The South Asia Intelligence Review (SAIR) is a weekly service that provides regular data, assessments and news briefs on terrorism, insurgencies and sub-conventional warfare, on counter-terrorism responses and policies, as well as on related economic, political, and social issues, in the South Asian region. SAIR is e-mailed directly to a list of influential policy and opinion makers across the world, and is also uploaded on the Institute's Webiste each Monday. SAIR is a project of the Institute for Conflict Management and the South Asia Terrorism Portal.
The North East Portal ( is an independent Website focusing exclusively on conflict and development in India's northeast. NE Portal is a comprehensive electronic database and documentation resource that compiles, processes and stores all information, documents and data on crucial issues relating to socio-economic development and resolution of various existing and emerging conflicts in the region.
Commissioned by the Bureau of Police Research and Development, this project brings an inter-disciplinary focus on the problem of insurgency and the challenges to Policing in Tripura. It involves an assessment of the insurgency in the State in terms of the tactical advantages enjoyed by the outfits, their area of operation, weapons availability and patronage received from the foreign sources as well as different power centers in Tripura; Identification of the various shortcomings of the police in the State in the context of the disadvantages due to shortage of man power, lack of superior arms and communication devices and slow process of modernization; and an evaluation of the functioning of the police stations and their ability to respond to exigencies.
Commisioned by the Bureau of Police Research and Development, the project is a rigorous documentation of weapons and explosives availability, dissemination and use. This documentation would be a crucial tool in containing and eventually neutralising this threat. This documentation of weapons and explosives flows and use, moreover, will also provide an early warning system in areas of emerging civil or political conflict and of organised crime. This documentation also provides critical inputs for India's diplomatic responses to Pakistan's covert war in the region, and may, eventually, constitute the basis for international legal action and redress.
Commissioned by the Bureau of Police Research and Development, this project brings an inter-disciplinary focus on the problem of security and length of tenure in the Police force at the rank of Superintendents of Police (SP), and analyzes its impact on efficiency and effectiveness in crime and law and order management. The project empirically identifies the linkages, correlation and dynamics of the interaction between security and length of tenure of officers at the rank of SP, and performance in crime and law and order management. It also documents case studies of the norms, practices and experience in various States and under various administrations and documents the changes in norms and practices relating to the State's transfer policy with regard to officers in the rank of SP. The project also defines and evaluates appropriate norms and practices that ought to determine the State's transfer policy with regard to officers in the rank of SP.
The ICM Process ( seeks to facilitate and promote communication among people in areas of conflict and to explore avenues for constructive cooperation towards conflict resolution. The Process is based on the premise that, while 'solutions' to long-standing disputes are never guaranteed or easily available, it is nevertheless important to foster ideas and allow information to flow between conflicting parties and divided populations to promote a greater understanding from which a collaborative dialogue may emerge.
The ICM Process seeks understanding and resolution in areas of conflict within the context of non-discriminatory, equitable, representative and transparent processes of negotiation, which deny a position of privilege in negotiating processes to those who resort to terrorism, their sponsors and their front organizations. The Process recognizes democratic representation, political and civil rights, and fundamental freedoms, as integral to any process of resolution in areas of contemporary conflict. It seeks, moreover, solutions that reject the creation of arbitrary boundaries and divisions between communities and social, ethnic, religious or ideological identities, and recognizes, at once, the need to nurture and protect cultural diversity, as also the unity and indivisibility of human identity and values, as well as the imperatives of integration in a globalizing world order. The ICM Process endeavors to draw upon a wide synthesis of human experiences across peoples, communities and nations, and to foster a dialogue on the future geo-political architecture of South Asia within the progressively integrating 'global village'.