report said that the SFs continued to consolidate their positions and countered heavy LTTE resistance during their advance further inside the NFZ. The LTTE has been confided to an area less than five square kilometers on the coast of Mullaitivu District.

    Troops that stormed a section of LTTE-built earth bund in the stretch of land between the A-35 road and the Nanthikandal lagoon on May 3 expanded their advance by another 250 metres, while closing in on Karaiyamullivaikal area. Subsequently, the SFs recovered four LTTE motorbikes, four T-56 weapons, two T-81 weapons, two GPS, two compasses, one tractor engine, 45 rounds of 9-mm ammunition, 1900 machine gun ammunition rounds, one Canon still camera, 24 personal diaries, 40 machine gun rounds and a few more LTTE items from these areas.

    Troops engaged in continuous search and clear operations in the Vellamullivaikkal, Visuamadukulam, Ramanathapuram, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Kuppilankulam areas recovered six T-56 weapons, one MPMG, 125 RPG, 30 bombs, three sea mines, 15 hand grenades, one tractor engine, one generator, 12 MPMG links, 150 claymore mines, two hundred and thirty-two 120-mm mortar bombs, fifteen 82-mm mortar bombs, two 81-mm mortar bombs, three 60-mm mortar bombs, eight Arul bombs, 200 pouches, 151 (APMs, 480 chargers, 400 electric detonators, 72 training hand grenades, 200-metre long safety fuses, 150-metre long flexible wire, 115 T-56 magazines, five kilograms C-4 explosives, 10 kilograms Tri Nitro Toluene explosives and 60 APMs. Troops in the Visuamadukulam, Kilinochchi, Puthukkudiyiruppu west, Udayarkattu, Alankulam and Ampakamam areas recovered three T-81 weapons, two T-56 weapons, one sniper weapon, sixty 60-mm mortar bombs, three RPG, 16 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 54 hand grenades, 67 training hand grenades, 2530 APMs of P-4 mark 01 and four other APMs, one 2.5 kilograms claymore mine, thirty-seven 1.5 kilograms claymore mines, eight 81-mm mortar bombs, one Arul bomb, 22 rounds of pistol ammunition, one 12.7 mm weapon tripod, 510 unidentified mortar fuses, 240 rounds of T-56 ammunition and one Light Machine Gun drum, 57 handcuffs, 86 large tractor tyres, one 1.5 kv generator, one motor cycle, one Latex double door bus, eight empty fuel tanks, 28 gas cylinders, five iron ball barrels and 15 barbed wire rolls, reports Sri Lanka Army.

    As the resettlement programme in the Mannar District gets underway, the Police have expanded their search and clear operations. During a series of operations conducted between April 29 and May 3, the Police supported by Army troops recovered one landmine weighing about 10 kilograms, one claymore mine of 10 kilograms, one claymore mine of eight kilograms, four more claymore mines of about 2.5 kilograms each, a seven kilograms stock of site chargers used for mortars, one Johny mine, 28 detonators, 15 metre long-wire code, three RPG and two chargers used for production of them.

  • May 3: The 58th and the 53rd Divisions cleared their paths towards the remaining five kilometres stretch of the NFZ after the latter stormed another heavily fortified LTTE-built earth-bund across the A-35 road after fighting, military officials told. The 53rd Division which is operating in the narrow land stretch between the Nanthikandal lagoon and A-35 road captured the earth-bund located south of the key junction that links the A-35 road with the Putumattalan-Mullaitivu road. "The LTTE suffered heavily during this battle that ended with the troops capturing this heavily fortified earthbund by the early hours of yesterday braving the heavy mine fields of the LTTE," an unnamed official said. It has also been reported that senior LTTE leader Thamilendi, who was in charge of the heavy weapons of the outfit, was killed during the fighting. "The LTTE is now trapped in a five km stretch of land along with the civilians and the troops are slowly but steadily advancing to that terrain amidst all obstacles posed by the LTTE," military officials added.

    Troops in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area recovered 10 T-56 weapons, one MPMG, one RPG, 17 RPG bombs, 10 RPG bomb pouches, 36 T-56 magazines, 99 pouches, 11 MPMG links, 10 Argus type bombs, 28 hand grenades, 12 field dressings, six Bangalore torpedoes, 150 M-16 ammunition, twenty-three 9-mm ammunition and one I-com set. Further, troops found an abandoned LTTE vehicle from the Udayarkattu area.

    Troops conducting security surveillance in the east found 500 grenades from the Thihilaveddi area of Batticaloa District.

    Troops recovered one T-56 weapon, one T-56 magazine, 30 rounds of T-56 ammunition, six 60-mm mortar bombs, two 2.5 kilograms claymore mines and three detonators from the Olumadu, Periyamadu and Karukkankulam in Vavuniya District.

    Troops conducting security surveillance in the east found 500 grenades from the Thihilaveddi area of Batticaloa District.

    Troops recovered one T-56 weapon, one T-56 magazine, 30 rounds of T-56 ammunition, six 60-mm mortar bombs, two 2.5 kilograms claymore mines and three detonators from the Olumadu, Periyamadu and Karukkankulam in Vavuniya District.

  • May 2: The STF personnel ambushed a group of LTTE militants at Kanchikudiary in the Ampara District killing four militants and recovering a large haul of arms, ammunition and explosive devices. The STF later identified the LTTE intelligence wing members as Vedanayagam, Elevandran, Kaleiwendran and Sathyapavan. The group which is believed to be behind a spate of killings of civilians in the Ampara, Moneragala and Buttala areas in recent times were ambushed on information from residents, Police said. According to the Media Centre for National Security, in a subsequent search operation, the STF recovered explosives, accessories for bomb making, uniforms, medical items, I- com sets, T81 and T56 rifles, ammunition and other items and material needed for survival in the jungle for a long period.

    The 58th and the 53rd Division’s troops captured the key junction that links the Putumattalan-Mullaitivu and Paranthan-Mullaitivu roads north of Vellamullivaikkal.

    Troops engaged in search and clear operations in the Valayalamadam south and Udayarkattu areas recovered 78 hand grenades, one MPMG ammunition box, one LTTE combat kit, two LTTE pouches, one pack, two fibreglass boats, one 81-mm mortar base plate, seventy 82-mm mortar bombs, seventy 81-mm mortar bombs, one 60-mm mortar bomb, five hundred and fifty 81-mm mortar cartridges, three T-56 weapons, 18 MPMG tripods, 118 rifle grenades, 289 RPG, five hundred and fifty-four 81-mm mortar fuses, 55 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 4.5 kilograms of gun powder, 260 explosive chargers, 40 metre long detonator codes, 70 safety fuses, 580 electric detonators, 1500 electric fuses, 39 jumping mines, 42 APMs, seven RPG, five MPMG weapon barrels, two unidentified mortar tubes, 698 Sub Machine Gun (SMG) weapons, 115 G3 and A3 weapons, one thermo baric weapon, one RCL barrel, one improvised mortar rocket, one heavy gun tripod, three heavy machine gun bipods, 656 T-56 magazines, 33 receiving covers, 172 T-56 pistons, 130 SMG magazines, 240 G3 and A3 magazines, five Light Machine Gun drums, 76 RPG shells, three hundred and twenty-five 81-mm mortar shell-connected booby traps, 40 jenny mines, 20 electric mines, 4000 electric mine detonators, 99 primer charges, 340 APM detonators, 550 kilograms of steel balls, 5200 IED electric switches, 11800 APMs plastic cases, 12000 string holders, 600 IED springs, 3000 IED fuses, 940 APM primers, booby trap accessories, 28 mortar shell booby traps, 75 trip wire reels, 4000 accessories of improvised switches, 200 plastic gas masks, twenty seven 2.5 kilograms weighing of copper rods, some aluminium sheets and 3016 ammunition on May 1,accoridng to a Sri Lanka Army report.

    12 hand grenades, 2126 T-56 ammunition, 25-mm bombs and two 81-mm para bombs were found by the troops from the Mulankavil area.

    Troopers from the Karativu STF camp conducted a search in the Karakadapalliya area and recovered one pistol, 60 rounds of ammunition and two hand grenades.

    Troops during a search and clear operation in the Puttur area found sixty 81-mm mortar bombs.

  • May 1: The Sri Lanka Navy destroyed three Sea Tiger boats, including two suicide boats and an attack craft, killing at least 23 militants in a pre-down attack in the seas off Mullaitivu. The SLN spokesman, Captain D.P.K. Dassanayake, said the Navy patrolling three nautical miles in the Mullaitivu sea observed a cluster of LTTE boats deployed from Putumattalan in the NFZ heading towards the currently established Navy first defence line. The Navy’s Special Boat Squadron, Fast Attack Craft and Rapid Action Boat Squadron engaged the Sea Tiger boats attempting to launch a suicide attack on the naval craft. "Two suicide craft laden with high explosives and another attack craft were completely destroyed in the fierce sea battle that erupted in the Mullaitivu sea. At least 23 sea terrorists were killed. Intercepted LTTE communications revealed that Sea Tigers have suffered heavy damages in the confrontation", Captain Dassanayake added.

    The advance of the troops towards the remaining areas under LTTE control is set to be expedited with the 58 Division troops capturing another earth bund paving the way for the 53rd Division advancing along the A-35 road to join with the 58th Division and advance further southwards in the NFZ, said military officials. Troops of the 58th Division captured this heavily fortified earth bund which had been constructed obstructing the troop advance along the A-35 road as they reached towards the A-35 road leaving only five kilometers land strip under LTTE control as of May 1, military officials added. As troops advanced further southward to capture the remaining areas under LTTE control, two more huge blasts believed to be accidental explosions of two suicide vehicles which were being prepared to be sent towards the advancing troops, were observed by the ground troops in the early hours of the same day. "The two explosions took place closer to the areas where thousands of civilians were living and the explosion continued fore more than two hours at one instance," the officials added. The military officials stated that at least few dozens of civilians would have been killed and injured due to these explosions as it took place deeper inside the NFZ in Vellamullivaikkal.

    During a combined search operation conducted by the Police and Special Task Force a stock of warlike items was found from Pampemadu in Mannar District. The seizure included a claymore mine of seven kilograms, three claymore mines of four kilograms, one 54 feet-long detonator cord, 19 detonators, one RPG round, two RPG boosters, 350 rounds of T-56 ammunition and 100 mete of flexible wire.

    One light aircraft bomb was recovered by the troops from the Kokkali area.

    The Sri Lanka Army’s official news wing was illegally hacked and technically ‘assassinated’ by suspected LTTE militants or their proxies, inserting some gruesome images, according to a SLA report. Similarly, the Government news portal was hacked by suspected LTTE militants on the same day, the Government Information Department said.

  • April 30: Suspected LTTE militants shot dead a civilian in the Kaluwankerny area of Batticaloa District.

    The SFs recovered one T-81 weapon, nine T-56 assault rifles, two T-56 assault rifles, one 76-mm gun pedal, one 76-mm gun firing pin, one 76-mm gun retaining spring, four 76-mm Gun Breed block, two 30-mm machine gun canon, gun mount and pedal, one 60-mm mortar base plate, two 60-mm mortar barrel, one hand grenade, one claymore mine, four hand grenades and one grenade pouch during search operations conducted in the Valayarmadam, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Nelwelikulam and Kuppilankulam areas.

    The Police on a tip-off found one claymore mine of one kilogram, one claymore mine stand, one T-81 weapon, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun tripod and five hand grenades from the Kirimichchiya area.

  • April 29: At least 350 soldiers were killed and over 700 injured as heavy fighting erupted between the troops and the LTTE in the area north of Mullivaaykkaal in the NFZ in Mullaitivu District according to the Tamil Net. The fighting erupted after two days of heavy attacks by the Sri Lanka Army that has attempted to advance towards Mullivaaykkaal, the report added.

    Naval troops patrolling the North Eastern seas foiled a LTTE attempt to breach its first defence line killing 28 Sea Tigers (cadres of the sea wing of the LTTE), including three female Sea Tiger leaders, identified as Manparithi, Ariyu and Manmadhi, in the sea off Mullaitivu, Navy spokesman Captain D.K.P. Dassanayake told. The Navy Special Boat Squadron confronted with six boats, including four suicide craft, launched from Vellamullivaikkal in the southern part of the NFZ. All the boats were destroyed in the operation.

    Troops in the Puthukkudiyiruppu west and Ettakokavil areas recovered 16 T-56 bayonets, two bolt groups, nineteen 12.7-mm ammunition, 32 Multi Purpose Machine Gun links, a mine field with about 136 mines, 595 electric detonators, 11 land mines, 26 claymore mines, two cases of 25 kilograms claymore mines, a full face helmet with explosives, 10 suicide jackets with explosives, 10 suicide jackets without explosives and nine belts.

    Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said troops are continuing their mission of rescuing the remaining civilians after capturing the 700 metre long and 10 feet high ditch cum earth bund in Rektavaikkal,. "The LTTE had made seven suicide attempts to recapture the earth bund using three human bombs, one explosive laden truck, three motorbikes and a double cab during 24 hours ending Wednesday morning," the Brigadier said, adding, "Our troops also suffered casualties but managed to foil those suicide attempts." The Brigadier said SFs so far have been able to rescue 113,270 civilians after launching the humanitarian operation on April 20 bringing the total number of civilians rescued by the troops to 185,831. "These civilians are sheltered in 30 welfare centres in Mannar, Vavuniya and Pulmoddai and 11 welfare centres in Jaffna," he informed. The SLA report put the rescued number of civilians since April 20 at 114,520.

  • April 28: 35 militants were killed as clashes ensued between the SFs and LTTE militants in the areas south of Rektavaikkal in Mullaitivu District. Subsequently, troops recovered the dead bodies of nine militants, including three females, along with 11 claymore mines, one kilogram of C4 explosives, 75 detonators, 26 firing devices, 46 hand grenades, 15 T-56 weapons, one sniper gun, two I-com sets and 260 anti-personnel mines from the area.

    Troops conducting operations in the NFZ in Mullaitivu District captured a 700 meter long LTTE-built earth bund built across Rektavaikkal area in the south of Valayarmadam. Subsequently, the militants drove an explosive laden truck into the troops who retaliated blowing up the vehicle using gunfire, defence sources said. Troops later recovered the dead bodies of seven militants from the area. "Our troops managed to capture this earth bund which was one of the tactically important locations for the LTTE to defend their hideouts in the southern part of the No Fire Zone where LTTE leaders are believed to be hiding through their military tactics and manoeuvres, using small arms," an unnamed senior military official told. They also foiled numerous counter attacks which came in the form of explosive laden vehicles, sea borne attacks and armoured tanks to recapture the earth bund which was 10 to 12 feet in height and 700 meters in length defending the southern part of the NFZ. "Our gallant soldiers also averted a major disaster after destroying an explosive laden vehicle which was driven towards the earth bund after it was captured by the troops, firing few rounds of Rocket Propelled Grenades towards the lorry before it reached the earth bund," the official added. Troops also suffered casualties but managed to avoid a major disaster by destroying the explosive laden vehicle, before it reached the earth bund. The 58th Division troops have reached closer to the junction which links the Puthumanthalam-Mullaitivu road to the Paranthan-Mullaitivu (A-35) road. The 58th Division troops continued their advance towards the southern part of the NFZ in Karaiyamullivaikal and Vellamullivaikkal to rescue an estimated 15000 to 20000 civilians trapped inside the NFZ. The 53rd Division also advanced towards the NFZ from the east of Puthukkudiyiruppu. SFs since April 20 have rescued more than 112,000 civilians trapped in the NFZ.

    Troops of the Army's 53rd and 58th Divisions confronted militants elsewhere in the NFZ throughout the day as they advance towards Mullivaaykkaal from Valayarmadam in the NFZ amid stiff LTTE resistance. The 58th Division gained control over a 600 meter long LTTE built earth-bund running across the coast from West to East, defence sources said. "The earth bunds were heavily mined, made to restrict both flow of the remaining hostages and military advances," an unnamed defence official said.

    Troops operating in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area found five LTTE uniforms, one cap, one LTTE flag, one suicide jacket, one belt, 27 audio cassettes, 14 compact discs, 26 VHS cassettes, one deck, two satellite receivers, two remote controllers, one CDMA phone, 13 identity cards, five I-com sets and one photo album.

    The SFs advancing south in the Valayarmadam area found an improvised armour-plated six-wheel truck apparently used for the transport of LTTE leaders across un-cleared areas (area not under Government control) recently, reports Sri Lanka Army. Defence sources said the bullet-proof vehicle could accommodate few passengers inside in addition to its driver.

    Troops on search operations in the Kovilporativu area of Batticaloa District arrested three suspects carrying one T-56 weapon, 22 rounds of ammunition, one magazine, one mobile phone, two SIM cards and two National Identity Cards.

    Three suspected militants were arrested by the SFs after an IED containing 10 kilograms of C-4 explosives and two hand grenades were recovered from a courtyard in the Elithoor area of Mannar District.

  • April 27: Troops continued their push towards the last LTTE hideout in the NFZ in Mullaitivu District killing 12 militants while injuring 27 others, the Defense Ministry said. The ministry said that the LTTE has intensified violence against civilians with a renewed hope of survival.

    Four Sea Tigers were killed in an attack carried out by the SLN Fast attack crafts and the Special Boat Squadron boats. The SLN personnel observed two Sea Tiger boats moving towards the advancing ground troops in the sea off Mullaitivu adjacent to the NFZ at around 4.30am. Naval crafts intercepted these two boats and opened fire completely destroying one boat while causing heavy damages to the other killing the four Sea Tigers.

    The SFs clashed with the LTTE militants and advanced further into remaining areas of the NFZ. During subsequent search and clear operations in the Valayarmadam, Kuppilankulam, Thamarakulam, Mullayaweli and Tharakudu areas the troops found dead bodies of two female militants along with 11 T-56 weapons, one 60-mm mortar, two I-com sets, 1253 hand grenades, 22 claymore mines, 53 booby traps, three IEDs, 50 detonators, 117 anti-personnel mines, six Rocket Propeller Grenades, 2690 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 10 kilograms C-4 explosives, 100 tins of rice, 50 tins of curry and 21 out board motors.

    April 26: Troops continued their advance deeper into Ampalavanpokkanai and Valayarmadam areas in the NFZ attacking LTTE camps. Army sniper teams also took part in these attacks.

    Troops recovered two huge LTTE improvised fragmentation mines, named after the LTTE producer, ‘Eerthan-99’, along with many other LTTE items from the Ampalavanpokkanai area in the NFZ. In addition, a big sea-vessel, 12.7mm ammunition rounds, arms and ammunition, explosive devises, were also recovered from the area.

    Troops recovered two T-56 weapons, 150 anti-personnel mines, one kilogram heavy claymore mine, one pouch, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun link, 116 magazine pouches and 55 hand grenade pouches during search and clear operations in the Kuppilankulam, Valayarmadam north and Olumadu areas.

    Troops continued their push towards the last LTTE hideout in the NFZ in Mullaitivu District killing 12 militants while injuring 27 others, the Defense Ministry said. The ministry said that the LTTE has intensified violence against civilians with a renewed hope of survival.

    Four Sea Tigers were killed in an attack carried out by the Sri Lanka Navy Fast attack crafts and the Special Boat Squadron boats. The SLN personnel observed two Sea Tiger boats moving towards the advancing ground troops in the sea off Mullaitivu adjacent to the NFZ at around 4.30am. Naval crafts intercepted these two boats and opened fire completely destroying one boat while causing heavy damages to the other killing the four Sea Tigers.

    Over 180,000 civilians who were held hostage by the LTTE have been rescued since January. Of them nearly 115,000 were freed since the beginning of the rescue mission that begun on April 20. The military said soldiers engaged in the hostage rescue mission freed 3,141 more civilians. "Civilians have told the soldiers that the terrorists are now forcibly pushing the rest of the hostages to the Vellamullivaikkal area, where their leaders are currently hiding," it said.

  • April 26: At least 40 LTTE militants were killed and 35 others wounded as the troops captured Valayarmadam area of NFZ in Mullaitivu District. The 58th Division troops rescued nearly 2,000 civilians bringing the total number of civilians rescued by the troops to 111,000, military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said. The troops took full control of Valayarmadam, located six km north of Vellamullivaikkal, the last terrain held by the LTTE inside the NFZ. With the capture of Valayarmadam, the LTTE has been restricted to a narrow six km stretch in Karaiyamullivaikal and Vellamullivaikkal where the outfit continues to keep thousands of civilians under its detention. According to Nanayakkara, 23 militants also surrendered to the Army as troops advanced into Valayarmadam. The SFs have now commenced advancing further south of the NFZ amidst stiff resistance from the LTTE, said a senior military official.

    The SLN on duty in the seas off Mullaitivu confronted a cluster of LTTE attack boats and sank three of them with militants on board. At least 12 militants were killed and several others injured in clashes that lasted for a few hours.

    Troops continued their advance deeper into Ampalavanpokkanai and Valayarmadam areas in the NFZ attacking LTTE camps. Army sniper teams also took part in these attacks.

    Troops recovered two huge LTTE improvised fragmentation mines, named after the LTTE producer, ‘Eerthan-99’, along with many other LTTE items from the Ampalavanpokkanai area in the NFZ. In addition, a big sea-vessel, 12.7mm ammunition rounds, arms and ammunition, explosive devises, were also recovered from the area.

    Troops recovered two T-56 weapons, 150 anti-personnel mines, one kilogram heavy claymore mine, one pouch, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun link, 116 magazine pouches and 55 hand grenade pouches during search and clear operations in the Kuppilankulam, Valayarmadam north and Olumadu areas.

    The SFs recovered the birth certificate, horoscope and albums of LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran and his son Charles Antony in the war zone. The LTTE chief had reportedly buried these documents before he fled from his residence in Puthukkudiyiruppu east.

    The LTTE announced a unilateral cease-fire. "In the face of an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and in response to the calls made by the UN, EU, the Governments of the USA, India and others, the LTTE has announced an unilateral ceasefire. All of LTTE’s offensive military operations will cease with immediate effect," said a press statement issued by the LTTE Political Head Quarters, according to Tamil Net. "We have taken into account the recent declarations by the G8 nations, the Whitehouse, Indian Ministers and the EU and other members of international community. We are in full agreement that the humanitarian crisis can only be overcome by declaration of an immediate ceasefire," the statement said calling upon the international community to pressure the Sri Lankan Government to reciprocate it.

  • April 25: Suspected LTTE militants carried out two attacks at Nochchikulam in the Morawewa area of Trincomalee District and Panama in the Pothuvil village of Ampara District, killing nine civilians.

    Troops in the Palamattalam, Puthukkudiyiruppu west and Puthukkulam areas recovered 33 hand grenades and one Mitsubishi Pajero jeep.

    The STF personnel recovered one claymore mine, 156 metre-long explosive dead cord and four electric detonators from the Samanthurai area of Ampara District.

  • April 24: The 58th Division Commander Brigadier Shavendra Silva said in Kilinochchi that troops have already captured six kilometres of the NFZ in Mullaitivu District and added that the LTTE was still putting up resistance, firing away 122 mm artillery. "The LTTE is firing but we are not retaliating because of fears that we will hit the civilians. We are using only small arms and carrying out targeted attacks. We don't mind spending more time to recapture the entire area," said Silva, adding, "At least 15 soldiers were killed and about 75 injured during the past four or five days due to LTTE artillery fire. The military operation will end when we fully rescue the remaining civilians from the LTTE. And that will be the end of the LTTE," Brig. Silva said.

    Troops recovered one T-56 weapon and three hundred rounds of T-56 ammunition from Puthukkudiyiruppu east and Oddusudan areas during search operations on the same day.

  • April 23: Troops engaged in rescue operations at Puthumattalan NFZ in Mullaitivu advanced further towards the southern sector close to Ampelvanpokkanai and Velayanmadam areas killing over 10 militants. During subsequent search operations, the troops recovered dead bodies of the slain militants along with 25 T-56 weapons, three caps, one Pajero vehicle, two canter vehicles, one motor bicycle, one T-81 weapon, 24 grenades and two I-com sets.

    The LTTE militants continued mounting small arms fire at civilians, including a large number of patients awaiting safe passage with the ICRC to Pulmoddai in Trincomalee District. A day earlier, the militants had assaulted a group of hostages, including some children, who were fleeing from Mullivaikkal onboard five fishing boats. As revealed by the escapees, four boats with civilians were chased back to the shore while one boat managed to flee from the LTTE cordon.

  • April 22: The SFs killed 14 LTTE militants and injured 21 others during clashes in the Puthukkudiyiruppu east area of Mullaitivu District.

    The SFs killed four militants in the Puttumatalan area and also recovered one 12.7 gun and seven Multi Purpose Machine Guns from the incident site.

    The Government said that the LTTE is now restricted to only eight square kilometres in the NFZ at Puttumatalan in Mullaitivu District. Defence spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said the SFs captured six square kilometres of the northern part of NFZ in the morning of April 22. With this, the SFs have captured one-third of the NFZ.

  • April 21: 22 dead bodies of the LTTE militants were recovered as troops moving past the Puttumatalan junction in the NFZ further extended their defence line to the eastern edge of the beach virtually breaking the NFZ into two major portions. The 58th Division troops "entered into the areas of Puthumanthalam and Ampalavanpokkanai in the no-fire-zone (NFZ)". "Now, the troops have established their positions across the NFZ from Puttumatalan to the beachhead. The manoeuvre has saved lives of several thousands civilians trapped in the area extending from Puthumanthalam north to the northern border of the NFZ," the Defence Ministry said in a report.

    The Defence Ministry said that at least four LTTE militants, including local area leader Ramanan, were reported killed and an armour plated vehicle was destroyed "when troops raided an LTTE gathering position east of Puttumatalan".

    Two LTTE leaders, identified as Kalandan and Vijayan, were killed in the attack mounted by the troops on two LTTE cabs proceeding ahead of the Army’s new defence line inside the Puttumatalan NFZ. During subsequent search operations, troops recovered two micro pistols along with the dead bodies of the slain militants.

    A five-year old child was killed and an unspecified number of other civilians were wounded when the LTTE militants opened fire towards fleeing civilians in the Puttumatalan area on the same day.

    SFs in Visuamadukulam and Vadukkai areas of Mullaitivu and Alankulam in Vavuniya District found one 60-mm mortar bomb, one 81-mm mortar bomb, 1000 rounds of T-56 ammunition, parts of a T-56 weapon and a T-81 weapon, one Rocket Propelled Grenade bomb and two hand grenades, two hand grenades, one APM, 17 APM fuses, two electric detonators, two T-56 magazines, one pouch and three caps.

    Army Commander Lt. General Sarath Fonseka said that troops engaged in expanding their defences within the NFZ attacked the last remaining Sea Tiger base in Puttumatalan compelling the Sea Tiger leaders to flee from that base. The 58th Division troops have now managed to expand their defences towards the eastern beach front after capturing the Puttumatalan hospital, Ampalavanpokkanai hospital complex, the report said.

    SFs in Visuamadukulam and Vadukkai areas of Mullaitivu and Alankulam in Vavuniya District found one 60-mm mortar bomb, one 81-mm mortar bomb, 1000 rounds of T-56 ammunition, parts of a T-56 weapon and a T-81 weapon, one Rocket Propelled Grenade bomb and two hand grenades, two hand grenades, one APM, 17 APM fuses, two electric detonators, two T-56 magazines, one pouch and three caps.

    April 20: Troops in Visuamadukulam recovered 22 hand grenades, one 122-mm artillery ammunition round, one 81 mm improvised explosive device and several other LTTE items. In addition, troops recovered two tow kilograms heavy claymore mines, two hand grenades, 33 anti-personnel mines, one helmet, one pouch, one T-56 magazine and a few more LTTE items from the Ampakamam, Karuppadamurippu, Iranamadu, Kokkali and Mudaviyarkulam areas.

    Troops recovered one T-56 weapon and one T-56 magazine from the Kaluwankerny area of Batticaloa District.

  • April 20: The SFs rescued 39081 civilians held hostage by the LTTE inside the NFZ in Mullaitivu District. Earlier, the 58th Division entered the NFZ in the early hours of April 20 with the capture of a three kilometres long LTTE-built earth bund in the Puttumatalan and Ampalavanpokkanai areas and opened the gates of the NFZ.

    17 civilians were killed and over 200 injured when three LTTE suicide bombers rammed into civilian gatherings and blew themselves up inside the NFZ in the Puttumatalan area between 9.00a.-1.00pm (SLST). The Defence Ministry said the militants initially fired at civilians on the causeway using heavy machine guns. "When they stepped into the lagoon to avoid LTTE machine gunfire, three LTTE cadres ran on to them and exploded themselves," the ministry added. Further, a large group of people attacked the militants who attempted to stop them and crossed over to the army-line amid LTTE small arms fire. The Navy said its sea units deployed in the north-eastern coastal waters rescued 92 boats with over 1,500 civilians. Navy spokesperson D.K.P. Dassanayake said, "The Sri Lanka Navy detected a cluster of small boats coming out of the NFZ early this morning with LTTE attack boats firing at them. Having identified that refugees were being attacked by the LTTE, Navy Sea units have separated the terrorist boats from refugee boats by tactically manoeuvring in between them." Government sources said that Air Force Unmanned Aerial Vehicles spotted more civilians being shot by LTTE cadres as they attempted to leave the NFZ, PTI reported.

