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Extension of the cease-fire with the NSCN-IM

Press Release by the Ministry of Home Affairs on the Extension of cease-fire with the NSCN-IM on June 14, 2001. This agreement extended the cease-fire till July 31, 2002. It also extended the area of cease-fire into the Naga inhabited States of the northeast region.

The Government of India and the NSCN (IM) have agreed to extend the operation of the on-going cease-fire for one year i.e. upto 31st July, 2002. This was decided after the discussions held at Bangkok on 13-14 June, 2001 between Shri K. Padmanbhaiah, Representative of the Government of India and Shri T. Muivah, General Secretary, NSCN.

Cease-fire between the Government of India and NSCN(IM) has been in operation since 1st August, 1997. The period of last extension is due to expire on 31st July, 2001.

The most salient feature of this latest extension of cease-fire is that it will be without any territorial limits. However, this stipulation will not, in any way, affect the territorial integrity of any of the North Eastern States. Both parties have also agreed to move forward with the process of dialogue to bring about a lasting solution to the Naga issue.

The text of the agreed minutes is as follows:

(i) The Ceasefire Agreement is between the Government of India and the NSCN as two entities without territorial limits.

(ii) Both the parties would abide by the Ground Rules as revised on 13th January, 2001, both in letter and in spirit.

(iii) It is agreed to further extend the cease-fire for a period of one year with effect from 1st August, 2001.

(iv) The Government of India and the NSCN agreed to proceed with the peace process on substantive issues to bring about a lasting political solution to the issue. It is recognized that there is a need for formal trust and respect.

(v) The next round of talks would be held in the last week of July/first week of August, 2001.






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