  • April 19: SFs killed 17 LTTE militants and injured 22 others during clashes while the troops attempted to clear a road that would give the military access to remaining territory in Mullaitivu District held by the outfit, the Defence Ministry said. The troops were 700 metres to 800 metres short of the bridge on the A-35 road at Vellamullivaikkal in the night of April 18, adds Times of India.

    Three militants who had infiltrated the area west of Omanthai in Vavuniya District were shot dead by the SFs. The SFs later recovered their dead bodies along with two T-56 weapons, one I-com set, three T-56 magazines, 342 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 42 MPMG ammunitions, six hand grenades, two silver compass, one laser range finder, one GPS, two cyanide capsules, one Vavuniya colour map and two LTTE packs from the area.

    During a search operation in north Vishuamadu in Mullaitivu District, the SFs recovered a 152-mm artillery gun.

    Troops in the Vishuamadu, Sinnavillu, Puthukkudiyiruppu east and Mudalyarkulam areas recovered a cache of arms and ammunition, including 78 hand grenades, 14 T-56 weapons, six T-56 magazines, 4750 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 5000 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG) ammunition, sixteen 60-mm mortar bombs, one trapped gun, one shot gun, 27 anti-personnel mines, 47 Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPG), five RPG chargers and six claymore mines.

    Three water tanks, two parts of a communication tower, one I-com communication set, one hand grenade, one T-56 magazine, three belt orders, two pouches and 12 anti-personnel mines were recovered by the troops from the Kokkali, Ampakamam and Therumurukandy areas of Kilinochchi District.

  • April 18: Troops in Puttumatalan recovered a cache of arms and ammunition, including one five kilograms claymore mine, 10 rounds of 130-mm ammunitions, 30 T-56 weapons, two claymore mines, one used missile, fourteen 60-mm mortar bombs, seven 60-mm smoke bombs, and 11 improvised explosive devices. Similarly, troops engaged in clearing operations in the Muthiyankulam, Ampakamam and Olumadu areas recovered eight light air craft bombs, 1095 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two T-56 magazines, one 81-mm mortar bomb, three helmets, one 12.7 gun mount. On the same day, the SFs in the Miriyankadu area of Jaffna District recovered one claymore mine weighing five kilograms.

    One T-56 weapon and three magazines were recovered by the troops from the Kudumbimalai are of Batticaloa District.

    Sri Lanka Police arrested two LTTE militants who had come from Batticaloa to Alawathugoda in Matale District allegedly to carry out terrorist activities. According to the Police sources, the duo, believed to be husband and wife, were arrested on information from civilians. They were staying at a temporary lodge collecting information in the area when they were arrested, Police said.

    Over 2,800 civilians arrived in the Government-controlled area of Puttumatalan, the military said. According to defence sources, the group of civilians included 1,253 children, 832 women, and 772 men.

  • April 17: Troops on search and clear operations in the Kokkuthuduvai area of Mullaitivu District recovered decomposed dead body of a LTTE militant along with one LTTE motor bike and 50 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunitions.

    Troops in the Puttumatalan and Kariyalwal areas recovered eight claymore mines, one Rocket Propeller Grenade, two T-56 weapons, 30 hand grenades, one barrel filled with TNT high explosives, one mobile phone, three cyanide capsules, six identification dog tags, one pass port and one driving license.

    The Defence Ministry said that troops have made further advances towards Vellamullivaikkal from the east of Puthukkudiyiruppu in Mullaitivu District amidst heavy firing by the LTTE from the NFZ. "LTTE terrorists have constructed steep earth bunds to restrict both advances of security forces and movement of civilians across open land terrain. They have also cluttered the area with anti-personnel mines and land mines severely restricting civilians from flee LTTE hostage," it said.

    A London court convicted a man described as the head of the LTTE in Britain on two terror-linked charges, including supplying bomb-making equipment to the outfit. Arunachalam Chrishanthakumar (52) was found guilty of coordinating supplies of material to the LTTE and was also convicted of receiving documents for the purpose of terrorism after a trial at Kingston Crown Court. Jurors failed to reach verdicts on three other charges against Chrishanthakumar alias A.C. Shanthan, plus one charge against another accused Jegatheeswaran Muraleetharan. The Court is to take a decision next week on whether to hold a re-trial.

  • April 16: The SFs gained complete control over a LTTE built earth bund cum ditch in the outskirts of the No Fire Zone killing six militants. During subsequent search operations, troops recovered one 130-mm artillery gun trailer, nine T-56 assault riffles and an I-com set along with three decomposed dead bodies of LTTE militants. The SFs are reported to have stepped-up fresh advances on April 15 towards the remaining non-liberated territory along the coast of Mullaitivu following the two-day truce since April 13.

    The SFs conducted search operations in the Kalmadukulam, Ampakamam, Mutiyankattukulam, Pampemadu and Sooriyaady areas and recovered large stocks of arms and ammunition. 65 anti-personnel mines (APMs), 50 APM (Johny) mines, 243 hand grenades, 31 detonators, 63 IED, 48 gas masks, thirty-six 600-mm mortar bombs, eight 81-mm bombs, three Arul bombs, two cylinders, 12 Rocket Propeller Grenade high explosive bombs, four 81-mm IEDs, nine Bangalore torpedoes, one armor tank mine, 12 claymores, one gun mount, forty mortar bombs, T-56 accessories, six T-56 magazines, one Light Machine Gun drum, one receiving cover, one oil bottle, five detonators, one T-56 weapon, 440 rounds of ammunition and one belt order were recovered from Kalmadukulam.

  • April 15-16: At least 13 militants were killed and 15 others injured as cashes erupted between SFs and militants in east Puthukkudiyiruppu in the Mullaitivu District.

  • April 15: During search operations in the north of Mullayavalai and Vishuamadu, troops recovered a trail of a 130-mm artillery gun, two I-com sets, one heavy weapon barrel, 27 hand grenades, eight Arul bombs and seven RPGs .

  • April 14: Two three-year-old boys who sustained injuries during LTTE shelling in the un-cleared areas (area not under Government control) died at the Pulmoddai hospital. The two, Dinesh Yalini and Kuhadas Obison, who were among a group of civilians rescued by the Army and moved to the Government-controlled areas in Trincomalee were reportedly brought from Mullaitivu. The Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekara told that the victims were injured by shelling in the un-cleared areas.

    One soldier was killed in an attack by the LTTE in the Vadukkai area of Mullaitivu District, as the Government declared that the 48-houre truce period ended in the midnight.

    Five soldiers deployed in the Ampalavanpokkanai area were injured in continued LTTE artillery shelling and mortar attacks launched from the NFZ. A few more soldiers were injured in LTTE attacks in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area.

    Troops conducting search and clear operations in the north of Nanthikandal lagoon in Mullaitivu District found four SAMs. These serviceable missiles were found by the troops while they had been buried by the LTTE militants under the soil near a tree in the area.

    Troops in the Puthukkudiyiruppu and Vishuamadu areas recovered 610 anti-personnel mines, four RPG bombs, 513 rounds of MPMG ammunition, two MPMG links, one 12.5 kilograms claymore mine, one belt order, one 60-mm base plate, forty-six 60-mm mortar bombs, two 40-mm Auto Grenade Launcher cartridges, one LTTE uniform, one pouch, one hand grenade, four hundred rounds of T-56 ammunition and one anti-tank mine. Similarly, one round of RPG ammunition, two lubricant oil cans and one Out Board Motor were found by the troops conducting clearing operations in the Patikkarai, Udayarkattu and Kiranchi areas.

  • April 13-14: Suspected militants attacked the residents of Galvetiyamandiya village in Moneragala District in the evening of April 13 and shot dead at least three civilians, the military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said on April 14. The victims included two elderly women and one male. Police also found one more woman with severe cut injuries. Police suspect that the same group of militants who massacred nine civilians in Mahagodayaya is involved in this attack.

  • April 13: Troops recovered one T-56 weapon, one I-com set, three claymore mines, one Rocket Propeller Grenade, 12 anti-personnel mines, one hand grenade, 200 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one shot gun cartridge, one pouch, one LTTE uniform and one LTTE cap from the Vishuamadu and Puthukkudiyiruppu east areas.

  • April 12-13: Five villagers were hacked to death by suspected LTTE militants, while they were returning from their paddy fields at Mahagodayaya in the Buttala area of Moneragala District. Initial reports said a group of militants in the jungle have carried out the massacre. Buttala Police said there were two children among the victims. At least two others were injured in the attack, Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekara said. The death toll of the suspected LTTE attack on villagers at Mahagodayaya along the Buttala-Moneragala road in Moneragala District in the evening of April 12 increased to nine, Police said on April 13. Police spokesman Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekara said that another four persons who were wounded severely succumbed to their injuries later in the same night. Police confirmed that three men, three women, and three children were among the dead.

    The LTTE disregarding the Government's pause in fighting attacked the troops and killed a soldier by sniper fire at Puthukkudiyiruppu in Mullaitivu District. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said the LTTE also fired mortars in the direction of the SFs wounding a soldier in the same area. Apart from these two, there were no other incidents in the war zone, the spokesman confirmed.

  • April 12: Police found a powerful bomb planted inside a biscuit tin at the Nawalapitiya bus stand in Kandy District. According to the Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekara, the Police, acting on civilian information, found the bomb planted in a public telephone booth near the crowded bus stand in Nawalapitiya town, adding, the Army later defused the bomb.

    A one kilometer long earth bund built by the LTTE in the north of Nanthikandal lagoon was captured by troops. Later, troops recovered 18 T-56 weapons, one mortar, one I-com set and one vehicle from the area.

    Troops conducting search and clear operations in the Vishuamadu area found one LTTE suicide boat, 32 sea mines, three APMs, one 122-mm mortar bomb, four Rocket Propeller Grenades, four hand grenades, three pouches, three LTTE military uniforms, 20 Tar barrels, one tractor and seven T-56 weapons, reports SLA. Similarly, troops recovered 275 kilograms of TNT powder explosives, 10 kilograms of Black Powder explosives, 10 kilograms of TNT explosives slabs, 2.8 kilograms of cordite, 220 APM fuses, 58 electronic detonators, 352 APMs and ten 60 mm mortar bombs from the Udayarukattukulam area.

    Pro-LTTE demonstrators broke into the Sri Lankan embassy during a protest in the Norwegian capital Oslo, destroying windows and furniture. But no one was injured in the incidents, the Police added. "They damaged windows and broke some things inside and then disappeared - we have not caught anyone," Police officer Tor Groettum told Reuters. The protest, the first of several by LTTE supporters around the world in recent weeks to turn violent, followed a march by around 100,000 people in London on April 11 to demand a cease-fire between Sri Lankan forces and the outfit. Tamils began demonstrating in Oslo last week to pressure Norway, one of four nations heading Sri Lanka''s peace process, to use its influence to stop the violence in the country.

  • April 11: The military claimed killing eight LTTE militants and injuring 12 others as sporadic fighting was reported between troops and the militants at the fringes of Ampalavanpokkanai in Mullaitivu District. According to military, the SFs engaged the militants who were attempting to breach the forward defenses at around 10:00am (SLST).

    Five militants were killed by the SFs in the east Puthukkudiyiruppu. In a separate incident in the same area, 53rd Division troops clashed with a group of LTTE militants and reportedly killed three of them.

    Troops in west Puthukkudiyiruppu and Kumarankulam recovered nine T-56 weapons, one recoilless riffle barrel, 150 anti-personnel mines, 14 claymore mines, 150 hand grenades, 26 improvised explosive devices and few accessories of a 14.5-mm gun.

    Troops recovered T-56 weapons, one recoilless rifle barrel, 150 anti personnel mines, 14 claymore mines, 150 hand grenades and 26 IEDs of few accessories of a 14.5 mm gun during search and clear operations in the general areas west of Puthukkudiyiruppu and Kumarankulam.

  • April 10: Troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the outer perimeter of the NFZ and subsequently recovered nine dead bodies of the militants along with 22 T-56 weapons, one Rocket Propeller Grenade launcher, 25 thousand rounds of 5.56 ammunition, one pistol with three magazines and three I-com sets.

    Troops in the Vishuamadu area recovered 280 hand grenades, 20 kilograms of C-4 explosives and 404 area maps of different sizes, including 72 satellite maps.

  • April 9: SFs in the Munnai, Chalai, Patikkarai, east of Puthukkudiyiruppu and Vishuamadu areas, recovered four decomposed dead bodies of the militants along with a cache of arms and ammunition, including 31 T-56 weapons, two magazines, 65 sea mines, four 12.5 kilograms claymore mines, and seven hand grenades, and other items. SFs also recovered 18 T-56 weapons, one micro pistol along with one decomposed dead body of a militant from the north of Nanthikandal lagoon. A few soldiers also sustained injuries in explosions in the area. Separately, one T-56 weapon, one three kilograms claymore mine, one detonator and one hand grenade were found by the SFs in the Ampalavanpokkanai and Olumadu areas.

    Troops in north Puttumatalan observed two militants trying to infiltrate the 55th Division defence line east of Chalai lagoon and opened fire killing both of them. Two identity cards and four hand grenades were recovered from their possession.

    One decomposed dead body of a militant along with 25 MPMG links, three T-56 weapons, three magazines and 20 rounds of T-56 ammunition was found by the troops from the Alankulam and Mankulam areas. On the same day, troops in Puttumatalan west and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas recovered 11 T-56 weapons, two I-com sets, 21 claymore mines, one hundred and two 122-mm artillery rounds and four magazines of FNC guns.

  • April 8: Troops of Army's 53rd Division advancing ahead of the eastern limits of Puthukkudiyiruppu in Mullaitivu District clashed with the LTTE militants amid heavy resistance killing 12 militants and injuring 20 others. Troops later recovered dead bodies of seven slain militants.

    Troops conducting search and clearing operations in Puthukkudiyiruppu found five dead bodies of LTTE militants along with 11 T-56 weapons, one Light Machine Gun, two RPGs, two I-com sets, three pouches, seven T-56 weapons. Similarly, the SFs recovered the dead body of one militant along with one 60-mm mortar launcher and seven Multi Purpose Machine Gun links from the Olumadu area. The SFs also recovered one T-56 weapon, 25 anti-personnel mines, seven RPGs, five hand grenades, two pouches, one shot gun and one Arul bomb from the Ramanadapuram area. At Vishuamadu in Kilinochchi District, the troops recovered 11 RPGs, five LTTE uniforms, one pouch, one T-56 ammunition box and two LTTE caps.

    A local staff member of the ICRC, identified as Sinnathurai Kugathasan, was hit by a shell near Ampalavanpokkanai in the LTTE-held area of Mullaitivu coast and died. Earlier on March 4, another ICRC worker, Vadivel Vijayakumar, involved in the medical evacuations was injured by shrapnel fire and later succumbed to his injuries.

    The LTTE intelligence chief Pottu Amman has taken the overall command of the outfit amidst the "fast deteriorating mental health condition" of its leader Velupillai Prabhakaran, the Sri Lankan Defence Ministry said. The Ministry said the Government-designated NFZ, meant for the civilians held hostage by the LTTE in Wanni, has now become a sanctuary for top LTTE leaders, including Prabhakaran. The Defence Ministry said Pottu Amman, having no battlefield experience, reportedly appointed Velawan, the last of LTTE’s battle-hardened cadre, as the outfit’s new military chief. It quoted civilians seeking refuge with the Army as saying that Pottu Amman had issued strict orders to the cadre manning the borders of the NFZ to kill any civilian, irrespective of their age or gender, who tried to escape from the NFZ. "The orders have been given following the outfit’s recent debacle in Puthukkudiyiruppu east. According the civilians, the infamous LTTE intelligence leader has convinced the LTTE cadre that the civilians are their last hope for survival," said the Ministry. "The Military further said security forces had several confrontations with the militants manning the last LTTE earth bund situated outside the NFZ, west of Ampalavanpokkanai. It said snipers deployed in the forward areas confirmed acquisition of 11 LTTE targets.

    The military said several loud explosions were heard in the NFZ soon after Army made the "final announcement" asking the LTTE to release the civilians held hostage by them in the afternoon. "The Army has made announcement using loudspeakers positioned few hundred metres short of the western border of the NFZ. Army suspects that the militants have launched some sort of an attack at the civilians who tried to escape their rule," it said. The military said soldiers poised to liberate the northern banks of the Nanthikandal lagoon, which is still under the LTTE hold, were now manoeuvring out of the Puthukkudiyiruppu east area.

  • April 7: A hand grenade was found in a three-wheeler near the market of Polonnaruwa town in Polonnaruwa District. Police later arrested the driver and took the three-wheeler into custody.

  • April 6: Troops conducting search and clear operations in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area of Mullaitivu District recovered 72 more dead bodies of the LTTE militants raising the total number of recovered bodies from the area to 525 since April 1.

    A woman suicide bomber of the LTTE blew herself in the Ramanathapuram area of Mullaitivu District immediately after she spotted the presence of Army troops ahead of her, reports Sri Lanka Army. The impact of the explosion injured one of the officers on duty in the area.

    SFs recovered two LMGs, 69 claymore mines, 448 rounds of 12.7 ammunition, 19 boxes of 12.7 ammunition, 18 bags of ball bearing, 20 T-56 weapons, one MPMG and a box of MPMG ammunition.

  • April 5: At least 420 LTTE militants, including several top leaders, were killed as the troops captured the outfit's final stronghold in Puthukkudiyiruppu in Mullaitivu District and ended the long siege on the last square kilometre held by the LTTE following three days of fighting. The slain leaders included Northern area leader Theepan, female wing leader Vidusha and her deputy Durga, Batticaloa leader Nagulesh and Gadafi. Military wing leader Bhanu was reportedly critically injured in the fighting. Five more senior leaders, identified as Seelambarasan, leader of the LTTE's Radha Regiment, his deputy Anbu, the militant in charge of mortar section Gopal, Asmi, in charge of mines section and a leader of LTTE's Sodia Regiment Mohana were among the other top leaders killed. In search operations conducted in the area troops recovered more than 250 dead bodies of militants bringing the total number of dead bodies recovered during last three days up to 420. In addition, three 130-mm artillery guns, one 85-mm artillery gun, one 30-mm peddle gun (ZPU-4), a large quantity of 12.7 mm weapons and small arms were also recovered by the troops.

    Troops recovered the birth certificate, horoscope and albums of Prabhakaran from Puthukkudiyiruppu. "The troops of the 53 division unearthed the vital documents including the birth certificate, horoscopes and albums of the LTTE leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran and his family yesterday," the state-run Sunday Observer reported on April 5 quoting sources. "Prabhakaran had buried the lot before he fled from his residence in Puthukkudiyiruppu east and the troops of 53 and 58 divisions encircled the rebels in a one square kilometre" area, the report said.

    The SFs clashed with LTTE militants in the Vishuamadu and Mullaitivu areas killing 14 of them, including six females. Troops later recovered dead bodies of all the slain militants along with 13 T-56 weapons, one I-com set, one satellite phone, four Arul bombs, four hand grenades, one claymore mine, one GPS, two motor bikes and one 1.5 KVA generator.

    Superintendent of Police H.L. Jamaldeen was shot dead by suspected LTTE militants at Marathamunai in the Kalmunai area of Ampara District. Jamaldeen, who was the Deputy Director at the Kallady Police Training School in Batticaloa, was killed while he was returning after evening prayers at the Marathamunai mosque.

    Troops engaged in search and clear operations in the Kadiraveli area of Batticaloa District recovered one micro pistol, one magazine containing six rounds of ammunition, eight 81-mm mortar bombs, fourteen 81-mm chargers, six 60-mm mortar Para bombs and two hand grenades from the area.

    Troops conducted in the Puthukkudiyiruppu west area recovered two hand grenades, one belt order, one pair of boots and two helmets.

  • April 4: At least 93 LTTE militants were killed in fierce clashes with the SFs in the Puthukkudiyiruppu east area of Mullaitivu District. During the subsequent search operation the SFs recovered dead bodies of 93 slain militants along with 111 T-56 weapons, 17 T-81 weapons, four 12.7-mm guns, two M16 riffles, two RCL barrels, and a cache of arms and ammunition.

    Troops conducted search operations in the Vishuamadu, south east of Kilinochchi and north of Dharmapuram and recovered dead bodies of two militants along with 16 T-56 magazines, one RPG launcher, one claymore, one detonator, nine shot guns, 15 hand grenades, five RPG rounds, five anti-personnel mines, 40 Arul bombs, three unidentified bombs, 30 rounds of 9-mm ammunition, one I-com set, one jacket and three motor bikes from these areas.

    Troops in the Meeiankulam area of Vavuniya District recovered one RPG weapon, five RPG rounds, two RPG packs, one I-com set, five chargers, one claymore remote control, one unidentified magazine, two T-56 weapons, three T-56 magazines, ninety rounds of T-56 ammunition and three maps. Separately, Vavuniya Police conducted a search operation in Ukkukulam area and recovered two hand grenades, one micro pistol with one magazine containing eight rounds of ammunition from the area.

  • April 3: At least 45 militants were killed when heavy fighting erupted between the SFs and the LTTE militants in the north east of Puthukkudiyiruppu in Mullaitivu District. The SFs later recovered dead bodies of all the slain 45 militants. Earlier, the SFs had recovered 21 dead bodies of the militants along with 60 T-56 weapons from the area.

    40 senior militants were killed by the SFs during clashes in the Analankulam area of Mullaitivu District. The SFs also recovered 60 T-56 weapons, four RPG, two I-com sets, 10 claymore mines, 60 mortars, 15 anti-personnel mines, 28 packs and several LTTE uniforms.

    18 Sea Tigers were killed when the SLN engaged a flotilla of 10 LTTE boats in the north-eastern sea off the coast of Alampil destroying three of the boats, the MCNS said. 'During the sea battle two LTTE boats were destroyed and one more was damaged. The navy conducting the search operation in the area have already recovered at least 11 bodies of the LTTE cadres killed in the pre-dawn clash,' a defence official attached to the MCNS said. The military said three naval craft received minor damages and two sailors suffered injuries in the incident.

    13 LTTE militants, including an explosive expert, were killed when Police commandos of the STF ambushed them at Kongahahela in the Lahugala area of Ampara District. The STF said they recovered dead bodies of the slain militants, including two females, along with a large haul of weapons and explosives. The STF also said that they had identified the leader of the unit who was killed during the attack as Kandaiah Sarawanandam alias Paramanadam Master, believed to be an explosives expert and an area leader of the LTTE. Paramanandam Master, hailing from Malwatte in Ampara, had joined the LTTE in 1995 and is believed to be the mastermind of several bomb attacks and a spate of civilian killings carried out in the area recently.

    SFs killed five militants in the north of Puthukkudiyiruppu. Subsequently, the SFs recovered dead bodies of the slain militants along with 19 T-56 weapons, seven hand grenades, four I-com sets, one RPG, 17 improvised explosive devices, four flak jackets, nine Arul bombs, 554 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, one light machine gun and several cyanide capsules.

  • April 2: At least 31 LTTE militants were killed by the SFs during clashes between the two sides in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area of Mullaitivu District. A few soldiers also sustained injuries during the clashes. During subsequent search operations, troops recovered dead bodies of 31 militants along with 50 T-56 weapons, one GPS unit, two RPG, one MPMG, one M16 weapon, two I-com sets and several other LTTE items.

    During a search operation following an encounter with the militants, the SFs in Vishuamadu area recovered dead bodies of three militants along with six T-56 weapons, one RPG, two I-com sets, two maps, one RPG round, thirty LTTE uniform sets, one Bangalore torpedo, one wire cutter, one remote controller, two claymores of 2.5 kilograms and 500 grams of C-4 explosives.

  • April 1: At least 19 LTTE militants were killed and more than 200 others encircled as the entire Puthukkudiyiruppu town and Iranapalai area in Mullaitivu District came under SFs control. The SFs have surrounded the last LTTE terrain in north-east Puthukkudiyiruppu after capturing Pachchaippulmoaddai junction, the last supply route connected to the NFZ from the mainland. "We believe that more than 200 Tiger cadres were trapped inside this terrain and troops are conducting search operations in search of them," an unnamed official told Daily News. During the search operations conducted in the area, the SFs recovered dead bodies of 32 militants along with a large cache of arms, ammunition and vehicles.

    The SFs clashed with militants in east Puthukkudiyiruppu and killed three of them. The troops also recovered 10 T-56 weapons, 31 rounds of cannon-type ammunition and one I-com radio set.

    Defence sources citing intercepted LTTE communication said the LTTE's technical wing chief S. Kirupakaran alias Madivalahan was killed during clashes in Mullaitivu recently. Madivalahan was the mastermind and chief coordinator of the LTTE's satellite cum radio communication network. Further, 'Lieutenant Colonel' Thirubaharan alias Mathiyalagan, an LTTE announcer and a reporter attached to the outfit's Voice of Tigers, was also killed recently by the SFs in Puthukkudiyiruppu.

    Troops in the coastal strip of Palamattalam observed two Sea Tiger boats and opened fire at them destroying one boat which subsequently sunk in the seas. The other boat, however, fled towards the interior of the high seas. The troops later recovered two T-56 weapons from the same area.

    Two anti-tank mines, thirteen 60-mm mortar bombs, 23 hand grenades, 28 RPG rounds, one RPG, three Arul type bombs, three 81mm mortar bombs, two improvised explosive device, connected 81-mm mortar bombs, eight anti-personnel mines and one hundred 82-mm mortar bombs were recovered by the troops from Navatkulam in Vavuniya District and Vishuamadu and Iranamadu in Mullaitivu District.

    Personnel attached to the Valaichchenai Police Station conducted a search operation in the Vinayagapuram area of Batticaloa District and recovered one claymore mine of five kilograms and one hand grenade.

  • March 31: Two more suspects charged with the abduction and killing of a six-year-old girl, Warsha Jude, in Trincomalee on March 11 were shot dead by the LTTE militants in Trincomalee. Police said that when they opened fire at a suspected group of militants, the two murder suspects were caught in the crossfire and were killed. During the encounter, two Policemen were also injured. Warsha was abducted from her school and later killed when a ransom demand of SLR 30 million was not met.

    Two top LTTE leaders, Amirthap alias Amuthab and Kobith alias Gobith, were killed during clashes with the troops in Puthukkudiyiruppu. Prabhakaran's son, Charles Anthony, was also confirmed injured during these clashes. Amirthap was the leader of the LTTE's "Charles Anthony Regiment". He became the leader in 2008 after serving as the special leader for the "Imran Pandiyan Regiment" in 2006. Kobith, who led LTTE operations against the Army, was formally the special leader of the "Charles Anthony Regiment" in 2007.

    Charles Anthony, eldest son of the LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran, was injured during a military operation in Puthukkudiyiruppu last week, military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara told the media. However, neither LTTE nor any of its front organizations has responded to the claim, adds The Hindu. The military said Anthony was in charge of LTTE's weapons and explosives manufacturing unit, an expert in manufacturing explosives and the technician for aircraft engineering in the outfit. "He was instrumental in producing at least two kinds of powerful LTTE bombs, known as 'Ragavan I, II, III' and 'Samadana Shell'. He was also associated with the production of bombs for use in LTTE aircraft. Charles Anthony was also the brainchild behind LTTE aerial attacks on Katunayake Sri Lanka Air Force base on 26th March 2007," it said.

    The SLAF fighter jets destroyed a LTTE 130-mm artillery gun hidden in the northeast of Puthukkudiyiruppu. According to military sources, the destroyed 130-mm artillery gun was among the few heavy artillery guns available with the LTTE located inside the "No Fire Zone" to direct fire on the advancing troops and also towards the fleeing civilians.

    During search operations in the Vishuamadu, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Iranamadu areas troops recovered eight T-56 weapons, three T-56 magazines, two communication sets, one pedal gun used in navy boats, three suicide jackets, nine claymore mines, five hand grenades, eight Rocket Propeller Grenades, two artillery sights, one aiming sight, one 81-mm mortar sight and one jacket. In addition, 3500 kilograms of Potassium Chloride, used for production of C-4 explosives and other mines by the LTTE, was unearthed by the troops from Olumadu in the Vavuniya District. The consignment in 70 bags of 50 kilograms had been brought to the area by LTTE long time ago for distribution among its cadres for production of explosives.

  • March 30: An unspecified number of LTTE militants were killed by the SFs during several clashes in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area of Mullaitivu District, reported SLA. During subsequent search operations, the SFs recovered dead bodies of five militants along with eight T-56 weapons, four magazines, one modified weapon, four I-com sets, one satellite phone, one Silva Compass, two Global Positioning System units, two maps and two man packs from these areas.

    Troops captured another LTTE-built earth bund in the Theveddi area following fierce fighting. The earth bund, about 15 feet in depth and 12 feet in height, was erected to stall the advance of the troops into LTTE concentrations, near the "No Fire Zone".

    Troops in the Udayarukattukulam area recovered fifty-four 60-mm mortar bombs, forty-five 81-mm mortar bombs, 35 RPG, 11 T-56 weapon parts, five moulds of 120-mm mortar bombs, 39 moulds of 81-mm mortar bombs, 22 moulds of 60-mm mortar bombs, 24 moulds of Arul bombs, six IEDs made using 81-mm mortars, eight IEDs made using 60-mm mortars, 17 claymore mines weighing about two kilograms, two claymore mines weighing about five kilograms, two shot guns, fifty-eight 60-mm mortar trails, 160 APMs, 357 hand grenades, 22 Arul bombs, two barrels of Multi Purpose Machine Guns, one barrels of a 12.7-mm weapons115 parts of 60-mm mortars, 37 iron springs, 37 APM fuses and one round of 30-mm ammunition from the area.

    Troops recovered 380 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one hand grenade and two IEDs during a search operation in Puthukkudiyiruppu.

    Airmen of the Sri Lanka Air Force during a search operation in the Surangal area of Trincomalee District found one 60-mm mortar bomb, one kilogram of P3A explosives, a detonator code and a detonator.

  • March 30: Naval troops following a pre-dawn sea encounter off the seas at Chalai in the Mullaitivu District killed 26 Sea Tigers, including one of its top leaders identified as Maran, and submerged four Sea Tiger boats. A huge stock of LTTE armaments also perished with the boats, the Navy said. An unidentified navy spokesman said that a sailor was also killed in the battle.

    The SFs captured a LTTE truck mounted with 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun from the Iranapalai area in the east of Puthukkudiyiruppu. Sources said that the SFs repulsed the outfit's attempt to breach the SF's FDL killing five militants. Dead bodies of five slain militants along with five T-56 riffles and one radio communication set were recovered from the incident site.

    The SFs foiled an attempt by the LTTE militants overboard a canter lorry to enter the cleared areas of Puthukkudiyiruppu near the Army FDL and destroyed the vehicle with the militants onboard. The driver of the vehicle was killed inside the Canter lorry while another militant who tried to escape was also shot dead by the soldiers. The SFs later found a Five-Zero anti-aircraft weapon fixed to the lorry by the militants.

    SFs operating at Palamattalam in the north of Puthukkudiyiruppu captured several LTTE bunkers. At one occasion, an LTTE suicide bomber blew himself up inside the bunker while his accomplices escaped. Sources said that soldiers were unharmed in the explosion.

    Snipers deployed in the forward areas of Iranapalai East reported successful acquisition of 21 LTTE camps during the course of the day. Intercepted LTTE radio transmission confirmed heavy damages to the militants during the clashes in the area since morning.

    SFs operating in the north of Puttumatalan thwarted a LTTE boat attack, most probably aiming at an amphibious attack, a senior military official said, reported Daily News on March 30. According to the ground information LTTE had used 20-30 boats for the attack. The LTTE sustained heavy losses during their failed infiltration effort, which lasted from March 27 till the early hours of March 28.

    Some 600 suspected LTTE militants have been arrested at the Omanthai check point in the Vavuniya District during the last three months, Police said on March 29. 75 out of the 600 militants were arrested on a single day and many were known to mingle with the civilians and infiltrated the Government-controlled areas. The arrested militants were sent to rehabilitation centres after recording their statements.

  • March 29-30: Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said that heavy ground battles between the Army troops and LTTE on March 29 left 29 militants dead, Associated Press reported on March 30. A military statement said a senior Sea Tiger leader, known as Uththaman, who commanded the ground battle, was also killed. Following clashes with the militants in the area north of Palamattalam and Puthukkudiyiruppu region on March 29, SFs recovered dead bodies of 15 militants along with 20 T-56 weapons and one MPMG on March 30.

  • March 29: Heavy fighting erupted between the two sides in the Puthukkudiyiruppu East, Iranapalai East and Palamattalam areas as troops attached to the 53rd, 58th and 55th Divisions further close in on the 'Safe Zone' from three directions. "The Safe Zone has now been surrounded from all three directions and troops are poised to liberate the civilians trapped inside the Safe Zone clearing paths for them to reach Security Forces controlled areas," a senior military official told Daily News on March 29. The LTTE is now fighting within a one square kilometre stretch in the Iranapalai East, the last build up area under LTTE control at present, he said, adding, "Heavy fighting erupted in this terrain as 58 Division and 53 Division troops launched simultaneous attacks on Tiger controlled areas cutting off their last available Supply Routes East of Iranapalai from the A-35 road." The official said that the LTTE is continuing their battle in this narrow stretch constructing earth bunds on a daily basis and troops have to overrun each earth bund to capture the area. "With the capture of this last build up area the troops have to cross water filled paddy lands and the lagoon to reach the Safe Zone which is now within sight from all battlefronts," the official added.

  • March 28-29: Troops captured the last supply route and gained control of a LTTE-built earth bund in the Mullaitivu District on March 28 following hours of intense fighting that killed nine militants and wounded another 11, the military said on March 29. The SFs advancing further East from Puthukkudiyiruppu captured the LTTE supply line stretching towards Iranapalai, the Defence Ministry said. The capture of the last LTTE supply route will further thwart the LTTE's movement and logistic supply, according to the defence officials.

    Troops of 55 Division on March 28 gained control of a LTTE-built earth bund constructed north of Palamattalam killing at least eight militants and injuring another 17 in a fierce battle, the military reported on March 29. The military said the LTTE now cornered in an area of just 21 square kilometres that includes the Government declared 20 square kilometres NFZ is continuously mounting heavy artillery and mortar attacks from the NFZ.

  • March 28: At least 31 LTTE militants were killed and more than 30 others injured in fierce fighting with SFs in the Mullaitivu District as the troops repulsed a series of LTTE attempts to breach the SF's FDL, the military said. Successive attempts by the militants to launch concentrated assaults at the military FDLs north of Iranapalai and east of Puthukkudiyiruppu were comprehensively neutralised, the Defence Ministry said citing battlefront sources. In Puthukkudiyiruppu and Karaiyamullivaikal, troops advanced into rebel territory killing 13 militants and injuring 19 others, security sources said. During subsequent search operations conducted in the area, troops recovered dead bodies of three militants along with two T-56 assault rifles and two hand-grenades, they said. According to reports, Task Force troops also seized an LTTE-built earth bund in the area following fierce exchange of fire with the militants. Troops in the area west of Puthukkudiyiruppu recovered three dead bodies of militants along with two T-56 assault rifles and an LTTE boat, military sources said. In addition, at least 12 militants were killed and 15 others seriously injured following intense fighting between troops and militants in the area north of Iranapalai, they said. Following a separate clash in the same area the SFs recovered dead bodies of three militants along with seven T-56 assault rifles and a mortar gun.

    During search operations conducted in the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Dharmapuram, Oddankaddukulam, Muthiyankulam, Ampakamam and Olumadu areas the SFs recovered dead bodies of six militants along with 13 T-56 weapons, two I-com sets, two hundred and ninety-seven 60-mm mortar bombs, 27 shaped chargers containing 500 grams of TNT in each, 26 shaped chargers containing 250 grams TNT in each, 500 metres long detonator code, one mortar dummy, eight base plates of 81-mm mortars, 17 base plates of 60-mm mortars, a stock of 81-mm and 60-mm mortar bipods, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun barrel, 11 anti-personnel mines, 500 grams of C-4 explosives, three metres detonator code and one hand grenade.

    A LTTE suicide bomber blew himself targeting SFs in the Varikottoruwa area of Vavuniya District. However, the troops escaped unhurt. According to the report troops on a cordon and search operation in the area observed two men suddenly started running on seeing the troops. The troops on suspicion pursued them and ordered to stop for search. Since they did not heed the call, troops had to open fire at them. One of those fleeing suspects following injury caused by the Army fire stopped running further and waited until the soldiers reached him. No sooner than the troops went about 100 yards closer to the militant, the wounded terrorist suddenly blue himself up intending harm the soldiers who were still surrounding the location. But the explosion failed to cause any injuries on soldiers. The search is on to find the other militant.

    The 55 Division troops advanced 400 metres from the Northern direction towards the 'Safe Zone' amidst heavy resistance from the LTTE from both ground and sea. Troops of the 53rd Division reached one and half kilometres closer to the 'Safe Zone' along the A-35 road from the Western direction and Palamattalam from the Northern direction. The 58th Division is operating at a 400 metre stretch across the lagoon in four parallel to the 'Safe Zone', sources said.

    Ground sources, quoting intercepted LTTE communication and civilian escapees from the 'No Fire Zone', said the LTTE had conducted funerals for a few of its senior cadres killed in recent fighting. The Ministry said sporadic fighting and small-scale door-to-door operations are continuing in the area targeting LTTE pockets and resistance positions. "Despite its successive setbacks at the Mullaitivu battlefront, LTTE is continuing shelling artillery barrages and mortar from the government-declared No Fire Zone," the Ministry said. This has also increased the number of injuries among the civilians fleeing the LTTE areas, it said. The troops operating in the south of Puthukkudiyiruppu progressed a further 300 meters enabling them to locate themselves just 1.5 kilometres away from the 'No Fire Zone' in Puttumatalan area, the officials added.

  • March 27: One Civil Defence Force personnel sustained injuries in anti-personnel mine explosion in the Welikanda area of Polonnaruwa District.

  • March 26: Troops continued their attacks on LTTE camps around Puthukkudiyiruppu area in the Mullaitivu District and killed more than 24 militants while injuring similar number of them. The troops later recovered dead bodies of 13 militants along with five T-56 weapons, 23 hand grenades, 40 claymore and anti-personnel mine casings, one 10 kilograms heavy claymore, 52 rounds of 12.7 ammunition, one Rocket Propeller Grenade charger, two Arul bombs, one Arul charger, five anti-personnel mines, fifteen 60-mm mortar bombs, one I-com set and 38 metal plates.

    The Army and Police arrested two LTTE militants, reportedly involved in the killing of four farmers in the Welikanda area of Polonnaruwa District from the Uppuaweli area of Trincomalee District along with a stock of military items in their possession. Police believes the same group is responsible for killing of five farmers and injuring another two on March 24 in a similar attack at Dehiwatte village in the Serunuwara area of Trincomalee District.

  • March 25-26: Reuters quoted the military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara as saying on March 26 that at least 30 LTTE militants were killed by the SFs during a counterattack in the Mullaitivu District on March 25.

  • March 25: Troops repelled an attempt by the LTTE to breach the Army forward defence lines north of Iranapalai in the Mullaitivu District, killing an unspecified number of militants. Defence sources said over a dozen dead bodies of the militants were seen at the incident site following heavy fighting that ensued since 5:30am (SLST). Sporadic fighting is reportedly still continuing. Citing intercepted LTTE communication, military officials said four senior militants, identified as Kadal, Vardhan Anna, Sooriyan and Eelavan, were among those killed. An unspecified number of soldiers are reported to have sustained injuries in the fighting.

    Two helicopters evacuating the injured were attacked by the LTTE who fired surface-to-air-missiles from the Government demarcated No-Fire Zone. Both the helicopters carrying injured soldiers, however, continued their mission,. "The No Fire Zone was declared by the Government for the safety of displaced civilians. It is a violation of No Fire Zone, the LTTE cadres are taking cover from civilians to carry out their terror activity," Wing Commander Nanayakkara told Daily News.

    Troops clashed with militants in south of Puthukkudiyiruppu, killing at least five of them, including two women cadres report. During subsequent search operations, the SFs also recovered 15 T- 56 weapons, one I-com radio set, one double cab, one T-81 weapon and one Light Machine Gun.

    A group of armed LTTE militants attacked a group of farmers at Mankdeniya in the Welikanda area of Polonnaruwa District and shot dead at least four farmers and injured four others. Defence officials said the farmers were collecting their harvest from the paddy filed in a tractor, when the militants attacked them.

    The Akkaraipattu Police seized a 40-kg heavy claymore mine, 15 APMs, 204 APM fuses and 1456 T-56 ammunition rounds from a secret location at Aligambe in the Ampara District.

  • March 24: Suspected LTTE militants shot dead five farmers and injured two others at Neelapola in the Kantale area of Trincomalee District. Police said the farmers were on their way to the chena (a food grain) fields to protect the crops from animal attacks when they were shot by the suspected militants. The hands of the farmers had been tied behind before they were shot, Police added.

    Troops advancing towards Puthukkudiyiruppu attacked the LTTE defensive bund in the area west of the lagoon on the A-35 road and completely captured the area. An unspecified number of militants were reportedly killed during the operation, while several soldiers sustained injuries.

    Troops recovered dead bodies of eight militants along with 34 T-56 weapons, two RPG, one kilograms of C-4 explosives, two 12.5 kilograms heavy claymore mines, six repeater guns, 24 low band chargers, 18 low band sets, three antenna cables, five tape antennas, one low band base station, one Cooger base station, one Cooger set and three vehicle mount antennas, three HK 47 weapons, seven Bangalore torpedoes, one electric server, three APMs, 300 T-56 ammunition rounds, 750 T-56 ammunition rounds, two I-com sets, one 12.5 kilograms heavy claymore mine, two 2.5 kilograms heavy claymore mines, one motor bicycle, one tripod and several other LTTE items from the Puthukkudiyiruppu area.

    Troops confronted LTTE militants in the areas around Puthukkudiyiruppu on several occasions and killed three of them. During subsequent search operations in the Ramanadapuram, Vishuamadu, Ampakamam and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas, the SFs also recovered eight T-56 weapons, one communication set, two motorcycles, 32 reference maps, one 12 kilo watt generator, two hundred and fifty 60-mm mortar bombs, eighty-one 81-mm mortar bombs, thirty 120-mm mortar bombs, eight Rocket Propeller Grenade (RPG) bombs, four 120-mm mortar bombs, fourteen 60-mm mortar bombs, four 60-mm mortar chargers and 50 APMs.

    Over a dozen militants were feared killed and a similar number of them injured during clashes between the two sides in the Mullaitivu and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas. Several soldiers also sustained injuries in the fighting.

    An unidentified group lobbed a hand grenade at the Police post inside the Udayan newspaper office in Jaffna District, injuring one Policeman. The office was also damaged in the attack.

    A road picket run by airmen of the Sri Lanka Air Force in Trincomalee came under an LTTE fire attack injuring one airman.

    Troops found a LTTE mortar bomb producing factory at Puthukkudiyiruppu in Mullaitivu District and recovered an 81-mm mortar dummy, 16 improvised explosive devices, four APMs, one I-com set, one map on Trincomalee, one torch, two T-56 weapons and a weapon bipod, reported SLA.

    Troops in Champianpattu recovered two hand grenades from the area along with an APM.

    Troops of the 58 Division captured a safe house of senior LTTE leader Pottu Amman in the area south of Iranapalai in Mullaitivu District. A large amount of APMs and a jeep believed to be used by Pottu Amman himself were also found in the area. Defence officials believe the safe house has been used by both Pottu Amman and Kapil Amman, two of the most wanted LTTE leaders. Pottu Amman was the head of the intelligence wing of the LTTE and is also the head of the Black Tiger squad. He is wanted by the Interpol for his involvement in the assassination of the former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.

    During search operations in the Ampakamam, Ramanadapuram, Mullaitivu and Puthukudirippu, the SFs found 72 LTTE identity cards, six hand grenades, three claymores and many other LTTE items. One 81-mm bomb and one hand grenade was recovered from the Mullikulam area.

    The Colombo Chief Magistrate Court ordered to prevent eight directors of the LTTE front TRO from leaving the country. While hearing the case charging TRO of raising funds for the LTTE, the Chief Magistrate, Nishantha Hapuarachchi, also issued arrest warrants against seven of the directors, who were absent in the Court. These directors are presently believed to be in the un-cleared areas (area not under Government control). According to sources, two of them are said to be a 'lieutenant' and a 'colonel' of the LTTE. Meanwhile, the Chief Magistrate released Sinnaiah Ramalingam, the only director who appeared in the Court, on a SLR 500,000 surety bail.

  • March 23: Three soldiers who were on route-clearing duties in the Bakmitiyawa area of Ampara District sustained injuries when a LTTE-laid landmine exploded at about 6.30am (SLST). The landmine is believed to have been kept buried by militants before they were driven away from the East in July 2007.

    The Colombo Crimes Division recovered 280 kilograms of C4 high explosives and a large amount of weapons hidden by the LTTE in the Mattakkuliya area to launch a major attack by targeting Colombo city. According to Police, these high explosives and weapons were hidden in a house in Church Road. The recoveries included 280 kilograms of C4 high explosives, ten 4-millimeter hand grenades, 28 bullets, 30 hand grenades, five detonators, two remote controllers, 693 T-56 bullets and parts of some T-56 weapons. Police recovered these high explosives along with two suspects following information given by a LTTE intelligence unit leader who was arrested by the Colombo Terrorist Investigation Department several days ago. The LTTE intelligence unit leader has also reportedly disclosed information on a major attack planned by the LTTE targeting Colombo.

  • March 22: SFs captured the LTTE's last operational centre, Iranapalai in the Mullaitivu District. The Media Centre for National Security said the Iranapalai junction and its central area had been completely brought under Army control after breaching the final earth bund built by the LTTE to protect the area. During the operations, several LTTE vehicles, including a tractor, a van and two cabs, were destroyed. Troops also recovered several weapons and dead bodies of militants. After losing some of their main operational centres in recent times, Iranapalai was the main LTTE base with many of their top leaders, including Sea Tiger Wing leader Soosai and Pottu Amman, directing operations from the area. According to military sources, with the fall of Iranapalai, the LTTE has now been confined to a 25 square kilometres land patch, which also includes the 'Safe Zone' designed for the displaced civilians. The breach of Iranapalai earth bund is also expected to provide civilians, being held hostage by the LTTE in the remaining un-cleared (area not under Government control) pockets in Mullaitivu, an escape route to reach the cleared areas (area under Government control). The outfit had built the earth bund with the twin purpose of denying further access to SFs and to prevent civilians from leaving the area.

    Military spokesman Udaya Nanayakkara said 28 militants were killed by the SFs in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area.

    Troops clashed with militants in the area east of Puthukkudiyiruppu and killed nine of them. The SFs also recovered nine T-56 weapons and one hand grenade from the incident site.

    A Grama Niladhari (village-level official), identified as Alahaiya Kayadeewan, from Oddusudan was killed in Puttumatalan when the LTTE militants opened fire towards civilians who were fleeing from the LTTE-held areas towards the Government-controlled areas.

    SFs recovered five T-56 weapons, 42 hand grenades, one RPG bomb, two I-com sets, three magazines, 50 ammunition rounds, three hundred and twenty 85-mm projectiles, two hundred and twenty five 152-mm projectiles, one hundred and thirteen 122-mm projectiles, twenty 130-mm projectiles, twenty 120-mm bombs, 25 unidentified projectiles, 18 bags of chargers, one 10 kilograms claymore mine, two 2 kilograms claymore mines, 3000 rounds of T-56 ammunition and five RPG rounds during search and clear operations from Vishuamadu in the southwest and east of Puthukkudiyiruppu areas.

    The military said the LTTE has restricted the movement of civilians who are currently trapped in the battle zone. Defence officials, quoting civilians who had fled the area, claimed that no civilians are allowed to step out of their locations between 4 pm and 6am in the Puttumatalan area, where the LTTE is confined to an area of 25 square kilometres. Tamil civilians are given 15-day forcible military training by the LTTE in addition to holding them as human shields in the battle against Government troops, civilians have claimed. The LTTE, on occasions, has also fired at civilians who attempted to leave their areas.

  • March 21: The SLA fired artillery shells into the 'Safety Zone' killing 42 civilians and injuring around 80 others, including a Village officer, in the Mullaitivu District, reported Tamil Net.

    The SLA and SLAF used heavy explosives in their clashes with the LTTE in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area, the Website reported, adding, at least seven civilians who ventured into Iranapalai to collect coconuts were killed in the SLAF air strike.

    Military spokesman Udaya Nanayakkara said 10 militants were killed by the SFs in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area.

    Troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Patikkarai and Sarwaruthoddam areas and inflicted some casualties upon the militants. Meanwhile, troops engaged in search operations recovered dead bodies of 10 militants along with 21 T-56 weapons, 5000 rounds of ammunition, three T-56 magazines, 24 hand grenades, 55 Jonny mines, five anti-personnel mines, one 12.8 kilograms claymore mine, one I-com set, one radio communication set and 34 maps from the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Visuamadukulam, Vishuamadu and Killinochchi areas.

    The SLN foiled an attempt by LTTE suicide cadres to attack the SFs as they tried to mix with the fleeing civilians in boats and reach the Government-controlled areas. The SLN sailors on Inshore Patrol Craft observed a flotilla of four dinghies full of civilians and approached the dinghies to provide assistance. However, one boat with five men on board rouse the suspicions of the sailors and when they approached the boat to inspect they were fired upon by the occupants of the boat. The sailors returned the fire killing all five on the boat. On the subsequent search of the boat, the troops found a massive haul of explosives, dry rations, and maps along with the bodies of the five militants. The Navy rescued 54 civilians on the other three dinghies and safely brought them ashore at Point Pedro and Vettilaikerni. Defence officials believe the militants disguised as civilians were on a suicide mission to gain entry into the Government controlled areas and launch an attack on the troops.

    Troops of 53rd Division gained total control over a 1.5 kilometre stretch of the Paranthan- Mullaitivu (A-35) main road amid stiff LTTE resistance and now are consolidating their positions. During subsequent search operation the troops recovered five militants along with 13 weapons, 10 hand grenades, three communication sets and one single cab from the area, adds SLA.

    Iranapalai, one more junction in the east of Puthukkudiyiruppu, and its central area was completely brought under the control of Army troops. At least a total of six to seven LTTE vehicles, including a tractor, a van and two cabs, were destroyed during the clashes that erupted before the capture of the strategic terrain where LTTE have built up an earth bund with the twin purpose of preventing both civilians and marching troops from entering into either their patch of land or cleared area.

    The STF engaged in a search operation in the Badamessawa area of Ampara District recovered one small generator hidden in the area. One STF personnel also sustained injuries in an anti-personnel mine explosion during the operation.

  • March 20: A senior Sea Tiger leader was killed and his body was recovered by the troops along with another four bodies following heavy confrontations between the SFs and the militants in the area south of Patikkarai in the Mullaitivu District. Citing intercepted LTTE communication, the military sources said the LTTE have fled the area in total disarray, leaving behind the dead bodies, including that of the Sea Tiger leader Sindu. "Soosai has gone outraged with the loss and heavily criticized the LTTE ground leadership at Palamattalam for failing to recover Sindu's body," military said citing intercepted LTTE communication. Troops of 55th Division continued advancing from Patikkarai further south into the heavily fortified LTTE strongpoint, Palamattalam, defence officials said adding that "security forces are making steady progress with every conscious effort to ensure safety of civilians held hostage by LTTE and of those who are fleeing from the declared No Fire Zone".

    The SFs recovered dead bodies of four LTTE militants along with 13 T-56 weapons, 500 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one RPG launcher, one T-81 weapon, two magazines, four hand grenades, one I-com set, fifty-one 60-mm mortar bombs, 28 claymore mines, five hand grenades, two detonators, two field dressings, two packs, one belt order, 101 anti-personnel mines, 270 paint tins, two generators, two motor bikes, one Nissan van, five AC plants and one sofa set from the Puthukkudiyiruppu and Udayarukattukulam areas.

    Troops continued their attacks on LTTE terrorist hideouts in the Ampalavanpokkanai, Puthukkudiyiruppu east and Sarwaruthoddam areas inflicting an unspecified number of casualties upon the militants.

    Two soldiers sustained injuries in LTTE-triggered anti-personnel mine explosions in the Maradamadu and Kokkuthuduvai areas.

  • March 19: An unspecified number of LTTE militants were killed by the troops as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Ampalavanpokkanai, Puthukkudiyiruppu east and Mullaitivu north areas. During subsequent search operations, the SFs recovered dead bodies of 11 militants along with 18 T-56 weapons, 86 hand grenades, five repeater shotguns and six radio sets from Puthukkudiyiruppu. In addition, SFs captured a LTTE camp and recovered eight T-56 weapons and two I-com sets in the same area.

    An infant was injured when LTTE militants opened fire on fleeing civilians in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area. However, some 525 displaced civilians, including the boy, managed to enter the Government-controlled areas later in the day.

    SFs recovered the dead body of a militant along with two 81-mm para-bombs, one 81-mm mortar bomb, 245 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, 41 hand grenades, two hand grenade pouches, two T-56 magazines, 10 electric detonators, 54 detonator codes, ten 60-mm mortar bombs, 93 training hand grenades, 35 anti-personnel mines, four LTTE caps and two Identity cards during operations in the Vishuamadu area. Similarly, SFs conducted search operations in the Udayarkattu and Puliyanpkkanai areas and recovered sixty-six 81-mm mortar bombs, 37 hand grenades, seven hand grenade pouches and 50 rounds of 30 mm ammunition.

    Troops recovered five hand grenades, one pouch, one RPG bomb, four LTTE made Arul bombs, one 81-mm bomb, one RPG bomb, one T-56 weapon, one LTTE pack, one I-com set, one remote controller, one compass, one olive green uniform, seven detonators and seven booster chargers from the Vishuamadu, Chundikulam, Pulimachchimattukulam and Mankulam areas. Similarly, SFs recovered two 60-mm mortar bombs, one 12.7 barrel, one improvised mortar launcher, two mortar launchers, one multi purpose machine gun one tripod, three 60-mm mortar barrels, one 60-mm bipod and two mortar base plates from the Puthukkudiyiruppu area. At Udayarkattu, the SFs recovered 160-kilograms of gun powder. Further, the Special Task Force recovered 28 boxes of T-56 ammunition containing 21,050 in them, 77 anti-personnel mines, two RPG, one plastic can, filled with TNT explosives and one claymore mine from the Kanchikudichchiaru area.

    Following the incident of thousands of Sri Lankan Tamils waving the LTTE flags at a rally in Toronto on March 16, Canadian authorities have launched an investigation whether their action violated the nation's new anti-terror laws. The Canadian Government banned the LTTE in 2006.

  • March 18: At least 23 LTTE militants were killed and an equal number of then injured during clashes with troops of the 58th Division in the area northeast of Puthukkudiyiruppu in Mullaitivu District. The troops recovered the dead bodies of 12 militants along with 12 T-56 assault rifles and an I-com set following clashes on March 18. In a separate incident in the same area, 11 more militants were reportedly killed.

    SFs deployed in the south of Chalai, a coastal village in Mullaitivu, killed eight militants.

    Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara informed the media that two civilians were killed when militants opened indiscriminate fire at a group of civilians fleeing from the outfit-held areas. Later, the outraged civilians set ablaze two motorcycles and four vans of the outfit, he added. In another incident, the militants killed two persons and injured five others from the same family after a failed attempt to recruit a child. Later, a mob stormed the LTTE 'police station' to inquire about the incident and subsequently destroyed the 'station'. Over 60 LTTE 'policemen' who had come to control the situation, indiscriminately opened fire at the mob killing and injuring an unspecified number of civilians.

    An elderly woman was killed when militants opened fire towards a group of civilians fleeing the LTTE-held areas in the Puthumatthalan area. Over 100 civilians were fleeing towards the 'Safe Zone' on nine boats when the militants pursued the flotilla and opened fire at them killing the woman. However, 82 civilians on four boats managed to sail towards north and landed on the Palamattalan shore where Army troops rescued them.

    An aid worker of the CARE International, an NGO, was killed on in the no-fire zone in Mullaitivu, the NGO said. It said the victim, identified as R. Sabesan, 24, had been working for CARE as a caretaker in the Mullaitivu District office.

    A LTTE militant was killed by the SFs in the Kannagipuram area of Ampara District. A cordon and search operation was conducted by the Army and Police in the area following information about the presence of suspected 'pistol gang' cadres of the LTTE in the area. During the operation, one of the militants in hiding fired a few rounds towards the troops injuring one of them. The SFs in retaliatory fire killed the unidentified militant.

  • March 17: Troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area of Mullaitivu District and destroyed a few hideouts of the militants on March 17. The SFs later recovered dead bodies of 18 militants along with 21 RPG bombs, 32 T-56 weapons one LMG, six I-com radio sets and one 120-mm gun from the area.

    The SFs recovered four T-56 weapons, one 60-mm mortar barrel, 220 rounds of ammunition, two 60-mm illuminating bombs, three 81-mm bombs, one T-81 weapons, seven hand grenades, 19 gear oil barrels, 16 grease barrels, 50 barrels of penetrating oil, one T-56 magazine, three helmets, four hand grenades and one anti-personnel mine during separate search and clear operations in the Karaweddi, Pattikkarai, Ampalavanpokkanai, Vishvamadu, Pulimachchikulam, Mullikulam and Miyankulam areas. In another incident, the SFs captured eight mortar launchers in the area east of Iranapalai.

    After days of heavy fighting, the troops captured the strategically important Iranapalai junction in the remaining LTTE-controlled territory of Puthukkudiyiruppu in Mullaitivu District. Iranapalai used to be the headquarters of the LTTE intelligence chief Pottu Amman.

    Dozens of civilians detained by the LTTE in the "No Fire Zone" in the Puthumatalan area of Puthukkudiyiruppu were either killed or seriously wounded after one densely concentrated civilian gathering area in the Zone was indiscriminately fired upon by the militants over an argument that ensued following a shoot-out at two fleeing civilians within the Zone earlier in the day. In the melee, 1565 displaced civilians, including some who were subjected to LTTE atrocities and gunfire, managed to escape and reached the Government controlled areas.

  • March 16: The Army captured a one kilometer long LTTE-built earth bund in the area southeast of Puthukkudiyiruppu following clashes that killed as many as 29 militants, the army said. A similar number of militants were reportedly injured. The SFs later recovered the dead bodies of 14 militants along with 25 T-56 weapons, five LTTE made mortar launchers, two I-com communication sets and two remote controllers from the incident site.

    A LTTE suicide bomber, clad in Army-type uniforms as a Sergeant, blew himself up while trying to infiltrate the SFs held areas in the area west of Puthukkudiyiruppu. However, the troops escaped unhurt. The SFs later recovered the dead body of the bomber along with his T-56 weapon.

    The SFs repulsed an LTTE attack and pushed the militants towards the western edge of the Nandikadal lagoon in Puthukkudiyiruppu. Troops subsequently recovered the dead body of one militant along with some arms and ammunition.

    The SFs recovered 81 barrels of kerosene containing 210 litres each, two T-56 weapons, two detonators, one claymore, two 60-mm bombs, two trapped RPG bombs, 13 RPG bombs, four claymore mines, one 120-mm booby trap, one gas cylinder, 2000 rounds of T-56 ammunition, five hand grenades, one Bangalore torpedo, seven anti- personnel mines and one improvised explosive device from the Kilinochchi, Udayankattu, Ampakamam and Chettukulam areas.

    At least 29 LTTE militants were killed and an equal number of them injured following clashes between the SFs and militants at Irunapalai in the Puthukkudiyiruppu region of Mullaitivu District. During subsequent search operations, SFs recovered the dead bodies of 14 militants along with 25 T-56 weapons, five LTTE made mortar launchers, two I-com communication sets and two remote controllers. Troops also captured a one kilometre long LTTE built earth bund in the area south east of Puthukkudiyiruppu following the clashes.

    The UN said the LTTE had forcibly recruited another of its local staff members and three dependents of his, including a 16-year-old girl. The UN said that the outfit had abducted these four persons during the weekend from the no-fire zone in north of Mullaitivu, declared by the Sri Lankan armed forces. "The UN in Sri Lanka has protested to the LTTE that UN national staff, as well as children in general, are protected under national and international law from recruitment by armed groups, and has called for their immediate release," the statement said. Two weeks ago another UN worker was forcibly recruited by the LTTE and has not been released, the UN statement added.

  • March 15: SFs entered the outskirts of Iranapalai in Mullaitivu District, the last operational centre of the top rung LTTE leaders, including Intelligence Wing leader Pottu Amman and Sea Tiger Wing (sea wing of the LTTE) leader Soosai, with the troops clearing the last section of the build-up area in Puthukuduiruppu East by March 15-evening. The troops also captured a LTTE 'Police Station' in the same area.

    During a clash between the two sides in Puthukkudiyiruppu, the SFs killed seven militants and injured an unspecified number of them. Several soldiers also sustained injuries in the incident. The troops also recovered seven T-56 weapons, one I-com set, one smoke bomb, 780 firing devices, twenty-eight 80-mm mortar fuses, fourteen 60-mm mortar fuses and 900 rounds of 9-mm ammunition.

    The LTTE fired at some boats of civilians who were fleeing the LTTE-held area in Mullaitivu and killed a minor boy.

  • March 14: 69 civilians, including 19 children, were killed and several others wounded within the 'Safe Zone' in SLA shelling and SLAF bombardments in Mullaitivu District, claimed Tamil Net.

    Troops recovered the dead bodies of two LTTE militants along with nine T-56 weapons, one hundred and 194 anti-personnel mines, 22 booby traps, one shotgun, 12 Rocket Propeller Grenade bombs, 17 hand grenades, one claymore mine, three detonators and one poncho cape from the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Kiranchi and Kokavil areas.

    14 civilians were injured when the LTTE militants opened fire on IDPs moving towards cleared areas of Puthukkudiyiruppu. One local staff member of the United Nations, Sutharshani Tharmila, is reported to have sustained injuries in the firing incident.

    Troops recovered one APM from the Alankulam area of Vavuniya District.

  • March 13: The continuing clashes between troops and LTTE resulted in the death of a number of militants in the east of Puthukkudiyiruppu. Troops in a subsequent search operation recovered dead bodies of 18 militants, 17 T-56 weapons, one I-com set and one LMG from the incident site.

    Four pregnant mothers were killed in the SLA shelling inside the 'Safe Zone', claimed Tamil Net.

    A minor boy was killed when the militants opened fire on around 58 IDPs who were fleeing the LTTE-held areas in Mullaitivu to reach the SF.

    Troops recovered the dead body of one female LTTE cadre, one 40-mm grenade launcher, one MPMG, two Light Machine Guns, two T-56 weapons, one improvised mortar launcher, seven T-56 weapons, one T-81 weapon, one metal detector, one I-com set and 122 anti personnel mine from the Pattikkarai, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Vishvamadu, Palamoddai, Kokavil and Oddusudan areas.

  • March 12: At least 16 LTTE militants were killed when troops captured a hospital at Puthukkudiyiruppu in Wanni. The peripheral hospital mostly used hitherto by the LTTE for treatment of its cadres was reportedly without patients at the time of its capture. Troops subsequently recovered dead bodies of seven LTTE militants, 13 T-56 weapons, six radio base stations (PRC 77), six PRC 77 low band sets, two I-com sets, 12 circuits and 13 antennas from Puthukkudiyiruppu.

    13 top and middle-rung LTTE leaders were confirmed killed in the week-long clashes in Puthukkudiyiruppu. They included 'lieutenant colonel' Saleem, the fourth in the LTTE hierarchy, 'lieutenant colonel' Ambalanan and 'lieutenant colonel' Eleel Chelvan, sent by the LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran himself for ground battles against troops, 'lieutenant colonel' Maran, 'major' Tamil Maran, 'captain' Kathier Nilavan, 'major' Malar Shamal, 'captain' Elavilan, 'captain' Kalai Kadiravan and 'captain' Kala Enivan.

    Troops following a clash with the LTTE recovered dead bodies of two militants, one RPG, 15 T-56 weapons, one T-81 weapon, one MPMG and two I-com sets from Puthukkudiyiruppu.

    SFs recovered one 81-mm IED and one hand grenade from Mullaitivu. One shot gun, four hand grenades and one electric mine were also recovered by SFs from Kokavil and the southeast of Pooneryn on the same day.

  • March 11: At least 12 LTTE militants were killed and 24 others injured in clashes with troops in the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Mulliyaweli, Kuppulankulam, Puthumatalan and areas near Mullaitivu town. Several soldiers also sustained injuries during the fighting. 40 hand grenades, three T-56 weapons, two T-81 weapons, one LMG drum, three T-56 magazines, one belt order, 210 ammunition rounds of 9.6mm and 2 kg of C-4 explosives were recovered from these areas.

    Troops recovered the decomposed dead of body of a LTTE cadre, three T-56 weapons, one MPMG, one RPG, 114 hand grenades, 110 anti personnel mines, one 60-mm mortar bomb, 130 T-56 ammunition rounds, two pouches, pieces of signal communication equipment, one coded message sheet, one LTTE note book, three T-56 magazines, three MPMG ammunition links, two T-56 ammunition boxes, each containing 1500 rounds, one military pack, one cyanide capsule, two body armoured jackets, two LTTE made Arul mortar bombs from the general areas of Chalai, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Visuamadu and Mankulam.

    Troops recovered a stock of aircraft spare parts, including aircraft tyres, batteries, engine parts and several other accessories, kept buried by the LTTE in oil barrels in Puthukkudiyiruppu.

  • March 10: At least 14 people were killed and 46 others, including the Posts and Telecommunications Minister Mahinda Wijesekara, were wounded when a suspected LTTE suicide bomber blew himself up, targeting a procession celebrating Eid-e-Milad (Prophet Mohammed's birthday) in the southern town of Akuressa in Matara district. This is the first suicide attack in Matara, the southernmost region and populated overwhelmingly by the majority Sinhala community. The defence ministry said the suicide bomber "had arrived at the place on a push-bike and exploded himself among the Islamic devotees going to the mosque in a procession… Among the deceased and injured were several local government representatives."

    Four LTTE cadres, including some teenagers, surrendered at the Vavuniya Police station. They belonged to the Mullaitivu area.

  • March 9: The cargo ship MV BINTAN which carried essential items to civilians in the 'Safe Zone' came under heavy LTTE artillery fire while being unloaded at Puthumatalan.

  • March 8: SFs recovered dead bodies of two LTTE cadres, 15 T-56 weapons, one MPMG, 16 hand grenades, one browser, one communication set, one claymore mine, one Out Board Motor, 20 m detonator codes, LTTE uniforms and 250 rounds of T-56 of ammunition during from Vishvamadu, Kachchilamadu, Komanthurai east and Puthukkudiyiruppu.

    Troops confronted LTTE militants in the Chalai area, killing one of them. They also seized one T-56 weapon, three T-56 magazines, one Global Positioning System, a hand grenade and ration items from the area.

    In addition, 45 civilians from the uncleared area in Mullaitivu reached the Puthukkudiyiruppu east Defence Line. Those civilians on their way to SFs-held areas were fired upon by the LTTE militants, in which a 17-year old girl sustained injuries.

    SFs operating in the general area east of Iluppekidara in Vavuniya District recovered one suicide belt, one claymore mine of 7 kilograms, one CDMA phone, one firing device, three remote controllers, 16 electric detonators, three electric circuits, 65ft detonator codes, three maps, medicine and code sheets.

    Troops also recovered one claymore mine, five hand grenades, two detonators and five feet long wire from Kannagipuram area in Ampara.

  • March 7-8: Subarathnam Selvatureiy alias Thamilendi, the LTTE's chief of financial division, was confirmed killed in the weekend fighting in the northeast of Puthukkudiyiruppu where over 150 dead bodies of militants were recovered after the clashes.

  • March 7: Troops in a search operation followed by clashes with the LTTE militants in Puthukkudiyiruppu, recovered dead bodies of 19 militants, 18 T-56 weapons, one heavy machine gun, one 40-mm grenade launcher, three RPG bombs and five I-com sets.

    Troops engaged in search and clear operations in Vishvamadu area were attacked by a group of LTTE militants. While the attack was repulsed by the SFs, dead bodies of eight militants were recovered by the troops during subsequent search operations. Ten 60-mm mortar bombs, 29 60-mm mortar cartridges, three Arul bombs, one T-56 weapon, 32 magazines, and 54 hand grenades were also recovered from the area.

    Following a confrontation between the troops and LTTE militants in the Puthumathalan and Pallaimatahalan areas the troops recovered the dead bodies of seven militants along with six T-56 assault rifles, one MPMG, 40 RPG bombs, 20 hand grenades and 114 anti personnel mines from the area.

    Clashes between the troops and LTTE militants took place in Chalai, Pattikkirai and Puthukkudiyiruppu east leading to unspecified casualties for the outfit. One silencer gun, six T-56 weapons, thirty-six magazines, two RPG bombs, eleven hand grenades, one MPMG link, a stock of MPMG ammunitions, two bags of explosive, some LTTE uniform items, canned food and medicine were recovered by troops from the incident sites.

    Troops recovered one T-56 weapon, twenty 81-mm mortar bombs, one RPG bomb, 20 electric detonator codes and 23 APM from the Chalai, Kattikulam and Oddusudan areas.

    Troops engaged in a search operation north of Mavil Aru in the Trincomalee District recovered one APM.

  • March 6: The militants opened fire and killed three IDPs and injured two more when they were escaping to cleared areas in boats.

    Three civilians were killed and one more was wounded at Chalai area in Mullaitivu District, when the LTTE militants opened fire on them who were fleeing from the 'Safe Zone' area on six boats to avoid LTTE atrocities.

    Troops confronted a group of LTTE militants in the general area of Thuvarankulam. The militants fled the area with heavy casualties leaving their weapons and other items behind. The dead body of a militant, one weapon with silencer, fifty-seven rounds of ammunition, one I- Com set, two RPGs bombs, two RPG chargers, 2kg of C-4 explosives, four detonators, one Argus type bomb, two packs, one combat kit, ration and medical items were recovered in the subsequent search operation.

    Clashes between the troops and militants occurred in Puthukkudiyiruppu area causing more damages to militants. Troops later recovered dead body of one militant, four T-56 Assault rifles, one I- Com set and three underground containers.

    Troops conducting search operations recovered one bus and 600 kilograms of TNT explosives in two barrels from Udayankattu area. Troops also recovered a repeater shot gun from Polgolla area in Kandy on the same day.

    Troops recovered two hand grenades, 10 81-mm mortar bombs, 210 T-56 ammunition, two hand grenades, one pouch, one magazine, one MPMG link and 151 anti personnel mines from Olumaduwai, Mudaliyarkulam and Kokavil areas.

    Troops recovered a claymore mine from Karakathivu area in Mullaitivu and 13 anti personnel mines, 12 anti-personnel mine fuses, two RPG bombs, four 81 mm mortar bombs, one 60-mm mortar bomb and tin of explosive from Alankulam and Akkarayakulam areas.

    Troops attached to the Special Task Force camp at Vavuvathivu recovered 25 81-mm mortar bombs, 125 81-mm mortar bomb chargers and 500 rounds of MPMG ammunition from the area.

  • March 5: Troops foiled the LTTE's attempt with human shield by killing around 50 LTTE militants at Puthukkudiyiruppu area in Mullaitivu. 50 other militants and several soldiers were wounded in the counter-insurgency operation. Troops recovered dead bodies of 33 LTTE cadres, 33 T-56 weapons, four Light Machine Guns (LMG), one MPMG, three 60-mm mortar launchers, five I-com radio sets, three disposable RPG, 13 packs, three GPS and five compasses from the incident site.

    The LTTE militants opened fire on 15 civilians when they were secretly vacating uncleared areas to move into Puthukudirippu cleared areas, resulting in the death of one elderly woman. Six others also sustained injuries in the attack.

    The dead bodies of two LTTE militants and two T-56 weapons ware recovered from Puthumatalan area.

    The LTTE directed artillery and heavy fire from Vellamullivaikkal area inside the demarcated 'Safe Zone' in Mullaitivu. The LTTE artillery guns positioned inside the 'Safe Zone' at first directed four 122 mm- rounds around 1.10 p.m. on March 5 and they fell into Oddusudan area. Later, the militants again fired three more artillery rounds of the same calibre targeting the troops in the same area. The digital electronic devices and radar interceptors further confirmed that both artillery firings had been initiated from a location between Velayanmadam and Karayanmullivaikkal in the middle of the 'Safe Zone' where displaced civilians were living.

    Troops recovered 15 LTTE chargers and seven fuses during a search operation at Kevil area in Chalai.

    Troops recovered a massive haul of arms, ammunition and explosives abandoned by the LTTE militants at different locations in Vishvamadu and Thuvarankulam areas during search and clear operations.

    Troops recovered arms, ammunition and other equipments in the general areas of Malawi, Olumaduwai, Alankulam, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Udayarkattikkulam areas.

    Troops recovered four T-56 weapons, two cyanide capsules and 206 T-56 ammunitions in the general area of Kokavil.

  • March 4: At least 68 civilians, including 21 children, were killed and 126 others sustained injuries as the SLA continued artillery shelling inside the 'Safety Zone', claimed Tamil Net. An ICRC member was reportedly among the victims. While 23 civilians were killed during artillery attack between 5:30 (SLST) to 9:00 am, 47 others died in the artillery attack between 5:00 and 9:00 pm. Maaththalan, Pokkani and Iranaippaalai were reportedly the areas which came under military attack.

    Troops recovered the dead bodies of seven militants along with a cache of arms and ammunition, from the Puthukudirippu junction and surrounding areas.

    A group of suspected LTTE militants attacked a Police post in a remote village in the Moneragala District killing two Civil Defence Force (CDF) personnel. According to defence sources, the Security Force personnel on duty at a combined Police-CDF outpost at the 18th mile post on the Buttala-Kataragma road in Gonagannara came under attack by the armed militants and during the subsequent exchange of fire two CDF personnel were killed while the assailants managed to escape into the jungles.

    The Sri Lanka Police arrested three suspected LTTE militants, including two females, from a house belonging to a foreigner who lives in Homagama, a suburb of Colombo. The foreign national who gave the lodging facilities for the three LTTE suspects is married to a woman from the Eastern Province, sources said.

    Troops recovered some arms and ammunition along with musical instruments from the LTTE vacated strongholds at Udayarkattikkulam area in Mullaitivu. The report adds that musical instruments may have been used by the LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran and his senior associates for entertainment.

    Troops recovered one body amour, one T-56 magazine and 14 APM during search and clear operations at Kiranchi in Kilinochchi.

    Troops recovered eight APMs, seven fuses, three claymore remote controllers with two antennas and one LTTE flag during search operations at Kanchkudichchiaru in the Ampara District.

    Troops conducting search and clear operations on Madhu road recovered one claymore mine weighing five kilograms, one detonator code of four feet and one electric detonator.

  • March 3: At least 73 civilians were killed and more than 160 others wounded inside the 'Safety Zone' in the Mullaitivu District as Sri Lanka Army fired artillery shells and the Sri Lanka Air Force dropped bombs, claimed Tamil Net. More than 160 civilians have sustained injuries. The report said that Maaththalan, Pokkani, Iranaippaalai and Muliivaaykkaal were the areas which came under military attack.

    SFs captured the LTTE's last stronghold and strategic Puthukuduiruppu town in the Mullaitivu District following clashes in which an unspecified number of militants were reportedly killed. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said that troops attached to the 58th Division advancing from the northern region and troops of the 53rd Division entering from southern end of the A-35 road joined each other after entering the Puthukuduiruppu town centre and took over the entire Puthukuduiruppu junction area. "Troops captured the entire Puthukuduiruppu town after a week's prolonged fighting," he said, adding, troops were marching forward to the East of Puthukuduiruppu to liberate the Puthukkudiyiruppu East. With the fall of Puthukkudiyiruppu, the LTTE is confined to some jungle pockets in Mullaitivu and as per military estimates, the area under LTTE control is now below 50 square kilometres.

    Troops conducting search and clear operations in the Vishvamadu, Puthukkudiyiruppu south, Kattikulam, Mudaliyarkulam and Malawi areas recovered the dead bodies of seven militants along with one IED, produced with the help of a 60 mm mortar bomb, seven T-56 weapons, 550 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one RPG launcher, eight RPG bombs, one 60-mm mortar bomb, one I-com set, two hand grenades, two anti-personnel mines, one IED and 18 fuses.

    Troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Kevil area and subsequently recovered the dead bodies of three militants along with seven T-56 weapons, two magazines, two MPMG, one MPMG tripod, two 12.7-mm weapons, one 60-mm mortar bomb, five Arul bombs, two I-com sets and one Hero Honda motor bicycle from the nearby Chalai area. Similarly, the SFs found three RPG bombs with powerful explosives, four man packs, some field-dressings and a stock of dry rations from the Chundikulam area.

    SFs rescued nine displaced civilians from the 'Safe Zone' area across Mullaitivu lagoon. LTTE militants reportedly stormed the 'Safe Zone' and begun abducting minors from the area, despite protests by displaced civilians living there. Nine persons, including two young boys, in the 'Safe Zone' jumped on a locally-made craft and attempted to escape despite the militants' gunfire. They eventually sailed towards Ellamulavaikkal but their craft capsized and all of them fell into Mullaitivu seas. They were, subsequently, rescued by the SFs.

    The SFs at Mahavilankulam recovered one MPMG, two T-56 weapons, four T-56 magazines, one LMG, three hand grenades, two remote controllers of claymores, one telescope of a sniper gun, two radio sets and two man packs. One LTTE militant also surrendered to the SFs at the same place.

    At Udayankattu village, the SFs recovered three 130-mm artillery guns, one 122-mm artillery gun, six 122-mm artillery trailers, two large artillery shells, a large stock of T-56 and MPMG, mortar shells, hand grenades, APMs, detonators, detonators codes, claymore mines and a stock of explosives.

    The SFs arrested a female Sea Tiger cadre who reached the Government controlled along with 31 other civilians who had crossed to the Palamoddai over the sea in two boats. Police spokesman Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekara said the SFs found a tube filled with cyanide capsules in her possession. The arrested cadre had disclosed that she had been a member of the Sea Tiger wing since 1985.

  • March 2: A LTTE woman-suicide bomber blew herself up in the Vannakulam area, to the east of Elephant Pass and to the south of Vettalaikerny, when the 55th Division troops attempted to go closer to her on suspicion.

    Unidentified assailants attacked the vehicle of the media spokesman to the Member of Parliament and founder of the TMVP, Vinayagamoorthy Muraleetharan alias Karuna Amman, who recently left the TMVP, at Batticaloa. Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekara said the gunmen came on a motorbike and shot at the vehicle. The media spokesman escaped unhurt in the attack, but a teenager inside the vehicle was injured.

    A "martyrs' prayer event" was held at Toronto in Canada in the honour of the two LTTE pilots killed during the failed suicide air attack on the Sri Lankan capital Colombo on February 20. The RCMP and Toronto Police officer showed up with video cameras and filmed as the LTTE flag was raised and several hundred people laid flowers at a makeshift shrine to the dead militants. Toronto is home to the world's largest population of Sri Lankan Tamils and many are reportedly sympathetic to the LTTE. The RCMP has said the city has become a lucrative fundraising base for the LTTE.

    SFs recovered two pointed rocket-type experimental bombs, of 10 feet in height with a separate launcher, which could go up as high as 300 meters when ignited from the Udayankattu, Sangarapuram and Vishvamadu areas. Each bomb could accommodate 200 kilograms of C-4 explosives inside when in use, with the support of the separate barrel launcher that was also discovered. SFs also recovered an artillery gun during subsequent search operations in these areas.

    362 hand grenades, fifty one 60-mm mortar bombs, 54 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, 485 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one T-56 magazine, one radio set, one battery, 11 map, one tripod, one MPMG ammunition drum, eight Bangalore torpedoes, two claymore mines weighing about 11.5 kilograms each, one claymore mine weighing about 15 kilograms, five claymore mines weighing about 2.5 kilograms each, two anti-tank mines, 55 APMs, 178 LTTE medals, one claymore mine of about 1.5 kilograms, one pistol cover, 23 pouches, seven 81-mm mortar bombs, one thermo baric weapon, 95 LTTE identity cards, one LTTE pack, 19 injection needles, two outboard motors, 81 CDs, 37 LTTE photographs, 457 bags of rice and 1000 body bags was recovered by the SFs from the Vishvamadu area.

    In the deep jungles of Vishvamadu area, the SFs found a LTTE mass-scale mortar and bomb manufacturing factory that used metal, granite, iron and chemicals for production of explosives. Dummies of mortar bombs, APMs, anti-tank mines, land mines, time bombs, claymore mines and many other different explosive devices, along with large lathe machines, other machines used for production of various armaments were recovered from inside the factory.

    Troops recovered one RPG bomb containing high explosives, two anti-tank RPG bombs containing high explosives, 250 grams of C-4 explosives, two claymore mines weighing about 2.5 kilograms each, three RPG bombs, five hand grenades, one detonator code, two pouches, two batteries, two water cans, four backpacks, 10 Magee noodles packets and some canned food from Vannakulam. At Puthirani, the SFs recovered one T-56 weapon, one T-56 magazine, 20 rounds of T-56 ammunition, two RPG bombs containing high explosives, three RPG chargers, five hand grenades, 28 detonators, three 9-V batteries, one torch battery, one I-com radio set, eight field dressings, four socks pairs, some food items and medicines. Similarly, troops in Mullaitivu town recovered one T-56 weapon, one RPG pouch, two RPG bombs and four hand grenades.

  • March 2: The SFs recovered two 122-mm artillery gun barrels, two 130-mm artillery gun barrels, four 122-mm artillery gun trailers and two 130-mm artillery gun trailers from the Verakulam area in Vishvamadu.

  • The body of a LTTE pilot involved in the failed air attack on Colombo on February 20 was identified by two of his neighbours. According to them, the pilot was a member of a LTTE battalion called Imran Pandiyan.

  • March 1: Around 37 civilians were killed in SLA artillery attack and SLAF bombardment in the Mullaitivu District.

    20 militants were killed as the SFs foiled a LTTE sea attack by destroying three boats in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area. The Defence Ministry said the LTTE launched 15 boats, including four suicide craft, assisted with simultaneous heavy mortar fire at the SFs directed from the declared 'no fire zone' in the region. "LTTE rebels suffered another defeat at Mullaitivu, when 55 Div troops thwarted an rebel offensive attempt North of Puthumathalan by destroying 2 LTTE boats while damaging another in a separate incident," the defence ministry said, adding, "Heavy fighting was reported in the area between security forces and LTTE since last morning till evening. At least 20 rebels were killed in the clashes." Intercepted LTTE communication confirmed heavy damages to the outfit and the ministry added that senior LTTE leaders, including Soosai and Lawrence, had commanded the attack. The Ministry also said soldiers faced heavy resistance from the LTTE cadres who "seemed to have placed all their heavy artillery and mortar guns in the No Fire Zone (NFZ) demarcated for the civilians". One female cadre of the outfit, in the wake of Army operations, committed suicide by detonating a suicide jacket while others went into hiding, added a Sri Lanka Army report.

    Three LTTE militants and a civilian were killed when he prevented a LTTE attempt to abduct children from the No Fire Zone. The civilian grabbed the firearm of one of the three militants, who came to abduct children, and fired at the abductors. In the ensuing gun-battle, the civilian and all the three militants died.

    The SFs continued their attacks on LTTE camps in the Kevil, south of Chalai, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Pattikkarai areas inflicting heavy casualties among the militants. Several soldiers also sustained injuries in LTTE small arms and mortar fire.

    Troops in Vishvamadu area recovered a large cache of arms and ammunition, including three T-56 weapons, three sniper weapons, 16 hand grenades, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun, 17 claymore mines, 362 pounder bombs, 12 kilograms of Try-Nitro Toluene explosives, 20 improvised explosive devices, 62 anti-personnel mines, six hundred and five 81-mm mortar bombs, two 60-mm mortar bombs, 57 detonators, and 30 Arul bombs. Similarly, a large boat of 40 feet in length and 20 feet in width, two suicide jackets and a large number of claymore mines was recovered from Ampalavanpokkanai.

  • February 28: The SFs confronted LTTE militants in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area inflicting heavy casualties among the militants and subsequently recovered the dead bodies of nine militants along with three T-56 weapons. A few soldiers also sustained injuries in fighting.

    Troops in the southwest of Mulliyavalai recovered the dead body of one militant along with one T-56 weapon, five T-56 magazines, 346 rounds of ammunition, one suicide jacket, one satellite phone, one map, one phone charger, one I-com set, one cyanide capsule, one Global Positioning System, one hand grenade, one compass, one LTTE uniform and one LTTE pack.

    SFs in the Vishvamadu area recovered one RPG bomb, 1000 APM fuses, 23 T-56 magazines, 20hand grenades, two hundred and seventy 120-mm mortar bombs, three claymore bombs of 12.5 kilograms, five kilograms and 7.5 kilograms, 18 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 900 rounds of T-56 ammunition, seventy-six 81-mm mortar shells, three Arul type bombs, two 60-mm mortar bombs, one TNT bomb, five radio set pairs, eight 81-mm mortar bombs, one 120-mm mortar improvised explosive devices, 28 APMs, one lathe machine, two LTTE uniforms, one pressure mine, 500 of MPMG ammunition and 15 detonator cords.

    At Ampalavanpokkanai in the northwest of Puthukkudiyiruppu the SFs recovered two large sea crafts which had been brought to the land and kept in the jungle.

    One 81-mm improvised explosive device and 12 anti-personnel mines were recovered by the troops from the Olumaduwai and Mullikulam areas.

    Three APMs, three caps, one LTTE pack, one pouch, one sleeping bag and 262 rounds of MPMG ammunition were recovered by the SFs from the Malawi area. On the same day, one map was recovered from the Udayarkattikkulam area.

    SFs at Akkaraipattu roadblock in the Ampara District conducted a search on a Sri Lanka Transport Service bus and found 7000 mobile pre-paid cards and 15 used mobile phones from the possession of a passenger.

  • February 27-28: 20 LTTE militants were killed as fierce fighting erupted between the troops and the militants in the Mullaitivu District in the night of February 27 and continued till the morning of February 28. The troops on February 28 stormed the LTTE built earth bund in Palamattalan at the north end of the narrow land strip along the coast following heavy fighting in the area since February 27. Troops also captured the two kilometres long earth bund and a bunker line across the land strip. The troops also engaged a fleet of 20 Sea Tiger boats on reinforcement destroying all of them with the militants onboard. A suicide boat was also destroyed by the ground troops as it came towards the troops operating in the lagoon front. The ground troops foiled more than 15 counter attacks by the LTTE killing more than 20 of their cadres during the battle. Intercepted LTTE communications confirmed that senior LTTE cadres commanded the battle against troops in which several militants, including a senior Sea Tiger ground commander, were killed.

  • February 27: An unspecified number of LTTE militants were killed in fighting with the troops in the area north of Kombavil in Mullaitivu District. During subsequent search operation, the SFs recovered dead bodies of five militants along with four T-56 weapons.

    The Special Task Force recovered two T-56 assault rifles, one 12.7 anti-aircraft ammunition, one claymore mine, 760 nine rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, three rounds of Rocket Propeller Gun, three T-56 magazines and two TNT boosters from a jungle patch in the costal area of Athurukondan in the Batticaloa District.

    The SFs also discovered the outfit's high-tech satellite communication centre in the Puthukudirippu area, military sources said. Computers, computer accessories, switches, and telephones believed to be used for international communication through satellite were found at the centre, sources added.

    Sri Lanka Police recovered a high power pressure bomb weighing approximately 14 kilograms near the training school of the Special Task Force at Mahiyangana in the Badulla.

  • February 26: The troops clashed with LTTE militants in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area of Mullaitivu District killing 14 of them. An LTTE ground commander known as Shankar who led the confrontation in Puthukkudiyiruppu area was killed.

    An unspecified number of militants were killed during clashes between the two sides in Ampalavanpokkanai, Mulliyavalai, east Puthukkudiyiruppu, Chalai and Terumurikandi areas. Following the clashes at Ampalavanpokkanai, troops recovered the dead bodies of two militants along with eight 81-mm mortars, booby traps, 35 hand grenades, a T-56 assault riffle and an I-Com set, Nanayakkara added.

    15 children and four women were injured in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area when the LTTE militants opened fire targeting civilians who were fleeing towards cleared areas (area under Government control). This is the third such firing instance.

    Troops recovered six 81-mm mortar bombs, 15 anti-personnel mines, three T-56 magazines, 15 detonators, two 81-mm mortar bombs converted into booby traps, five metre long safety fuses and nine metre long detonator cords from the Muthaliyakulam, Karuppadimuruppu and Mankulam areas, according to a Sri Lanka Army report. Similarly, a plastic bottle stuffed with explosives was recovered from Vettalaikerny in the Jaffna District.

    Editor of the Colombo-based Tamil newspaper Sudar Oli, N. Vidyatharan, was arrested by Police for questioning over a telephone conversation with regard to the LTTE air raid on Colombo on February 20. The Media and Information Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa said that he is alleged to have helped the LTTE in its suicide air mission. Police said Vidyatharan's telephone had been used to make a call to the LTTE in connection with the attack. If he has committed any offence, legal action will be taken against him and if not he would be released, the Minister added.

  • February 25: Army troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Chalai, Puthukkudiyiruppu, Palamattalan and Mulliyaweli east areas of Mullaitivu District. During subsequent search operations, the SFs recovered the dead body of one militant along with two T-56 weapons, 10 hand grenades, one improvised bomb, fitted to a 120-mm mortar bomb, and a magazine.

    Following fierce clashes, the SFs captured a suicide bomb factory and the hideout of Sea Tiger leader Soosai and also detected a swimming pool used by the LTTE leadership. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said troops in west Puthukkudiyiruppu captured a suicide bomb factory, adding, "It is believed that the Tigers used the location as a manufacturing yard for suicide bombs, claymore mines and IEDs." He said adjoining to the bomb manufacturing yard troops captured the Soosai's hideout. "The bunker was severely damaged due to aerial bombing earlier. Out Boat Motors and many other equipment used by the Sea Tiger cadres were also found in the vicinity," he added. In addition, the SFs detected a swimming pool, 50 feet long and 30 feet wide with its deep end over 7 feet in depth, and its surrounding fortifications following intense fighting.

    During search operations in the Aliyavalai, Kallikulam areas of Mullaitivu District, Elephant Pass in Jaffna District, Jayapuram and Poonaweli in the Kilinochchi District, SFs recovered 900 T-56 ammunition rounds, 255 rounds of 12.7 ammunition, 27 Rocket Propeller Grenade bombs, 10 chargers, eight hand grenades, six 60-mm mortar bombs, four claymore mines and one shot gun.

    During a search operation in the Valaichchenai area of Batticaloa District, troops recovered three 60-mm mortar bombs and one Rocket Propeller Grenade bomb.

    A huge cache of arms and ammunition were recovered by the SFs from the Chalai area of Mullaitivu District. Among others, the seizure included seven claymore mines, eight claymore boards, 119 Bangalore torpedoes, 66 Bangalore torpedoes fuses, 120 grenade launcher bombs, 15 improvised anti-tank mines, 36 anti-tank mine chargers, one RPG bomb, five pressure mine chargers, 20 chargers with electric circuits, 29 firing devices, 43 hand grenades, 34 kilograms of TNT explosives, 18 kilogram of C-4 explosives and 105 APMs.

  • February 24: SFs entered Puthukkudiyiruppu Township, the last township under the LTTE's control, in the Mullaitivu District following fierce fighting in the morning. Fighting intensified between the troops and LTTE militants in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area as the outfit was putting up stiff resistance in their final stronghold in Mullaitivu District. While eight militants were killed, the troops also recovered 14 T-56 weapons, one I-com radio set, one RPG and one claymore mine from the Puthukkudiyiruppu north.

    A group of LTTE militants who attempted to infiltrate the SF's defence line in the north of Mullaitivu was observed and fired upon by the 59th Division troops killing a number of militants. The SFs later recovered the dead bodies of 19 militants. The clashes were still going on till the reports came in.

    SF personnel killed six militants in the area north of Puthukkudiyiruppu.

    Two of the 390 civilians, a 13-year-old girl and a woman, evacuated and admitted to the Trincomalee Hospital by the ICRC succumbed to their injuries. On the same day, 224 wounded civilians, including 76 children, and 66 sick civilians were admitted to the Trincomalee Hospital following their evacuation by the ICRC over the sea with the assistance of Sri Lankan Navy, hospital sources said. These civilians were evacuated by the ICRC from the LTTE-controlled Puttumatalan in Mullaitivu District. This is the fifth time the ICRC brought down wounded and sick civilians to Trincomalee by sea, added a SLA report. By February 24, around 2006 civilians were reportedly brought to Trincomalee by the ICRC.

    One more LTTE camp was captured by the Task Force-IV troops following heavy clashes with the militants in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area. Subsequently, the troops recovered forty-five 80-mm mortar barrels, fifteen 80-mm bipods, 32 base plates, fourteen 60-mm mortar launchers, forty-three 60-mm mortar barrels, twenty-five commando mortar barrels, three 120-mm artillery barrels, three .50 weapons without buts, one carlgustave weapon and a large stock of T-56, T-81 and 303 riffles from the captured camp.

    One RPG round, 500 rounds of T-56 ammunition, three hand grenades, one tractor trailer, one motorbike, two generators of 3kv and 5kv, and one water pump were recovered by the SFs from the area west of Puthukkudiyiruppu. Separately, four hand grenades and two claymore mines were recovered from the Ampakamam, Nedunkerni and Iranamadu areas.

    During another search operation in the Malawi area, SFs recovered one claymore mine of 12.5 kilograms, 320 rounds of T-56 ammunition, seven APMs, one cyanide capsule, one LTTE dog tag, some LTTE uniform items and 13 LTTE literature books. At Maniarkulam, troops recovered 20 APMs, 20 five fuses, twenty two 60-mm mortar bombs with fuses and two hand grenades.

    37 civilians, including 12 United Nations local staff, who were detained by the LTTE militants in un-cleared areas (areas not under Government control) managed to escape and reached the naval troops in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya District.

    A special Police team attached to the Trincomalee Police station acting on information on conducted a search in the Thoppigala jungles of Batticaloa District and recovered one anti aircraft missile concealed by the LTTE militants before they fled the area. The report said that it was a heat seeking type surface to air missile.

  • February 23: The troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Mullaitivu area and subsequently recovered the dead bodies of two LTTE militants along with 4000 rounds of MPMG ammunition, four MPMG links, two RPGs and one night vision device. Also, the dead body of a LTTE militant along with a dog tag (Number: 020) and a cyanide capsule was recovered from the Olumaduwai area. In addition, the SFs in Puthukkudiyiruppu and Kuppulankulam areas recovered 48 APMs, four 81-mm heat bombs, three 81-mm white phosphorus bombs, 76 kerosene oil barrels, two back packs, two belt orders, 48 LTTE caps, 78 LTTE cap badges, one I-com radio set, one jacket, 14 RPG rockets, 4000 T-56 ammunition and nine hand grenades. Similarly, one MPMG, one LMG, seven T-56 weapons and one 12.7 tool kit was recovered from the Puthukuduiruppu area. At Udayarkattikkulam, the SFs recovered seven hand grenades, one claymore mine, four 81-mm mortar bombs, four chargers for mortar launchers, 3000 MPMG ammunition, 5000 T-56 ammunition, one belt order and one motor cycle. Similarly, troops operating in the Chalai area recovered 185 APMs and one shot gun from the area.

    The largest LTTE boat ever found by the SFs was reported from Devapuram area in northwest of Puthukkudiyiruppu. The engine and other important parts of this long sea craft had been removed by the militants who abandoned it on a trailer when the 58th Division troops found it. It seemed that militants had attempted to drag away the boat which is about 60 feet in length and 10 feet in width. Also, a LTTE torture camp having many cells with doors made of iron bars was found by the troops from the area west of Puthukkudiyiruppu.

    SFs reached closer to the LTTE's Puthukkudiyiruppu town, the outfit's last stronghold, and regained a section of the earth bund in the Kombavil area of Mullaitivu District. Following a fierce battle, troops recovered three dead bodies of militants and two T-56 assault rifles from the incident site.

  • Police in France arrested six Sri Lankan Tamils accused of killing a Police officer in Paris. Sugeeswara Senadheera, Minister Counsellor of the Sri Lankan embassy in Paris, told BBC Sandeshaya that all of them were LTTE members. The French Policeman was shot dead, Senadheera said, as he questioned the group collecting money for a banned organisation. "The only banned organisation that Tamil people are collecting money in France is the LTTE," he said. The group's leader was identified as Kandaiyah, a man who has links with the LTTE, according to the official. A Tamil woman is also among the arrested. The French Police arrested 19 suspected LTTE members in 2008. "There is also a link between the two incidents as the shooting incident has happened in front of the LTTE Paris leader's residence," he said.

  • February 22: 20 civilians were killed and 60 others wounded in the Iranaippaalai, Aananthapuram and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Mullaitivu District.

  • The SFs clashed with a group of four LTTE militants in the Vattappalai area killing all of them. The troops later recovered the dead bodies of the slain militants along with three T-56 weapons, one assault rife with a silencer, one magazine, 12 hand grenades, two military packs, one I-com set, forty-two dry ration packets and 14 packets of biscuits.

    SFs recovered the dead body of a LTTE militant along with one I-com set and one T-56 weapon following a confrontation in the Puthukkudiyiruppu east area.

    The SFs recovered a cache of arms and ammunition from the Vishvamadu area. The seizure included one hundred and fifty 81-mm mortar bombs, 250 mortar bombs trails, 150 boxes of iron balls, 15 rolls of aluminium cable, thirty-five thousand 12.7 ammunition empty cases, ten thousand 12.7 ammunition heads/noses, forty-one 130-mm mortar projectiles, one pistol magazine, one hundred and twenty-six 9-mm pistol rounds of ammunition, 23 barrels of diesel, 29 barrels of kerosene, 12 hand grenades, three T-56 weapons, five Motorola Base station communication sets, 80 I-com sets, fourteen 81-mm bombs, one hundred and ninety-five 81-mm mortar bomb trails, 250 claymore mine double leg stands, 71 claymore triple leg stands, five Bangalore Torpedo explosive devices, one 2.5 kilograms land mine, one five kilograms land mine, 288 kilograms of TNT explosives, two trapped 81-mm bombs, 1000 plastic mine covers, 33 claymore mines, 30 pressure mines, 20 patrol bombs, 10 kilograms of C-4 explosives, one computer, one Ashok Leyland truck, one Ashok Leyland lorry, ten 60-mm mortar bombs and five LTTE made Arul mortar bombs.

    SFs recovered one 122-mm artillery round and one more LTTE made mortar bomb from the Pandiyankulam area. Two more 81-mm bombs and one Rocket Propeller Grenade bomb were recovered by Task Force-VII troops from the Muhamalai area of Jaffna District.

  • February 21-22: At least 12 civilians, including two children, were shot dead by the militants at Karawetiyagama in the Ampara District. The militants stormed the village and opened indiscriminate fire at the villagers killing at least 12 of them while injuring some others, including two children. The death toll increased to 21, the Media Centre for National Security said on February 22.

  • February 21: 33 civilians were killed and 73 others wounded when the SLA fired artillery shells towards the Safety Zone at Valaignarmadam, Mullivaaykkaal and Pokkaani in Mullaitivu District.

    Troops advancing towards Puthukkudiyiruppu town attacked more LTTE camps in the west and south of Puthukkudiyiruppu inflicting heavy casualties among the militants. During subsequent search operations, the SFs recovered dead bodies of 11 militants along with 15 T-56 weapons, two I-com sets, one RPG, one Light Machine Gun, one radio set, one MPMG, LTTE weapon production factory and stock of LTTE uniforms from the Puthukkudiyiruppu west and Ampalavanpokkanai areas.

    The SFs recovered the dead body of a militant along with 3088 hand grenades, nine arul bombs, 114 APMs, three T-56 weapons, seven claymore mines, one 82-mm mortar, 1000 MPMG ammunitions, one I-com set, two magazines, one 30 Kv generator, two computers, one MPMG weapon, six boot pairs, 10 LTTE uniforms and five LTTE caps from the Vishvamadu area.

    During search operations in the Akkarayankulam and Murikkandy areas, troops recovered six RPG bombs, 31 hand grenades, 11 hand grenades fuses, 275 MPMG ammunitions and a one can with explosives. Similarly, troops in the Kokavil area recovered 440 T-56 rounds of ammunition, nine MPMG links and seven APMs. In addition, the SFs found six APMs, 11 APM fuses, 360 APM fuse caps, five metre long trip wire, three 81-mm mortar, sixteen 81-mm mortar chargers and one 81-mm mortar fuse from the Wannivilankulam area. Troops also recovered one hand grenades from Manampitiya.

  • February 20: 70 civilians were injured when the SLA launched artillery attack targeting civilians within the 'safe zone' and the adjoining areas in Wanni, claims Tamil Net. 13 of the 70 wounded civilians died later. The SLA targeted Mattapan, Pokkanai, Valaignanmadam and Iranaippaalai areas in the Mullaitivu District, the report added.

    Troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Puthukkudiyiruppu west, Chalai, Mulliyaweli and Ampalavanpokkanai areas of Mullaitivu District inflicting heavy casualties among the militants. Several soldiers also sustained injuries in LTTE fire. During subsequent search operations the troops recovered the dead bodies of 10 militants along with one MPMG, seven T-56 weapons, four communication equipment and two pouches from the Puthukkudiyiruppu west and Ampalavanpokkanai areas.

    Troops captured Ampalavanpokkanai village in the Mullaitivu District after a fierce battle with the LTTE. "The Security Forces crushed the Tiger attempt to resist advancing troops and had taken control of the area in the afternoon. Troops consolidating their position in the area launched a mopping up operation and recovered seven LTTE bodies and five T56 assault rifles. The LTTE cadres fled from the area facing heavy damages and casualties," Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said. Ampalavanpokkani is a remote village located approximately eight kilometres north of Puthukkudiyiruppu junction on the western bank of the Chalai lagoon.

    Two LTTE light aircrafts were shot down by the Security Forces in Colombo and Katunayake following an attempt by the outfit to bomb Colombo city. The SLAF spokesman Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara said following the detection of two LTTE aircrafts by the radar, the air defence system was activated and there was a blackout in Colombo City and suburbs for about an hour after 9.20 pm. However, one of the aircrafts managed to drop a bomb on the Inland Revenue Department injuring at least 50 persons and destroying the building. Two of the injured persons reportedly succumbed to their injuries later. Meanwhile, the aircraft was immediately shot down by the SLAF and its remnants were found in the premises. In addition, Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said another LTTE light aircraft was shot down at Katunayake. He said the dead bodies of the LTTE pilots and the wreckage of the aircraft shot down at Katunayake were recovered. The LTTE last launched an aerial attack on Colombo on October 29, 2008

    The Sri Lanka Air Force's Kfir and Mig fighter jets neutralized LTTE camps, about four kilometres northwest of Puthukkudiyiruppu junction.

    The SFs conducted search operation in the Vishvamadu area and recovered one claymore mine production machine, one communication equipment, 57 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 35 kilograms of gun powder, 44 claymore mines, 125 Bangalore torpedoes, one hundred and four 81-mm mortar bombs, four anti-tank bombs, 1880 rounds of Multi MPMG ammunition, 750 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 350 barrels of 210 l-capacity containing diesel and kerosene, one 120-mm mortar bomb, one pressure mine, fifty 60-mm para bombs, four hundred 82-mm para bombs, one claymore mine weighing about 3.5 kilograms, 158 improvised bombs and one hand grenade.

    30 APMs, five claymore mines, one improvised explosive device, fixed to an 81-mm mortar, and two T-56 magazines were recovered by the troops from the Alankulam area. On the same day, troops recovered two electric generators from the Puthukulam area.

    SFs conducted a search operation in Puthukkudiyiruppu and recovered 30 claymore mines weighing about 12.5 kilograms, 22 claymore mines weighing about 2.5 kilograms, 30 gas masks, bicycle balls used for bombs weighing about 300 kilograms, about 30000 non-electric detonators, about 30000 electric detonators, 33 barrels of explosives weighing about 990 kilograms, 11 T-56 weapons, one RPG launcher, one LMG and one MPMG.

    The newly formed Task Force-VIII operating under the troops of 58th division found a LTTE underground three storeyed complex which was covered by camouflage nets in the area west of Puthukkudiyiruppu. "The underground complex had been surrounded by steel plated posts. The Tiger cadres also kept watch dogs to guard the area. Troops found three secret roads leading to the deep underground complex", said Brigadier Nanayakkara.

  • February 19: At least 24 civilians were killed in the SLA artillery attack in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area of Mullaitivu District, reports Tamil Net.

    10 civilians were killed in the Iranaippaalai, Aananthapuram and Valaignarmadam villages of Mullaitivu District. 70 other civilians were wounded in these incidents.

    Three members of a family were killed in the Valaignarmadam area of Mullaitivu District.

    SFs captured the entire Puthukkudiyiruppu west area in Mullaitivu District by February 19 afternoon and by evening the troops entered the Ampalavanpokkanai town.

    The SFs clashed with the LTTE militants on the Oddusudan-Puthukkudiyiruppu road and reportedly killed an unspecified number of them, including two top cadres identified as Anbu and Suresh. A few soldiers also sustained injuries injured in the fighting.

    An unidentified gang shot dead shot a supporter of the TMVP party in the Batticaloa District. The Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekara said the identity of the victim is not known yet.

    A Toyota Harrier, confirmed to have been either stolen by Colombo-based LTTE proxies and taken into un-cleared areas (area under LTTE control) or detained after someone's entry there, was recovered by the SFs from the area west of Puthukkudiyiruppu. In addition, a heavily-damaged bulldozer, engaged in constructing LTTE earth bunds, a Isuzu vehicle, belonging to the Government's Co-operative establishment, and several LTTE rocket launchers, claymore mines and anti-personnel mines were also recovered by the SFs.

    During a search operation following clashes between the two sides, the SFs recovered the dead bodies of three LTTE militants along with seven T-56 weapons and three I-com sets from the Puthukkudiyiruppu west area.

    Seven T-56 weapons, 34 claymore mines, four RPGs, 240 rounds of ammunition, 50 hand grenades, 12 MPMG drums, six LMG drums, 30 kilograms of C-4 explosives, 297 APMs, 17 Arul bombs, three I-com sets and 70 electric detonators were recovered from Vishvamadu. The SFs also recovered one T-56 weapon, 3000 rounds of ammunition 250 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one mine detector, seven claymore mines, 12 hand grenades, six 60-mm mortar bombs, four kilograms of C-4 explosives, one RPG, one improvised explosive device, two shot guns, two APMs, three Arul bombs, 20 detonators, one weighing machine and one photocopy machine from the Kulamurippu, Puthukkudiyiruppu west and Kunchankulam.

  • February 18: At least 50 civilians were killed and more than 70 others wounded when four SLAF bombers dropped cluster bombs on internally displaced civilians at Aananthapuram in the Iranaippaalai area of Mullaitivu District at around 12:50 pm claimed Tamil Net. Medical sources said at least 50 civilians were killed in one of the bombardments, adding that the death toll could be more than 100 and that around 300 could be wounded. At least 160 people were killed within the last 10 hours in Mullaitivu, claimed an unnamed doctor at Maththalan hospital.

    Troops confronted militants in the west and south of Puthukkudiyiruppu and in south Oddusudan inflicting heavy casualties upon them. The SFs later recovered the dead bodies of nine militants along with six T-56 weapons, eight magazines, 3000 rounds of ammunition, one 40-mm grenade launcher, 21 rounds of 40-mm grenades, three suicide jackets, two claymore mines, weighing about 2.5 kilograms, four I-com sets, two Global Positioning Systems, two compasses, two radio sets, one range finder, one battery charger, five man-packs, four 1.5 v batteries, four APMs, three packs of C-4 explosives ,weighing about 500 grams each, 10 hand grenades, one LTTE uniform, three maps, three belt orders, one satellite phone, one antenna, five colour ID bands, one motor bicycle, 16 empty fuel browsers, 600 empty oil barrels and some medicinal items from these areas.

    SFs recovered six dead bodies of the LTTE militants along with five T-56 weapons during a search operation in the area west of Puthukkudiyiruppu in Mullaitivu District.

    During a search operation in the Vishvamadu area, the troops recovered one decomposed body of a LTTE militant along with 32 claymore mines, each weighing about 7.5 kilograms, and 50 APMs. SFs in Vavuniya District conducted a search operation in the Asikkulam area and recovered two hand grenades, two Multi-Purpose Machine Guns links, back pack, belt order, cyanide capsule, two head covers, 14 batteries, five rain capes, one ground sheet, one helmet, one Olive Green uniform, one wire cutter, three packs of dry ration and three water purification tablets.

    The skeletal parts and 70 partly-burnt pieces of a fuselage and a rotor blade of a helicopter that could have been experimented by the LTTE, apparently for their clandestine aerial operations, were recovered from the newly captured areas of Vaddakkachchi. Those parts, some of which had been mounted on logs, probably for practical testing operations had been set ablaze before the militants had vacated the area as the troops were advancing. Aerial maps, engineering sketches, aircraft engineering plans and manuals, in addition to foreign brochures with modal light aircraft pictures, were also found by the troops among the recoveries found in the adjacent workshop type huts to the south of Vaddakkachchi jungle. Lathe machines, aluminium sheets, motor engine parts, nuts and bolts and a stock of other similar tools and accessories were among the other items recovered.

    SFs in the Unnachchiya area of Batticaloa District recovered one RPG launcher, three RPG rounds, three RPG chargers, one T-56 weapon, two magazines and 30 rounds of ammunition. Elsewhere, the SFs recovered two cyanide capsules, one telephone charger and four batteries from the Seruwila area.

    During a search operation in the Sirnarayanpuram area of Trincomalee District, the SFs recovered one T-56 weapon, two magazines and 35 rounds of ammunition.

  • February 17: The SLA launched indiscriminate artillery attack into the newly announced safety zone killing at least 108 civilians and injuring more than 200, claimed Tamil Net. The artillery attack targeted Maaththalan, Pokkanai and Mullivaaykkaal areas.

    The Sri Lanka Air Force fighter jets bombed Iranaippaalai, the new centre for humanitarian and basic facilities located between the new and old safety zones, killing at least 15 people fleeing from the old 'safety zone' towards Maaththalan, the Website added.

    The SFs entered the Puthukuduiruppu West area of Mullaitivu District confining the LTTE to less than 80 square kilometres area, military sources said. The SFs have reportedly taken complete control of the previous 'No Fire Zone' declared by the Army after thousands of civilians moved out of the area once the Army declared the new safe areas in the coastal belt in the north of Mullaitivu. The SFs also recovered the dead bodies of 23 militants from the area (14 on February 16 and nine on February 17.

    The SFs conducted search operations in the areas west of Puthukkudiyiruppu, Vishvamadu, Mankulam and Akkarayankulam areas and recovered the dead body of one LTTE militant along with one electric detonator, three CDMA phones, 12 I-com sets, two claymore mines, weighing about 50 kilograms and 25 kilograms, one claymore mine, weighing about 7.5 kilograms, nine IEDs, 14 APM, one LTTE map, three containers, one tractor, two unusable wheel loaders, one bulldozer, one Leyland truck, one canter, ten electric detonators, three small containers, 168 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 25 rounds of MPMG ammunition, 42 APM fuses, six release switches, three T-56 weapons, one 81-mm mortar bomb, one sniper gun and 29 IED holders.

    Troops attacked an LTTE tractor and a motorcycle in the area south of Puthukkudiyiruppu. However, no casualty was reported. Separately, the SFs recovered two APMs, six 60-mm mortar bombs, one man pack and one LTTE uniform during a search operation conducted in the same area.

    10 LTTE militants, including a 17-year-old girl, surrendered to the SFs at Omanthai in the Vavuniya District after arriving there amidst fleeing civilians.

  • February 16: The SFs clashed with the LTTE militants in the Maruthampual, Pallikudiruppu, and Vishvamadu and Puthukudirippu areas and later recovered the dead body of one militant and a large cache of arms and ammunition, including two T-56 weapons, one LMG, 14 RPG bombs, one claymore mine, 23 hand grenades, 85 APMs, three vehicles and a few more LTTE items from these areas. In addition, a place identical to a workshop with seven different machines was also found by the troops in Pallikudiruppu.

    Clashes erupted between the two sides in the west of Puthukudirippu, Kuppulankulam, Mulliyaweli, Udayarakattu and Ampakamam areas. The SFs later recovered a cache of arms and ammunition, including one 81-mm mortar, one 60-mm mortar, one claymore mine, 500 T-56 ammunition rounds, three APMs, ten 60-mm mortar bombs, four RPG bombs, one radio set, 810 ammunition rounds, one 120-mm mortar bomb, five 81-mm mortar bombs, one RPG bomb and one T-56 weapon.

    Following another clash in Periyakulam, the SFs recovered one claymore mine weighing 12 kilograms, 3250 T-56 ammunition rounds, 1000 GPMG ammunition rounds, four 60-mm mortar bombs, three RPG bombs, one bicycle and a few other items.

    SFs arrested four local employees of India's Sun TV network in Vavuniya, where the re-broadcasting centre is operating, for alleged links with the LTTE. The SFs also seized the equipment used by the suspects.

    Tamil Net claimed that about 275 civilians are feared dead since February 14 and the roads remain continuously under heavy artillery attack by the SLA in the Theavipuram-Vallipunam safety zone.

    MI-24 helicopters neutralised LTTE camps in the south of Puthukkudiyiruppu in Mullaitivu District.

    Two 130-mm artillery gun and one arty barrel of the LTTE were seized by the SFs from the area west of Puthukkudiyiruppu in the Mullaitivu District.

    The LTTE is reportedly burying their weapons in order to use them later when the armed struggle for an independent Tamil Eelam could be revived. UAV surveillance had revealed that militants were greasing their weapons, wrapping them up in polythene and burying them deep in jungles, as they did in the East in 2006-7 and after the India-Sri Lankan Accord in 1987.

  • February 15: Two LTTE militants, who attempted to destroy an electricity transformer after entering the Kapputhu area of Jaffna District, were shot dead by the troops before they executed their plan. Troops later recovered their dead bodies.

    The SFs killed at least two militants in the Thevipuram area of Mullaitivu District. The SFs also recovered five hand grenades, four magazines, one APM, two cyanide capsules and one binocular from the incident site.

    Tamil Net claimed that a bomb blast in the Kanchikudichchaanaaru area of Ampara District killed more than 12 STF commandos, including an officer, at a site where preparations were being made to lay the foundation stone for a Buddhist Vihara.

    SLAF fighter jets bombed three LTTE suicide boats anchored near ‘Fara 3’ ship in the seas north of Mullaitivu. ‘Fara 3’ had been hijacked by the militants some time back. According to reports, two of the boats were sunk and the remaining boat caught fire in the aerial bombing.

    At Puthukkudiyiruppu in the Mullaitivu Ditsrict, the SFs found a camp left abandoned by the LTTE and recovered three hand grenades, 41 caps, 52 uniforms of LTTE, eight pouches, five jackets, 250 Fabrique Nationale Carbine ammunition, 2539 rounds of T-56 ammunition from the inside the camp.

    The troops found two 81-mm mortar bombs, 30 field dressings, five 81-mm mortar bombs, one hundred and eighty 60-mm mortar fuses, seventy eight 81-mm mortar fuses, ten 130-mm fuses, twenty 130-mm empty cases, one APM, one hundred and forty four 210 litre capacity grease barrels, one earth moving machine and 18 barrels of 120-mm mortar primer from the Vishvamadu area. The SFs recovered 20 hand grenades and two IEDs from the same area.

    Troops in the Kuppilankulam area of Mullaitivu District found one uni-buffel, a 30 feet long boat, four 60-mm mortars, three T-56 weapons and eight IEDs. Similarly, one T-56 weapon and three magazines were recovered from the Challai area.

    Police found an unattended parcel containing 1.5 kilograms of C-4 explosives from Trincomalee town area. During another search operation conducted in the Tissapura area, Police found one hand grenade.

    During a search operation at Pottakulem in the Trincomalee District, the Sri Lanka Air Force personnel recovered 1050 anti-personal mines and 600 fuses.

    The LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran is still in Wanni and will continue to hold the innocent civilians until the military captures him, revealed two Black Tigers to the Army. In an interview with Sunday Observer, they said that Prabhakaran’s son Charles Anthony was commanding their forces with other prominent LTTE leaders like Banu and Lakshman. The two Black Tigers, in their twenties, had surrendered to the troops at Therumurukandy on January 28 after they failed to bomb the bund at Iranamadu Tank. Anthony and Soosai had briefed them on the mission for an underwater demolition on January 20, but they decided to surrender citing dissatisfaction with the ‘behaviour’ of the LTTE leadership. "The LTTE is abducting lots of children who are in their teens. They want to sacrifice civilians as common fodder. Sons and daughters of the LTTE leaders are living luxury lives," said the duo.

  • February 14: The troops confronted militants in the Vaduvakkal area and killed two of them. During subsequent search operations, the SFs recovered the two dead bodies along with two T-56 weapons, six magazines, 315 T-56 ammunition, one I-com set, four compasses, four packs, eleven 1.5 V batteries, two Global Positioning Systems, six torches, one note book, two cyanide capsule, one satellite phone, one ration packets, one hand grenade, one cap and one diary.

    One civilian was killed and 13 others injured in a grenade attack and shooting by the LTTE at Puliyankulam in the Vavuniya District.

    The LTTE triggered a claymore mine explosion targeting a state-owned bus transporting IDPs to Vavuniya while it was passing a location about three kilometres north of Puliyankulam, killing one woman who was inside the bus and injuring 14 others. One soldier who was providing security to IDPs also sustained minor injuries.

    Kfir Jets of the Sri Lanka Air Force neutralised a Sea suicide boat location in the north of Mullaitivu lagoon.

    The SFs in Vishvamadu area recovered two T-56 weapons, one T-81 weapon, 26 kerosene barrels with capacity of 210 litre, one RPG bomb, 121 hand grenades, one T-56 magazine, two LTTE uniforms, two pistol magazines and five IEDs set to 81-mm mortars. Further, during a search operation in the Kiranchi area, the SFs recovered fifteen 81-mm mortar bombs, nine hand grenades, ten IEDs, 262 dog tags and 42 LTTE newspapers the same day. Separately, 750 rounds of T-56 ammunition, four claymore mines weighing about 12.5 kilograms, one claymore mine weighing about 7.5 kilograms, thirty-six 60-mm mortar bombs, one hand grenade and seven RPG chargers were recovered by the troops from the Poddivettuvan and Kokavil areas.

  • February 13: Subsequent to heavy clashes between the two sides in the Kuppilankulam area of Mullaitivu District the SFs recovered the dead bodies of five militants along with five T-56 weapons and one I-com radio set.

    The STF personnel shot dead two LTTE militants when the duo was trying to target the STF personnel on duty at Old Farm in the Lahugala area of Ampara District. The STF later recovered two T-56 weapons, two magazines with 25 ammunition rounds, three hand grenades, one Global Positioning System and a cyanide capsule.

    The SFs killed two LTTE militants in the Inguruhinna area of Batticaloa District and later recovered one Multi Purpose Machine Gun, one 40-mm grenade launcher, five T-56 weapons, four bags and one hand grenade from the area.

    During a search operation conducted in the Kumpanachchi area of Batticaloa District, the SFs recovered two hand tractors, one motorbike, one assault rifle with one magazine, six rounds of ammunition, one shot gun with a cartridge and one 35 litre can.

    SFs recovered two T-56 weapons, 19 boxes of 12.7 ammunition, 17 boxes of Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, 50 kilograms of C-4 explosive, eight kilograms of TNT explosive, 200 meters of detonator codes, four anti-personnel mines, three magazines, three 60-mm mortar bombs and three anti-tank mines from the Vishvamadu and Kulamurippu areas. In addition, the SFs in Akkarayankulam recovered one shot gun and one hand grenade.

  • February 12: The SFs clashed with militants in the Mullaitivu District killing at least 28 of them, the Defence ministry said. "Snipers deployed in the forward areas confirmed shooting down 23 terrorists at various locations during daytime," the ministry said, adding, five militants were killed in separate clashes.

    12 LTTE militants were killed and an equal number of them injured as clashes erupted between the SFs and militants in the area south of Puthukudirippu in Mullaitivu District. An unspecified number of soldiers also sustained injuries during these clashes.

    An attempt by two militants of the outfit’s ‘pistol gang’ to kill soldiers on picket duty in the Tirunelveli area of Jaffna District was foiled. While one of the militants was killed in retaliatory action by the SFs, the other swallowed cyanide and committed suicide after being surrounded. One soldier sustained injuries in the exchange of fire. Troops also recovered one micro pistol, five rounds of pistol ammunition, one more cyanide capsule, one Jaffna University identity card and two national identity cards from the slain militant’s possession.

    Troops continued their attacks on LTTE camps in the Kuppilankulam, Kuruvikkulam, Adampankula and Puthukkudiyiruppu south and the western part of Mullaitivu District. However, casualty figures of the militants were not reported. SFs also recovered one G3A3 weapon, one AK-47 weapon, one repeater shotgun, one satellite antenna and one shotgun from the Puthukkudiyiruppu area.

    The SFs recovered 45 claymore mines of 12 kilograms each, 23 claymore mines of 2.5 and 7.5 kilograms each, 15 pressure mines, 11 APMs, twenty-five 81-mm mortars and one car from the Vishvamadu area. Similarly, troops in the areas north of Surantharanpuram recovered a LTTE 81-mm mortar manufacturing plant from the area.

    Following clashes between the two sides in the Ramanathapuram and Kuruvikkulam areas, the SFs recovered two T-56 weapons, six hand grenades, 135 rounds of 12.7-mm ammunition, five APMs, one Improvised Explosive Device, one claymore mine weighing about 12 kilograms, two pressure mines, eight pouches and three man packs. Separately, SFs operating in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area recovered one T-56 weapon.

  • February 11: The SFs confronted LTTE militants in the Thuvarankulam and surrounding areas of Mullaitivu District and inflicted heavy casualties upon the outfit. Troops later recovered the dead bodies of eight militants along with five 120-mm mortar barrels, five mortar base plates, eight bi-pods, two 81-mm mortar barrels, eight mortar base plates, eight bi-pods, two 60-mm mortar barrels, one Light Machine Gun, 48 T-56 weapons, one G3A3 riffle, two claymore mines, one Rocket Propeller Grenade Launcher, one double-cab vehicle, one motor bicycle, one lorry, one tractor and one backhoe machine.

    Task Force-IV troops currently conducting search and clear operations in the south of Puthukkudiyiruppu in Mullaitivu District found one 12 feet-long pressing and cutting machine of the LTTE. In addition, the SFs also found a LTTE printing press along with several cut-outs of the outfit’s chief Velupillai Prabhakaran from the Surantharanpuram north area. A hand grenade manufacturing location of the organization was also found in the area adjacent to it.

    Troops captured a 'highly fortified' camp of the LTTE at Sinnavillu area of Mullaitivu District and recovered a large cache of weapons, including four 120-mm mortar guns and two 81-mm mortar guns, along with a couple of vehicles believed to have been used by the top LTTE leaders.

    The US Department of Treasury designated the Maryland-based Tamil Foundation as a front organization of the LTTE under Executive Order 13224 which targets terrorists and those providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism.

  • February 10: 19 civilians, including five women and two children, and 75 others, including 30 women and 28 children, injured as the LTTE militants opened fire on a group of civilians fleeing the outfit-held areas of Puthukkudiyiruppu in the Mullaitivu District. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said the LTTE attacked the civilians seeking refuge with the soldiers in Udayarkattikkulam. These civilians had arrived at the rescue point in the Udayarkattikkulam area between 6:00 am (SLST) and 7:00 am.

    Two more civilians succumbed to their injuries raising the death toll in the February 9 suicide blast at Vishvamadu to 30.

    SFs captured the Western part of Kuruwilkulam in the Mullaitivu District following clashes that commenced from February 9-night. Kuruwilkulam is located East of Vishvamadu and North of Udayanarkattukulam along the south of the A-9 Road. The LTTE territory is reportedly confined to 96 square kilometres.

    The SFs observed a group of three armed LTTE militants on two motorbikes in the Surantharanpuram area and opened fire at them killing all of them on the spot. Subsequently, the troops recovered the dead bodies of three militants along with their weapons, two radio sets and two motorbikes.

    Several soldiers engaged in clearing operations in the Vishvamadu area of Mullaitivu District reportedly sustained injuries in explosions of booby traps. Further, the SFs recovered 10 anti-personnel mines during a search operation conducted in the same area.

    MI 24 fighter helicopters of the Sri Lanka Air Force neutralised an LTTE camp about one kilometre south of the Puthukkudiyiruppu-Paranthan road.

    Troops recovered three T-56 weapons, forty two 60-mm mortar launchers and 41 RPG from an unspecified location in Mullaitivu.

    1500 rounds of T-56 ammunition, five hand grenades, two 60-mm mortar bombs, two 6V batteries, 16 claymore mine covers, four claymore mine stands, one remote control unit, one cap and 10 LTTE pamphlets were recovered by the troops from the Thunukkai and Akkarayankulam areas.

    Twelve 60-mm bombs were recovered by the troops during search and clear operations in the Manalkadu area of Jaffna District.

    Troops conducted search operations in Tissapura, Kudavilachcholai and Kadiraweli areas of Trincomalee District and recovered one disposable Rocket Propeller Gun from Tissapura, one weapon similar to 40-mm grenade launcher from Kudavilachcholai and one claymore mine weighing about five kilograms, one hand grenade, one claymore mine stand, one 9-m long detonator code and one hand held communication set from the Kadiraweli area.

    In a similar search operation, troops recovered a hand grenade from the Batticaloa town.

  • February 9: Militants triggered a pressure mine explosion targeting a team of STF members travelling on a tractor in the Onkanda area of Batticaloa District, killing two STF personnel.

    A LTTE militant was killed when he attempted to shoot officials from the Kalawanchikudi STF camp in the Batticaloa District. The officials were conducting a search operation on a tip-off provided by an arrested militant identified as Udayakumar Kamalan, who had deserted LTTE ranks at Eruvil on February 6.

    The SFs attacked LTTE camps in the Kuppilankulam and south of Puthukudirippu areas in the Mullaitivu District inflicting an unspecified number of casualties upon the militants. Several soldiers also sustained injuries in small arms fire by the LTTE.

    During a search operation conducted after clashes in the north of Mullaitivu town, troops of the 59th Division recovered one T-56 weapon, one T-56 magazine, 30 rounds of ammunition, two hand grenades, six batteries, two man packs and several food items from the area. Further, the SFs recovered 10 Tri Nitro Toluene explosive slabs, one anti-personnel mine, 10 fuses, one Jonny mine, one RPG round and 35 Bangalore from the Ramanadapuram area.

    Three claymore bombs, eight Johnny mines, eight fuses, four detonators, 50 metres flexible wire, two live grenades, 7.5 kilograms of high explosives two pieces of detonator cord, one roll tape, three nine volt batteries, 14 (9-mm) cartridges, 175 T-56 ammunition and two black bags were recovered from the area.

    SFs conducted a search and clear operation in the Ethabindunuwewa area of Mullaitivu District and recovered one remote controller of a claymore mine, five feet long detonator code and three anti-personnel mines hidden from the area. Troops also recovered two hand grenades from the Vellatottam area. Further, the Eravur Police recovered one T-56 weapon, one magazine and 130 rounds of ammunition.

    A LTTE woman suicide bomber mingling with a group of displaced civilians coming from un-cleared areas blew herself up at Sugandirapuram in the Mullaitivu District, killing 28 people and injuring more than 60 others. Among the dead were 20 SF personnel and eight civilians. 24 soldiers were among the 60 injured persons. Initial reports said that the bomber, who had come with around 1,000 displaced civilians from un-cleared areas of Mullaitivu, blew herself up, when a woman soldier tried to body check her at a checkpoint prior to being taken to a transit welfare centre.

    The SLAF fighter jets neutralised a camouflaged Sea Tiger building in a jungle area of Wellamulla Waikkal. The entire building complex, including Sea Tiger boats and tractors, were completely destroyed, the Media Centre for National Security said. The SLAF’s Kfir and MIG-27 fighter jets also shelled a Sea Tiger facility located north of Mullaitivu lagoon.

    During search operations in the Thuvarankulam area, the SF recovered three T-56 weapons, one I-com communication set and two SUVs.

    Troops in the Chalai area recovered one excavator vehicle, six T-56 weapons, three MPMG, 10 hand grenades, 155 APMs, one MPMG drum, 100 MPMG ammunition links, forty 12.7 anti-aircraft ammunition rounds, forty-five T-56 ammunition rounds, forty-five .5 anti- aircraft ammunition rounds, one T-56 magazine, one military pack and five 2.5 V batteries. In addition, 15 hand grenades, seven anti-tank mines, three claymore mines, nine APMs, two slabs of TNT explosives and three jumping mines were recovered by the SFs from Ramanathapuram area.

  • February 8: The SLA continued indiscriminate barrage of artillery shelling on the safety zone killing more than 80 civilians and injuring 200. Most of the casualties were reported along the roads. Further, a shell exploded inside a bunker in Vallipuan, killing three persons and injuring four others. More than 500 houses and huts were damaged in the shelling.

    Troops killed seven LTTE militants in fierce clashes at a strategic township near Mullaitivu, the military said. The SFs pushed through the LTTE barricade at Sugandirapuram in the north of Irruttumadu and entered the township despite intermittent LTTE resistance attacks. The SFs subsequently recovered the dead bodies of seven militants along with five T-56 assault rifles, a combat camouflaged jeep and a land cruiser.

    Naval craft patrolling the sea off Mullaitivu in a predawn attack destroyed two LTTE boats just a few minutes after it was detected on the radar screen. According to Navy spokesman Captain D.K.P. Dassanayake, Dovra high speed naval craft had given chase and fired at the fleeing LTTE boats killing at least six militants. Two dead bodies of the militants have been recovered so far, he added.

    The SLA reported that LTTE militants fired at civilians who were fleeing the outfit-held areas killing three of them while injuring three others.

    Police recovered two RPG rounds, two anti-personnel mines, 132 T-56 ammunition rounds and two hand grenades from the Almanagar area of Trincomalee District.

    Police recovered one claymore mine weighing five kilograms, one military pack, one landmine booster charge and 500 Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunition rounds from the Kadiraweli area of Batticaloa District.

  • February 7: At least 62 civilians were killed in shelling by the SLA inside the safety zone in the Chuthanthirapuram, Iruddumadu, Udaiyaarkaddu and Theavipuram areas of Mullaitivu, reports Tamil Net.

    34 LTTE militants were killed when the SFs foiled an LTTE infiltration attempt through the SFs FDL in the south of Puthukkudiyiruppu.

    The SLAF said its fighter jets destroyed a hideout of the Sea chief Soosai located one kilometre northeast of Puthukuduiruppu junction in the Mullaitivu District and claimed that he could either have been killed or wounded in the attack. The SLAF spokesperson Janaka Nanayakkara said 11 LTTE militants, including a very senior militant, were killed in the attack. He said the initial strike was to destroy an underground bunker and a "luxury house" of Soosai. It was followed with another on observation that the LTTE militant were making a desperate attempt to dig out the location with three earth moving vehicles.

    Troops clashed with the militants in the Pullopalai, Ramanadapuram, Visuamadu and Mullaitivu areas and claimed inflicting heavy casualties upon the outfit. The SFs, however, recovered the dead body of one militant.

  • February 6: The SLAF bombed Ponnampalam hospital in Puthukkudiyiruppu killing 61 patients. Casualty figures from the SLA shelling in Puthukkudiyiruppu were not available, the Website reported.

    59 civilians were killed in shelling by the SLA inside the safety zone in the Chuthanthirapuram, Iruddumadu, Udaiyaarkaddu and Theavipuram areas of Mullaitivu, reported Tamil Net.

    Troops overran the LTTE’s ‘Radha Regiment’ headquarters at Visuamadu. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said the ‘Radha Regiment’ was in Theravilkulam, along the A-35 main road. The ‘Radha Regiment’ is led by a senior LTTE cadre identified as Ratnam," he further added.

    An unspecified number of militants were killed in clashes with troops in the Kuppilankulam and Thuvarankulam areas. The SFs also captured a LTTE camp in the Thuvarankulam area. During subsequent search operations, SFs recovered the dead bodies of six militants.

    SFs continued operations in the LTTE-held areas south and west of Puthukkudiyiruppu and Kuppilankulam killing several militants. They later recovered the dead bodies of three militants.

    Tamil Net reported that more than 100 SLA soldiers were killed in a Black Tigers attack targeting soldiers in the Keappaapulavu area, according to February 4 edition of Eezha Naatham daily, the only newspaper printed in LTTE-controlled territory. The Black Tigers rammed an explosives-laden vehicle into the SLA installation and the LTTE commandos stormed the 'box' and brought it under their control.

    Clashes were reported between the troops and militants in the Ramanadapuram south and Visuamadu east areas. However, the casualty was not specified.

    Troops captured a LTTE camp and a burial ground of the outfit closer to Visuamadu. The burial ground consisted of about 4700 tombs of LTTE militants killed in different clashes.

    Troops found one large building and two small buildings used by the militants as a garment factory in Visuamadu.

    SLAF fighter jets neutralised two LTTE camps north east and north-west of Puthukkudiyiruppu junction.

  • February 5: The SLA fired more than 6,000 artillery shells inside the safety zone not allowing people to come out of bunkers throughout the day in the Chuthanthirapuram and Iruddumadu areas of Mullaitivu District killing 16 people, claimed Tamil Net. Two of the 16 dead bodies of civilians brought to hospital had gunfire injuries, according to medical sources.

    SFs captured the LTTE’s last Sea Tiger base of Chalai in the north of Mullaitivu after five days of fighting killing at least 12 Sea Tigers cadres, including top leaders. Among those killed was a deputy leader known as Vinayagam.

    Troops attached to the 57th Division took full control of Visuamadu by capturing the southern part while the 58th Division captured the northern part.

    A hospital in the Udaiyaarkaddu area within the safe zone was shelled by the SLA killing at least seven civilians while injuring 27 others. Two ambulances and the medical store of the hospital were also destroyed.

    Three militants were killed during clashes between the two sides in the areas west of Kuravikulam and Kuravikulam.

    SFs clashed with the LTTE militants in the areas Virakulam, north of Ettakokavilkulam, Kuravikulam and Kuravikulam west inflicting an unspecified number of casualties upon the outfit.

    SLAF fighter jets neutralised a senior LTTE leaders’ gathering point and a communication centre in the north and northeast of Puthukkudiyiruppu.

    Troops conducted search operations in the Kariyalvayal, Sinnavillu and Nedunkerni areas and recovered 15 T-56 weapons, 18 T-56 magazines, 70 hand grenades, one RPG launcher, three RPG bombs, three radio sets, two belt orders and one communication antenna. Also, troops of 58th Division captured a Mitsubishi Pajero jeep used by a LTTE leader in the Vairakulam area following confrontations.

  • February 4: A 13-years-old LTTE suicide bomber blew herself up after reaching the troops in a location north of Chalai injuring one soldier.

    Troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Visuamadu, Weerapuram, Vadduvakki, south and west of Puthukkudiyiruppu, Udayarkattikkulam and southwest of Kurvikulam areas inflicting heavy casualties upon the outfit. Several soldiers also sustained injuries during these clashes. The SFs later recovered the dead body of one militant from the Puthukkudiyiruppu area. In Kuruwikulam southwest, the SFs captured a LTTE training camp.

  • February 3: At least 52 civilians were killed when the Puthukkudiyiruppu hospital in Mullaitivu District was shelled for the fourth consecutive day, this time by a cluster bomb, forcing authorities to evacuate patients from one of the last functioning medical facilities in the war zone, said the UN.

    Troops continued their offensive against the LTTE militants inflicting heavy casualties upon them in Mullaitivu District. SFs operating in the Puthukkudiyiruppu recovered the dead bodies of two militants.

    The troops clashed with militants in the Vavuniya District and subsequently recovered the dead bodies of two militants.

    Following a clash between the two sides in the Pettakuttupuram Aru area of Mannar District, troops recovered the dead body of one militant.

    Amid heavy resistance, the SFs captured a Black Tigers training camp. According to defence officials, an unspecified number of militants were killed in the operation.

    SFs in Vishvamadu recovered six thermo-baric weapons, one suicide jacket, 20 APMs and ninety-three 12.7-mm anti-aircraft gun rounds.

    Two 120-mm mortar guns, a huge stock of detonators, detonating codes, firing devices, 49 hand grenades, six T-56 weapons, one pistol, four I-Com communication sets and one motor bike of the LTTE was recovered by the troops in the Chalai west area.

    20 APMs were also recovered by troops in the Ramanadhapuram area.

    One suicide jacket was recovered by the SFs during a search operation in the Kokkuthuduvai area of Welioya.

  • February 2: The SFs recovered the dead bodies of 12 LTTE militants following clashes with the militants in the Murusamoddai and Ettakokkavilkulam north areas of Mullaitivu District.

    Three people were killed and 10 injured when the SLA for the third consecutive day shelled the Puthukkudiyiruppu hospital in Mullaitivu District, reported Tamil Net.

    An unspecified number of militants were killed when the troops repulsed a LTTE attack in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area.

    Troops in the Vishvamadu area recovered a large cache of arms and ammunition following several clashes with the LTTE militants.

    Police recovered three 82-mm mortar bombs, three 60-mm mortar bombs, eight fuses, eight hand grenades, 130 rounds of ammunitions and 500 grams of gun powders from the Mankerni and Vakarai areas of Batticaloa District.

    One hand grenade was found by the troops in the Kiran area.

    February 1: MIG-27 and Kfir jets of the SLAF jointly conducted an air raid on a LTTE radar unit and a command centre, about 1.5 kilometers north of Mullaitivu lagoon mouth.

    SFs captured the seventh and apparently the last LTTE runway in the area west of Sundarapuram (Thiruvaiaru) and northeast of Piramantharukulam (Puthukudirippu) and also brought under control the entire area.

    Troops found a torture chamber and an open prison complex of the LTTE in the west of Vishvamadu area.

    Nine civilians were killed and 20 injured when a hospital in the LTTE-controlled area of Puthukkudiyiruppu in the Mullaitivu District came under artillery attack three times. The ICRC spokesperson Sarasi Wijeratne said that the Puthukkudiyiruppu Hospital was directly hit twice in the afternoon and again in the night. The ICRC, which has its staff present at the hospital, however, did not know who fired the shells. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara denied LTTE's allegation that the Army was responsible for the incident and accused the outfit for indiscriminately firing artillery barrages in a desperate attempt to halt the military operations.

    Tamil Net claimed that the SLA fired artillery shells throughout February 2 from all directions targeting civilian refuges killing or injuring at least 100 civilians. More than 5,000 artillery shells and Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher rockets were fired by the SLA, it added.

    The Trincomalee Police seized a truck used to transport LTTE suicide kits from the premises of a house which belongs to a high ranking Police officer in Trincomalee. According to the Trincomalee Police the truck was seized on information revealed by the interrogation of two LTTE militants arrested earlier in Trincomalee. The truck was registered in the name of the wife of this high ranking officer, the Police said.

  • February 1: 150 SLA soldiers were killed and more than 350 others injured when the defensive formations of the LTTE foiled an SLA attempt to capture Puthukkudiyiruppu in the Mullaitivu District, claimed Tamil Net. Three battle tanks, two troop carriers, a military bus and two tractors were fully destroyed in the fighting, said S. Puleedevan, Director of the LTTE Peace Secretariat.

  • 35 LTTE militants were killed in separate clashes between the troops and militants in the Mullaitivu District. The day-long fighting occurred in the area west of the Nanthikandal lagoon and Udayarkattikkulam near the declared civilian safe zone as troops came under heavy artillery attack from the militants.

    The SFs clashed with militants in the area north of Visuamadu, killing at least 11 militants while injuring eight others.

    Following several rounds of clashes with the LTTE militants in the Udayarkattikkulam and Udayankattu areas, the troops recovered dead bodies of five militants. An unspecified number of soldiers were also injured in the fighting while five others went missing. Troops also captured a LTTE camp and found a foreign-made huge transmission/communication tower, about 200 feet in length, kept folded perhaps for future use from the area. The SFs later recovered 12 T-56 weapons, 30 rounds of ammunition, four hand grenades, one 1210 lorry, 143 anti-personnel mines, two I-com radio sets, a number of kerosene barrels, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun barrel, one 12.7 anti aircraft gun barrel, one Light Machine Gun, 15 Rocket Propeller Grenade rounds, three huts, one excavator, one container, one van and one motorbike.

    An unspecified number of LTTE militants were killed by the SFs during clashes in the Visuamadu and Welioya areas. The troops later recovered the dead body of a militant along with three claymore mines, two televisions, one computer, 25 detonators and two T-56 weapons.

    SLAF fighter jets targeted a LTTE camp north of Mullaitivu in support of the 59th Division. A second air strike targeted a LTTE camp located about three kilometers north of Udayarkattikkulam Tank.

    The troops captured a two-acre plot of land that houses a luxurious two-storey residential quarter, believed to have been used by the LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran in Mullaitivu. The two-storeyed fully furnished residential palace with four separately air conditioned spacious rooms had a firing range outside the building, which the troops believe would have been used for training by Prabhakaran himself or his top rung leaders. Several oxygen tanks were also recovered from the site.

    The LTTE recently named a senior leader, identified as Selvarasa Pathmanathan, as the chief of a newly established Department of International Relations (DIR). Pathmanathan will be representing the outfit in any future peace initiatives and will be the primary point of contact for engaging with the international community, according to a letter sent to various international actors by the LTTE's DIR.

  • January 31-February 1: Tamil Net claimed that 56 civilians were killed between January 31 and February 1 when the SLA fired artillery shells targeting civilian refuges at Moongkilaaru in the Udaiyaarkaddu area within the 'safety zone' announced by the Government of Sri Lanka.

    Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said that troops advancing further into the LTTE-held areas in Mullaitivu made steady progress within the past two days with the SFs destroying heavily fortified LTTE defence lines in Puthukuduiruppu south and Chundikulam south. SFs in the west of Nanthikadal lagoon stormed the LTTE's heavily fortified defence south of Puthukkudiyiruppu on January 31, while SFs stormed LTTE's heavily fortified defence line in Chundikulam on February 1. However, he did not give casualty figure on either side.

  • January 31: SFs captured a Black Tiger camp complex in the east of Visuamadu in Mullaitivu District. Nine mortar launchers of five different calibre of 120-mm, 81-mm, 82-mm, 80-mm and 60-mm, six Multi Purpose Machine Guns, two thermo baric launchers, 20 pistols, three Rocket Propeller Guns (RPG), seven claymore mines, one improvised claymore mine, 18 T-56 weapons, one sniper gun, eight RPG rounds, 59 hand grenades, one tripod, 35 Arul-type bombs, 100 detonators, one radio set, thirty five gas masks, 48 helmets, 35 pouches, a large stock of new LTTE uniforms along with the dead bodies of 12 militants were recovered from the complex.

    One more underground bunker turned two-storied house with luxurious facilities was found by the SFs in Visuamadu. Two T-56 weapons, one Light Machine Gun and nine A-5 gas weapons in addition were recovered from the site. In another incident, one sniper gun and two T-56 weapons were recovered by the troops from the same area.

    Troops captured four LTTE camps in the Puthukkudiyiruppu south area and recovered one T-56 weapon. The SFs also recovered one mortar barrel and one base plate from the Puthukkudiyiruppu south.

    During search operations in the Chundikulam, Visuamadu, Udayarkattikkulam and Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Mullaitivu District, the SFs recovered the dead body of a LTTE militant along with three T-56 weapons, one magazine with 30 rounds of ammunition, three claymore mines of 12.5 kilograms, one claymore mine of 20 kilograms, one I-com radio set, 10 rifle grenades, 55 hand grenades, one LTTE identity card, seven fishing boats, one water jet, ten 210 litre barrels of kerosene, 10000 candles and one container of urea.

    The 48-hour truce period the President had offered to the LTTE to allow stranded civilians to move into safe areas expired in the night of January 31 but the LTTE continue to hold the people ignoring the ultimatum.

  • January 30: In a pre-dawn attack, the SLN destroyed an explosive laden LTTE suicide boat in the seas off Mullaitivu coast. Naval craft on patrol in the Mullaitivu seas had earlier intercepted the suicide boat launched from Mullaitivu and directed heavy gunfire at it.

  • January 29: At least 44 civilians were killed and 178 others sustained injuries during SLA's artillery firing targeting civilians in safety zones in Wanni, claimed Tamil Net.

    The SFs foiled a LTTE plan to destroy the Iranamadu tank bund when they recovered a stock of explosives. Three powerful bombs about 25 kilograms each with floating devices, six detonators, two diving kits and other accessories were recovered from the site. The Iranamadu tank is one of the largest irrigational tanks in the island which feeds a vast area of agricultural lands in the Kilinochchi district.

    A LTTE armour plated underwater craft and three other partially assembled submarine type smaller crafts (midgets) were recovered by the SFs from the Udayarkattikkulam area of Vishvamadu in Mullaitivu District. The bigger craft was 35 feet in length, military sources said. The submarine like craft was found following the capture of a well designed LTTE camp spread out in two square kilometres expanse. The camp consisted of 15 small houses and 5 billets, all tiled and air-conditioned. Among the items recovered were a large towing cradle with 13 wheels on one side, a Dvora type craft with a gun mount, a large number of out board motors, electric motors and water pumps, three paddle boats and machinery used in welding work.

    SFs recovered a suicide jacket in Dehiwala, a suburb of Colombo. According to Police, the suicide jacket, weighing four and half kilograms, was found in an abandoned land at Wasala road in Dehiwala on information from a civilian.

    The LTTE released the two UN expatriates they were holding and allowed to return the Government controlled areas but detained the 13 local staff further, the military said. The LTTE has detained the two expatriates and 13 local staff of the UN aid convoy travelled to the LTTE-held areas to deliver food and other essential items to the civilians in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area since January 16.

  • January 28: At least 50 LTTE militants were killed and more than 150 injured during heavy fighting between the troops and militants in the Udayankattu and Pallaikudiyirippu areas of Mullaitivu District. Four soldiers also went missing. The SFs also captured one LTTE base camp, with five buildings and one electric generator, and another camp with 15 bunkers, and subsequently recovered 200 claymore mines, some mine cases, vehicles, including one unicorn, two jeeps, one browser, one cab and one tractor.

    An unspecified number of LTTE militants were killed and several others injured when SFs operating from the south of Paranthan-Mullaitivu (A-35) road reached Vishvamadu junction amidst stiff resistance by the outfit. The village, near Kalmadukulam tank, was completely under water and their houses and properties were largely damaged, when the tank bund was breeched by the LTTE, Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said. During subsequent search operations, SFs recovered the dead bodies of five militants along with four T-56 weapons, four I-com sets, explosives and several more LTTE items, adds Sri Lanka Army. Troops also came across a wide assortment of LTTE's heavy and light vehicles, including one bulldozer, one backhoe, one tipper, one canter lorry, twelve land master tractors and a Toyota double cab belonging to the UNICEF.

    Following separate clashes between the two sides in the Puliyanpokkarai, Visuamadu and Mullavalai areas, the SFs recovered the dead bodies of two LTTE militants. The troops also recovered five I-com radio set and 6 T-56 weapons, nine Arul-type bombs, 21 hand grenades, 1000 rounds of ammunition, one large building and a conference hall, two Rocket Propeller Gun (RPG) bombs, six chargers, one cyanide capsule, one battery charger, 10 maps, one pack, a few garments and some food items.

    Troops in the Veddayamurippu and Unnachchiya areas recovered 37 anti-personnel mines, one CDMA phone, two maps and four T-56 magazines with live rounds. Also, a 152-mm artillery gun of the LTTE along with 70 empty artillery rounds was found buried by the 58th Division troops in the area east of Visuamadu.

    SLAF Kfir jets neutralised a LTTE camp, about one kilometer east of Visuamadukulam tank.

    The chief of the LTTE unit in Britain helped supply military equipment to the outfit, a London court heard. Prosecutors alleged that 52-year-old Arunachalam Chrishanthakumar alias A.C. Shanthan led the acquisition of funding and materials bound for the LTTE. Chrishanthakumar appeared at Kingston Crown Court in London charged with five offences, ranging from receiving electrical devices for terrorism, possessing terrorist documents, and belonging to a banned organisation. Three others - Jegatheswaran Muraleetharan alias Muralee Tharan, his brother Jeyatheswaran Vythyatharan alias Vithy Tharan and Murugesu Jegatheeswaran alias M. Jegan - are accused of receiving electronic items for use in terrorism.

  • January 27: The SFs clashed with militants in the Chundikulam, Vishvamadu and Tannipalamkulam areas inflicting casualties upon the outfit. Separately, SFs confronted LTTE militants in the Puthukkudiyiruppu south and Mullaitivu.

    Following clashes with the LTTE militants in the Udayarkattikkulam and Karavilkulam areas, SFs recovered two gas cylinders, seven military packs and a big box, containing 150 hand grenades.

    One soldier sustained injuries in an APM explosion in the Veddayamurippu area of Mannar District. Elsewhere, three APMs were recovered by troops from the Veddayamurippu area. The SFs also recovered three hand grenades, three T-56 magazines and 60 rounds of ammunition from the Kaddudai area of Jaffna District.

    Commander of the 59th Division, Brigadier Nandana Udawatta, said that troops advancing from the north of Mullaitivu town succeeded in capturing a stretch of two kilometres amidst stiff resistance by the LTTE. He added that the SFs are advancing towards Puthukuduiruppu. Troops operating in Mullaitivu town also recovered a LTTE defence line which consisted of a massive earth bund and a ditch.

    The Sri Lanka Police have instructed the farmers of Maligawila and its neighbouring villages in the Moneragala District near the border of Eastern Province, which recently came under attack by fleeing LTTE militants from North, to vacate their homes with immediate effect.

    The ICRC and UN officials who went to Puthukkudiyiruppu area to fetch some 300 patients to be transferred to the Vavuniya Hospital for further treatment were refused and turned away by the LTTE while holding all those patients captive as 'human shields'.

    The LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran is still in Sri Lanka and leading his fighters on the battlefront in Mullaitivu, B. Nadesan, political head of the outfit, told BBC.

    The Government banned the Voice of Tigers (VoT), the so-called official radio of the LTTE, said the Director General of the Media Center for the National Security, Lakshman Hulugalle.

    National Post reports that the trial of three Canadians accused of travelling to New York in 2006 to buy anti-aircraft missiles and assault rifles for the LTTE ended following two more guilty pleas. Sahilal Sabaratnam and Thiruthanikan Thanigasalam pleaded guilty to conspiracy to support a foreign terrorist group and conspiracy to buy missiles. Their co-accused, Sathajhan Sarachandran, had already pleaded guilty on January 26. They each face a minimum sentence of 25 years with a maximum of life imprisonment after admitting they were part of a Canadian-based arms procurement cell of the LTTE.

  • January 26: Clashes erupted between the two sides in the Udayankattu, Kurevilkulam, Visuamadu and surrounding areas in which an unspecified number of militants were killed. The SFs later recovered the dead body of one militant along with one T-56 weapon, one magazine, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun and several LTTE items.

    SFs clashed with the militants in the Mulliyaweli, Puthukkudiyiruppu and Mullaitivu suburbs and inflicted heavy casualties upon the outfit. The retreating militants, however, triggered mines killing and injuring an unspecified number of soldiers. Separately, intermittent exchange of fire continued between the two sides in the Visuamadu, Puliyampokkanai and the east of Dharmapuram areas.

    Troops conducting a search in the Mattuvil area of Jaffna District recovered nine hand grenades, 110 APM, 56 ammunition rounds, thirty 9-mm ammunition rounds, three remote controllers, two claymore circuits, 70 detonators, two battery chargers, one Global Positioning System, 22 meter long detonator codes, two maps, 15 ID cards and one Driving licence. Similarly, the SFs in Vavuniya District recovered one eight kilograms heavy claymore mine, 20 m of wire, two 9V batteries and two electronic detonators from the Vannakulam area. In the same area, an APM exploded at about 4.30 pm (SLST) without causing any casualty.

    More than 300 people were killed and several hundreds injured when the SLA fired artillery shells inside the Safety Zone declared by the Colombo Government within the last 24 hours, Tamil Net claimed. The shells mostly exploded in the area three kilometers between VallipunamKaali temple and Moongkilaaru towards Paranthan road.

  • January 25: SFs captured Mullaitivu Town, the LTTE's most prestigious military stronghold in the Eastern coast. Troops entered Mullaitivu by 1 pm (SLST). Earlier, on January 23, the SFs made a major breakthrough in their battle to capture Mullaitivu with the capture of the earth bund located four kilometers south of Mullaitivu centre.

  • 22 civilians were killed and 60 others wounded as SLA continued artillery shelling in various localities, including Chuthanthirapuram, Udaiyaarkaddu and Thearaavil in Vishvamadu, inside the 'safety zone', Tami Net claimed.

    Troops clashed with militants in the Visuamadukulam, south of Puliyanpokkarai, east of Dharmapuram and southeast of Puliyanpokkarai areas and killed an unspecified number of them. During subsequent search operations, troops recovered dead bodies of seven militants.

    SFs clashed with the LTTE militants in the Visuamadukulam and south of Puthukkudiyiruppu areas of Mullaitivu District. During subsequent search operations, troops recovered dead bodies of three militants. Another dead body was recovered from the Puthukkudiyiruppu area.

    SFs in the northeast of Udayarkattikkulam tank clashed with militants and subsequently recovered the dead bodies of three of them.

    SFs confronted groups of LTTE militants in the Udayarkattikkulam area and killed an unspecified number of them. Subsequently, the SFs recovered the dead body of one militant.

    59th Division troops recovered two T-56 weapons and one Improvised Explosive Device in Mullaitivu.

  • January 24: 12 civilians killed were killed and 87 wounded as SLA continues artillery attack on Safety Zone in the Udaiyaarkaddu area of Mullaitivu District, Tamil Net reported.

  • SFs advancing from the west of Visuamadu continuously assaulted LTTE camps in the Puliyanpokkarai area and inflicted heavy casualties upon the outfit. During subsequent search operations, the SFs recovered the dead body of one militant.

    SFs captured the LTTE earth bund constructed in the northwest of Puthukkudiyiruppu.

    SFs confronted LTTE militants in the area south of Mullaitivu and expanded their FDL further.

    The LTTE blew up the Kalmadukulam tank bund in the Visuamadu area of Mullaitivu District, leading to a section of Paranthan-Pooneryn (A-35) main being flooded. In addition, small groups of militants onboard five boats made an abortive attempt to infiltrate the area held by the 574 brigade troops along the flooded cannels. However, the troops opened fire and destroyed three of the boats and partially damaged the other two. An unspecified number of militants were killed in the incident.

    Police recovered five hand grenades and 146 rounds of T-56 ammunition from the Pushpangeadi area of Trincomalee District.

  • January 23: Five civilians, including a 10-year-old girl and a 56-year-old priest, were killed when the SLA fired artillery shells targeted Safe Zone areas such as Iruddumadu, Udaiyaarkaddu and Wallipuram in the Mullaitivu district at least four times, according to medical sources in the region, Tamil Net reported.

  • The SLA fired artillery and Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher shells targeting Tamil refugees in temporary settlements of Mullaitivu district killing three civilians and injuring 33 others, the Website added.

    Troops continued their attacks on LTTE camps in the Udayarkattikkulam and Puthukudirippu areas of Mullaitivu District causing inflicting heavy casualties among the militants. SFs later recovered the dead body of two LTTE militants from Udayarkattikkulam area and dead body of another militant from the Puthukudirippu area. They also captured an LTTE camp complex.

    The SLAF conducted three air attacks on identified LTTE camps in the Mullaitivu District. The Fighter jets first shelled the LTTE earth bund south of Mullaitivu town at around 6.30 am (SLST). About three hours after the first aerial attack, the MI-24 helicopter gun ships neutralised LTTE camp east of Visuamadukulam. Again, MI-24s bombed another LTTE camps in the northeast of Thalwatukulam. These aerial attacks were conducted in support of the troops of the 57th and 59th Divisions and the Task Force-II.

    SFs recovered 85 anti-personnel mines and 28 hand grenades troops from the Mankulam and Visuamadu areas.

    During a search operation in the Kanakarayankulam area, the SFs recovered one claymore mine weighing about 10 kilograms, 5 metre detonator code, six kilograms of explosives and 8019 rounds of T-56 ammunition.

    Police arrested a LTTE militant who was deported from Malaysia for overstaying at the Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) in Colombo. Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekera said the Katunayake Police arrested four suspects on information from a civilian in the BIA at around 12.15 pm (SLST). The four suspects, including two Sinhalese, a Tamil and a Muslim, were deported from Malaysia.

  • January 22: At least 100 persons were killed in artillery exchanges between military and the LTTE in the last one week, a Government official working in the area controlled by the LTTE said. "Around 30 people died in the morning today. Personally I saw that nearly 100 people have died from Saturday [January 17] up to today. More than 300 have been injured," Mullaitivu District Government Agent Emelda Sukumar said.

  • Tamil Net claimed that 66 civilians were killed and more than 200 wounded in SLA's artillery fire within the last three days in Mullaitivu District. While 16 civilians were killed on January 20, 20 others died on January 21 and around 30 more were killed within the past 12 hours of January 22, according to the Regional Director of Health Service (under the LTTE administration) for Mullaitivu District Dr. Varatharajah.

    The Intensive Care Unit and the surgical site of the Mullaitivu hospital, functioning as a makeshift hospital at Wallipuram school, were damaged in SLA's artillery fire in the night of January 21 and at around 12:20 pm on January 22 in which five civilians were killed within the hospital premises.

    40 SLA soldiers were killed and 70 others injured as the LTTE's defensive formations put up stiff resistance against the SLA that attempted to advance through Kallaaru in the North-western front, the LTTE sources said. The militants did not issue details on their casualties but claimed to have seized weapons in the clearing mission that followed.

    SFs clashed with LTTE militants in the Visuamadu area of Mullaitivu District and killed an unspecified number of them. During subsequent search operations, the SFs recovered the dead bodies of four militants.

    Troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the areas south of Mullaitivu and Puthukkudiyiruppu and captured one LTTE bunker and earth bund on. During subsequent search operations, the SFs recovered dead bodies of five militants.

    SFs advancing towards Mullaitivu along the southernmost tiny islet of the Chundikulam strip confronted a pocket of LTTE militants at the Jaffna-Mullaitivu District inflicting heavy casualties upon the militants. Troops later recovered the dead bodies of three militants.

    During another clash that erupted between the two sides in the Therappuram area, the troops killed an unspecified number of militants. Later, the troops recovered the dead bodies of two militants from the area.

    11 dead bodies of the LTTE militants were handed over to the representatives of the ICRC in Vavuniya and they were taken to un-cleared areas (areas not under Government control) to be delivered to the LTTE by the ICRC.

    A LTTE camp complex consisting of mine factories, command and security bunkers, several huts and a few stores was found by SFs in the Udayarkattikkulam jungle west of Puthukkudiyiruppu following clashes in which several militants were killed. The recoveries included one damaged T-55 battle tank, 200 Improvised Explosive Devices, a large number of plastic containers, 20 landmines and a stockpile of iron bars. During separate clashes between the two sides in the same area, SFs killed an unspecified number of militants. During subsequent search operations, troops recovered the dead body of one militant, three T-56 weapons, one hand grenade and one motorbike.

    SFs expanded their FDL in Visuamadu by entering its western border.

    MI-24 gunship helicopters of the Sri Lanka Air Force conducted three aerial attacks on LTTE camps. While the first two attacks were conducted at around 10.45 am (SLST) and 2.30 pm on a LTTE bunker line, the third raid targeted camps about 1.5 kilometers east of Visuamadukulam tank bunk.

    Troops captured a huge (80 x 40) secret underground operation room in the Dharmapuram area.

    Troops conducted a search operation in the Komankulam area of Vavuniya and recovered 750 grams of explosives, one electronic detonator, 10 metres of flexible wire, 43 hand grenades, 26 Arul type mortar bombs, one Rocket Propeller Grenade bomb, ten 81-mm mortar bombs and ten 60-mm mortar bombs.

    Police seized 23 kilograms of C4 explosives and a cache of arms while it was being transported to Colombo by a van passing several checkpoints. Senior Superintendent of Police Ranjith Gunasekera said, "The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) explosives van and arms and weapons recovered in Karadiyanarukulam, Batticaloa had been seized by police on information from an LTTE cadre who was arrested in Padukka who attempted to explode a bomb inside a bus in December. The suspect was arrested on information from a vigilant woman travelling in the same bus."

    A prominent LTTE supporter, Prakash Shakthi Velupillai, who was posing as a journalist, was arrested at the BIA while attempting to fly to Singapore. Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said initial investigation revealed that Prakash is a hardcore LTTE supporter. He claimed the journalist was attached to the International Federation of Journalists which had its office in Colombo 7, and was headed by a prominent journalist. He also warned that the LTTE militants were now attempting to infiltrate the South under the guise of being journalists

    The International Committee of the Red Cross secured the release of an Army Lance Corporal, A.D.M.S. Pushpa Kumara, kept in detention by the LTTE, from the Puthukkudiyiruppu hospital in Mullaitivu District.

  • January 21: The SFs continued attacking LTTE camps in the Dharmapuram, Ramanathapuram and Visuamadu south areas inflicting an unspecified number of casualties upon the militants. Several soldiers also sustained injuries in these clashes. The SFs later recovered the dead body of six militants, including three female cadres.

  • Two persons were killed and 10 others injured when a bomb fixed to a bicycle in front of the Batticaloa Police station exploded at around 7.30am. Among the killed were a Police Sergeant and one civilian while two Policemen and eight civilians sustained injuries.

    The STF personnel clashed with a group of LTTE militants at Radella in the Pothuvil area of Batticaloa District. The STF personnel later recovered the dead body of one militant.

    The STF personnel confronted a group of LTTE militants at Korankerny in the Thavasikulam area of Batticaloa District killing one militant.

    A LTTE cadre, identified as Kulasekaram Puviraj, attempted suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule after the STF personnel attempted to arrest him in the Kalawanchikudi area.

    Following clashes in the areas west and east of Chilawatta, south and southeast of Puthukkudiyiruppu and the south of Mulliyavalai, the troops expanded their FDL in the south and the southeast of Puthukkudiyiruppu.

    Citing Sri Lankan military officials, the Indo Asian News Service reported that the SLN vessels detected a suspicious aircraft apparently leaving a LTTE stronghold in the Mullaitivu jungles with its lights on at around 8.25 pm. The aircraft leaving the area at high altitude and flying towards Chalai in Mullaitivu District where the LTTE maintains Sea Tiger bases and a suspected airstrip was fired upon by the SLN vessels. "The Israeli-built Dvora Fast Attack Crafts this time opened fire at the aircraft using long range guns but it disappeared from the sky," an unnamed official was quoted by the news agency.

    MI-24 helicopter gun-ships of the SLAF neutralised a LTTE transit camp, about one kilometre southeast of Visuamadu in the Mullaitivu District, in support of advancing troops of the Task Force-III. Similarly, the SLAF fighter jets shelled a LTTE camp in the Piramanthalkulam area of Kilinochchi east.

    The SFs found two LTTE mine factories and one earth moving backhoe at Udayarkattikkulam tank in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area. Chemicals, explosives and other metal items, metal balls, batteries, detonator codes, flexible wires, explosive powders, gas cylinders etc. were also found from inside these factories while one toppled browser trailer was found nearby. Troops also found one earth moving backhoe machine used by the LTTE for their warfare constructions on the north of the tank. Separately, SFs recovered one T-81 weapon and abandoned ammunition dump from Udayarkattikkulam. Similarly, troops in the Jayasinghepura area of Vavuniya District recovered one T-56 weapon, four magazines, one 120 rounds of live ammunition, four hand grenades, two cyanide capsules and one belt order.

  • January 20: 15 civilians, including five children, were killed and 29 others injured during artillery fire by the troops in the Vishvamadu, Udaiyaarkaddu, Chuthanthirapuram and Maanikapuram areas of Mullaitivu District, claimed Tamil Net.

  • SFs attacked LTTE camps in the areas east of Puthukkudiyiruppu and northeast and southeast of Mulliyaweli inflicting heavy casualties upon the militants. Several soldiers also sustained injuries during these attacks. The SFs later recovered the dead bodies of nine militants.

    Dead bodies of 38 LTTE militants, including 21 female cadres, which had not been accepted by the outfit were buried in the Vavuniya cemetery in the afternoon of January 20, following a court order received by the Police January 19.

    SFs clashed with militants in the Ramanathpuram and the east of Dharmapuram areas killing an unspecified number of militants. An unspecified number of SF personnel also sustained injuries in LTTE mortar fire and explosion of a booby trap in these areas. During subsequent search operations in Dharmapuram, troops recovered the dead body of one militant.

    The SFs recovered two outboard motors of 15 horse power each, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun, one Rocket Propeller Grenade launcher, three RPG bombs and four outboard motor oil cans during a search operation in the Jayasinghapura area of Vavuniya District.

    Naval troops recovered one pistol, 20 rounds of .22 ammunition, 20 rounds of 9-mm ammunition and two micro cassettes during a search operation operating in the Illangathurai area of Trincomalee District.

    An unnamed senior military official said that speedy moves by the SFs from all fronts have confined the LTTE into an area North of A-35 road between Dharmapuram and Mullaitivu, further shrinking the areas under the outfit's control to less than 400 square kilometres.

    Suspected LTTE militants shot at two civilians who went into the jungle area at Unnachchiya in the Batticaloa District, killing one of them while injuring another.

    Police arrested a suspected LTTE cadre at Punagala in the Bandarawela area of Kandy District. The suspect, identified as Krishna, is believed to be a 'Police constable' in the outfit, Police said.

  • January 19: Troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Ramanathpuram west, Pulliyanpokkuarai, Kottuwalankulam and east of Dharmapuram areas in the Kilinochchi District and inflicted heavy casualties upon the outfit. Troops later recovered dead bodies of two militants from the Ramanadhapuram west and east areas. In Komankulam, troops expanded their FDL further. Several soldiers also sustained injuries during these clashes.

  • Clashes erupted between the two sides in the Puthukkudiyiruppu, Pallaikuduyiruppu and Udayarkattikkulam areas of Mullaitivu District in which an unspecified number of militants were killed. Troops also expanded their FDL in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area. Subsequently, troops recovered the dead bodies of two militants.

    SFs killed a militant in the Kokilai area of Vavuniya District.

    The pro- LTTE Website Tamil Net quoted the outfit's sources as saying that 35 SLA soldiers were killed and at least 60 others wounded when the outfit's defensive formations clashed with the SLA for 24 hours in the North-western frontier of the LTTE-held territory till the SLA was pushed back from Neththaliyaattuppaalam. It also reported heavy fighting in the south-eastern frontier of the LTTE-held territory. The militants also claimed to have seized several arms and ammunition from the SLA in Neththaliyaaru.

    The SLN destroyed four LTTE boats in a gun battle off the coast of Mullaitivu foiling an escape attempt by the LTTE. The Navy's Fast Attack Craft (FACs) intercepted a flotilla of Sea Tiger (sea wing of the LTTE) boats launched from Mullaitivu at around 11:30pm and fired upon them destroying four LTTE crafts and forcing the others to retreat. One SLN craft also sustained damages due to an explosion of an LTTE suicide boat close by. The SLN has a massive blockade set up around the Eastern coast to prevent senior LTTE leaders from escaping. According to SLN sources, the barricade consists of more than 25 FACs, Offshore Patrol Vessels, Gun Boats and Rapid Action Boat Squadron.

    The SLAF conducted triple aerial attacks on LTTE militants between 9.00-11.30am. The first attack was carried out in the south of Mullaitivu at about 9.00am giving cover to 59th Division troops confronting militants in their opposite direction. Two more simultaneous aerial attacks were launched on a LTTE camp in the south of Mullaitivu at about 11.30am and on another group of militants engaged in earth bund constructions, about two kilometres northwest of Piramanthalkulam in the same District.

    SFs recovered a massive fuel stock buried in Dharmapuram town, which has been used by the LTTE as their main administrative centre after the fall of their administrative capital Kilinochchi, Military sources said. "The 58 Division troops now engaged in search and clear operations in Dharampuram unearthed this fuel stock with more than 300 barrels neatly buried in a coconut grove. This is the biggest ever fuel stock captured by the troops during the Wanni liberation operation", military sources said.

    SFs found a massive stock of food inside Dharmapuram village during search operations conducted in the past few days. Troops also recovered a large number of LTTE maps inside the main lecture hall in Dharmapuram. "We are recovering Tiger assets which could not be found in Kilinochchi", an unnamed military official said. "There are signs that the LTTE had shifted the offices and all their assets from Kilinochchi weeks ahead of its fall as large a number of name boards which had been removed from Kilinochchi were found inside Dharmapuram as it was captured in a surprise move by the 58 Division troops after advancing 16 Km to the East of Paranthan within 15 days", he added.

    SFs destroyed a section of the earth bund at Chilawatta in the south of Mullaitivu and south east of Puthukuduiruppu. Separately, SFs in Chundikulam recovered two explosive laden boats in the Chundikulam area.

    The troops captured one of the command bunkers used by LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran in the Dharmapuram town of Mullaitivu District.

  • January 18: At least 18 civilians have been confirmed killed in troop's artillery fire within the last 24 hours till 3:00pm in several villages of Mullaitivu District and the outer suburbs of Kilinochchi District to the east of A-9 highway, claims pro- LTTE Website Tamil Net. At least 42 civilians were wounded on January 18 alone, according to the report. The dead bodies of eight civilians were recovered from Piramanthanaaru and Thearaavil areas of Kilinochchi District and Redd Barna settlement in the Mullaitivu district on January 17. At least 10 more civilians were killed and over 42 wounded on January 18.

    SFs neutralised several LTTE hideouts in the areas north of Kalmadukulam tank, west and southeast of Udayarkattikkulam tank, northwest and east of Puthukkudiyiruppu, killing an unspecified number of militants. Three dead bodies of the militants along with two T-56 weapons, 1000 rounds of Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunition, two I-com radio sets, six hand grenades and a trailer of a water browser were subsequently recovered by the troops from Puthukkudiyiruppu and Udayarkattikkulam areas.

    Troops also shot dead a militant in the Varikuttiaruwa area of Vavuniya District and later recovered a micro pistol and a cyanide capsule from his possession.

    MI-24 helicopters of the SLAF neutralised two LTTE camps in the Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu Districts in support of advancing ground troops. The first target about four kilometers south of Mullaitivu was neutralised at around 11.00am, while a LTTE mortar launching pad, about eight kilometers northeast of the Iranamadu tank, was neutralised at around 2.00pm.

    During search operations in the Kirimichchiya and Vakaneri areas of Batticaloa District, the troops recovered two hand grenades, five anti-personnel mines and one pack.

  • January 17: SFs captured Ramanathpuram area, a large township in the east of Kilinochchi District. The LTTE militants after being evicted from Iranamadu and Kilinochchi withdrew to Ramanathpuram where they had already made a fortress constructing strong bunkers, training areas, command and logistic points and administrative bases. The area with a total stretch of about 20 square kilometers provided the LTTE an ideal stronghold with a wider network of roads connecting the town to A-35 road in the north to Iranamadu and Kilinochchi in the west and Visuamadu in the east.

    SFs killed an unspecified number of militants in the area about seven kilometers north of the Muthuiyankaddukulam tank in Mullaitivu District. During subsequent search operations, the troops recovered dead bodies of 19 militants along with six T-56 weapons, two Light Machine Guns, one Rocket Propeller Grenade launcher, eight claymore mines and four hand grenades from the area.

    SFs clashed with militants at Puthukkudiyiruppu in the Mullaitivu District and subsequently recovered the dead bodies of eight militants along with one Light Machine gun, 10 T-56 weapons, 1000 rounds of T-56 ammunition, six dog tags and one I-com radio set. In a separate incident, the SFs found a boat manufacturing centre of the LTTE from the same area. Two dovra boats, two water jets and seven small boats were also found at the location. One more LTTE training camp built in the east of Puthukkudiyiruppu was captured by the troops. Two buildings of 40 x 20 and six buildings of 30 x 20 were among constructions found inside the training camp protected by strong bunkers including six overhead bunkers.

    SFs confronted LTTE militants in the Puliyanpokkarai, east of Dharmapuram, Kandavalai and Udayarkattikkulam areas inflicting an unspecified number of casualties upon the militants. The troops later recovered dead bodies of four militants, including a female cadre, along with one T-56 weapon from Puliyanpokkarai and Udayarkattikkulam areas.

    Suspected LTTE militants shot at and injured the private secretary to the Eastern Chief Minister, Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan, at Sinnathurei in the Batticaloa District.

    Troops in Udayarkattikkulam recovered 200 APMs, five 81-mm mortar rounds, one water browser with a trailer, 18 huts, two anti-tank mines, one hand grenade, one booby trap and five electric detonators.

    Fighter jets of the SLAF neutralised a LTTE camp south of Chundikulam.

    Task Force-11 troops in the Pirappavadduvan area recovered two T-56 weapons, one I-com radio set, 14 electric detonators, nine hand grenades, eight improvised explosive devices and 42 switches.

    Troops in Mannar recovered eight APMs from the Puliyadakattu area.

    The LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran may have already fled Sri Lanka with the army moving swiftly towards the outfit's final strongholds, Army chief General Sarath Fonseka said. "Prabhakaran is a man who loves food, a man who loves his family, so I don't think he would wait until the military got so close to him. He must have already escaped through the sea," Fonseka told reporters. He, however, declined to speculate on where Prabhakaran would have fled to.

    Sri Lankan troops launched a search to arrest Prabhakaran, believed to be hiding inside a 35-meter deep bunker in Mullaitivu District, the State radio Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation said.

  • January 16: The 57th Division troops took full control of the entire perimeter of the Iranamadu tank bund covering about three kilometers in the Kilinochchi District.

    SFs attacked LTTE camps at Udayarkattikkulam in the Mullaitivu District and subsequently recovered the dead bodies of three militants along with three T-56 weapons and one tractor. Clashes also erupted between the two sides in Puthukkudiyiruppu and the south of Udayarkattikkulam areas in which several LTTE militants were killed. The SFs later recovered the dead bodies of two militants along with two T-56 weapons and one I-com radio set.

    The existing Forward Defence Line of the LTTE in the south of Mullaitivu was shelled by fighter jets of the SLAF.

    The SLAF neutralised a LTTE camp, about one kilometer to the east of Dharmapuram in the Mullaitivu District.

    A minor explosion occurred in a bare land at Alwis Town in Wattala, a Colombo suburb, Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said. No loss of life or damage to property was reported. The Police later recovered another unexploded bomb and a suicide kit from the incident site.

    The troops captured the LTTE's sixth airstrip located at the eastern edge of Iranamadu tank in Mullaitivu jungles. The one kilometer long airstrip, lying parallel to the LTTE's fifth airstrip within a radius of about 3.8 kilometers northwest, has been reportedly used by the outfit for their clandestine aerial surveillance and night operations, most probably the ones directed towards Anuradhapura and Colombo. The runway spreads 200 metre in width at the southern end and about 250 metre at the northern end.

  • January 15: SFs captured Dharmapuram, one of the LTTE's biggest townships on the A-35 road and about 15 kilometers to the east of the A-9 highway, in the Mullaitivu, Military spokesman Udaya Nanayakkara said. The SFs inflicted heavy casualties upon the outfit and subsequently recovered the dead bodies of six militants along with four T-56 assault rifles, an MPMG weapon, two LTTE dog tags, an I-com set, a motorcycle and other items.

    The pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net claimed that the advance by the SLA from Tharmapuram on three fronts was repulsed by the LTTE cadres killing 51 SLA soldiers and wounding 150 others in the confrontation which started in the morning of January 15. The website also claimed that the SLA artillery attack in the Kaiveali, Koampaavil and Vishvamadu areas killed five civilians, including a 14-year-old girl, and injured six others, including an eight-year-old boy.

    Heavy fighting erupted between the troops and militants in the Vishvamadu, Kulaweddidal and Mulliyaweli areas in which an unspecified number of militants were killed. The Security Forces later recovered dead bodies of seven militants along with six T-56 weapons from the Vishvamadu and Kulaweddidal areas.

    Fighter jets of the SLAF conducted three air strikes in support of the 59th Division troops marching towards the south of Mullaitivu. The first attack was conducted at around 9.30 am followed by two more at around 11.00am and 1.30pm. Separately, fighter jets launched an attack targeting LTTE militants constructing an earth bund in the Chundikulam area and a floating barge in the sea off Chundikulam.

    An airstrip around 1,100 metres long and 40 metres wide inside the dense Iranamadu jungle was captured by the SFs following intensive fighting. Brigadier Nanayakkara said the LTTE runway was surrounded by massive bunker lines and trenches, as well as laid with landmines and booby traps, adding, "A hanger was also found in the vicinity which was damaged by fleeing LTTE cadres."

  • January 14: Troops captured the entire Jaffna peninsula by capturing the last remaining LTTE stronghold of Chundikulam. The military said troops of 55th Division marching towards Mullaitivu captured Chundikulam which lies parallel to the east of the Elephant Pass isthmus in Jaffna Peninsula. The Army destroyed a LTTE boat with artillery fire killing several militants, including a senior Sea Tiger (cadre of the sea wing of the LTTE) leader, identified as "Lieutenant Colonel' Thiru. Defence officials said the militants have used Chundikulam to launch major Sea Tiger operations and following the capture troops have located several Sea Tiger bases in the area. In addition, troops of the 58th Division advancing along the A-35 road on the West-East axis has reached the outskirts of Dharmapuram, the military said.

    The 55th Division, advanced 40 kilometres from the Nagarkovil defence line in the Eastern edge of the Jaffna peninsula, captured five Sea Tiger bases in Manmunai, Thalai Adi, Vathurayan, Vettalaikerny and Chundikulam. "The 55 Division is now operating 20 Km North of Mullaitivu in the northern border of the Mullaitivu district", sources added. The troops also recovered of a fleet of 125 boats belonging to Sea Tigers and LTTE from Chundikulam along with two large lorries, five tractors, one earth moving backo vehicle, 400 anti personnel mines, 40 anti tank mines, booby traps and one 100 KV power generator. With the fall of Chundikulam, the LTTE has been forced to operate only in the seas surrounding Mullaitivu.

    The troops clashed with militants in the Dharmapuram, Puliyansekkarai, Ramanadhapuram and Murusamoddai areas of Mullaitivu District and killed an unspecified number of them. At least six dead bodies of the militants were later recovered from Dharmapuram and Puliyansekkarai along with four T-56 weapons, one MPMG weapon, two LTTE dog tags, one I-com set, one motorbike and several other items.

    Clashes erupted between the two sides in the areas east of Mullaitivu, Puthukudirippu, Udayankattu Kulam, Alankulam, Ampakamam north and Iranamadu. While an unspecified number of militants were killed in these clashes, the troops recovered the dead body of a female militant along with one T-56 weapon, three 81 mm mortar bombs and 31 anti-personnel mines.

    One STF trooper was killed and two others injured in a LTTE-triggered landmine explosion in the Panama area of Ampara District.

    SFs captured another LTTE airstrip located east of Iranamadu tank running through Olumaduwai. The SFs captured the 1000 metre long and 50 metre wide runway complex, security sources said. This is the fifth LTTE airstrip captured by the troops recently. The runway is situated in the thick jungle with a massive bunker surrounded by a trench line around the complex laid with mine fields and booby traps. A hangar has also been found in the complex.

    Chillaw Police recovered 111 locally made bombs from a beach area in the Puttalam District following an explosion of one of these bombs that injured two children. Sources said the bombs were fitted into small cans.

    Troops recovered two T-56 magazines, one hand grenade, 15 T-56 rounds and three GPMG rounds from the Sridarpura area of Trincomalee District.

  • January 13: The LTTE militants withdrawing towards Mullaitivu were fired upon by troops in the Ramanadhapuram, Thanniuttu, east of Puthukudirippu, Muthiyandankulam, west of Puthukudirippu, north of Ampakamam and Kanakarandankulam areas killing an unspecified number of militants. SFs later recovered the dead bodies of six militants along with 10 T-56 weapons, one radio communication set, two I-com sets and one hand grenade from these areas.

    SFs attacked the LTTE camps in the Murusamoddai area of Mullaitivu District inflicting heavy casualties upon the militants. While the SFs recovered dead bodies of four militants along with one canter lorry and one motor bicycle during the subsequent search operation, three other militants who were hiding in the area surrendered to the troops.

    Troops clashed with militants in the Mulliyaweli and Urani areas inflicting heavy casualties upon the outfit. The SFs also expanded their FDL in the Mulliyaweli area while capturing a training camp in Urani.

    A few soldiers sustained injuries in APM and IED blasts when a team of SF's were engaged in search and clear operations in the newly captured areas of Pannaikaduwan Ariyanmadam and Periyavilan in Jaffna District. The SFs, meanwhile, recovered two Multi Purpose Machine Guns, one T-56 weapon with its magazines and 85 rounds of ammunition from Periyavilan.

    The SLAF fighter jets and MI-24 helicopters carried out 10 successive air raids targeting key LTTE camps throughout the day, the Defence Ministry said. According to the SLAF spokesman Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara, the day-long air raids began at about 9:10am and concluded at 6:00pm. The SLAF fighter jets and MI-24 helicopters launched four air raids targeting the LTTE defence lines in Mullaitivu between 9:20 am and 11:30am in support of the ground troops of 59th Division advancing towards Mullaitivu. Fighter jets shelled LTTE camps in Mullaitivu throughout the day. In addition, fighter jets also bombed LTTE vehicles carrying two heavy artillery guns in the Chundikulam area at about 4:00pm. The two artillery guns were completely destroyed.

    SFs recovered a large stock of goods, including 10 fibre glass boats, 500 water tanks of 200 litre capacity, 10 showers, 10 weapons, five steel beds, 200 ditches, 200 plastic mats, 200 pillows, and a stock of dry ration from a LTTE training camp in the Puthukudirippu area of Mullaitivu District.

    SFs also recovered two Sea Tiger boats fitted with explosives of about 75 kilograms each in Thanniuttu.

    STF personnel recovered a claymore mine weighing about 20 kilograms during a search conducted in the Mollipothana area.

  • January 12: After a two day battle, troops of the 59th Division re-captured the Government hospital and its surrounding area at Tanniyuttu town in the Mullaitivu District. Troops later recovered several LTTE uniforms and other equipments used by the militants. The hospital has been used by the militants as a key strategic point to attack the SFs and treat their injured cadres. The outfit had erected several bunkers within the hospital premises.

    The SLAF fighter jets neutralised a LTTE camp frequently visited by its chief Velupillai Prabhakaran in the Puthukkudiyiruppu jungle, said spokesman Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara.

    MI-24 gun-ships neutralised two LTTE camps in the Iranamadu Tank area of Kilinochchi District. "The sorties were in support of 57 Division and TF-3 to liberate the area," the spokesman stated. He also said fighter jets neutralised another LTTE camp north of the Mullaitivu lagoon mouth.

  • SFs continued their advance further into the LTTE held areas of Uriyan and the south of Elephant Pass inflicting an unspecified number of heavy casualties upon the militants. A few soldiers also sustained injuries in the LTTE mortar fire. Troops later recovered the dead bodies of two militants along with two T-56 weapons from Uriyan.

    During a clash in the Mullaitivu District, the SFs killed an unspecified number of militants. Troops also recovered the dead body one militant along with a Light Machine Gun and two T-56 weapons from Puthukudirippu.

    SFs in the Aiyanperunal and Thonikal areas and those operating in the north of Ampakamam area as also in Keridamadu area continued their advance amidst LTTE's stiff resistance throughout the day inflicting heavy casualties among the militants. During these clashes, the troops captured a LTTE bunker line, an administrative base and a training camp, erected with concrete bunkers in the Keridamadu area. They also recovered one radio communication set from the area.

  • January 11: SFs opened fire towards LTTE militants in the Periyakulam, Vaddakkachchi and the east of Iranamadu areas and killed an unspecified number of them. Troops later recovered the dead bodies of eight militants, including a decomposed dead body of a female cadre, along with four T-56 weapons from these areas.

    SFs clashed with militants in the Puthukkudiyiruppu area inflicting heavy casualties upon them and subsequently recovered the dead bodies of two militants along with two T-56 weapons, 3850 rounds of T-56 ammunition and two uniforms.

    SFs recovered the dead body of one militant along with two T-56 weapons and one magazine from Mudliyarkulam and Kattikulam areas.

    Troops of the 53rd Division continuing their advance towards the east after the capture of Elephant Pass attacked the next stronghold of the LTTE at Kevil in the Jaffna District.

    Troops of the Task Force-III, advancing towards Mullaitivu through the jungles in the southeast of Iranamadu, attacked LTTE militants, killing an unspecified number of them and injuring over a dozen.

    SLAF fighter jets destroyed a large LTTE boat in the Chundikulam lagoon. About two hours after the attack on the boat, fighter jets bombed the militants retreating from Chundikulam area. The details are awaited.

    Troops in the area between Pallai and Sorampattu recovered a mine manufacturing point of the LTTE. A house in the area had been used by the militants to produce mines and it is believed that the LTTE distributed those mines to their Muhamalai, Kilaly and Nagarkovil FDLs.

    107 civilians who escaped from LTTE-held areas reached the SFs-held area of Kandalkadu and sought protection from the troops. Among them is one ex-LTTE cadre who defected from the organization and joined his family before reaching Kandalkadu. He revealed that he had been taken forcibly by the LTTE in October 2006 and given LTTE training in Vishvamadu. Later, he had been put to LTTE’s 120 mortar operating group named "Radhan" and deployed in operations against the troops in Mannar and Vavuniya.

  • January 10: Seven Tamil civilians, including two children, on their way to cleared areas (area under Government control) seeking protection for their lives, were shot dead by the LTTE militants. However, 49 more civilians, two of them injured in firing, of the same group managed to arrive safely in Paranthan.

    An unspecified number of militants were killed during fighting in the Vaddakkachchi and Kandavalai areas. Troops later recovered the dead bodies of five militants, four T-56 weapons, two communication sets, one area map, 12.7 ammunition box and 1000 rounds of T-56 ammunition. Three more dead bodies of militants were recovered by troops in the Nithiyaveddai and Kattidankulam areas, about 8.5 kilometres northeast of Elephant Pass, in the Jaffna District. The troops also recovered three T-56 weapons, two Multi Purpose Machine guns, four T-5 weapons and four radio sets from the incident site.

    A group of LTTE militants stormed the TMVP office at Killiveddi in the Trincomalee District and opened fire at the TMVP members inside the office killing one of them and injuring two others. In the ensuing exchange of fire between the LTTE cadres and TMVP members providing security to the office, two militants were killed. Dead bodies of two LTTE militants along with one T-56 weapon, three hand grenades, one cyanide capsule, and mobile phone were recovered from the incident site.

    An unidentified assailant killed a prominent Tamil businessman, identified as Thambirasa Ravindran, at Nawakkadu in the Batticaloa District, Police said.

    Troops of the 59th Division captured another LTTE airstrip located five kilometers west of the Mullaitivu lagoon. The Defence Ministry said the airstrip was about 2.5 kilometers long and 100 metres wide. This is the fourth LTTE airstrip captured by troops in the recent past, military spokesperson Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said. Troops operating in the Mullaitivu area captured this airstrip together with two empty hangars, he added.

    Task Force-II troops captured a LTTE base in the Aiyamperumal area of Mullaitivu District. The militant camp, protected with a 12 feet tall barbwire fence and one 60 mm motor gun, consisted of one lecture hall, 12 temporary huts, one medical room, one store building and a kitchen.

    During a clash between the two sides in the west of Mulliyavalai and Kachchilamadu areas of Kilinochchi District, the troops killed an unspecified number of militants. The SFs later recovered one T-56 weapon, 1020 rounds of T-56 ammunition and three hand grenades from Mulliyavalai and one T-56 weapon and a bottle filled with C-4 high explosive from the Kachchilamadu area.

    More than 100 civilians leaving their homes in LTTE-held areas came to Omanthai, Vaddakkachchi, Pandimoddai and Thadduwankoddy areas of Vavuniya and Kilinochchi Districts and sought protection from the SFs. Similarly, four civilians, including a female, from Vettalaikerny area reached the troops in Mullaitivu.

  • January 9: SFs captured the A-9 highway connecting the south with the Jaffna peninsula after 23 years. Troops of the 53rd, 55th, and 58th Divisions captured the strategically important Elephant Pass, President Mahinda Rajapakse announced. The 53rd and 55th Division advancing from Muhamalai and Kilali linked up with troops of the 58th Division who had taken control of the Elephant Pass south by January 6. The 58th Division cleared the path for the 53rd and 55th Division to move towards the south of Jaffna peninsula compelling the LTTE militants to vacate many of the areas they held in the southern part of the Jaffna peninsula.

    SFs recovered the dead bodies of 12 militants along with five T-56 weapons, one General Purpose Machine Gun and two I-com radio sets from the Murusamoddai area of Mullaitivu District.

    An unspecified number of militants were killed and some solders wounded during clashes at Iranamadu and Wattakachchi in the Kilinochchi District. During subsequent search operations in Wattakachchi, the troops recovered dead bodies of three militants, including a female cadre, one T-56 weapon, ten 81 mm mortar bombs, twenty-two 61 mm mortar bombs, 11 hand grenades and 10 anti-personnel mines.

    Two more dead bodies of LTTE militants were recovered by troops from the Murusamoddai and Thaddamoddai areas of Mullaitivu District.

    Troops attacked LTTE camps in the west of Mulliyavalai in Mullaitivu District and expanded their FDL. Troops also captured a LTTE training camp with 11 concrete bunkers, one hall, one concrete bunker, one underground bunker, one 200 ft long dining hall, one 35 ft long cooking home and one 35 ft long office building.

    The troops operating in the Kovilkadu area of Jaffna District captured one LTTE command centre with 81 mm mortar launching pad surrounded by three concrete bunkers. Another command point with an under ground vehicle park and a communication centre established inside a container in the same area was captured by the troops.

    31 civilians surrendered before the troops in the Sorampattu area of Jaffna District. Similarly, 25 more civilians reached the troops camp at Thauwankoddai in the Kilinochchi District.

  • January 8: SFs, advancing from the Kilali and Muhamalai FDLs, captured Pallai town, the main township south of Muhamalai and Kilali FDLs. Military sources said the LTTE had shifted their artillery guns from Jaffna peninsula to the south expecting a troop advance.

    The troops captured Sorampattu, about five kilometers southeast of Pallai. The LTTE militants exploded a string of cluster bombs, which have been banned under UN conventions, as the troops were closing in on them and injured a few soldiers. An unspecified number of militants now trapped between Sorampattu and Pallai would have either been killed or injured since all the routes for their passage either through Jaffna, Kilinochchi or to the north of Mullaitivu remain sealed after the capture of several strategic towns in these areas.

    Murasumoddai town, on the A-35 road and about 5.5 kilometers to the east of Paranthan town, was captured by the troops. An unspecified number of militants were killed during clashes that erupted in the area since the evening of January 7.

    Four civilians and three SLAF personnel were killed in a LTTE-triggered claymore mine explosion at Morawewa in the Trincomalee District. The explosion occurred when the SLAF personnel were engaged in route-clearing for a tractor of the Irrigation Department which was taking civilian workers to the Neluwa irrigational worksite, killing four civilians aboard the tractor and three accompanying SLAF personnel on the spot. Six more sustained injuries in the blast.

    SFs in Mannar confronted a group of LTTE militants in the Pampaimadu area and killed an unspecified number of them. During subsequent search operations, they recovered the dead bodies of five militants along with five T-56 weapons, seven T-56 magazines, 235 rounds of T-56 ammunition, one micro pistol, three micro pistol magazines, one .38 weapon, 90 rounds of .38 ammunition, 39 rounds of micro pistol ammunition, one satellite mobile phone, one CDMA wireless phone, maps of Anuradhapura and Silavathurai from the area.

    SFs attacked LTTE camps in the Urani, Murusumoddai, Mulliyaweli, west of Mankulam, Thaddumalai, Thaddalaimadu, north of Ampakamam and north of Alankulam and inflicted heavy casualties upon the militants. During subsequent search operations, troops recovered the dead bodies of four militants along with four T-56 weapons, one T-56 magazine, 256 rounds of ammunition, six hand grenades, two radio communication sets, 84 explosive chargers, five anti-personnel mines, three claymore mines of 1.5 kg each, two claymore mines of 5 kg each, 3.75 kg of TNT explosives, 50 kg of black powder, 29 kg of TNT pieces, 20 kg of gun powder and 11.8 kg of C-4 explosives from these areas.

    SFs continued their advance amidst heavy LTTE mortar fire in the Kilinochchi east, Vattaikachchi and Iranamadu. An unspecified number of militants were killed in these clashes. Troops also recovered the dead bodies of three militants along with one T-56 weapon, four hand grenades and two I-com sets from Vattaikachchi.

    Troops of the Commando Brigade at Upparu in Mannar District killed two militants and also recovered two hand grenades, one motor bicycle and two dog tags from their possession.

    Several soldiers sustained injuries during separate clashes between the two sides in the Pallai and Pullopalai areas north of Elephant Pass.

  • January 7: The Government said that the Cabinet had taken a unanimous decision, in accordance with a memorandum submitted by President Mahinda Rajapakse, to proscribe the LTTE, which continued to engage in blatant human rights violations.

    The Sri Lankan military claimed to have captured Murasumoddai town on the way to Mullaitivu amid stiff resistance from the LTTE militants

    Troops advancing both from the north and south of Elephant Pass have trapped the LTTE militants on the thin strip of land connecting the mainland to Jaffna peninsula inflicting heavy casualties upon the militants. Defence Ministry said troops destroyed several key LTTE command centres, including the Kilaly’s ECHO-9 Base, Muhamalai area command bases GOLF-7, ECHO-3 and DELTA-2 and set ablaze a huge LTTE ammunition dump. A large cache of weapons and LTTE armaments kept hidden and sealed inside concrete-made underground hideouts were also recovered by the troops, the Ministry added. Reports said that the LTTE have used the Palali area and recently captured Pooneryn to position heavy guns to repeatedly attack targets in Jaffna. SFs attacked the militants trapped in the area killing unspecified number of militants. A few soldiers also were injured in these clashes, the Army said.

    SFs captured the Vatrapalai Amman Kovil (temple) in the West of Nathikadal lagoon.

    A minor blast occurred along the railway track at Mount Lavinia, a Colombo suburb. Police spokesman Ranjith Gunasekara said the blast damaged the rail track slightly but no injuries were reported.

    Fighter jets of the SLAF neutralised a group of LTTE militants, running a way from Palali and Elephant Pass battlefields, in the Chundikulam lagoon area.

    Troops operating in Mannar recovered 18 APMs in the Pulliyartikattakulam area.

    Another group of 140 civilians - 66 men, 43 women, 20 boys and 11 girls – of 55 families displaced due to LTTE activities in the outfit-held areas of Mullaitivu, Maruthamadu, Ramanathapuram, Wattakachchi, Jayanthinagar, Uryani and Thiriweiaru reached Omanthai.

  • January 6: SFs in Jaffna captured the LTTE’s FDLs in Kilali and Muhamalai, some 600 metres ahead of the Security Force’s FDLs, Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said. LTTE militants operating in Jaffna are reportedly entrapped between two fronts, Muhamalai from the North and Elephant Pass in the south, and have links with the southern part only through the road leading through the Eastern coast of Jaffna peninsula

    SFs in the East of Olumaduwai and in the Oddusudan area took control of the A-34 road. The 59 Division troops captured a number of LTTE defence lines.

    Troops advancing towards Mullaitivu attacked LTTE camps in Murasumoddai, the Elephant Pass, Iranamadu, Mulliyaweli, Keppapularu, northeast of Mankulam, east of Ampakamam and Kachchilamadu areas in the Mullaitivu District inflicting heavy damages to the outfit. Troops later recovered the dead body of one militant along with one gas canister, one General Purpose Machine Gun ammunition link, two Multi Purpose Machine Gun ammunition links, one T-56 weapon, two Improvised Explosive Devices.

    SFs, continuing their advance towards Pallai town, from Kilali and Muhamalai, intercepted fleeing LTTE militants on the way and inflicted heavy casualties upon the outfit. A few soldiers also sustained injuries in LTTE mortar fire and anti-personnel mine (APM) explosions. Troops also recovered one T-56 weapon and one radio communication set from the incident site.

    16 civilians, comprising five males, six women, three boys and two girls, escaped from the LTTE-controlled areas in Wanni and reached the Omanthai entry/exit point seeking protection from the SFs. A day earlier, 27 civilians, including 11 males, four women, six boys and six girls, from 14 families had reached the checkpoint and sought protection.

  • January 5: SFs reached Elephant Pass with the 58 Division troops capturing the entire southern part of it and further advancing towards the North to capture it entirely, Army Commander Lt. General Sarath Fonseka said. The troops captured Thamilamadam, the causeway to the south of the Elephant Pass.

    Heavy fighting erupted in the East of Paranthan and Elephant Pass South for the past two days as the LTTE made their maximum effort to stop the advance of the troops towards Elephant Pass and Murusamudai, East of Paranthan. According to military sources, 10 soldiers were killed and 23 others injured in the fierce battle in Elephant Pass and Murusamudai areas.

  • January 4: SFs attached to Task Force IV operating in the East of the A-9 road captured the key junction town Oddusudan on the A-34 road taking full control of the Oddusudan- Nedunkerni-Puliyankulam road. "Security Forces killed at least 10 Tiger cadres as they attacked a tractor transporting Tiger cadres and several other vehicles," a military official said.

    The pro-LTTE website Tamil Net claimed that at least 53 SLA soldiers were killed and more than 80 sustained injuries during heavy fighting that erupted when the SLA launched an offensive push through 2nd Mile Post on the Paranthan-Mullaitivu Road on two fronts.

    Fighter jets and MI-24 fighter helicopters of the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) conducted five air attacks on LTTE camps in support of advancing ground troops. The first three attacks were conducted by the MI-24 fighter helicopters - one was at around 6.30am (SLST) on a LTTE camp, six kilometres northeast of Oddusudan, next was at around 1.20 pm on another LTTE camp about two kilometres north of Elephant Pass and the third attack was at around 2.45pm on a LTTE camp about four kilometres northeast of Kilinochchi town. Two more attacks were conducted by fighter jets at around 5.00pm on two LTTE camps in Elephant Pass and east of Paranthan simultaneously.

    MI-24 helicopter gun ships of the Sri Lanka Air Force foiled an LTTE attempt to create another earth bund using their heavy earth moving equipment on January 4 by launching artillery attack towards the area.

    Naval troops attacked a group of LTTE militants near the Periya Karachchi lagoon in the Kambuirupitiya area of Kuchchuveli. The troops later recovered the dead body of one militant along with one hand grenade.

  • January 3: Troops advancing towards Mullaitivu confronted LTTE militants in the Thanniutthu, Thottam, Kachchilamadu, north of Mudaliyankulam and Kumulamunai areas and inflicted an unspecified number of casualties upon the militants. Troops also expanded their FDL further in the Kumulamunai area and recovered the dead body of a militant from the area.

    Advancing troops of 53 and 55 Divisions confronted LTTE militants in the Muhamalai and Kilaly areas of Jaffna District inflicting unspecified damages to the militants. A few soldiers also sustained injuries in LTTE-carried improvised explosive devices and anti personnel mines explosions.

    The troops attacked militants in the areas east of Kilinochchi, Murusumudai and east of Paranthan in the Kilinochchi District and caused heavy damages upon them.

    A minor explosion occurred inside a van near the Red Mosque in the Petta area of Colombo at around 4.55pm (SLST), injuring three civilians and damaging two vehicles and a shop nearby. Suspected LTTE militants had reportedly placed a small improvised explosive device inside the van.

    Matale Police recovered three claymore mines, two T-56 weapons and two-hundred rounds of ammunition hidden in the Ratwatta Watta estate.

  • January 2: The Sri Lanka Army captured Kilinochchi, the LTTE’s political and administrative headquarters. The troops launched simultaneous attacks from three directions in Paranthan, Iranamadu and Adampan before capturing the town in the early hours of January 2.

    A LTTE suicide bomber blew himself up killing three persons, including two Airmen, and injuring 37 others at the entrance to the Air Force camp in Slave Island in Colombo at around 5.15pm (SLST). An accomplice of the suicide bomber was arrested.

    Troops of 57 Division and Task Force-I continued their advance further into the LTTE stronghold and confronted militants on several occasions in the Iranamadu, Kachchilamadu and Paranthan areas of Kilinochchi District and killed unspecified number of militants while wounding several others. Few soldiers also sustained injuries during these confrontations.

    The troops advancing in Mullaitivu area attacked LTTE militants in the Taniynttu, north of Pulamurippu and Mulliyavalai areas and caused heavy damages to the militants. Troops also expanded their FDL further in the Taniyanttu area.

  • January 1: Troops advancing towards Kilinochchi captured the key LTTE garrison of Paranthan following hours of fighting that killed over 50 militants.

    The troops captured Iranamadu junction, about six kilometers south of Kilinochchi town centre opening route to the Iranamadu town.

    Militants triggered a claymore mine explosion targeting personnel of the Police and Civil Defence Force (CDF) manning a Police post at Weerachcholai under Samanthurai Police Division in the Ampara District. One Police Constable and a CDF member were killed in the blast.

    Kfir jets of the SLAF neutralised two LTTE camps in the west of Kilinochchi and the east of Paranthan at around 8.15am (SLST). The jets shelled another LTTE camp, about 2.5 kilometers east of Kilinochchi, a couple of hours later. Separately, MI-24 gun ships bombed one more LTTE camp, about 4.5 kilometers northwest of Mulliyavalai in the Mullaitivu District.

    Troops deployed north of Meegasgodalla in the Trincomalee District attacked a group of LTTE militants and subsequently recovered 43 detonator codes, one LTTE uniform and some food items from the incident site.

    Naval troops operating in the Kalladi area recovered eight T-56 weapons, three GPS, one I-com set, eight I-com hand held pouches, two DVD players, one video camera and two cameras.

    Police recovered a claymore mine weighing about one kilogram from the Thatrimale area.






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